# $Id$

This directory contains sample programs for the skyrix-core libraries.


mime2xml    - read a MIME file and output the structure as XML

imapls      - list IMAP4 server directories, sample for NGImap4FileManager

bmlookup    - perform resource lookups using the NGExtensions NGBundleManager

fmdls       - list directories using the NGFileManager directory-datasource

subclassing - test runtime subclassing in the Objective-C runtime 
              (NGObjCRuntime in NGExtensions)

testdirenum - test the NGDirectoryEnumerator

ldapls	    - an 'ls' for LDAP directories
ldap2dsml   - return the output of an LDAP server as DSML (directory service
              markup language)
ldapchkpwd  - check whether a login/password combo would be authenticated