/* Copyright (C) 2000-2007 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "NGMimePartParser.h" #include "NGMimeBodyParser.h" #include "NGMimeType.h" #include "NGMimeUtilities.h" #include "common.h" #include /* this tunes, how big reused data cache objects may get (10MB) */ #define MAX_DATA_OBJECT_SIZE_CACHE (10*1024*1024) @implementation NGMimePartParser static Class StringClass = Nil; static Class MStringClass = Nil; static Class DataClass = Nil; static Class NSMutableDataClass = NULL; static NGMimeHeaderNames *HeaderNames = NULL; + (int)version { return 3; } static int MimeLogEnabled = -1; + (void)initialize { static BOOL isInitialized = NO; NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if (isInitialized) return; isInitialized = YES; MimeLogEnabled = [ud boolForKey:@"MimeLogEnabled"] ? 1 : 0; MStringClass = [NSMutableString class]; StringClass = [NSString class]; DataClass = [NSData class]; NSMutableDataClass = [NSMutableData class]; } static inline int _la(NGMimePartParser *self, int _la); static inline void _consume(NGMimePartParser *self, int _cnt); static inline BOOL _checkKey(NGMimePartParser *self, NGHashMap *_map, NSString *_key); + (NGMimeHeaderNames *)headerFieldNames { if (HeaderNames == NULL) { HeaderNames = malloc(sizeof(NGMimeHeaderNames)); HeaderNames->accept = @"accept"; HeaderNames->acceptLanguage = @"accept-language"; HeaderNames->acceptEncoding = @"accept-encoding"; HeaderNames->acceptCharset = @"accept-charset"; HeaderNames->cacheControl = @"cache-control"; HeaderNames->cc = @"cc"; HeaderNames->connection = @"connection"; HeaderNames->contentDisposition = @"content-disposition"; HeaderNames->contentLength = @"content-length"; HeaderNames->contentTransferEncoding = @"content-transfer-encoding"; HeaderNames->contentType = @"content-type"; HeaderNames->cookie = @"cookie"; HeaderNames->date = @"date"; HeaderNames->from = @"from"; HeaderNames->host = @"host"; HeaderNames->keepAlive = @"keep-alive"; HeaderNames->messageID = @"message-id"; HeaderNames->mimeVersion = @"mime-version"; HeaderNames->organization = @"organization"; HeaderNames->received = @"received"; HeaderNames->returnPath = @"return-path"; HeaderNames->referer = @"referer"; HeaderNames->replyTo = @"reply-to"; HeaderNames->subject = @"subject"; HeaderNames->to = @"to"; HeaderNames->userAgent = @"user-agent"; HeaderNames->xMailer = @"x-mailer"; } return HeaderNames; } - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { self->bufLen = 1024; self->contentLength = -1; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->contentTransferEncoding release]; [self->source release]; [self->sourceData release]; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (void)setDelegate:(id)_delegate { self->delegate = _delegate; self->delegateRespondsTo.parserWillParseHeader = [self->delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(parserWillParseHeader:)]; self->delegateRespondsTo.parserDidParseHeader = [self->delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(parser:didParseHeader:)]; self->delegateRespondsTo.parserKeepHeaderFieldData = [self->delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(parser:keepHeaderField:data:)]; self->delegateRespondsTo.parserKeepHeaderFieldValue = [self->delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(parser:keepHeaderField:value:)]; self->delegateRespondsTo.parserFoundCommentInHeaderField = [self->delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(parser:foundComment:inHeaderField:)]; self->delegateRespondsTo.parserWillParseBodyOfPart = [self->delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(parser:willParseBodyOfPart:)]; self->delegateRespondsTo.parserDidParseBodyOfPart = [self->delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(parser:didParseBodyOfPart:)]; self->delegateRespondsTo.parserParseRawBodyDataOfPart = [self->delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(parser:parseRawBodyData:ofPart:)]; self->delegateRespondsTo.parserBodyParserForPart = [self->delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(parser:bodyParserForPart:)]; self->delegateRespondsTo.parserDecodeBodyOfPart = [self->delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(parser:decodeBody:ofPart:)]; self->delegateRespondsTo.parserParseHeaderFieldData = [self->delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(parser:parseHeaderField:data:)]; } - (id)delegate { return self->delegate; } /* header */ - (id)parserForHeaderField:(NSString *)_name { static id defParserSet = nil; if (defParserSet == nil) { defParserSet = [[NGMimeHeaderFieldParserSet defaultRfc822HeaderFieldParserSet] retain]; } return defParserSet; } + (NSStringEncoding)defaultHeaderFieldEncoding { return NSISOLatin1StringEncoding; } - (id)valueOfHeaderField:(NSString *)_name data:(id)_data { // TODO: use iconv (if available, eg not on OSX !!!) to convert // an unknown encoding to UTF-16 and create an NSConcrete*UTF16String id parser; NSString *tmp; id value = nil; if (self->delegateRespondsTo.parserParseHeaderFieldData) value = [delegate parser:self parseHeaderField:_name data:_data]; if (value) return value; if ([_data isKindOfClass:DataClass]) { tmp = [[StringClass alloc] initWithData:_data encoding:[NGMimePartParser defaultHeaderFieldEncoding]]; } else tmp = [_data retain]; if ((parser = [self parserForHeaderField:_name])) value = [parser parseValue:tmp ofHeaderField:_name]; else value = [tmp stringByTrimmingSpaces]; value = [[value retain] autorelease]; [tmp release]; return value; } /* possible constants: NGMime_CC = @"cc"; NGMime_To = @"to"; : 2 NGMime_Date = @"date"; NGMime_Host = @"host"; NGMime_From = @"from"; : 4 NGMime_Cookie = @"cookie" NGMime_Accept = @"accept" : 6 NGMime_Referer = @"referer" NGMime_Subject = @"subject"; : 7 NGMime_xMailer = @"x-mailer"; NGMime_ReplyTo = @"reply-to" NGMime_Received = @"received"; : 8 NGMime_Connection = @"connection" NGMime_KeepAlive = @"keep-alive" NGMime_UserAgent = @"user-agent"; NGMime_MessageID = @"message-id"; : 10 NGMime_ReturnPath = @"return-path"; : 11 NGMime_MimeVersion = @"mime-version"; NGMime_Organization = @"organization"; NGMime_ContentType = @"content-type"; : 12 NGMime_CacheControl = @"cache-control" : 13 NGMime_AcceptCharset = @"accept-charset" NGMime_ContentLength = @"content-length"; : 14 NGMime_AcceptEncoding = @"accept-encoding" NGMime_AcceptLanguage = @"accept-language" : 15 NGMime_ContentDisposition = @"content-disposition"; : 19 NGMime_ContentTransferEncoding = @"content-transfer-encoding"; : 25 */ static NSString *fieldNameForCString(id self, char *_cstring, int _len) { if (HeaderNames == NULL) [NGMimePartParser headerFieldNames]; switch (_len) { case 0: return @""; case 2: if (_cstring[0] == 'c' && _cstring[1] == 'c') return HeaderNames->cc; else if (_cstring[0] == 't' && _cstring[1] == 'o') return HeaderNames->to; break; case 4: if (_cstring[3] == 'e') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "date", 4) == 0) return HeaderNames->date; } else if (_cstring[3] == 'm') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "from", 4) == 0) return HeaderNames->from; } else if (_cstring[3] == 't') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "host", 4) == 0) return HeaderNames->host; } break; case 6: if (_cstring[5] == 't') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "accept", 6) == 0) return HeaderNames->accept; } if (_cstring[5] == 'e') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "cookie", 6) == 0) return HeaderNames->cookie; } break; case 7: if (_cstring[6] == 't') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "subject", 7) == 0) return HeaderNames->subject; } if (_cstring[6] == 'r') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "referer", 7) == 0) return HeaderNames->referer; } break; case 8: if (_cstring[5] == '-') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "reply-to", 8) == 0) return HeaderNames->replyTo; } if (_cstring[7] == 'd') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "received", 8) == 0) return HeaderNames->received; } if (_cstring[1] == '-') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "x-mailer", 8) == 0) return HeaderNames->xMailer; } break; case 10: if (_cstring[4] == '-') { if (_cstring[6] == 'g') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "user-agent", 10) == 0) return HeaderNames->userAgent; } if (_cstring[6] == 'l') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "keep-alive", 10) == 0) return HeaderNames->keepAlive; } } else if (_cstring[7] == '-') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "message-id", 10) == 0) return HeaderNames->messageID; } else if (_cstring[9] == 'n') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "connection", 10) == 0) return HeaderNames->connection; } break; case 11: if (_cstring[6] == '-') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "return-path", 11) == 0) return HeaderNames->returnPath; } break; case 12: if (_cstring[4] == '-') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "mime-version", 12) == 0) return HeaderNames->mimeVersion; } else if (_cstring[11] == 'n') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "organization", 12) == 0) return HeaderNames->organization; } else if (_cstring[7] == '-') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "content-type", 12) == 0) return HeaderNames->contentType; } break; case 13: if (_cstring[5] == '-') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "cache-control", 13) == 0) return HeaderNames->cacheControl; } break; case 14: if (_cstring[7] == '-') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "content-length", 14) == 0) { return HeaderNames->contentLength; } } else if (_cstring[6] == '-') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "accept-charset", 14) == 0) return HeaderNames->acceptCharset; } break; case 15: if (_cstring[6] == '-') { if (_cstring[7] == 'l') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "accept-language", 15) == 0) return HeaderNames->acceptLanguage; } else if (_cstring[7] == 'e') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "accept-encoding", 15) == 0) return HeaderNames->acceptEncoding; } } break; case 19: if (_cstring[7] == '-') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "content-disposition", 19) == 0) return HeaderNames->contentDisposition; } break; case 25: if (_cstring[7] == '-') { if (strncmp(_cstring, "content-transfer-encoding", 25) == 0) return HeaderNames->contentTransferEncoding; } break; } { NSString *result; result = [NSString stringWithCString:_cstring length:_len]; #if DEBUG & 0 if (MimeLogEnabled) [self logWithFormat:@"%s: found no headerfield constant for <%@>, " @"generate new string", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, result]; #endif return result; } } - (NSString *)fieldNameForCString:(char *)_cstring length:(int)_len { return fieldNameForCString(self, _cstring, _len); } - (NGHashMap *)parseHeader { // TODO: split up this huge method! /* parse headers until an empty line is seen */ NGMutableHashMap *header = nil; NSMutableData *fieldValue = nil; NSMutableString *fieldName = nil; NSString *realFieldName = nil; BOOL foundEndOfHeaders = NO; int bufCnt = 0; char *buf = NULL; NSAutoreleasePool *pool; ASSIGN(self->contentTransferEncoding, (id)nil); if (self->delegateRespondsTo.parserWillParseHeader) { if (![self->delegate parserWillParseHeader:self]) return nil; } pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; fieldValue = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:512]; header = [NGMutableHashMap hashMapWithCapacity:128]; buf = calloc(self->bufLen, 1); bufCnt = *&bufCnt; while (!foundEndOfHeaders) { int c = 0; BOOL endOfFieldBody = NO; /* reset mutable vars */ if (fieldName) { [fieldName release]; fieldName = nil; } [fieldValue setLength:0]; /* parse fieldName */ { unsigned fnlen; BOOL lastWasCR; bufCnt = 0; fnlen = 0; lastWasCR = NO; while ((c = _la(self, 0)) != ':') { if (c == -1) /* EOF */ break; /* check for leading '\r\n' or '\n' */ if (fnlen == 0) { if (c == '\r') { lastWasCR = YES; } else if (c == '\n') { /* finish, found header starting with newline */ foundEndOfHeaders = YES; endOfFieldBody = YES; self->useContentLength = NO; _consume(self, 1); // consume newline break; /* leave local loop */ } } else if ((fnlen == 1) && lastWasCR) { if (c == '\n') { /* finish, found \r\n */ foundEndOfHeaders = YES; endOfFieldBody = YES; self->useContentLength = NO; bufCnt = 0; _consume(self, 1); // consume newline break; /* leave local loop */ } } /* add to buffer */ buf[bufCnt] = c; bufCnt++; fnlen++; _consume(self, 1); if (bufCnt >= self->bufLen) { register int i; for (i = 0; i < bufCnt; i++) buf[i] = tolower((int)buf[i]); if (fieldName == nil) { fieldName = [[MStringClass alloc] initWithCString:buf length:bufCnt]; } else { NSString *s; s = [[StringClass alloc] initWithCString:buf length:bufCnt]; [fieldName appendString:s]; [s release]; s = nil; } bufCnt = 0; } } if (foundEndOfHeaders) /* leave main loop */ break; if (bufCnt > 0) { register int i; for (i = 0; i < bufCnt; i++) buf[i] = tolower((int)buf[i]); if ([fieldName length] == 0) { /* const headernames are always smaller than bufLen */ realFieldName = fieldNameForCString(self, buf, bufCnt); } else { NSString *s; s = [[StringClass alloc] initWithCString:buf length:bufCnt]; [fieldName appendString:s]; [s release]; s = nil; realFieldName = fieldName; if (c == -1) { NSLog(@"WARNING(%s:%i): 1 an error occured during header-field " @" parsing (maybe end of stream) fieldName: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, fieldName); foundEndOfHeaders = YES; endOfFieldBody = YES; } } } else { realFieldName = fieldName; } _consume(self, 1); // consume ':' } /* parse fieldBody */ bufCnt = 0; while (!endOfFieldBody) { int laC0 = _la(self, 0); if (laC0 == -1) break; if (laC0 == '\r') { // CR int laC1 = _la(self, 1); if (isRfc822_LWSP(laC1)) { // CR LSWSP _consume(self, 2); // folding } else if (laC1 == '\n') { // CR LF int laC2 = _la(self, 2); if (isRfc822_LWSP(laC2)) { // CR LF LWSP _consume(self, 3); // folding } else if (laC2 == '\r') { // CR LF CR int laC3 = _la(self, 3); if (laC3 == '\n') { // CR LF CR LF _consume(self, 4); foundEndOfHeaders = YES; // end of headers endOfFieldBody = YES; } else { // CR LF CR * _consume(self, 3); // ignored ?? } } else if (laC2 == '\n') { // CR LF LF _consume(self, 3); foundEndOfHeaders = YES; // end of headers endOfFieldBody = YES; } else { // CR LF * _consume(self, 2); endOfFieldBody = YES; // next header field } } else { // CR * _consume(self, 1); endOfFieldBody = YES; // next header field } } else if (laC0 == '\n') { // LF int laC1 = _la(self, 1); if (isRfc822_LWSP(laC1)) { // LF LWSP _consume(self, 2); // folding } else if (laC1 == '\n') { // LF LF _consume(self, 2); foundEndOfHeaders = YES; // end of headers endOfFieldBody = YES; } else if (laC1 == '\r') { // LF CR int laC2 = _la(self, 2); if (isRfc822_LWSP(laC2)) { // LF CR LWSP _consume(self, 3); // folding } else if (laC2 == '\n') { // LF CR LF _consume(self, 3); // foundEndOfHeaders = YES; // end of headers endOfFieldBody = YES; } else { // LF CR * _consume(self, 2); endOfFieldBody = YES; // next header field } } else { // LF * _consume(self, 1); endOfFieldBody = YES; // next header field } } else { // * if ((bufCnt != 0) || (!isRfc822_LWSP(laC0))) { /* ignore leading white spaces */ buf[bufCnt++] = laC0; } _consume(self, 1); if (bufCnt >= self->bufLen) { [fieldValue appendBytes:buf length:bufCnt]; bufCnt = 0; } } } if (bufCnt > 0) { [fieldValue appendBytes:buf length:bufCnt]; bufCnt = 0; } if (!endOfFieldBody) { [self logWithFormat: @"WARNING(%s:%i): 2 an error occured during body parsing " @"(maybe end of stream)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__]; foundEndOfHeaders = YES; } if (realFieldName != nil) { BOOL keepHeader = YES; if (HeaderNames == NULL) [NGMimePartParser headerFieldNames]; if (realFieldName == HeaderNames->contentTransferEncoding) { int len; const unsigned char *cstr; len = [fieldValue length]; cstr = [fieldValue bytes]; keepHeader = NO; // don't keep content-tranfer-encodings while (isRfc822_LWSP(*cstr) && (len > 0)) { // strip leading spaces cstr++; len--; } if (len > 0) { // len==0 means the value was a string of LWSP [self->contentTransferEncoding release]; self->contentTransferEncoding = [[StringClass alloc] initWithCString:(char *)cstr length:len]; } else { [self->contentTransferEncoding release]; self->contentTransferEncoding = nil; } } /* take a look on content-length headers, since the parser needs to know this for reading in the body .. */ if (keepHeader && self->useContentLength) { if (realFieldName == HeaderNames->contentLength) { int len; const unsigned char *cstr; len = [fieldValue length]; cstr = [fieldValue bytes]; while (isRfc822_LWSP(*cstr) && (len > 0)) { // strip leading spaces cstr++; len--; } if (len > 0) { // len==0 means the value was a string of LWSP unsigned char buf[len + 1]; int i = 0; while (isdigit(*cstr) && (i < len)) { // extract following digits buf[i++] = *cstr; cstr++; } buf[i] = '\0'; // stop string after last digit (ignore the rest) self->contentLength = atoi((char *)buf); } else { /* header value are only spaces */ self->contentLength = -1; } } } /* ask delegate if the header is to be kept */ if (keepHeader) { if (self->delegateRespondsTo.parserKeepHeaderFieldData) keepHeader = [self->delegate parser:self keepHeaderField:realFieldName data:fieldValue]; } if (keepHeader) { id value = nil; value = [self valueOfHeaderField:realFieldName data:fieldValue]; if (value) { value = [value retain]; /* ask delegate if the header is to be kept */ if (self->delegateRespondsTo.parserKeepHeaderFieldValue) { keepHeader = [self->delegate parser:self keepHeaderField:realFieldName value:value]; } if (keepHeader) { NSAssert(realFieldName, @"missing field name .."); NSAssert(value, @"missing field value .."); /* check whether content-length, content-type, subject already in hashmap */ if (_checkKey(self, header, realFieldName)) [header addObject:value forKey:realFieldName]; } [value release]; } } } } if (buf) { free(buf); buf = NULL; } if (self->delegateRespondsTo.parserDidParseHeader) [self->delegate parser:self didParseHeader:header]; header = [header retain]; [pool release]; return [header autorelease]; } - (NSData *)readBodyUnknownLengthStream { static NSMutableData *dataObject = nil; NGIOReadMethodType readBytes = NULL; NSData *rbody; NSMutableData *body; int bufCnt; char buf[self->bufLen]; void (*appendBytes)(id,SEL,const void *,unsigned); BOOL decodeBase64; *(&readBytes) = NULL; if ([self->source respondsToSelector:@selector(methodForSelector:)]) { readBytes = (NGIOReadMethodType) [self->source methodForSelector:@selector(readBytes:count:)]; } *(&appendBytes) = NULL; *(&bufCnt) = 0; // THREAD /* check whether we can reuse the dataObj ... */ if (dataObject) { *(&body) = [dataObject autorelease]; dataObject = nil; /* mark as used ... */ } else { *(&body) = [[[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:100010] autorelease]; } decodeBase64 = NO; appendBytes = (void(*)(id,SEL,const void *, unsigned)) [body methodForSelector:@selector(appendBytes:length:)]; NS_DURING { while (YES) { NSException *e; NS_DURING { _la(self, self->bufLen - 1); } NS_HANDLER { if (![localException isKindOfClass:[NGEndOfStreamException class]]) [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; e = nil; bufCnt = (readBytes != NULL) ? readBytes(self->source, @selector(readBytes:count:), buf, self->bufLen) : [self->source readBytes:buf count:self->bufLen]; if (bufCnt == NGStreamError) { e = [self->source lastException]; if ([e isKindOfClass:[NGEndOfStreamException class]]) /* leave loop */ break; else [e raise]; } /* perform any on-the-fly encodings */ /* add to body data */ appendBytes(body, @selector(appendBytes:length:), buf, bufCnt); bufCnt = 0; } } NS_HANDLER { if (![localException isKindOfClass:[NGEndOfStreamException class]]) [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; if (bufCnt > 0 && bufCnt != NGStreamError) { appendBytes(body, @selector(appendBytes:length:), buf, bufCnt); bufCnt = 0; } if (decodeBase64) { ASSIGN(self->contentTransferEncoding, (id)nil); } rbody = [body copy]; // THREAD /* remember that object for reuse ... */ if (dataObject == nil && [body length] < MAX_DATA_OBJECT_SIZE_CACHE) { dataObject = [body retain]; [dataObject setLength:0]; } return [rbody autorelease]; } - (NSData *)readBodyUnknownLengthData { return [self->sourceData subdataWithRange: NSMakeRange(self->dataIdx, self->byteLen - self->dataIdx)]; } - (NSData *)readBodyUnknownLength { return (self->source) ? [self readBodyUnknownLengthStream] : [self readBodyUnknownLengthData]; } - (NSData *)readBodyWithKnownLengthFromStream:(unsigned)_len { NGIOReadMethodType readBytes = NULL; NSData *rbody = nil; unsigned char *buf = NULL; int readB = 0; *(&readBytes) = NULL; if ([self->source respondsToSelector:@selector(methodForSelector:)]) { readBytes = (NGIOReadMethodType) [self->source methodForSelector:@selector(readBytes:count:)]; } *(&buf) = NULL; readB = 0; buf = calloc(_len, sizeof(char)); NS_DURING { NS_DURING { if (self->contentLength > self->bufLen) _la(self, self->bufLen - 1); else _la(self, self->contentLength - 1); } NS_HANDLER { if ([localException isKindOfClass:[NGEndOfStreamException class]]) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING(%s): EOF occurred before whole content was read " "(content-length=%i, read=%i)\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self->contentLength, readB); } else { if (buf) free(buf); [localException raise]; } } NS_ENDHANDLER; while (self->contentLength != readB) { int tmp = self->contentLength - readB; readB += (readBytes != NULL) ? readBytes(self->source, @selector(readBytes:count:), (buf + readB), tmp) : [self->source readBytes:(buf + readB) count:tmp]; if (readB == NGStreamError) { [[self->source lastException] raise]; } tmp = self->contentLength - readB; if (tmp > 0) { if (tmp > self->bufLen) _la(self, self->bufLen - 1); else _la(self, tmp - 1); } } } NS_HANDLER { if ([localException isKindOfClass:[NGEndOfStreamException class]]) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING(%s): EOF occurred before whole content was read " "(content-length=%i, read=%i)\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self->contentLength, readB); } else { if (buf) free(buf); [localException raise]; } } NS_ENDHANDLER; rbody = buf ? [NSData dataWithBytes:buf length:readB] : nil; if (buf) free(buf); return rbody; } - (NSData *)readBodyWithKnownLengthFromData:(unsigned)_len { NSData *data; data = [self->sourceData subdataWithRange: NSMakeRange(self->dataIdx, self->byteLen - self->dataIdx)]; if ([data length] != _len) { NSLog(@"%s[%i]: got wrong data %d _len %d", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, [data length], _len); return nil; } return data; } - (NSData *)readBodyWithKnownLength:(unsigned)_len { return (self->source) ? [self readBodyWithKnownLengthFromStream:_len] : [self readBodyWithKnownLengthFromData:_len]; } - (NSData *)applyTransferEncoding:(NSString *)_encoding onData:(NSData *)_data{ // TODO: make this an NSData category unsigned len; unichar c; if ((len = [_encoding length]) == 0) return nil; _encoding = [_encoding lowercaseString]; c = [_encoding characterAtIndex:0]; switch (c) { case 'q': if ([_encoding hasPrefix:@"quoted"]) return [_data dataByDecodingQuotedPrintableTransferEncoding]; break; case 'b': if ([_encoding hasPrefix:@"base64"]) return [_data dataByDecodingBase64]; else if ([@"binary" isEqualToString:_encoding]) return _data; break; case '7': case '8': case 'i': if (len == 4) { if ([@"7bit" isEqualToString:_encoding]) return _data; if ([@"8bit" isEqualToString:_encoding]) return _data; break; } else if (len == 8) { if ([@"identity" isEqualToString:_encoding]) return _data; } case 'u': if (len == 12) { if ([@"unknown-8bit" isEqualToString:_encoding]) return _data; } default: break; } return nil; } - (NSData *)readBody { /* Read data of body and apply content-transfer-encoding if required. */ NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSData *rbody = nil; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if ((self->contentLength == -1) || (self->contentLength == 0)) { rbody = [self readBodyUnknownLength]; } else { /* note: this is called only, if self->useContentLength is set ! */ rbody = [self readBodyWithKnownLength:self->contentLength]; } if ([self->contentTransferEncoding length] > 0) { NSData *new; new = [self applyTransferEncoding:self->contentTransferEncoding onData:rbody]; if (new) { ASSIGN(self->contentTransferEncoding, (id)nil); rbody = new; } else { [self logWithFormat:@"WARNING(%s): " @"encountered unknown content-transfer-encoding: '%@'", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self->contentTransferEncoding]; } } rbody = [rbody retain]; [pool release]; return [rbody autorelease]; } - (NSData *)decodeBody:(NSData *)_data ofPart:(id)_part { return (self->delegateRespondsTo.parserDecodeBodyOfPart) ? [self->delegate parser:self decodeBody:_data ofPart:_part] : _data; } - (NGMimeType *)defaultContentTypeForPart:(id)_part { static NGMimeType *octetType = nil; if (octetType == nil) octetType = [[NGMimeType mimeType:@"application/octet-stream"] retain]; return octetType; } - (id)parserForBodyOfPart:(id)_p data:(NSData *)_dt { id ctype; NGMimeType *contentType; id bodyParser = nil; ctype = [_p contentType]; contentType = ([ctype isKindOfClass:[NGMimeType class]]) ? ctype : [NGMimeType mimeType:[ctype stringValue]]; if (self->delegateRespondsTo.parserBodyParserForPart) { if ((bodyParser = [self->delegate parser:self bodyParserForPart:_p])) return bodyParser; } if (contentType == nil) { contentType = [self defaultContentTypeForPart:_p]; } if (contentType) { if ([[contentType type] isEqualToString:@"multipart"]) { bodyParser = [[[NGMimeMultipartBodyParser alloc] init] autorelease]; } else if ([[contentType type] isEqualToString:@"text"] && [[contentType subType] isEqualToString:@"plain"]) { bodyParser = [[[NGMimeTextBodyParser alloc] init] autorelease]; } } return bodyParser; } - (void)parseBodyOfPart:(id)_part { NGMimeBodyParser *parser = nil; NSData *rawBody = nil; id body = nil; rawBody = [self readBody]; /* apply content-encoding, transfer-encoding and similiar */ rawBody = [self decodeBody:rawBody ofPart:_part]; if (self->delegateRespondsTo.parserParseRawBodyDataOfPart) { BOOL didParse; didParse = [self->delegate parser:self parseRawBodyData:rawBody ofPart:_part]; if (didParse) return; } parser = (NGMimeBodyParser *)[self parserForBodyOfPart:_part data:rawBody]; if (parser) { /* make sure delegate keeps being around .. */ self->delegate = [[self->delegate retain] autorelease]; body = [parser parseBodyOfPart:_part data:rawBody delegate:self->delegate]; } else if (rawBody) { /* no parser found for body */ if (body == nil) body = rawBody; } [_part setBody:body]; } /* part */ - (id)producePartWithHeader:(NGHashMap *)_header { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; return nil; } - (BOOL)prepareForParsingFromData:(NSData *)_data { if (_data == nil) return NO; ASSIGN(self->sourceData, _data); self->sourceBytes = [self->sourceData bytes]; self->byteLen = [self->sourceData length]; self->dataIdx = 0; self->contentLength = -1; return YES; } - (BOOL)prepareForParsingFromStream:(id)_stream { if (_stream == nil) return NO; if (self->source != _stream) { NGByteBuffer *bb; bb = [NGByteBuffer alloc]; bb = [bb initWithSource:_stream la:self->bufLen]; [self->source release]; self->source = bb; } if ([self->source respondsToSelector:@selector(methodForSelector:)]) { self->la = (int (*)(id, SEL, unsigned)) [self->source methodForSelector:@selector(la:)]; self->consume = (void (*)(id, SEL)) [self->source methodForSelector:@selector(consume)]; self->consumeCnt = (void (*)(id, SEL, unsigned)) [self->source methodForSelector:@selector(consume:)]; } else { self->la = NULL; self->consume = NULL; self->consumeCnt = NULL; } self->contentLength = -1; return YES; } - (void)finishParsingOfPart:(id)_part { [self->source release]; self->source = nil; self->contentLength = -1; self->la = NULL; self->consume = NULL; self->consumeCnt = NULL; } - (void)finishParsingOfPartFromData:(id)_part { [self->sourceData release]; self->sourceData = nil; self->sourceBytes = NULL; self->byteLen = 0; self->dataIdx = 0; self->contentLength = -1; } - (BOOL)parsePrefix { return YES; } - (void)parseSuffix { } - (id)parsePart { id part = nil; NGHashMap *header; BOOL doParse = YES; if (![self parsePrefix]) return nil; if ((header = [self parseHeader]) == nil) return nil; part = [self producePartWithHeader:header]; doParse = (delegateRespondsTo.parserWillParseBodyOfPart) ? [delegate parser:self willParseBodyOfPart:part] : YES; if (doParse) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; [self parseBodyOfPart:part]; [pool release]; if (delegateRespondsTo.parserDidParseBodyOfPart) [delegate parser:self didParseBodyOfPart:part]; [self parseSuffix]; } return part; } - (id)parsePartFromStream:(id)_stream { id p; if (![self prepareForParsingFromStream:_stream]) return nil; p = [self parsePart]; [self finishParsingOfPart:p]; return p; } - (id)parsePartFromData:(NSData *)_data { id part; if ([_data isKindOfClass:NSMutableDataClass]) { NGDataStream *dataStream; dataStream = [NGDataStream streamWithData:_data]; part = [self parsePartFromStream:dataStream]; [dataStream close]; return part; } if ([self prepareForParsingFromData:_data]) { part = [self parsePart]; [self finishParsingOfPartFromData:part]; return part; } return nil; } /* accessors */ - (BOOL)doesUseContentLength { return self->useContentLength; } - (void)setUseContentLength:(BOOL)_use { self->useContentLength = _use; } /* functions */ static inline int _la(NGMimePartParser *self, int _la) { if (self->source) { return (self->la != NULL) ? self->la(self->source, @selector(la:), _la) : [self->source la:_la]; } else { if ((self->dataIdx+_la) < self->byteLen) return self->sourceBytes[self->dataIdx+_la]; else return -1; } } static inline void _consume(NGMimePartParser *self, int _cnt) { if (self->source) { if (_cnt == 1) { if (self->consume != NULL) self->consume(self->source, @selector(consume)); else [self->source consume]; } else { if (self->consumeCnt != NULL) self->consumeCnt(self->source, @selector(consume:), _cnt); else [self->source consume:_cnt]; } } else { if ((self->dataIdx+_cnt) <= self->byteLen) { self->dataIdx += _cnt; } else { NSLog(@"%s[%i]: error try to read over buffer len self->dataIdx %d " @"_cnt %d byteLen %d", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, self->dataIdx, _cnt, self->byteLen); } } } static inline BOOL _checkKey(NGMimePartParser *self, NGHashMap *_map, NSString *_key) { if (HeaderNames == NULL) [NGMimePartParser headerFieldNames]; if ((_key == HeaderNames->contentLength) || _key == HeaderNames->contentType) { if ([_map countObjectsForKey:_key] > 0) return NO; } return YES; } @end /* NGMimePartParser */