#!/usr/bin/perl -w #frank reppin 2004 use strict; my $host_i_runon; my $mod_ngobjweb_to_use; my $svn_host = 'svn.opengroupware.org'; my $svn = '/usr/bin/svn'; my $dl_host = "download.opengroupware.org"; my $www_user = "www"; my $www_host = "download.opengroupware.org"; my $i_really_had_sth_todo = "no"; my @latest; my $tarball_name; my $tprel; my $buildtarget; my $hpath = "$ENV{HOME}/"; my @tp_packages = qw( epoz gnustep-objc libFoundation libical-sope ); my @skip_list = qw( libical-sope1-r30.tar.gz libFoundation-1.0.59-r29.tar.gz libFoundation-1.0.64-r61.tar.gz libFoundation-1.0.65-r63.tar.gz gnustep-objc-lf2.95.3-r88.tar.gz ); my $build_opts = "-v yes -u yes -t release -d yes -f yes"; my @tp_releases; eval getconf("$ENV{'HOME'}/purveyor_of_rpms.conf") or die "FATAL: $@\n"; sub getconf { my $conffile = shift; local *F; open F, "< $conffile" or die "Error opening '$conffile' for read: $!"; if(not wantarray){ local $/ = undef; my $string = ; close F; return $string; } local $/ = ""; my @a = ; close F; return @a; } @tp_releases = `wget -q --proxy=off -O - http://$dl_host/nightly/sources/releases/MD5_INDEX`; open(KNOWN_TP_RELEASES, ">> $hpath/ThirdParty.known.rel"); foreach $tprel (@tp_releases) { chomp $tprel; $tprel =~ s/^.*\s+//g; next unless($tprel =~ m/epoz|gnustep-objc|libFoundation|libical-sope/i); my @already_known_tp_rel = `cat $hpath/ThirdParty.known.rel`; next if (grep /$tprel/, @skip_list); $buildtarget = $tprel; $buildtarget =~ s/-r\d+.*$//g; #print "checking for buildtarget: $buildtarget\n"; unless(grep /\b$tprel\b/, @already_known_tp_rel) { my $cleanup; my $mapped_temp_specfilename; my $package_to_build; # <-p> switch for 'purveyor_of_rpms.pl' my $tardirname; #HINT... specified during sourcetarball creation (svn_update.sh) my $buildtargetspecfilesize; $i_really_had_sth_todo = "yes"; print "Retrieving: http://$dl_host/nightly/sources/releases/$tprel\n"; system("wget -q --proxy=off -O $ENV{HOME}/rpm/SOURCES/$tprel http://$dl_host/nightly/sources/releases/$tprel"); $cleanup = "epoz" if ($tprel =~ m/epoz/i); $mapped_temp_specfilename = "epoz.spec" if ($tprel =~ m/epoz/i); $package_to_build = "epoz" if ($tprel =~ m/epoz/i); $tardirname = "sope-epoz" if ($tprel =~ m/epoz/i); ## $cleanup = "libobjc-lf2" if ($tprel =~ m/gnustep-objc/i); $mapped_temp_specfilename = "libobjc-lf2.spec" if ($tprel =~ m/gnustep-objc/i); $package_to_build = "libobjc-lf2" if ($tprel =~ m/gnustep-objc/i); $tardirname = "libobjc-lf2" if ($tprel =~ m/gnustep-objc/i); ## $cleanup = "libfoundation" if ($tprel =~ m/libfoundation/i); $mapped_temp_specfilename = "libfoundation.spec" if ($tprel =~ m/libfoundation/i); $package_to_build = "libfoundation" if ($tprel =~ m/libfoundation/i); $tardirname = "libfoundation" if ($tprel =~ m/libfoundation/i); ## $cleanup = "libical-sope" if ($tprel =~ m/libical-sope/i); $mapped_temp_specfilename = "libical-sope.spec" if ($tprel =~ m/libical-sope/i); $package_to_build = "libical-sope" if ($tprel =~ m/libical-sope/i); $tardirname = "libical-sope" if ($tprel =~ m/libical-sope/i); ## print "cleaning up prior actual build... going to remove rpms for: $cleanup\n"; system("sudo rpm -e `rpm -qa|grep -i ^$cleanup` --nodeps"); system("sudo /sbin/ldconfig"); print "extracting specfile ($mapped_temp_specfilename) from $tprel into spec_tmp/ dir\n"; system("mkdir $ENV{HOME}/spec_tmp/") unless (-e "$ENV{HOME}/spec_tmp/"); system("tar xfzO $ENV{HOME}/rpm/SOURCES/$tprel $tardirname/$mapped_temp_specfilename >$ENV{HOME}/spec_tmp/$buildtarget.spec"); $buildtargetspecfilesize = -s "$ENV{HOME}/spec_tmp/$buildtarget.spec"; #extracted spec should have a reasonable size if( $buildtargetspecfilesize <= 1 ) { print "extracted specfile has a size of: $buildtargetspecfilesize\n"; print "this is most likely an error and thus I'll quit here building $buildtarget.spec\n"; #give hint about the most likely reason for this failure; print "HINT: make sure that $mapped_temp_specfilename is present in $tprel\n"; exit 1; } print "TP_REL: building release RPMS for ThirdParty $tprel\n"; if ( $package_to_build eq "libfoundation" ) { #we must ensure that we have a debug=no libobjc-lf2 present... print "We're building a release for $package_to_build - ensuring that we have a debug=no libobjc-lf2 present...\n"; system("sudo rpm -e `rpm -qa|grep -i ^libobjc-lf2` --nodeps"); system("sudo /sbin/ldconfig"); #system("$ENV{HOME}/purveyor_of_rpms.pl -p libobjc-lf2 -d yes -u no -t release -c libobjc-lf2-trunk-latest.tar.gz -f yes -b no -n yes"); } print "calling `purveyor_of_rpms.pl -p $package_to_build $build_opts -c $tprel -s $ENV{HOME}/spec_tmp/$buildtarget.spec\n"; system("$ENV{HOME}/purveyor_of_rpms.pl -p $package_to_build $build_opts -c $tprel -s $ENV{HOME}/spec_tmp/$buildtarget.spec"); system("sudo /sbin/ldconfig"); if ( $package_to_build eq "libfoundation" ) { #we're done - go back to debug=yes libobjc-lf2 print "We've built a release for $package_to_build - restoring (force) to debug=yes libobjc-lf2\n"; system("sudo rpm -e `rpm -qa|grep -i ^libobjc-lf2` --nodeps"); system("sudo /sbin/ldconfig"); #system("$ENV{HOME}/purveyor_of_rpms.pl -p libobjc-lf2 -d yes -u no -t trunk -c libobjc-lf2-trunk-latest.tar.gz -f yes -b no -n yes"); } print KNOWN_TP_RELEASES "$tprel\n"; print "recreating apt-repository for: $host_i_runon\n"; open(SSH, "|/usr/bin/ssh -T $www_user\@$www_host"); print SSH "/home/www/scripts/release_in_nightly_apt4rpm_build.pl -d $host_i_runon -n ThirdParty\n"; print SSH "/home/www/scripts/do_md5.pl /var/virtual_hosts/download/nightly/packages/$host_i_runon/releases/ThirdParty/\n"; close(SSH); } } close(KNOWN_TP_RELEASES); if($i_really_had_sth_todo eq "yes") { if($host_i_runon eq "fedora-core2") { print "building yum-repo for $host_i_runon\n"; system("sh $ENV{HOME}/prepare_yum_fcore2.sh"); } if($host_i_runon eq "fedora-core3") { print "building yum-repo for $host_i_runon\n"; system("sh $ENV{HOME}/prepare_yum_fcore3.sh"); } if($host_i_runon eq "fedora-core4") { print "building yum-repo for $host_i_runon\n"; system("sh $ENV{HOME}/prepare_yum_fcore4.sh"); } if($host_i_runon eq "fedora-core5") { print "building yum-repo for $host_i_runon\n"; system("sh $ENV{HOME}/prepare_yum_fcore5.sh"); } if($host_i_runon eq "centos43") { print "building yum-repo for $host_i_runon\n"; system("sh $ENV{HOME}/prepare_yum_centos43.sh"); } #polish buildenv after we're done... print "we're almost at the end... cleaning up what we've done so far...\n"; system("sudo rpm -e `rpm -qa|grep -i ^libobjc-lf2` --nodeps"); system("sudo rpm -e `rpm -qa|grep -i ^libfoundation` --nodeps"); #go back to latest trunk build - that is, before we grabbed a new release we had #the most current trunk built/installed print "restoring latest build state...\n"; #system("$ENV{HOME}/purveyor_of_rpms.pl -p libobjc-lf2 -v yes -u no -d yes -f yes -b no -n yes"); system("$ENV{HOME}/purveyor_of_rpms.pl -p libfoundation -v yes -u no -d yes -f yes -b no -n yes"); }