/* EOSQLQualifier.m Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Author: Ovidiu Predescu Helge Hess Date: September 1996 November 1999 This file is part of the GNUstep Database Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #import "common.h" #import "EOSQLQualifier.h" #import "EOAdaptor.h" #import "EOAttribute.h" #import "EOEntity.h" #import "EOExpressionArray.h" #import "EOFExceptions.h" #import "EORelationship.h" #import "EOSQLExpression.h" #include #include #import "EOQualifierScanner.h" #if LIB_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY # include # include #else # include "DefaultScannerHandler.h" # include "PrintfFormatScanner.h" #endif @interface EOQualifierJoinHolder : NSObject { id source; id destination; } + (id)valueForSource:(id)source destination:(id)destination; - (NSString*)expressionValueForContext:(EOSQLExpression*)context; - (id)source; - (id)destination; @end @implementation EOQualifierJoinHolder static Class AttributeClass = Nil; static EONull *null = nil; + (void)initialize { AttributeClass = [EOAttribute class]; null = [[NSNull null] retain]; } + (id)valueForSource:(id)_source destination:(id)_destination { EOQualifierJoinHolder *value; value = [[[self alloc] init] autorelease]; value->source = [_source retain]; value->destination = [_destination retain]; return value; } - (NSString *)expressionValueForContext:(EOSQLExpression *)context { NSMutableString *result = nil; EOAdaptor *adaptor = nil; NSString *formattedLeft = nil; NSString *formattedRight = nil; BOOL checkNull = NO; adaptor = [context adaptor]; if ([source isKindOfClass:AttributeClass]) { formattedLeft = [source expressionValueForContext:context]; } else { NSAssert([destination isKindOfClass:AttributeClass], @"either one of source or destination should be EOAttribute"); if ([source isEqual:null] || (source == nil)) checkNull = YES; formattedLeft = [adaptor formatValue:source?source:null forAttribute:destination]; } if ([destination isKindOfClass:AttributeClass]) { NSString *tmp = formattedLeft; formattedLeft = [destination expressionValueForContext:context]; formattedRight = tmp; } else { NSAssert([source isKindOfClass:AttributeClass], @"either one of source or destination should be EOAttribute"); if ([destination isEqual:null] || (destination == nil)) checkNull = YES; formattedRight = [adaptor formatValue:destination?destination:null forAttribute:source]; } result = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:64]; [result appendString:formattedLeft]; [result appendString:checkNull ? @" IS " : @"="]; [result appendString:formattedRight]; return result; } - (id)source { return self->source; } - (id)destination { return self->destination; } @end /* EOQualifierJoinHolder */ @implementation EOSQLQualifier + (EOSQLQualifier*)qualifierForRow:(NSDictionary*)row entity:(EOEntity*)_entity { EOSQLQualifier *qualifier = nil; NSEnumerator *enumerator = nil; NSString *attributeName = nil; EOAttribute *attribute = nil; id value = nil; BOOL first = YES; enumerator = [row keyEnumerator]; qualifier = [[[EOSQLQualifier alloc] init] autorelease]; while ((attributeName = [enumerator nextObject])) { attribute = [_entity attributeNamed:attributeName]; value = [row objectForKey:attributeName]; if ((value == nil) || (attribute == nil)) /* return nil when is unable to build a qualifier for all keys in the given row */ return nil; if (first) first = NO; else [qualifier->content addObject:@" AND "]; [qualifier->content addObject: [EOQualifierJoinHolder valueForSource:attribute destination:value]]; } qualifier->entity = RETAIN(_entity); [qualifier _computeRelationshipPaths]; return qualifier; } + (EOSQLQualifier*)qualifierForPrimaryKey:(NSDictionary*)dictionary entity:(EOEntity*)_entity { NSDictionary *pkey = nil; pkey = [_entity primaryKeyForRow:dictionary]; /* return nil when is unable to build a complete qualifier for all primary key attributes */ return pkey ? [self qualifierForRow:pkey entity:_entity] : nil; } + (EOSQLQualifier*)qualifierForRow:(NSDictionary*)row relationship:(EORelationship*)relationship { NSArray *componentRelationships = nil; EOSQLQualifier *qualifier = nil; NSArray *sourceAttributes = nil; id tmpRelationship = nil; EOAttribute *sourceAttribute = nil; EOAttribute *destinationAttribute = nil; id value = nil; int j = 0; int count2 = 0; componentRelationships = [relationship componentRelationships]; tmpRelationship = relationship; qualifier = [[[EOSQLQualifier alloc] init] autorelease]; /* Make a qualifier string in the following manner. If the relationship is not flattened we must join using the join operator the values from `row' and the foreign keys taken from the destination entity of relatioship. If the relationship is flattend we must append then joins between the components of relationship. */ if (componentRelationships) { tmpRelationship = [componentRelationships objectAtIndex:0]; sourceAttributes = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[tmpRelationship sourceAttribute]]; } else { sourceAttributes = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[relationship sourceAttribute]]; } sourceAttribute = [tmpRelationship sourceAttribute]; value = [row objectForKey:[sourceAttribute name]]; if (value == nil) /* Returns nil if `row' does not contain all the values needed to create a complete qualifier */ return nil; destinationAttribute = [tmpRelationship destinationAttribute]; [qualifier->content addObject: [EOQualifierJoinHolder valueForSource:destinationAttribute destination:value]]; if (componentRelationships) { EOEntity *tempEntity = [tmpRelationship destinationEntity]; /* The relationship is flattened. Iterate over the components and add joins that `link' the components between them. */ count2 = [componentRelationships count]; for (j = 1; j < count2; j++) { relationship = [componentRelationships objectAtIndex:j]; if ([relationship sourceAttribute]) { [qualifier->content addObject:@" AND "]; [qualifier->content addObject: [EOQualifierJoinHolder valueForSource: [relationship sourceAttribute] destination: [relationship destinationAttribute]]]; } } /* Here we make a hack because later we need to use this qualifier in a SELECT expression in which the qualifier's entity should be the final destination entity of the flattened relationship. In addition we need in the FROM clause all the entities corresponding to the components of the relationship to be able to insert the joins between the values given in row and the final attributes from the destination entity of the last component of relationship. */ ASSIGN(qualifier->entity, tempEntity); [qualifier _computeRelationshipPaths]; ASSIGN(qualifier->entity, [relationship destinationEntity]); return qualifier; } else { ASSIGN(qualifier->entity, [relationship destinationEntity]); return qualifier; } } + (EOSQLQualifier *)qualifierForObject:sourceObject relationship:(EORelationship *)relationship { return [self qualifierForRow: [sourceObject valueForKey:[[relationship sourceAttribute] name]] relationship:relationship]; } - (id)init { NSZone *z = [self zone]; RELEASE(self->content); self->content = nil; RELEASE(self->relationshipPaths); self->relationshipPaths = nil; RELEASE(self->additionalEntities); self->additionalEntities = nil; self->content = [[EOExpressionArray allocWithZone:z] init]; self->relationshipPaths = [[NSMutableSet allocWithZone:z] init]; self->additionalEntities = [[NSMutableSet allocWithZone:z] init]; return self; } - (id)initWithEntity:(EOEntity *)_entity qualifierFormat:(NSString *)_qualifierFormat argumentsArray:(NSArray *)_args { PrintfFormatScanner *formatScanner = nil; EOQualifierEnumScannerHandler *scannerHandler = nil; NSString *qualifierString = nil; NSMutableArray *myRelationshipPaths = nil; NSEnumerator *args = nil; myRelationshipPaths = [[NSMutableArray allocWithZone:[self zone]] init]; [self init]; ASSIGN(self->entity, _entity); if (_qualifierFormat == nil) return self; formatScanner = [[PrintfFormatScanner alloc] init]; scannerHandler = [[EOQualifierEnumScannerHandler alloc] init]; [formatScanner setAllowOnlySpecifier:YES]; args = [_args objectEnumerator]; [scannerHandler setEntity:_entity]; [formatScanner setFormatScannerHandler:scannerHandler]; /* Note: This is an ugly hack. Arguments is supposed to be a va_args structure, but an NSArray is passed in. It works because the value is casted to -parseFormatString:context: which gives control to the scannerHandler which casts the va_args back to an array (the EOQualifierEnumScannerHandler does that). Works on ix86, but *NOT* on iSeries or zServer !! */ #if defined(__s390__) qualifierString = [formatScanner performSelector:@selector(stringWithFormat:arguments:) withObject:_qualifierFormat withObject:args]; #else qualifierString = [formatScanner stringWithFormat:_qualifierFormat arguments:args]; #endif [formatScanner release]; formatScanner = nil; [scannerHandler release]; scannerHandler = nil; [self->content release]; self->content = nil; self->content = [[EOExpressionArray parseExpression:qualifierString entity:entity replacePropertyReferences:YES relationshipPaths:myRelationshipPaths] retain]; [self _computeRelationshipPaths:myRelationshipPaths]; [myRelationshipPaths release]; myRelationshipPaths = nil; return self; } - (id)initWithEntity:(EOEntity*)_entity qualifierFormat:(NSString *)qualifierFormat, ... { va_list ap; id formatScanner = nil; id scannerHandler = nil; NSString *qualifierString = nil; NSMutableArray *myRelationshipPaths = nil; if ((self = [self init]) == nil) return nil; myRelationshipPaths = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; ASSIGN(self->entity, _entity); if (qualifierFormat == nil) { return self; } formatScanner = [[PrintfFormatScanner alloc] init]; scannerHandler = [[EOQualifierScannerHandler alloc] init]; [formatScanner setAllowOnlySpecifier:YES]; va_start(ap, qualifierFormat); [scannerHandler setEntity:_entity]; [formatScanner setFormatScannerHandler:scannerHandler]; qualifierString = [formatScanner stringWithFormat:qualifierFormat arguments:ap]; va_end(ap); [formatScanner release]; [scannerHandler release]; [self->content release]; self->content = nil; self->content = [[EOExpressionArray parseExpression:qualifierString entity:entity replacePropertyReferences:YES relationshipPaths:myRelationshipPaths] retain]; [self _computeRelationshipPaths:myRelationshipPaths]; [myRelationshipPaths release]; myRelationshipPaths = nil; return self; } - (void)_computeRelationshipPaths { [self _computeRelationshipPaths:nil]; } static void handle_attribute(EOSQLQualifier *self, id object, id _relationshipPaths) { if ([object isFlattened]) { id definitionArray = nil; id relsArray = nil; NSRange range; definitionArray = [object definitionArray]; range = NSMakeRange(0, [definitionArray count] - 1); relsArray = [definitionArray subarrayWithRange:range]; [self->relationshipPaths addObject:relsArray]; [self->additionalEntities addObjectsFromArray:relsArray]; } else { [self->additionalEntities addObject:[object entity]]; } } - (void)_computeRelationshipPaths:(NSArray *)_relationshipPaths { int i, count; [relationshipPaths removeAllObjects]; if (_relationshipPaths) { NSEnumerator *pathEnum = [_relationshipPaths objectEnumerator]; NSArray *relPath = nil; while ((relPath = [pathEnum nextObject])) { NSEnumerator *relEnum = nil; EORelationship *rel = nil; relEnum = [relPath objectEnumerator]; while ((rel = [relEnum nextObject])) { [additionalEntities addObject:[rel destinationEntity]]; } } [relationshipPaths addObjectsFromArray:_relationshipPaths]; } for (i = 0, count = [content count]; i < count; i++) { id object = [content objectAtIndex:i]; /* The objects from content can only be NSString, values or EOAttribute. */ if ([object isKindOfClass:[EOAttribute class]]) { handle_attribute (self, object, _relationshipPaths); } else if ([object isKindOfClass:[EOQualifierJoinHolder class]]) { id source = nil; id destination = nil; source = [object source]; destination = [object destination]; if ([source isKindOfClass:[EOAttribute class]]) handle_attribute (self, source, _relationshipPaths); if ([destination isKindOfClass:[EOAttribute class]]) handle_attribute (self, destination, _relationshipPaths); } else if ([object isKindOfClass:[EORelationship class]]) { [[[InvalidPropertyException alloc] initWithFormat:@"cannot refer a EORelat" @"ionship in a EOSQLQualifier: '%@'", [(EORelationship*)object name]] raise]; } } } - (void)dealloc { RELEASE(self->relationshipPaths); RELEASE(self->additionalEntities); RELEASE(self->entity); RELEASE(self->content); [super dealloc]; } - (id)copy { return [self copyWithZone:NSDefaultMallocZone()]; } - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone*)zone { EOSQLQualifier* copy = nil; copy = [[self->isa allocWithZone:zone] init]; copy->entity = RETAIN(self->entity); copy->content = [self->content mutableCopyWithZone:zone]; copy->relationshipPaths = [self->relationshipPaths mutableCopyWithZone:zone]; copy->usesDistinct = self->usesDistinct; return copy; } - (void)negate { [self->content insertObject:@"NOT (" atIndex:0]; [self->content addObject:@")"]; } - (void)conjoinWithQualifier:(EOSQLQualifier*)qualifier { if (![qualifier isKindOfClass:[EOSQLQualifier class]]) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"argument of conjoinWithQualifier: method must " @"be EOSQLQualifier"]; } if (self->entity != qualifier->entity) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"qualifier argument of conjoinWithQualifier: " @"must have the same entity as receiver"]; } [self->content insertObject:@"(" atIndex:0]; [self->content addObject:@") AND ("]; [self->content addObjectsFromExpressionArray:qualifier->content]; [self->content addObject:@")"]; [self->relationshipPaths unionSet:qualifier->relationshipPaths]; } - (void)disjoinWithQualifier:(EOSQLQualifier*)qualifier { if (![qualifier isKindOfClass:[EOSQLQualifier class]]) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"argument of disjoinWithQualifier: method must " @"be EOSQLQualifier"]; } if (self->entity != qualifier->entity) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"qualifier argument of disjoinWithQualifier: " @"must have the same entity as receiver"]; } [self->content insertObject:@"(" atIndex:0]; [self->content addObject:@") OR ("]; [self->content addObjectsFromExpressionArray:qualifier->content]; [self->content addObject:@")"]; [self->relationshipPaths unionSet:qualifier->relationshipPaths]; } - (EOEntity*)entity { return self->entity; } - (BOOL)isEmpty { return (self->entity == nil) ? YES : NO; } - (void)setUsesDistinct:(BOOL)flag { self->usesDistinct = flag; } - (BOOL)usesDistinct { return self->usesDistinct; } - (NSMutableSet*)relationshipPaths { return self->relationshipPaths; } - (NSMutableSet*)additionalEntities { return self->additionalEntities; } - (NSString*)expressionValueForContext:(id)ctx { return [self->content expressionValueForContext:ctx]; } - (EOSQLQualifier *)sqlQualifierForEntity:(EOEntity *)_entity { NSAssert3(self->entity == _entity, @"passed invalid entity to %@ (contains %@, got %@)", self, self->entity, _entity); return (EOSQLQualifier *)self; } /* description */ - (NSString *)description { NSMutableString *ms; ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:128]; [ms appendFormat:@"<0x%08X[%@]:\n", self, NSStringFromClass([self class])]; [ms appendFormat:@" entity=%@", [self->entity name]]; if (self->content) [ms appendFormat:@" content=%@", self->content]; if (self->usesDistinct) [ms appendString:@" distinct"]; [ms appendString:@">"]; return ms; } @end /* EOSQLQualifier */