Whilst everything in here is already quite functional - this port collection is still in an USE AT THY OWN RISK stage. Everything may change without further notice, rendering your installation inaccesible or otherwise not useful as expected. You've been warned. HOWTO: ========= Simply checkout everything from, freebsd/ and copy it to: /usr/port/devel/ Run your favourite 'make' target from within' the portsdir of what you intend to build, the required dependencies should be resolved automatically. (Once alive - the port won't reside in devel/ alone - I may/will deorbit some parts to other groups according to the ports-developer guidelines) If you test this port using -CURRENT... please make sure to link at least: ln -s 'j' /etc/malloc.conf (http://bugzilla.opengroupware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1303)