/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include "STXSaxDriver.h" #include "StructuredText.h" #include "StructuredTextList.h" #include "StructuredTextListItem.h" #include "StructuredTextLiteralBlock.h" #include "StructuredTextHeader.h" #include "StructuredTextParagraph.h" #include #include "common.h" static NSString *SaxDeclHandlerProperty = @"http://xml.org/sax/properties/declaration-handler"; static NSString *SaxLexicalHandlerProperty = @"http://xml.org/sax/properties/lexical-handler"; @interface NSObject(SAX) - (void)produceSaxEventsOnSTXSaxDriver:(STXSaxDriver *)_sax; @end @implementation STXSaxDriver static BOOL debugOn = NO; + (void)initialize { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; debugOn = [ud boolForKey:@"STXSaxDriverDebugEnabled"]; } - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { self->attrs = [[SaxAttributes alloc] init]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->context release]; [self->attrs release]; [self->lexicalHandler release]; [self->contentHandler release]; [self->errorHandler release]; [self->entityResolver release]; [super dealloc]; } /* properties */ - (void)setProperty:(NSString *)_name to:(id)_value { if ([_name isEqualToString:SaxLexicalHandlerProperty]) { [self->lexicalHandler autorelease]; self->lexicalHandler = [_value retain]; return; } if ([_name isEqualToString:SaxDeclHandlerProperty]) { return; } [SaxNotRecognizedException raise:@"PropertyException" format:@"don't know property %@", _name]; } - (id)property:(NSString *)_name { if ([_name isEqualToString:SaxLexicalHandlerProperty]) return self->lexicalHandler; if ([_name isEqualToString:SaxDeclHandlerProperty]) return nil; [SaxNotRecognizedException raise:@"PropertyException" format:@"don't know property %@", _name]; return nil; } /* features */ - (void)setFeature:(NSString *)_name to:(BOOL)_value { return; #if 0 // be tolerant [SaxNotRecognizedException raise:@"FeatureException" format:@"don't know feature %@", _name]; #endif } - (BOOL)feature:(NSString *)_name { return NO; } /* handlers */ - (void)setContentHandler:(id)_handler { [self->contentHandler autorelease]; self->contentHandler = [_handler retain]; } - (id)contentHandler { return self->contentHandler; } - (void)setLexicalHandler:(id)_handler { [self->lexicalHandler autorelease]; self->lexicalHandler = [_handler retain]; } - (id)lexicalHandler { return self->lexicalHandler; } - (void)setDTDHandler:(id)_handler { } - (id)dtdHandler { return nil; } - (void)setErrorHandler:(id)_handler { [self->errorHandler autorelease]; self->errorHandler = [_handler retain]; } - (id)errorHandler { return self->errorHandler; } - (void)setEntityResolver:(id)_handler { [self->entityResolver autorelease]; self->entityResolver = [_handler retain]; } - (id)entityResolver { return self->entityResolver; } /* support */ - (void)_beginTag:(NSString *)_tag { [self->contentHandler startElement:_tag namespace:XMLNS_XHTML rawName:_tag attributes:nil /* id */]; } - (void)_endTag:(NSString *)_tag { [self->contentHandler endElement:_tag namespace:XMLNS_XHTML rawName:_tag]; } - (void)_characters:(NSString *)_chars { unichar *buf; unsigned int len; if ((len = [_chars length]) == 0) // TODO: may or may not be correct return; buf = calloc(len + 4, sizeof(unichar)); // TODO: cache/reuse buffer [_chars getCharacters:buf]; [self->contentHandler characters:buf length:len]; if (buf) free(buf); } /* STX delegate */ - (NSString *)insertText:(NSString *)_txt inContext:(NSDictionary *)_ctx { if (debugOn) NSLog(@" insert text: (len=%d)", [_txt length]); [self _beginTag:@"p"]; [self _characters:_txt]; [self _endTag:@"p"]; return nil; } - (NSString *)insertItalics:(NSString *)_txt inContext:(NSDictionary *)_ctx { if (debugOn) NSLog(@" insert italics: (len=%d)", [_txt length]); [self _beginTag:@"em"]; [self _characters:_txt]; [self _endTag:@"em"]; return nil; } - (NSString *)insertUnderline:(NSString *)_txt inContext:(NSDictionary *)_ctx { if (debugOn) NSLog(@" insert underline: (len=%d)", [_txt length]); [self _beginTag:@"u"]; [self _characters:_txt]; [self _endTag:@"u"]; return nil; } - (NSString *)insertBold:(NSString *)_txt inContext:(NSDictionary *)_ctx { if (debugOn) NSLog(@" insert bold: (len=%d)", [_txt length]); [self _beginTag:@"strong"]; [self _characters:_txt]; [self _endTag:@"strong"]; return nil; } - (NSString *)insertPreformatted:(NSString *)_txt inContext:(NSDictionary *)_ctx { [self _beginTag:@"pre"]; [self _characters:_txt]; [self _endTag:@"pre"]; return nil; } - (NSString *)insertLink:(NSString *)_txt withUrl:(NSString *)_url target:(NSString *)_target inContext:(NSDictionary *)_ctx { // TODO: need to generate SaxAttributes here [self->attrs clear]; [self->attrs addAttribute:@"href" uri:XMLNS_XHTML rawName:@"href" type:@"CDATA" value:_url]; if ([_target length] > 0) { [self->attrs addAttribute:@"target" uri:XMLNS_XHTML rawName:@"target" type:@"CDATA" value:_target]; } [self->contentHandler startElement:@"a" namespace:XMLNS_XHTML rawName:@"a" attributes:self->attrs]; [self _characters:_txt]; [self _endTag:@"a"]; // if we return nil, the content will be generated as if it didn't match // if we return an empty string, a zero-length string is reported return @""; } - (NSString *)insertEmail:(NSString *)_txt withAddress:(NSString *)_link inContext:(NSDictionary *)_ctx { // TODO: check&implement #if 0 [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", anAddress, _txt]; #endif return _txt; } - (NSString *)insertImage:(NSString *)_title withUrl:(NSString *)_src inContext:(NSDictionary *)_ctx { // TODO: check&implement #if 0 [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", anUrl, _txt]; #endif return _title; } - (NSString *)insertExtrapolaLink:(NSString *)_txt parameters:(NSDictionary *)_paras withTarget:(NSString *)_target inContext:(NSDictionary *)_ctx { // TODO: do we want to support that? if (debugOn) NSLog(@"insert extrapola link: %@", _txt); [self _characters:_txt]; return nil; } - (NSString *)insertDynamicKey:(NSString *)_k inContext:(NSDictionary *)_ctx { // TODO: what to do here? return [_ctx objectForKey:_k]; } - (NSString *)insertPreprocessedTextForKey:(NSString *)_k inContext:(NSDictionary *)_ctx { // TODO: what to do here? return [_ctx objectForKey:_k]; } /* generating element events */ - (void)produceSaxEventsForParagraph:(StructuredTextParagraph *)_p { NSString *s; if (debugOn) NSLog(@" produce SAX events for paragraph: %@", _p); s = [_p textParsedWithDelegate:(id)self inContext:self->context]; if ([s length] > 0) [self _characters:s]; } - (void)produceSaxEventsForHeader:(StructuredTextHeader *)_h { NSString *tagName, *s; if (debugOn) NSLog(@" produce SAX events for header: %@", _h); switch ([_h level]) { case 1: tagName = @"h1"; break; case 2: tagName = @"h2"; break; case 3: tagName = @"h3"; break; case 4: tagName = @"h4"; break; case 5: tagName = @"h5"; break; case 6: tagName = @"h6"; break; default: tagName = [@"h" stringByAppendingFormat:@"%d", [_h level]]; break; } [self _beginTag:tagName]; if ((s = [_h textParsedWithDelegate:(id)self inContext:self->context])) [self _characters:s]; [self _endTag:tagName]; [self produceSaxEventsForElements:[_h elements]]; } - (void)produceSaxEventsForList:(StructuredTextList *)_list { NSString *tagName; if (debugOn) NSLog(@" produce SAX events for list: %@", _list); switch ([_list typology]) { case StructuredTextList_BULLET: tagName = @"ul"; break; case StructuredTextList_ENUMERATED: tagName = @"ol"; break; case StructuredTextList_DEFINITION: tagName = @"dl"; break; default: tagName = nil; } [self _beginTag:tagName]; [self produceSaxEventsForElements:[_list elements]]; [self _endTag:tagName]; } - (void)produceSaxEventsForListItem:(StructuredTextListItem *)_item { NSString *s; int typology; if (debugOn) NSLog(@" produce SAX events for item: %@", _item); typology = [[_item list] typology]; if (typology == StructuredTextList_DEFINITION) { [self _beginTag:@"dt"]; if ((s = [_item titleParsedWithDelegate:(id)self inContext:self->context])) [self _characters:s]; [self _endTag:@"dt"]; } switch (typology) { case StructuredTextList_BULLET: [self _beginTag:@"li"]; break; case StructuredTextList_ENUMERATED: [self _beginTag:@"li"]; break; case StructuredTextList_DEFINITION: [self _beginTag:@"dd"]; break; } if ((s = [_item textParsedWithDelegate:(id)self inContext:self->context])) { if (debugOn) NSLog(@" chars: %d", [s length]); [self _characters:s]; } if (debugOn) NSLog(@" elems: %d", [[_item elements] count]); [self produceSaxEventsForElements:[_item elements]]; switch (typology) { case StructuredTextList_BULLET: [self _endTag:@"li"]; break; case StructuredTextList_ENUMERATED: [self _endTag:@"li"]; break; case StructuredTextList_DEFINITION: [self _endTag:@"dd"]; break; } } - (void)produceSaxEventsForLiteralBlock:(StructuredTextLiteralBlock *)_block { [self _beginTag:@"pre"]; [self _characters:[_block text]]; [self _endTag:@"pre"]; } /* generating events */ - (void)produceSaxEventsForElement:(id)_element { if (debugOn) NSLog(@" produce SAX events for element: %@", _element); if (_element == nil) return; if ([_element respondsToSelector:@selector(produceSaxEventsOnSTXSaxDriver:)]) [_element produceSaxEventsOnSTXSaxDriver:self]; else { NSLog(@"Note: cannot handle STX element: %@", _element); } } - (void)produceSaxEventsForElements:(NSArray *)_elems { unsigned int i, c; if (debugOn) NSLog(@" produce SAX events for elements: %d", [_elems count]); for (i = 0, c = [_elems count]; i < c; i++) { id currentObject; currentObject = [_elems objectAtIndex:i]; if (debugOn) NSLog(@" element[%d]/%d: %@", i, c, currentObject); [self produceSaxEventsForElement:currentObject]; } } - (void)produceSaxEventsForStructuredTextDocument:(StructuredTextDocument *)_d{ if (debugOn) NSLog(@" produce SAX events for document: %@", _d); [self produceSaxEventsForElements:[_d bodyElements]]; } - (void)produceSaxEventsForStructuredText:(StructuredText *)_stx systemId:(NSString *)_sysId { if (debugOn) NSLog(@"produce SAX events for: %@", _stx); [self->contentHandler startDocument]; [self produceSaxEventsForStructuredTextDocument:[_stx document]]; [self->contentHandler endDocument]; } /* parsing */ - (void)parseFromString:(NSString *)_str systemId:(NSString *)_sysId { StructuredText *stx; if (_sysId == nil) _sysId = @""; stx = [[[StructuredText alloc] initWithString:_str] autorelease]; if (debugOn) NSLog(@"%s: %@: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _sysId, stx); [self produceSaxEventsForStructuredText:stx systemId:_sysId]; } - (void)parseFromData:(NSData *)_data systemId:(NSString *)_sysId { NSString *s; if (_sysId == nil) _sysId = @""; s = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:_data encoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding]; s = [s autorelease]; [self parseFromString:s systemId:_sysId]; } - (void)parseFromNSURL:(NSURL *)_url systemId:(NSString *)_sysId { NSData *data; if (_sysId == nil) _sysId = [_url absoluteString]; if ((data = [_url resourceDataUsingCache:NO]) == nil) { SaxParseException *e; NSDictionary *ui; ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: _url ? _url : (id)@"", @"url", _sysId ? _sysId : (id)@"", @"publicId", self, @"parser", nil]; e = (id)[SaxParseException exceptionWithName:@"SaxIOException" reason:@"could not retrieve URL content" userInfo:ui]; [self->errorHandler fatalError:e]; return; } [self parseFromData:data systemId:_sysId]; } - (void)parseFromSource:(id)_source systemId:(NSString *)_sysId { if (_source == nil) { /* no source ??? */ SaxParseException *e; NSDictionary *ui; ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: _sysId ? _sysId : (id)@"", @"publicId", self, @"parser", nil]; e = (id)[SaxParseException exceptionWithName:@"SaxIOException" reason:@"missing source for parsing!" userInfo:ui]; [self->errorHandler fatalError:e]; return; } if ([_source isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { [self parseFromString:_source systemId:_sysId]; return; } if ([_source isKindOfClass:[NSURL class]]) { [self parseFromNSURL:_source systemId:_sysId]; return; } if ([_source isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) { [self parseFromData:_source systemId:_sysId]; return; } { SaxParseException *e; NSDictionary *ui; ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: _source ? _source : @"", @"source", _sysId ? _sysId : @"", @"publicId", self, @"parser", nil]; e = (id)[SaxParseException exceptionWithName:@"SaxIOException" reason:@"can not handle data-source" userInfo:ui]; [self->errorHandler fatalError:e]; return; } } - (void)parseFromSource:(id)_source { [self parseFromSource:_source systemId:nil]; } - (void)parseFromSystemId:(NSString *)_sysId { NSURL *url; if ([_sysId length] == 0) { SaxParseException *e; NSDictionary *ui; ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:self, @"parser", nil]; e = (id)[SaxParseException exceptionWithName:@"SaxIOException" reason:@"missing system-id for parsing!" userInfo:ui]; [self->errorHandler fatalError:e]; return; } if ([_sysId rangeOfString:@"://"].length == 0) { /* not a URL */ if (![_sysId isAbsolutePath]) _sysId = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] currentDirectoryPath]; url = [[[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:_sysId] autorelease]; } else url = [NSURL URLWithString:_sysId]; [self parseFromSource:url systemId:_sysId]; } @end /* STXSaxDriver */