2004-06-09 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile.preamble: added prebinding (v4.2.10) 2004-05-05 Marcus Mueller * GNUmakefile.preamble: added support for building with GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR environment variable set for recent gnustep-make package. (v4.2.9) 2003-07-28 Helge Hess * applied GNUstep patches provided by Filip Van Raemdonck for improved compilation with gstep-base (v4.2.8) 2003-04-01 GNUstep User * common.h: fixed for gstep-base compilation (v4.2.7) 2002-12-02 Helge Hess * moved to skyrix-sope-42 (v4.2.6) 2002-08-22 Helge Hess * NGScriptLanguage.m: added -copyWithZone: to make it possible to add NGScriptLanguage objects to MacOSX Foundation collections * NGObjectMappingContext.m: added debug logging of context stack changes (v4.2.5) 2002-08-20 Helge Hess * NGScriptLanguage, NGObjectMappingContext: added NSCoding to support archiving in InterfaceBuilder Mon Jun 10 13:01:58 2002 Helge Hess * created ChangeLog