# -*-makefile-*- # Instance/framework.make # # Instance Makefile rules to build GNUstep-based frameworks. # # Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # Author: Mirko Viviani # Author: Nicola Pero # # This file is part of the GNUstep Makefile Package. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. # If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ifeq ($(RULES_MAKE_LOADED),) include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/rules.make endif # FIXME - missing .PHONY declaration # The name of the framework is in the FRAMEWORK_NAME variable. # The list of framework resource files are in xxx_RESOURCE_FILES # The list of framework web server resource files are in # xxx_WEBSERVER_RESOURCE_FILES # The list of localized framework resource files is in # xxx_LOCALIZED_RESOURCE_FILES # The list of localized framework web server resource files is in # xxx_WEBSERVER_LOCALIZED_RESOURCE_FILES # The list of framework GSWeb components are in xxx_COMPONENTS # The list of languages the framework supports is in xxx_LANGUAGES # The list of framework resource directories are in xxx_RESOURCE_DIRS # The list of framework subprojects directories are in xxx_SUBPROJECTS # The name of the principal class is xxx_PRINCIPAL_CLASS # The header files are in xxx_HEADER_FILES # The directory where the header files are located is xxx_HEADER_FILES_DIR # (defaults to ./) # The directory where to install the header files inside the library # installation directory is xxx_HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR # (defaults to the framework name [without .framework]). Can't be `.' # The list of framework web server resource directories are in # xxx_WEBSERVER_RESOURCE_DIRS # The list of localized framework web server GSWeb components are in # xxx_WEBSERVER_LOCALIZED_RESOURCE_DIRS # xxx_CURRENT_VERSION_NAME is the compiled version name (default "A") # xxx_MAKE_CURRENT_VERSION is used to decide if the framework version # we compiling should be made the current/default version or not # (default is "yes") # # where xxx is the framework name # # # The HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR might look somewhat weird - because in # most if not all cases, you want it to be the framework name. At the # moment, it allows you to put headers for framework XXX in directory # YYY, so that you can refer to them by using #include # rather than #include . It seems to # be mostly used to have a framework with name XXX work as a drop-in # replacement for another framework, which has name YYY -- and which # might be installed at the same time :-). # # Warn about obsolete syntax ifneq ($(CURRENT_VERSION_NAME),) $(warning CURRENT_VERSION_NAME is deprecated because it doesnt allow multiple frameworks with different versions to be built from warning the same GNUmakefile! Please replace it with XXX_CURRENT_VERSION_NAME) endif # Warning - the following variable is also used in Master/rules.make # to build the OWNING_PROJECT_HEADER_DIR for the framework's # subprojects. Make sure you keep them in sync if you change them. CURRENT_VERSION_NAME = $($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_CURRENT_VERSION_NAME) ifeq ($(CURRENT_VERSION_NAME),) CURRENT_VERSION_NAME = A endif # xxx_MAKE_CURRENT_VERSION can be set to 'no' if you do not want the # framework version that we are building from becoming the Current # one. ifneq ($($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_MAKE_CURRENT_VERSION),) MAKE_CURRENT_VERSION = $($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_MAKE_CURRENT_VERSION) endif ifeq ($(MAKE_CURRENT_VERSION),) MAKE_CURRENT_VERSION = yes endif # If there are no working symlinks, common.make sets # FRAMEWORK_VERSION_SUPPORT to no, which unconditionally turn # versioning off. This means that we create no symlinks inside the # xxx.framework directory for the various versions; that everything is # put top-level as in the case of bundles. So with # FRAMEWORK_VERSION_SUPPORT = no, the Directory structure is: # # xxx.framework/libframework.dll.a # xxx.framework/framework.dll # xxx.framework/Resources # xxx.framework/Headers # # The Headers, libframework.dll.a and framework.dll are then copied into # the standard header/library locations so that they can be found by # compiler/linker. Given that there are no symlinks, there is no other # way of doing this. ifeq ($(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_SUPPORT),no) MAKE_CURRENT_VERSION = no endif # Set VERSION from xxx_VERSION ifneq ($($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_VERSION),) VERSION = $($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_VERSION) endif ifeq ($(VERSION),) VERSION = 0.0.1 endif # This is used on Apple to build frameworks which can be embedded into # applications. You usually set it to something like # @executable_path/../Frameworks and then you can embed the framework # in an application. DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE = $($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE) FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME = $(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE).framework FRAMEWORK_DIR = $(GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME) ifeq ($(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_SUPPORT), yes) FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR_NAME = $(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME)/Versions/$(CURRENT_VERSION_NAME) else FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR_NAME = $(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME) endif FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR = $(GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR_NAME) # This is not doing much at the moment, it is only defining # HEADER_FILES, HEADER_FILES_DIR and HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR in the # standard way. Please note that HEADER_FILES might be empty even if # we have headers in subprojects that we need to manage and install. # So we assume by default that we have some headers even if # HEADER_FILES is empty. include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/Instance/Shared/headers.make include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/Instance/Shared/pch.make # On windows, this is unfortunately required. ifeq ($(BUILD_DLL), yes) LINK_AGAINST_ALL_LIBS = yes endif ifeq ($(LINK_AGAINST_ALL_LIBS), yes) # Link against all libs ... but not the one we're compiling! (not sure # when this could happen with frameworks, anyway it makes sense) LIBRARIES_DEPEND_UPON += $(filter-out -l$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE), \ $(ADDITIONAL_GUI_LIBS) $(AUXILIARY_GUI_LIBS) \ $(BACKEND_LIBS) \ $(GUI_LIBS) $(ADDITIONAL_TOOL_LIBS) $(AUXILIARY_TOOL_LIBS) \ $(FND_LIBS) $(ADDITIONAL_OBJC_LIBS) $(AUXILIARY_OBJC_LIBS) $(OBJC_LIBS) \ $(SYSTEM_LIBS) $(TARGET_SYSTEM_LIBS)) endif INTERNAL_LIBRARIES_DEPEND_UPON = \ $(shell $(WHICH_LIB_SCRIPT) \ $(ALL_LIB_DIRS) \ $(LIBRARIES_DEPEND_UPON) \ debug=$(debug) profile=$(profile) shared=$(shared) \ libext=$(LIBEXT) shared_libext=$(SHARED_LIBEXT)) ifeq ($(FOUNDATION_LIB),gnu) # On GNUstep, build our dummy class to store information which # gnustep-base can find at run time. # An ObjC class name can not contain '-', but some people '-' this # in framework names. So we need to encode the '-' in some way # into an ObjC class name. (since we're there, we also encode '+' # even if that's not really common). # What we do is, we use '_' as an escape character, and encode (in the # order) as follows: # # '_' is converted to '__' # '-' is converted to '_0' # '+' is converted to '_1' # # For example, 'Renaissance-Experimental' becomes # 'Renaissance_0Experimental'. # GNUstep-base will convert the name back by applying the reverse rules # in the reverse order. DUMMY_FRAMEWORK = NSFramework_$(subst +,_1,$(subst -,_0,$(subst _,__,$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)))) DUMMY_FRAMEWORK_FILE = $(DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR)/$(DUMMY_FRAMEWORK).m DUMMY_FRAMEWORK_OBJ_FILE = $(addprefix $(GNUSTEP_OBJ_DIR)/,$(DUMMY_FRAMEWORK).o) # The following file will hold the list of classes compiled into the # framework, ready to be included in the .plist file. We include the # list of classes twice, in the object file itself (for when the # framework is loaded) and in the .plist (for tools which let you # browse in frameworks on disk and see lists of classes). Please note # that reading the class list from the .plist requires gnustep-base to # have properly located the framework bundle on disk, while reading # the list from the object file itself does not (and so it's more # likely to work in a portable way), which is why we still save the # list in the object file rather than only putting it in the .plist. # Maybe this point should be discarded, and we should only store the class # list in the .plist file. DUMMY_FRAMEWORK_CLASS_LIST = $(DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR)/$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)-class-list endif FRAMEWORK_HEADER_FILES := $(addprefix $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR)/Headers/,$(HEADER_FILES)) ifeq ($(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_SUPPORT), yes) FRAMEWORK_CURRENT_DIR_NAME := $(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME)/Versions/Current else FRAMEWORK_CURRENT_DIR_NAME := $(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME) endif FRAMEWORK_CURRENT_DIR := $(GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_CURRENT_DIR_NAME) FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_DIR_NAME := $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR_NAME)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR) FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_DIR := $(GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_DIR_NAME) FRAMEWORK_CURRENT_LIBRARY_DIR_NAME := $(FRAMEWORK_CURRENT_DIR_NAME)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR) FRAMEWORK_CURRENT_LIBRARY_DIR := $(GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_CURRENT_LIBRARY_DIR_NAME) ifneq ($(BUILD_DLL), yes) FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE = lib$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)$(SHARED_LIBEXT) VERSION_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE = $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE).$(VERSION) # By setting xxx_INTERFACE_VERSION you can change the soversion used # when linking the library. See comments in library.make for the # variables with the same name for libraries. ifeq ($($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_INTERFACE_VERSION),) # By default, if VERSION is 1.0.0, INTERFACE_VERSION is 1 INTERFACE_VERSION = $(word 1,$(subst ., ,$(VERSION))) else INTERFACE_VERSION = $($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_INTERFACE_VERSION) endif SONAME_FRAMEWORK_FILE = $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE).$(INTERFACE_VERSION) else # BUILD_DLL # When you build a DLL, you have to install it in a directory which is # in your PATH. ifeq ($(DLL_INSTALLATION_DIR),) DLL_INSTALLATION_DIR = $(GNUSTEP_TOOLS)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR) endif # When we build a DLL, we also pass -DBUILD_lib{library_name}_DLL=1 to # the preprocessor. With the new DLL support, this is usually not # needed; but in some cases some symbols are difficult and have to be # exported/imported manually. For these cases, the library header # files can use this preprocessor define to know that they are # included during compilation of the library itself, or are being # imported by external code. Typically with the new DLL support if a # symbol can't be imported you have to mark it with # __declspec(dllimport) when the library is not being compiled. # __declspec(dllexport) is not particularly useful instead. CLEAN_framework_NAME = $(subst -,_,$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)) SHARED_CFLAGS += -DBUILD_$(CLEAN_framework_NAME)_DLL=1 # FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE is the import library, libRenaissance.dll.a FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE = lib$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)$(DLL_LIBEXT)$(LIBEXT) VERSION_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE = $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE) SONAME_FRAMEWORK_FILE = $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE) # LIB_LINK_DLL_FILE is the DLL library, Renaissance.dll LIB_LINK_DLL_FILE = $(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)$(DLL_LIBEXT) FRAMEWORK_OBJ_EXT = $(DLL_LIBEXT) endif # BUILD_DLL FRAMEWORK_FILE_NAME := $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_DIR_NAME)/$(VERSION_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE) FRAMEWORK_FILE := $(GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_FILE_NAME) ifneq ($($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_INSTALL_DIR),) FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR = $($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_INSTALL_DIR) endif ifeq ($(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR),) FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR = $(GNUSTEP_FRAMEWORKS) endif # # Emit a warning for old deprecated functionality # ifneq ($($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_TOOLS),) $(warning "Support for xxx_TOOLS has been removed from gnustep-make! Please rewrite your makefile code by compiling the tools separately, then add a xxx_COPY_INTO_DIR command for each of them to copy them into the framework. Ask for help on gnustep mailing lists if you're confused.") endif # # Now prepare the variables which are used by target-dependent commands # defined in target.make # LIB_LINK_OBJ_DIR = $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_DIR) LIB_LINK_VERSION_FILE = $(VERSION_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE) LIB_LINK_SONAME_FILE = $(SONAME_FRAMEWORK_FILE) LIB_LINK_FILE = $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE) LIB_LINK_INSTALL_DIR = $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_DIR_NAME) ifneq ($(DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE),) LIB_LINK_INSTALL_NAME = $(DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE)/$(FRAMEWORK_FILE_NAME) else # Use a relative path for easy relocation. LIB_LINK_INSTALL_NAME = $(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE).framework/$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE) endif GNUSTEP_SHARED_BUNDLE_RESOURCE_PATH = $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR)/Resources include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/Instance/Shared/bundle.make internal-framework-all_:: $(GNUSTEP_OBJ_DIR) \ shared-instance-pch-all \ build-framework internal-framework-build-headers:: $(FRAMEWORK_HEADER_FILES) \ build-framework-dirs ifeq ($(MAKE_CURRENT_VERSION),yes) # A target to build/reset the Current symlink to point to the newly # compiled framework. Only executed if MAKE_CURRENT_VERSION is yes. UPDATE_CURRENT_SYMLINK_RULE = update-current-symlink update-current-symlink: $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR) $(ECHO_NOTHING)cd $(FRAMEWORK_DIR)/Versions; \ $(RM_LN_S) Current; \ $(LN_S) $(CURRENT_VERSION_NAME) Current$(END_ECHO) else UPDATE_CURRENT_SYMLINK_RULE = endif # Please note that test -h must be used instead of test -L because on old # Sun Solaris, test -h works but test -L does not. build-framework-dirs: $(DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR) \ $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_DIR) \ $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR)/Headers \ $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR)/Resources \ $(FRAMEWORK_RESOURCE_DIRS) \ $(UPDATE_CURRENT_SYMLINK_RULE) ifeq ($(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_SUPPORT), yes) $(ECHO_NOTHING)cd $(FRAMEWORK_DIR); \ if [ ! -h "Resources" ]; then \ $(RM_LN_S) Resources; \ $(LN_S) Versions/Current/Resources Resources; \ fi; \ if [ ! -h "Headers" ]; then \ $(RM_LN_S) Headers; \ $(LN_S) Versions/Current/Headers Headers; \ fi$(END_ECHO) endif $(ECHO_NOTHING)cd $(DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR); \ if [ ! -h "$(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR)" ]; then \ $(RM_LN_S) ./$(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR); \ $(LN_S) ../$(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME)/Headers \ ./$(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR); \ fi$(END_ECHO) $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_DIR): $(ECHO_CREATING)$(MKDIRS) $@$(END_ECHO) $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR)/Headers: $(ECHO_CREATING)$(MKDIRS) $@$(END_ECHO) $(DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR): $(DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR)/.stamp $(DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR)/.stamp: $(ECHO_CREATING)$(MKDIRS) $(DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR); \ touch $@$(END_ECHO) # Need to share this code with the headers code ... but how. $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR)/Headers/%.h: $(HEADER_FILES_DIR)/%.h $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR)/Headers $(ECHO_NOTHING)$(INSTALL_DATA) $< $@$(END_ECHO) OBJC_OBJ_FILES_TO_INSPECT = $(OBJC_OBJ_FILES) $(SUBPROJECT_OBJ_FILES) # FIXME - We should not depend on GNUmakefile - rather we should use # Instance/Shared/stamp-string.make if we need to depend on the value # of some make variables. That would also detect a change in # FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR from the command line, not currently covered # at the moment! # # To get the list of all classes, we use # $(EXTRACT_CLASS_NAMES_COMMAND), which is defined in target.make # # # The following rule will also build the DUMMY_FRAMEWORK_CLASS_LIST # file. This file is always created/deleted at the same time as the # DUMMY_FRAMEWORK_FILE. $(DUMMY_FRAMEWORK_FILE): $(DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR)/.stamp $(OBJ_FILES_TO_LINK) GNUmakefile $(ECHO_CREATING) classes=""; \ for object_file in $(OBJC_OBJ_FILES_TO_INSPECT) __dummy__; do \ if [ "$$object_file" != "__dummy__" ]; then \ sym=`$(EXTRACT_CLASS_NAMES_COMMAND)`; \ classes="$$classes $$sym"; \ fi; \ done; \ classlist=""; \ classarray=""; \ for f in $$classes __dummy__ ; do \ if [ "$$f" != "__dummy__" ]; then \ if [ "$$classlist" = "" ]; then \ classlist="@\"$$f\""; \ classarray="(\"$$f\""; \ else \ classlist="$$classlist, @\"$$f\""; \ classarray="$$classarray, \"$$f\""; \ fi; \ fi; \ done; \ if [ "$$classlist" = "" ]; then \ classlist="NULL"; \ classarray="()"; \ else \ classlist="$$classlist, NULL"; \ classarray="$$classarray)"; \ fi; \ echo "$$classarray" > $(DUMMY_FRAMEWORK_CLASS_LIST); \ if [ "$(findstring $(GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT), $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR))" = $(GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT) ]; then \ fw_env="@\"GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT\""; \ elif [ "$(findstring $(GNUSTEP_LOCAL_ROOT), $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR))" = $(GNUSTEP_LOCAL_ROOT) ]; then \ fw_env="@\"GNUSTEP_LOCAL_ROOT\""; \ elif [ "$(findstring $(GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT), $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR))" = $(GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT) ]; then \ fw_env="@\"GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT\""; \ else \ fw_env="nil"; \ fi; \ fw_path=`echo $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR) | sed 's/^$(subst /,\/,$(GNUSTEP_FRAMEWORKS))//'`; \ if [ "$$fw_path" = "$(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)" ]; then \ fw_path="nil"; \ elif [ "$$fw_path" = "" ]; then \ fw_path="nil"; \ else \ fw_path="@\"$$fw_path\""; \ fi; \ echo "#include " > $@; \ echo "@interface $(DUMMY_FRAMEWORK)" >> $@; \ echo "+ (NSString *)frameworkEnv;" >> $@; \ echo "+ (NSString *)frameworkPath;" >> $@; \ echo "+ (NSString *)frameworkVersion;" >> $@; \ echo "+ (NSString **)frameworkClasses;" >> $@; \ echo "@end" >> $@; \ echo "@implementation $(DUMMY_FRAMEWORK)" >> $@; \ echo "+ (NSString *)frameworkEnv { return $$fw_env; }" >> $@; \ echo "+ (NSString *)frameworkPath { return $$fw_path; }" >> $@; \ echo "+ (NSString *)frameworkVersion { return @\"$(CURRENT_VERSION_NAME)\"; }" >> $@; \ echo "static NSString *allClasses[] = {$$classlist};" >> $@; \ echo "+ (NSString **)frameworkClasses { return allClasses; }" >> $@;\ echo "@end" >> $@$(END_ECHO) ifeq ($(FOUNDATION_LIB),gnu) $(DUMMY_FRAMEWORK_OBJ_FILE): $(DUMMY_FRAMEWORK_FILE) $(ECHO_COMPILING)$(CC) $< -c $(ALL_CPPFLAGS) $(ALL_OBJCFLAGS) -o $@$(END_ECHO) endif ifeq ($(findstring darwin, $(GNUSTEP_TARGET_OS)), darwin) # When building native frameworks on Apple, we need to create a # top-level symlink xxx.framework/xxx ---> the framework shared # library. On Darwin (non-Apple) we do this as well since we can partially # emulate frameworks (see the ld_lib_path.sh comments on this). build-framework: $(FRAMEWORK_FILE) \ shared-instance-bundle-all \ $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR)/Resources/Info.plist \ $(GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR)/$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE).framework/$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE) # Please note that the following keeps the top-level symlink pointing # to the framework in Current. This is always correct, even if what # we are compiling is not made the Current framework version, but if # what we are compiling is not made the Current framework version, I # think it's not our business to touch the Current stuff, so let's # ignore it. It's faster to ignore it anyway. ;-) $(GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR)/$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE).framework/$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE): ifeq ($(MAKE_CURRENT_VERSION),yes) $(ECHO_NOTHING)cd $(GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR)/$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE).framework; \ $(RM_LN_S) $(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE); \ $(LN_S) Versions/Current/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR)/$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE) $(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)$(END_ECHO) endif else build-framework: $(FRAMEWORK_FILE) \ shared-instance-bundle-all \ $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR)/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist endif # We create a top-level symlink (/copy) # # xxx.framework/xxx --> # # Normally, the framework object file that we link to is LIB_LINK_FILE # (eg, libRenaissance.so); on Windows instead LIB_LINK_FILE is only # the wrapper library (eg, libRenaissance.dll.a) and we want the # top-level symlink to point to the real .dll: LIB_LINK_DLL_FILE # (which is something like Renaissance.dll). This is what is loaded # at runtime if you load the framework as a bundle. # ifneq ($(BUILD_DLL), yes) LIB_LINK_FRAMEWORK_FILE = $(LIB_LINK_FILE) else LIB_LINK_FRAMEWORK_FILE = $(LIB_LINK_DLL_FILE) endif $(FRAMEWORK_FILE): $(DUMMY_FRAMEWORK_OBJ_FILE) $(OBJ_FILES_TO_LINK) $(ECHO_LINKING) \ $(LIB_LINK_CMD) || $(RM) $(FRAMEWORK_FILE) ; \ (cd $(LIB_LINK_OBJ_DIR); \ $(RM_LN_S) $(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE); \ $(LN_S) $(LIB_LINK_FRAMEWORK_FILE) $(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)) \ $(END_ECHO) PRINCIPAL_CLASS = $(strip $($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_PRINCIPAL_CLASS)) ifeq ($(PRINCIPAL_CLASS),) PRINCIPAL_CLASS = $(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE) endif MAIN_MODEL_FILE = $(strip $(subst .gmodel,,$(subst .gorm,,$(subst .nib,,$($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_MAIN_MODEL_FILE))))) # MacOSX-S frameworks $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR)/Resources/Info.plist: $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR)/Resources $(ECHO_CREATING)(echo "{"; echo ' NOTE = "Automatically generated, do not edit!";'; \ echo " NSExecutable = \"$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)\";"; \ echo " NSMainNibFile = \"$(MAIN_MODEL_FILE)\";"; \ echo " NSPrincipalClass = \"$(PRINCIPAL_CLASS)\";"; \ echo "}") >$@$(END_ECHO) # GNUstep frameworks $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR)/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist: $(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR)/Resources $(DUMMY_FRAMEWORK_FILE) $(ECHO_CREATING)(echo "{"; echo ' NOTE = "Automatically generated, do not edit!";'; \ echo " NSExecutable = \"$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)$(FRAMEWORK_OBJ_EXT)\";"; \ echo " NSMainNibFile = \"$(MAIN_MODEL_FILE)\";"; \ echo " NSPrincipalClass = \"$(PRINCIPAL_CLASS)\";"; \ echo " Classes = "; \ cat $(DUMMY_FRAMEWORK_CLASS_LIST); \ echo " ;"; \ echo "}") >$@$(END_ECHO) $(ECHO_NOTHING)if [ -r "$(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)Info.plist" ]; then \ plmerge $@ $(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)Info.plist; \ fi$(END_ECHO) ifneq ($(BUILD_DLL),yes) ifeq ($(FOUNDATION_LIB),gnu) internal-framework-install_:: $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR) \ $(GNUSTEP_LIBRARIES)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR) \ $(GNUSTEP_HEADERS) $(ECHO_INSTALLING)rm -rf $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME); \ (cd $(GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR); $(TAR) cfX - $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tar-exclude-list $(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME)) | (cd $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR); $(TAR) xf -)$(END_ECHO) ifneq ($(CHOWN_TO),) $(ECHO_CHOWNING)$(CHOWN) -R $(CHOWN_TO) $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME)$(END_ECHO) endif ifeq ($(strip),yes) $(ECHO_STRIPPING)$(STRIP) $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_FILE_NAME)$(END_ECHO) endif $(ECHO_INSTALLING_HEADERS)cd $(GNUSTEP_HEADERS); \ $(RM_LN_S) $(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR); \ $(LN_S) `$(REL_PATH_SCRIPT) $(GNUSTEP_HEADERS) $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME)/Headers` $(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR); \ $(END_ECHO) ifneq ($(CHOWN_TO),) $(ECHO_CHOWNING)cd $(GNUSTEP_HEADERS); \ $(CHOWN) $(CHOWN_TO) $(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR); \ $(END_ECHO) endif $(ECHO_NOTHING)cd $(GNUSTEP_LIBRARIES)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR); \ $(RM_LN_S) $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE); \ $(RM_LN_S) $(SONAME_FRAMEWORK_FILE); \ $(RM_LN_S) $(VERSION_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE); \ $(LN_S) `$(REL_PATH_SCRIPT) $(GNUSTEP_LIBRARIES)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR) $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_CURRENT_LIBRARY_DIR_NAME)/$(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE)` $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE); \ if test -r "$(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_CURRENT_LIBRARY_DIR_NAME)/$(SONAME_FRAMEWORK_FILE)"; then \ $(LN_S) `$(REL_PATH_SCRIPT) $(GNUSTEP_LIBRARIES)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR) $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_CURRENT_LIBRARY_DIR_NAME)/$(SONAME_FRAMEWORK_FILE)` $(SONAME_FRAMEWORK_FILE); \ fi; \ $(LN_S) `$(REL_PATH_SCRIPT) $(GNUSTEP_LIBRARIES)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR) $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_CURRENT_LIBRARY_DIR_NAME)/$(VERSION_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE)` $(VERSION_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE)$(END_ECHO) ifneq ($(CHOWN_TO),) $(ECHO_CHOWNING)cd $(GNUSTEP_LIBRARIES)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR); \ $(CHOWN) $(CHOWN_TO) $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE); \ if test -r "$(SONAME_FRAMEWORK_FILE)"; then \ $(CHOWN) $(CHOWN_TO) $(SONAME_FRAMEWORK_FILE); \ fi; \ $(CHOWN) $(CHOWN_TO) $(VERSION_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE)$(END_ECHO) endif else # This code for Apple OSX internal-framework-install_:: $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR) $(ECHO_INSTALLING)rm -rf $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME); \ (cd $(GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR); $(TAR) cfX - $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tar-exclude-list $(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME)) | (cd $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR); $(TAR) xf -)$(END_ECHO) ifneq ($(CHOWN_TO),) $(ECHO_CHOWNING)$(CHOWN) -R $(CHOWN_TO) $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME)$(END_ECHO) endif ifeq ($(strip),yes) $(ECHO_STRIPPING)$(STRIP) $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_FILE_NAME)$(END_ECHO) endif endif else # install DLL internal-framework-install_:: $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR) \ $(GNUSTEP_LIBRARIES)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR) \ $(GNUSTEP_HEADERS) \ $(DLL_INSTALLATION_DIR) $(ECHO_INSTALLING)\ rm -rf $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME); \ (cd $(GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR);\ $(TAR) cfX - $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tar-exclude-list \ $(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME)) | (cd $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR); \ $(TAR) xf -)$(END_ECHO) ifneq ($(CHOWN_TO),) $(ECHO_CHOWNING)$(CHOWN) -R $(CHOWN_TO) $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME)$(END_ECHO) endif ifeq ($(strip),yes) $(ECHO_STRIPPING)$(STRIP) $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_FILE_NAME)$(END_ECHO) endif $(ECHO_INSTALLING_HEADERS)cd $(GNUSTEP_HEADERS); \ if test -d "$(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR)"; then \ rm -Rf $(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR); \ fi; \ $(MKINSTALLDIRS) $(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR); \ cd $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_DIR_NAME)/Headers ; \ $(TAR) cfX - $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/tar-exclude-list . | (cd $(GNUSTEP_HEADERS)/$(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR); \ $(TAR) xf - ); \ $(END_ECHO) ifneq ($(CHOWN_TO),) $(ECHO_CHOWNING)cd $(GNUSTEP_HEADERS); \ $(CHOWN) -R $(CHOWN_TO) $(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR); \ $(END_ECHO) endif $(ECHO_NOTHING)$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_DIR)/$(LIB_LINK_DLL_FILE) \ $(DLL_INSTALLATION_DIR)$(END_ECHO) $(ECHO_NOTHING)$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(FRAMEWORK_FILE_NAME) \ $(GNUSTEP_LIBRARIES)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR)$(END_ECHO) endif $(DLL_INSTALLATION_DIR): $(ECHO_CREATING)$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $@$(END_ECHO) # If Version support is disabled, then this directory is the same as # the Resources directory in Shared/bundle.make for which we already # have a rule. ifeq ($(FRAMEWORK_VERSION_SUPPORT), yes) $(FRAMEWORK_DIR)/Resources: $(ECHO_CREATING)$(MKDIRS) $@$(END_ECHO) endif $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR): $(ECHO_CREATING)$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $@$(END_ECHO) $(GNUSTEP_LIBRARIES)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR): $(ECHO_CREATING)$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $@$(END_ECHO) $(GNUSTEP_HEADERS): $(ECHO_CREATING)$(MKINSTALLDIRS) $@$(END_ECHO) ifneq ($(BUILD_DLL), yes) # NB: We use '$(RM_LN_S)' to remove the symlinks to insure # that we do not remove customized real directories. internal-framework-uninstall_:: $(ECHO_UNINSTALLING)if [ "$(HEADER_FILES)" != "" ]; then \ for file in $(HEADER_FILES) __done; do \ if [ $$file != __done ]; then \ rm -rf $(GNUSTEP_HEADERS)/$(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR)/$$file ; \ fi; \ done; \ fi; \ $(RM_LN_S) $(GNUSTEP_HEADERS)/$(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR) ; \ rm -rf $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME) ; \ cd $(GNUSTEP_LIBRARIES)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR); \ $(RM_LN_S) $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE); \ $(RM_LN_S) $(SONAME_FRAMEWORK_FILE); \ $(RM_LN_S) $(VERSION_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE); \ $(END_ECHO) else internal-framework-uninstall_:: $(ECHO_UNINSTALLING)if [ "$(HEADER_FILES)" != "" ]; then \ for file in $(HEADER_FILES) __done; do \ if [ $$file != __done ]; then \ rm -rf $(GNUSTEP_HEADERS)/$(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR)/$$file ; \ fi; \ done; \ fi; \ $(RM_LN_S) $(GNUSTEP_HEADERS)/$(HEADER_FILES_INSTALL_DIR) ; \ rm -rf $(FRAMEWORK_INSTALL_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORK_DIR_NAME) ; \ cd $(GNUSTEP_LIBRARIES)/$(GNUSTEP_TARGET_LDIR); \ $(RM_LN_S) $(FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY_FILE); \ cd $(DLL_INSTALLATION_DIR); \ $(RM_LN_S) $(LIB_LINK_DLL_FILE); \ $(END_ECHO) endif # # Cleaning targets # internal-framework-clean:: $(ECHO_NOTHING)rm -rf $(GNUSTEP_OBJ_DIR) \ $(PSWRAP_C_FILES) $(PSWRAP_H_FILES) \ $(FRAMEWORK_DIR) $(DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR)$(END_ECHO) internal-framework-distclean:: $(ECHO_NOTHING)cd $(GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR); \ rm -rf shared_obj static_obj shared_debug_obj \ shared_profile_obj static_debug_obj static_profile_obj \ shared_profile_debug_obj static_profile_debug_obj$(END_ECHO) include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/Instance/Shared/strings.make