/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" @interface _DOMElementAttrNamedNodeMap : NSObject < DOMNamedNodeMap > { DOMElement *element; /* non-retained */ } - (id)initWithElement:(id)_element; - (id)objectEnumerator; - (void)invalidate; @end /* _DOMElementAttrNamedNodeMap */ @interface DOMElement(Privates) - (unsigned)_numberOfAttributes; - (id)_attributeNodeAtIndex:(unsigned)_idx; - (id)attributeNode:(NSString *)_localName; - (id)attributeNode:(NSString *)_localName namespaceURI:(NSString *)_ns; @end static NSNull *null = nil; @implementation DOMElement - (id)initWithTagName:(NSString *)_tagName namespaceURI:(NSString *)_uri { if (null == nil) null = [[NSNull null] retain]; if ((self = [super init])) { self->tagName = [_tagName copy]; self->namespaceURI = [_uri copy]; } return self; } - (id)initWithTagName:(NSString *)_tagName { return [self initWithTagName:_tagName namespaceURI:nil]; } - (void)dealloc { [self->attributes makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector(_domNodeForgetParentNode:) withObject:self]; [self->attrNodeMap invalidate]; [self->attrNodeMap release]; [self->keyToAttribute release]; [self->attributes release]; [self->tagName release]; [self->namespaceURI release]; [self->prefix release]; [super dealloc]; } /* attributes */ - (NSString *)tagName { return self->tagName; } - (void)setPrefix:(NSString *)_prefix { id old = self->prefix; self->prefix = [_prefix copy]; [old release]; } - (NSString *)prefix { return self->prefix; } - (NSString *)namespaceURI { return self->namespaceURI; } - (void)setLine:(unsigned)_line { self->line = _line; } - (unsigned)line { return self->line; } /* lookup */ - (void)_walk_getElementsByTagName:(id)_walker { id node; node = [_walker currentNode]; if ([node nodeType] != DOM_ELEMENT_NODE) return; if (![[node tagName] isEqualToString: [(NSArray *)[_walker context] objectAtIndex:0]]) /* tagname doesn't match */ return; [[(NSArray *)[_walker context] objectAtIndex:1] addObject:node]; } - (void)_walk_getElementsByTagNameAddAll:(id)_walker { id node; node = [_walker currentNode]; if ([node nodeType] != DOM_ELEMENT_NODE) return; [(NSMutableArray *)[_walker context] addObject:node]; } - (id)getElementsByTagName:(NSString *)_tagName { /* introduced in DOM2, should return a *live* list ! */ NSMutableArray *array; DOMNodePreorderWalker *walker; SEL sel; id ctx; if (![self hasChildNodes]) return nil; if (_tagName == nil) return nil; array = [NSMutableArray array]; if ([_tagName isEqualToString:@"*"]) { _tagName = nil; ctx = array; sel = @selector(_walk_getElementsByTagNameAddAll:); } else { ctx = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:_tagName, array, nil]; sel = @selector(_walk_getElementsByTagName:); } walker = [[DOMNodePreorderWalker alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:sel context:ctx]; [walker walkNode:self]; [walker release]; walker = nil; return [[array copy] autorelease]; } - (id)getElementsByTagName:(NSString *)_tagName namespaceURI:(NSString *)_uri { // TODO: implement [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd]; return nil; } /* element attributes */ - (void)_ensureAttrs { if (self->attributes == nil) self->attributes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; if (self->keyToAttribute == nil) self->keyToAttribute = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; } - (void)_attributeSetChanged { } - (unsigned)_numberOfAttributes { return [self->attributes count]; } - (id)_attributeNodeAtIndex:(unsigned)_idx { if (_idx >= [self->attributes count]) return nil; return [self->attributes objectAtIndex:_idx]; } - (id)_keyForAttribute:(id)_attrNode { return [_attrNode name]; } - (id)_nskeyForLocalName:(NSString *)attrName namespaceURI:(NSString *)nsURI { id key; if (attrName == nil) return nil; if (nsURI) { id objs[2]; objs[0] = attrName; objs[1] = nsURI; key = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:objs count:2]; } else key = attrName; return key; } - (id)_nskeyForAttribute:(id)_attrNode { NSString *attrName; if ((attrName = [_attrNode name]) == nil) { NSLog(@"WARNING: attribute %@ has no valid attribute name !", _attrNode); return nil; } return [self _nskeyForLocalName:attrName namespaceURI:[_attrNode namespaceURI]]; } - (BOOL)hasAttribute:(NSString *)_attrName { return [self hasAttribute:_attrName namespaceURI:[self namespaceURI]]; } - (void)setAttribute:(NSString *)_attrName value:(NSString *)_value { [self setAttribute:_attrName namespaceURI:[self namespaceURI] value:_value]; #if 0 // ms: ?? id node; NSAssert1(_attrName, @"invalid attribute name '%@'", _attrName); if ((node = [self->keyToAttribute objectForKey:_attrName]) == nil) { /* create new node */ node = [[self ownerDocument] createAttribute:_attrName]; } NSAssert(node, @"couldn't find/create node for attribute"); node = [self setAttributeNode:node]; [node setValue:_value]; #endif } - (id)attributeNode:(NSString *)_attrName { return [self attributeNode:_attrName namespaceURI:[self namespaceURI]]; } - (NSString *)attribute:(NSString *)_attrName { return [[self attributeNode:_attrName] value]; } - (BOOL)hasAttribute:(NSString *)_localName namespaceURI:(NSString *)_ns { id objs[2]; id key; if ([_ns isEqualToString:@"*"]) { /* match any namespace */ NSEnumerator *e; id attr; if ((attr = [self->keyToAttribute objectForKey:_localName])) return YES; e = [self->keyToAttribute keyEnumerator]; while ((key = [e nextObject])) { if ([key isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { if ([[key objectAtIndex:0] isEqualToString:_localName]) return YES; } } return NO; } objs[0] = _localName; objs[1] = _ns ? _ns : (id)null; key = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:objs count:2]; return [self->keyToAttribute objectForKey:key] ? YES : NO; } - (void)setAttribute:(NSString *)_localName namespaceURI:(NSString *)_ns value:(NSString *)_value { id key; id node; key = [self _nskeyForLocalName:_localName namespaceURI:_ns]; NSAssert2(key, @"invalid (ns-)attribute name localName='%@', uri='%@'", _localName, _ns); if ((node = [self->keyToAttribute objectForKey:key]) == nil) { /* create new node */ node = [[self ownerDocument] createAttribute:_localName namespaceURI:_ns]; } NSAssert(node, @"couldn't find/create node for attribute"); node = [self setAttributeNodeNS:node]; [node setValue:_value]; } - (id)attributeNode:(NSString *)_localName namespaceURI:(NSString *)_ns { id objs[2]; id key; if ([_ns isEqualToString:@"*"]) { /* match any namespace */ NSEnumerator *e; id attr; if ((attr = [self->keyToAttribute objectForKey:_localName])) return attr; e = [self->keyToAttribute keyEnumerator]; while ((key = [e nextObject])) { if ([key isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { if ([[key objectAtIndex:0] isEqualToString:_localName]) return [self->keyToAttribute objectForKey:key]; } } return nil; } objs[0] = _localName; objs[1] = _ns ? _ns : (id)null; key = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:objs count:2]; return [self->keyToAttribute objectForKey:key]; } - (NSString *)attribute:(NSString *)_localName namespaceURI:(NSString *)_ns { return [[self attributeNode:_localName namespaceURI:_ns] value]; } - (id)setAttributeNodeNS:(id)_attrNode { id key, oldNode; if (_attrNode == nil) /* invalid node parameters */ return nil; if ((key = [self _nskeyForAttribute:_attrNode]) == nil) /* couldn't get key */ return nil; [self _ensureAttrs]; /* check if the key is already added */ if ((oldNode = [self->keyToAttribute objectForKey:key])) { if (oldNode == _attrNode) { /* already contained */ // NSLog(@"node is already set !"); return _attrNode; } /* replace existing node */ [self->attributes replaceObjectAtIndex: [self->attributes indexOfObject:oldNode] withObject:_attrNode]; [self->keyToAttribute setObject:_attrNode forKey:key]; [_attrNode _domNodeRegisterParentNode:self]; [self _attributeSetChanged]; return _attrNode; } else { /* add node */ NSAssert(self->keyToAttribute, @"missing keyToAttribute"); NSAssert(self->attributes, @"missing attrs"); [self->keyToAttribute setObject:_attrNode forKey:key]; [self->attributes addObject:_attrNode]; [_attrNode _domNodeRegisterParentNode:self]; [self _attributeSetChanged]; // NSLog(@"added attr %@, elem %@", _attrNode, self); return _attrNode; } } - (void)removeAttribute:(NSString *)_attr namespaceURI:(NSString *)_uri { id node; id key; key = [self _nskeyForLocalName:_attr namespaceURI:_uri]; NSAssert2(key, @"invalid (ns-)attribute name '%@', '%@'", _attr, _uri); node = [self->keyToAttribute objectForKey:key]; [self removeAttributeNodeNS:node]; } - (id)removeAttributeNodeNS:(id)_attrNode { id key, oldNode; if (_attrNode == nil) /* invalid node parameters */ return nil; if (self->attributes == nil) /* no attributes are set up */ return nil; if ((key = [self _nskeyForAttribute:_attrNode]) == nil) /* couldn't get key for node */ return nil; if ((oldNode = [self->keyToAttribute objectForKey:key])) { /* the node's key exists */ if (oldNode != _attrNode) { /* the node has the same key, but isn't the same */ return nil; } /* ok, found the node, let's remove ! */ [[_attrNode retain] autorelease]; [self->keyToAttribute removeObjectForKey:key]; [self->attributes removeObjectIdenticalTo:_attrNode]; [_attrNode _domNodeForgetParentNode:self]; [self _attributeSetChanged]; return _attrNode; } else /* no such attribute is stored */ return nil; } - (id)setAttributeNode:(id)_attrNode { [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd]; return nil; } - (id)removeAttributeNode:(id)_attrNode { [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd]; return nil; } - (void)removeAttribute:(NSString *)_attr { id node; NSAssert1(_attr, @"invalid attribute name '%@'", _attr); node = [self->keyToAttribute objectForKey:_attr]; [self removeAttributeNode:node]; } /* node */ - (BOOL)_isValidChildNode:(id)_node { switch ([_node nodeType]) { case DOM_ELEMENT_NODE: case DOM_TEXT_NODE: case DOM_COMMENT_NODE: case DOM_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: case DOM_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case DOM_ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: return YES; default: return NO; } } - (DOMNodeType)nodeType { return DOM_ELEMENT_NODE; } - (id)attributes { /* returns a named-node-map */ if (self->attrNodeMap == nil) { self->attrNodeMap = [[_DOMElementAttrNamedNodeMap alloc] initWithElement:self]; } return self->attrNodeMap; } /* parent node */ - (void)_domNodeRegisterParentNode:(id)_parent { self->parent = _parent; } - (void)_domNodeForgetParentNode:(id)_parent { if (_parent == self->parent) /* the node's parent was deallocated */ self->parent = nil; } - (id)parentNode { return self->parent; } /* description */ - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<0x%08X[%@]: name=%@ parent=%@ #attrs=%i #children=%i>", self, NSStringFromClass([self class]), [self nodeName], [[self parentNode] nodeName], [self _numberOfAttributes], [self hasChildNodes] ? [[self childNodes] length] : 0]; } @end /* DOMElement */ @implementation DOMElement(QPValues) - (NSException *)setQueryPathValue:(id)_value { return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"QueryPathEvalException" reason:@"cannot set query-path value on DOMElement !" userInfo:nil]; } - (id)queryPathValue { return [self childNodes]; } @end /* DOMElement(QPValues) */ @implementation _DOMElementAttrNamedNodeMap - (id)initWithElement:(id)_element { self->element = _element; return self; } - (void)invalidate { self->element = nil; } static inline void _checkValid(_DOMElementAttrNamedNodeMap *self) { if (self->element == nil) { NSCAssert(self->element, @"named node map is invalid (element was deallocated) !"); } } /* access */ static NSString *_XNSUri(NSString *_name) { NSRange r1; if (![_name hasPrefix:@"{"]) return nil; r1 = [_name rangeOfString:@"}"]; if (r1.length == 0) return nil; r1.length = (r1.location - 2); r1.location = 1; return [_name substringWithRange:r1]; } static NSString *_XNSLocalName(NSString *_name) { NSRange r; r = [_name rangeOfString:@"}"]; return r.length == 0 ? _name : [_name substringFromIndex:(r.location + r.length)]; } - (unsigned)length { _checkValid(self); return [self->element _numberOfAttributes]; } - (id)objectAtIndex:(unsigned)_idx { _checkValid(self); return [self->element _attributeNodeAtIndex:_idx]; } - (id)namedItem:(NSString *)_name { NSString *nsuri; _checkValid(self); if ((nsuri = _XNSUri(_name))) return [self namedItem:_XNSLocalName(_name) namespaceURI:nsuri]; return [self->element attributeNode:_name]; } - (id)setNamedItem:(id)_node { _checkValid(self); return [self->element setAttributeNode:_node]; } - (id)removeNamedItem:(NSString *)_name { NSString *nsuri; id node; _checkValid(self); if ((nsuri = _XNSUri(_name))) return [self removeNamedItem:_XNSLocalName(_name) namespaceURI:nsuri]; if ((node = [self->element attributeNode:_name])) { node = [node retain]; [self->element removeAttribute:_name]; return [node autorelease]; } else return nil; } /* DOM2 access */ - (id)namedItem:(NSString *)_name namespaceURI:(NSString *)_uri { return [self->element attributeNode:_name namespaceURI:_uri]; } - (id)setNamedItemNS:(id)_node { _checkValid(self); return [self->element setAttributeNodeNS:_node]; } - (id)removeNamedItem:(NSString *)_name namespaceURI:(NSString *)_uri { id node; _checkValid(self); if ((node = [self->element attributeNode:_name namespaceURI:_uri])) { node = [node retain]; [self->element removeAttribute:_name namespaceURI:_uri]; return [node autorelease]; } else return nil; } /* mimic NSArray */ - (unsigned)count { _checkValid(self); return [self->element _numberOfAttributes]; } - (id)objectEnumerator { NSMutableArray *ma; unsigned i, count; _checkValid(self); if ((count = [self->element _numberOfAttributes]) == 0) return nil; ma = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:count]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) [ma addObject:[self->element _attributeNodeAtIndex:i]]; return [ma objectEnumerator]; } /* mimic NSDictionary */ - (void)setObject:(id)_value forKey:(id)_key { _checkValid(self); [self takeValue:_value forKey:[_key stringValue]]; } - (id)objectForKey:(id)_key { _checkValid(self); return [self valueForKey:[_key stringValue]]; } /* KVC */ - (void)takeValue:(id)_value forKey:(NSString *)_key { id node; _checkValid(self); if ((node = [self->element attributeNode:_key namespaceURI:@"*"])) { [node setValue:[_value stringValue]]; } else { [self->element setAttribute:_key namespaceURI:@"xhtml" value:[_value stringValue]]; } } - (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)_key { id v; _checkValid(self); if ((v = [self namedItem:_key])) return [v value]; if ((v = [self namedItem:_key namespaceURI:@"*"])) return [v value]; return nil; } /* JSSupport */ - (id)_jsprop_length { return [NSNumber numberWithInt:[self length]]; } - (id)_jsfunc_item:(NSArray *)_args { unsigned count; if ((count = [_args count]) == 0) return nil; return [self objectAtIndex:[[_args objectAtIndex:0] intValue]]; } - (id)_jsfunc_getNamedItem:(NSArray *)_args { unsigned count; if ((count = [_args count]) == 0) return nil; return [self namedItem:[[_args objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]]; } - (id)_jsfunc_getNamedItemNS:(NSArray *)_args { unsigned count; if ((count = [_args count]) == 0) return nil; if (count == 1) return [self namedItem:[[_args objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]]; else { return [self namedItem:[[_args objectAtIndex:1] stringValue] namespaceURI:[[_args objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]]; } } - (id)_jsfunc_setNamedItem:(NSArray *)_args { unsigned i, count; id last = nil; for (i = 0, count = [_args count]; i < count; i++) last = [self setNamedItem:[_args objectAtIndex:i]]; return last; } - (id)_jsfunc_setNamedItemNS:(NSArray *)_args { unsigned i, count; id last = nil; for (i = 0, count = [_args count]; i < count; i++) last = [self setNamedItemNS:[_args objectAtIndex:i]]; return last; } - (id)_jsfunc_removeNamedItem:(NSArray *)_args { unsigned count; if ((count = [_args count]) == 0) return nil; return [self namedItem:[[_args objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]]; } - (id)_jsfunc_removeNamedItemNS:(NSArray *)_args { unsigned count; if ((count = [_args count]) == 0) return nil; if (count == 1) return [self removeNamedItem:[[_args objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]]; else { return [self removeNamedItem:[[_args objectAtIndex:1] stringValue] namespaceURI:[[_args objectAtIndex:0] stringValue]]; } } /* description */ - (NSString *)description { NSMutableString *ms; NSEnumerator *e; id attr; ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:1024]; [ms appendFormat:@"<0x%08X[%@]:", self, NSStringFromClass([self class])]; [ms appendFormat:@" element=%@", self->element]; [ms appendString:@" attributes:\n"]; e = [self objectEnumerator]; while ((attr = [e nextObject])) { [ms appendString:[attr description]]; [ms appendString:@"\n"]; } [ms appendString:@">"]; return ms; } @end /* _DOMElementAttrNamedNodeMap */