( /* the toolbar groups */ ( /* first group */ { link = "getMail"; cssClass = "tbicon_getmail"; label = "Get Mail"; }, { link = "#"; // "compose"; // target = "_blank"; isSafe = NO; onclick = "clickedCompose(this);return false;"; cssClass = "tbicon_compose"; label = "Write"; }, ), ( // third group { link = "emptyTrash"; isSafe = NO; enabled = clientObject.isDeleteAndExpungeAllowed; cssClass = "tbicon_trash"; label = "Empty Trash"; }, /* TODO: enable when implemented // TODO: enable when delete works (#1212) { link = "#"; isSafe = NO; cssClass = "tbicon_delete"; label = "Delete"; }, // TODO: enable when we know how to mark junk (#971) { link = "#"; isSafe = NO; cssClass = "tbicon_junk"; label = "Junk"; }, */ ), /* ( // fourth group { link = "#"; cssClass = "tbicon_stop"; label = "Stop"; }, ) */ )