/* CardGroup.m - this file is part of SOPE * * Copyright (C) 2006 Inverse groupe conseil * * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "NGCardsSaxHandler.h" #import "NSArray+NGCards.h" #import "CardGroup.h" static id parser = nil; static NGCardsSaxHandler *sax = nil; @implementation CardGroup + (id) cardParser { if (!sax) sax = [NGCardsSaxHandler new]; if (!parser) { #if 1 parser = [[SaxXMLReaderFactory standardXMLReaderFactory] createXMLReaderWithName: @"VSCardSaxDriver"]; [parser retain]; #else parser = [[[SaxXMLReaderFactory standardXMLReaderFactory] createXMLReaderForMimeType:@"text/x-vcard"] retain]; #endif if (parser) { [parser setContentHandler:sax]; [parser setErrorHandler:sax]; } else NSLog(@"ERROR(%s): did not find a parser for text/x-vcard!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } return parser; } + (NSArray *) parseFromSource: (id) source { static id cardParser; NSArray *cardGroups; cardGroups = nil; if (source) { cardParser = [self cardParser]; [sax setTopElementClass: [self class]]; if (parser) { [parser parseFromSource: source]; cardGroups = [sax cards]; } } return cardGroups; } + (id) parseSingleFromSource: (id) source { NSArray *cards; CardGroup *card; cards = [self parseFromSource: source]; if (cards && [cards count]) card = [cards objectAtIndex: 0]; else card = nil; return card; } + (id) groupWithTag: (NSString *) aTag { return [self elementWithTag: aTag]; } + (id) groupWithTag: (NSString *) aTag children: (NSArray *) someChildren { id newGroup; newGroup = [self elementWithTag: aTag]; [newGroup addChildren: someChildren]; return newGroup; } - (id) init { if ((self = [super init])) { children = [NSMutableArray new]; } return self; } - (void) dealloc { [children release]; [super dealloc]; } - (Class) classForTag: (NSString *) tagClass { // NSLog (@"class '%@': '%@'", NSStringFromClass([self class]), // tagClass); return nil; } - (void) addChild: (CardElement *) aChild { Class mappedClass; NSString *childTag; CardElement *newChild; if (aChild) { childTag = [aChild tag]; newChild = nil; mappedClass = [self classForTag: [childTag uppercaseString]]; if (mappedClass) { if (![aChild isKindOfClass: mappedClass]) { NSLog (@"warning: new child to entity '%@': '%@' converted to '%@'", tag, childTag, NSStringFromClass(mappedClass)); if ([aChild isKindOfClass: [CardGroup class]]) newChild = [(CardGroup *) aChild groupWithClass: mappedClass]; else newChild = [aChild elementWithClass: mappedClass]; } } // else // NSLog (@"warning: no mapped class for tag '%@'", // childTag); if (!newChild) newChild = aChild; [children addObject: newChild]; [newChild setParent: self]; } } - (CardElement *) uniqueChildWithTag: (NSString *) aTag { NSArray *existing; Class elementClass; CardElement *uniqueChild; existing = [self childrenWithTag: aTag]; if ([existing count] > 0) uniqueChild = [existing objectAtIndex: 0]; else { elementClass = [self classForTag: [aTag uppercaseString]]; if (!elementClass) elementClass = [CardElement class]; uniqueChild = [elementClass new]; [uniqueChild autorelease]; [uniqueChild setTag: aTag]; [self addChild: uniqueChild]; } return uniqueChild; } - (void) setUniqueChild: (CardElement *) aChild { CardElement *currentChild; NSString *childTag; NSEnumerator *existing; if (aChild) { childTag = [aChild tag]; existing = [[self childrenWithTag: childTag] objectEnumerator]; currentChild = [existing nextObject]; while (currentChild) { [children removeObject: currentChild]; currentChild = [existing nextObject]; } [self addChild: aChild]; } } - (CardElement *) firstChildWithTag: (NSString *) aTag; { Class mappedClass; CardElement *child, *mappedChild; NSArray *existing; existing = [self childrenWithTag: aTag]; if ([existing count]) { child = [existing objectAtIndex: 0]; mappedClass = [self classForTag: [aTag uppercaseString]]; if (mappedClass) { if ([child isKindOfClass: [CardGroup class]]) mappedChild = [(CardGroup *) child groupWithClass: mappedClass]; else mappedChild = [child elementWithClass: mappedClass]; } else mappedChild = child; } else mappedChild = nil; return mappedChild; } - (void) addChildren: (NSArray *) someChildren { CardElement *currentChild; NSEnumerator *newChildren; newChildren = [someChildren objectEnumerator]; while ((currentChild = [newChildren nextObject])) [self addChild: currentChild]; } - (NSMutableArray *) children { return children; } - (NSArray *) childrenWithTag: (NSString *) aTag { return [children cardElementsWithTag: aTag]; } - (NSArray *) childrenWithAttribute: (NSString *) anAttribute havingValue: (NSString *) aValue { return [children cardElementsWithAttribute: anAttribute havingValue: aValue]; } - (NSArray *) childrenWithTag: (NSString *) aTag andAttribute: (NSString *) anAttribute havingValue: (NSString *) aValue { NSArray *elements; elements = [self childrenWithTag: aTag]; return [elements cardElementsWithAttribute: anAttribute havingValue: aValue]; } - (NSArray *) childrenGroupWithTag: (NSString *) aTag withChild: (NSString *) aChild havingSimpleValue: (NSString *) aValue { NSEnumerator *allElements; NSMutableArray *elements; CardGroup *element; NSString *value; elements = [NSMutableArray new]; [elements autorelease]; allElements = [[self childrenWithTag: aTag] objectEnumerator]; element = [allElements nextObject]; while (element) { if ([element isKindOfClass: [CardGroup class]]) { value = [[element uniqueChildWithTag: aChild] value: 0]; if ([value isEqualToString: aValue]) [elements addObject: element]; } element = [allElements nextObject]; } return elements; } #warning should be renamed to elementWithClass... - (CardGroup *) groupWithClass: (Class) groupClass { CardGroup *newGroup; if ([self isKindOfClass: groupClass]) newGroup = self; else { newGroup = (CardGroup *) [self elementWithClass: groupClass]; [newGroup setChildrenAsCopy: children]; } return newGroup; } - (void) setChildrenAsCopy: (NSMutableArray *) someChildren { NSEnumerator *list; CardElement *currentChild; ASSIGN (children, someChildren); list = [children objectEnumerator]; while ((currentChild = [list nextObject])) [currentChild setParent: self]; } - (void) addChildWithTag: (NSString *) aTag types: (NSArray *) someTypes singleValue: (NSString *) aValue { CardElement *newChild; NSEnumerator *types; NSString *type; newChild = [CardElement simpleElementWithTag: aTag value: aValue]; types = [someTypes objectEnumerator]; while ((type = [types nextObject])) [newChild addType: type]; [self addChild: newChild]; } - (NSString *) description { NSMutableString *str; unsigned int count, max; str = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:64]; [str appendFormat:@"<%p[%@]:%@", self, NSStringFromClass([self class]), [self tag]]; max = [children count]; if (max > 0) { [str appendFormat: @"\n %d children: {\n", [children count]]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) [str appendFormat: @" %@\n", [[children objectAtIndex: count] description]]; [str appendFormat: @"}"]; } [str appendString:@">"]; return str; } - (void) replaceThisElement: (CardElement *) oldElement withThisOne: (CardElement *) newElement { unsigned int index; index = [children indexOfObject: oldElement]; if (index != NSNotFound) [children replaceObjectAtIndex: index withObject: newElement]; } /* NSCopying */ - (id) copyWithZone: (NSZone *) aZone { CardGroup *new; CardElement *newChild; NSMutableArray *newChildren; unsigned int count, max; new = [super copyWithZone: aZone]; newChildren = [NSMutableArray new]; max = [children count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { newChild = [[children objectAtIndex: count] copyWithZone: aZone]; [newChildren addObject: newChild]; } [new setChildrenAsCopy: newChildren]; [newChildren release]; return new; } /* NSMutableCopying */ - (id) mutableCopyWithZone: (NSZone *) aZone { CardGroup *new; CardElement *newChild; NSMutableArray *newChildren; unsigned int count, max; new = [super mutableCopyWithZone: aZone]; newChildren = [NSMutableArray new]; max = [children count]; for (count = 0; count < max; count++) { newChild = [[children objectAtIndex: count] mutableCopyWithZone: aZone]; [newChildren addObject: newChild]; } [new setChildrenAsCopy: newChildren]; [newChildren release]; return new; } @end