Building Notes ============== Prerequisites: - Apple Developer Tools There are two ways to build SOPE on MacOSX: a) build using gnustep-make b) build using Xcode >= 2.4 Option a) is usually used when you build SOPE for use with OGo, while b) is more appropriate for SOPE:X applications or other interested 3rd parties which already have existing Xcode projects. Building using gstep-make: ========================== For the build just enter: ./configure make -s install or make -s debug=yes install if you build with debug information. Building using Xcode: ===================== For the Xcode build to succeed it is imperative to have everything built in a central location. This can be achieved by navigating to: Xcode -> Preferences -> Building and select: "Place Build Products in:" [x] Customized location: The location itself is arbitrary, mine is: "/Local/BuildArea". The Xcode build comes in two variants, one for development and the other for deployment. Development ----------- Development usually means you're happily hacking away at your pet projects and sometimes want to update the SOPE frameworks. For this purpose use the "all" target and the accompanied "Development" build style. Later, you can narrow the target down to something more specific. For development we assume the destination for frameworks to be /Library/Frameworks. Once you are done building all the frameworks the loader commands of the frameworks will have that destination path built in. In order to use the frameworks you either have to install them (by copying them manually to their intended destination) or to prepare symlinks from /Library/Frameworks to the place where the built products are. I usually have symlinks from /Library/Frameworks to /Local/BuildArea (see above) for each of the products. Also the following products are expected to be in the following locations: *.sax -> /Library/SaxDrivers *.sxp -> /Library/SoProducts Either copy them to the appropriate places or symlink them (my suggestion). Deployment ---------- Deployment in our terms means you want to copy all required SOPE products into an application's app wrapper. For this step all frameworks need to be built in a special fashion, as the "install_name" of the frameworks needs to be prepared to point to a relative path in the app wrapper. The situation is even more complicated as all frameworks during linking store the "install names" of other frameworks in their mach loader commands. In order for this step not to break we need to set up an environment which is clearly separated from the Development environment. I chose to use $(USER_LIBRARY_DIR)/EmbeddedFrameworks as the default destination for these builds. In order for your application to easily pick up the built products and copy them into its app wrapper this location needs to be fixed and easily accessible. Note that on my system ~/Library/EmbeddedFrameworks is a symlink to /Library/EmbeddedFrameworks so even if you don't like the location at all it's very easy to point it to someplace else. As soon as you have set this up you can use the "Wrapper Contents" target with the accompanied "Wrapper" build style to build all wrapper contents in the appropriate fashion. When you're done you can copy all the wrapper products into your application's wrapper. The expected destination is the "Frameworks" directory in the wrappers "Contents" directory. For a complete list of what you need to copy into your application's wrapper see the "Direct Dependencies" of all "Wrapper Contents" targets in all SOPE related projects. The SOPE umbrella ----------------- For Deployment purposes, the SOPE umbrella framework comes in pretty handy. If you use it in conjunction with the "Wrapper" build style, it will be created in $(USER_LIBRARY_DIR)/EmbeddedFrameworks/Wrapper/SOPE.framework and can be copied into your application's app wrapper without further adjustments. It contains all SOPE frameworks and also guarantees that all loader commands of the frameworks and SaxDriver bundles will have been fixed to be relative to the SOPE.framework umbrella. Prebinding Notes ================ NOTE: AS OF MAC OS X 10.5, PREBINDING IS DEPRECATED. The following is left here as a reference, only. General technical information about prebinding is available from Apple at OGo frameworks currently use the range from 0xC0000000 to 0xCFFFFFFF. Any questions and feedback regarding our use of this range should go to Marcus Mueller . Building Notes ============== Prerequisites: - Apple Developer Tools There are two ways to build SOPE on MacOSX: a) build using gnustep-make b) build using Xcode >= 2.4 Option a) is usually used when you build SOPE for use with OGo, while b) is more appropriate for SOPE:X applications or other interested 3rd parties which already have existing Xcode projects. Building using gstep-make: ========================== For the build just enter: ./configure make -s install or make -s debug=yes install if you build with debug information. Building using Xcode: ===================== For the Xcode build to succeed it is imperative to have everything built in a central location. This can be achieved by navigating to: Xcode -> Preferences -> Building and select: "Place Build Products in:" [x] Customized location: The location itself is arbitrary, mine is: "/Local/BuildArea". The Xcode build comes in two variants, one for development and the other for deployment. Development ----------- Development usually means you're happily hacking away at your pet projects and sometimes want to update the SOPE frameworks. For this purpose use the "all" target and the accompanied "Development" build style. Later, you can narrow the target down to something more specific. For development we assume the destination for frameworks to be /Library/Frameworks. Once you are done building all the frameworks the loader commands of the frameworks will have that destination path built in. In order to use the frameworks you either have to install them (by copying them manually to their intended destination) or to prepare symlinks from /Library/Frameworks to the place where the built products are. I usually have symlinks from /Library/Frameworks to /Local/BuildArea (see above) for each of the products. Also the following products are expected to be in the following locations: *.sax -> /Library/SaxDrivers *.sxp -> /Library/SoProducts Either copy them to the appropriate places or symlink them (my suggestion). Deployment ---------- Deployment in our terms means you want to copy all required SOPE products into an application's app wrapper. For this step all frameworks need to be built in a special fashion, as the "install_name" of the frameworks needs to be prepared to point to a relative path in the app wrapper. The situation is even more complicated as all frameworks during linking store the "install names" of other frameworks in their mach loader commands. In order for this step not to break we need to set up an environment which is clearly separated from the Development environment. I chose to use $(USER_LIBRARY_DIR)/EmbeddedFrameworks as the default destination for these builds. In order for your application to easily pick up the built products and copy them into its app wrapper this location needs to be fixed and easily accessible. Note that on my system ~/Library/EmbeddedFrameworks is a symlink to /Library/EmbeddedFrameworks so even if you don't like the location at all it's very easy to point it to someplace else. As soon as you have set this up you can use the "Wrapper Contents" target with the accompanied "Wrapper" build style to build all wrapper contents in the appropriate fashion. When you're done you can copy all the wrapper products into your application's wrapper. The expected destination is the "Frameworks" directory in the wrappers "Contents" directory. For a complete list of what you need to copy into your application's wrapper see the "Direct Dependencies" of all "Wrapper Contents" targets in all SOPE related projects. The SOPE umbrella ----------------- For Deployment purposes, the SOPE umbrella framework comes in pretty handy. If you use it in conjunction with the "Wrapper" build style, it will be created in $(USER_LIBRARY_DIR)/EmbeddedFrameworks/Wrapper/SOPE.framework and can be copied into your application's app wrapper without further adjustments. It contains all SOPE frameworks and also guarantees that all loader commands of the frameworks and SaxDriver bundles will have been fixed to be relative to the SOPE.framework umbrella. Prebinding Notes ================ NOTE: AS OF MAC OS X 10.5, PREBINDING IS DEPRECATED. The following is left here as a reference, only. General technical information about prebinding is available from Apple at OGo frameworks currently use the range from 0xC0000000 to 0xCFFFFFFF. Any questions and feedback regarding our use of this range should go to Marcus Mueller .