SOGo ==== Master Daemon, loads the functionality from product bundles in Library/SOGo. Setup ===== Defaults write sogod NGBundlePath '"$HOME/Library/SOGo"' => otherwise some bundles will clash with "fat" OGo => the UIx .wox driver must be found Defaults ======== SOGoCrashOnSessionCreate - bool - crash the server if a session is created => useful for debugging SOGoEnableDoubleReleaseCheck - bool - call +[NSAutoreleasePool enableDoubleReleaseCheck:YES] upon start => useful for debugging What it does ============ - provides locale support - preloads the SOGo products (SOGoProductLoader) - provides the root object (the application object with user lookup) - sets the authenticator - does some process limits and restart support Apache Setup ============ AliasMatch /SOGoHH/so/ControlPanel/Products/(.*)/Resources/(.*) \ /home/helge/GNUstep/Library/SOGo-0.9/$1.SOGo/Resources/$2 AuthName "Agenor LDAP" AuthType Basic AuthLDAPEnabled on AuthLDAPUrl ldap://agenor-ldap:389/ou=organisation,dc=equipement,dc=gouv,dc=fr??sub?(&(objectClass=person)(uid=*)) require valid-user SetHandler ngobjweb-adaptor SetAppPort 9000 SetHandler default-handler