/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "DOMSaxHandler.h" #include "DOMImplementation.h" #include "DOMDocument.h" #include "DOMElement.h" #include "common.h" #include @interface NSObject(LineInfoProtocol) - (void)setLine:(int)_line; @end @implementation DOMSaxHandler static BOOL printErrors = NO; - (id)initWithDOMImplementation:(id)_domImpl { if ((self = [super init])) { self->dom = [_domImpl retain]; self->maxErrorCount = 100; // this also includes NPSOBJ in HTML ! } return self; } - (id)init { static id idom = nil; if (idom == nil) idom = [[DOMImplementation alloc] init]; return [self initWithDOMImplementation:idom]; } - (void)dealloc { [self->document release]; [self->dom release]; [self->locator release]; [self->fatals release]; [self->errors release]; [self->warnings release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)setDocumentLocator:(id)_loc { ASSIGN(self->locator, _loc); } - (id)document { return self->document; } - (void)clear { ASSIGN(self->document, (id)nil); [self->fatals removeAllObjects]; [self->errors removeAllObjects]; [self->warnings removeAllObjects]; self->errorCount = 0; } - (int)errorCount { return self->errorCount; } - (int)fatalErrorCount { return [self->fatals count]; } - (int)warningCount { return [self->warnings count]; } - (int)maxErrorCount { return self->maxErrorCount; } - (NSArray *)warnings { return [[self->warnings copy] autorelease]; } - (NSArray *)errors { return [[self->errors copy] autorelease]; } - (NSArray *)fatalErrors { return [[self->fatals copy] autorelease]; } /* attributes */ - (id)_nodeForSaxAttrWithName:(NSString *)_name namespace:(NSString *)_uri rawName:(NSString *)_rawName type:(NSString *)_saxType value:(NSString *)_saxValue { id attr; NSString *nsPrefix; attr = [self->document createAttribute:_name namespaceURI:_uri]; if (attr == nil) return nil; nsPrefix = nil; if (_uri) { NSRange r; r = [_rawName rangeOfString:@":"]; if (r.length > 0) nsPrefix = [_rawName substringToIndex:r.location]; } if (nsPrefix) [attr setPrefix:nsPrefix]; /* add content to attribute */ if ([_saxType isEqualToString:@"CDATA"] || (_saxType == nil)) { id content; NSAssert(self->document, @"missing document object"); if ((content = [self->document createTextNode:_saxValue])) [attr appendChild:content]; else NSLog(@"couldn't create text node !"); } else NSLog(@"unsupported sax attr type '%@' !", _saxType); return attr; } /* document */ - (void)startDocument { id docType; [self->document release]; self->document = nil; self->errorCount = 0; self->tagDepth = 0; docType = [self->dom createDocumentType:nil publicId:[self->locator publicId] systemId:[self->locator systemId]]; self->document = [self->dom createDocumentWithName:nil namespaceURI:nil documentType:docType]; self->document = [self->document retain]; //NSLog(@"started doc: %@", self->document); self->currentElement = self->document; } - (void)endDocument { self->currentElement = nil; } - (void)startPrefixMapping:(NSString *)_prefix uri:(NSString *)_uri { //printf("ns-map: %s=%s\n", [_prefix cString], [_uri cString]); } - (void)endPrefixMapping:(NSString *)_prefix { //printf("ns-unmap: %s\n", [_prefix cString]); } - (void)startElement:(NSString *)_localName namespace:(NSString *)_ns rawName:(NSString *)_rawName attributes:(id)_attrs { id elem; NSString *nsPrefix; self->tagDepth++; elem = [self->document createElement:_localName namespaceURI:_ns]; if (elem == nil) { NSLog(@"%s: couldn't create element for tag '%@'", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _rawName); return; } if ([elem respondsToSelector:@selector(setLine:)]) [elem setLine:[self->locator lineNumber]]; if (_ns) { NSRange r; r = [_rawName rangeOfString:@":"]; nsPrefix = (r.length > 0) ? [_rawName substringToIndex:r.location] : nil; } else nsPrefix = nil; if (nsPrefix) [elem setPrefix:nsPrefix]; NSAssert(self->currentElement, @"no current element !"); [self->currentElement appendChild:elem]; self->currentElement = elem; /* process attributes */ { unsigned i, count; for (i = 0, count = [_attrs count]; i < count; i++) { id attr; // NSLog(@"attr %@", [_attrs nameAtIndex:i]); attr = [self _nodeForSaxAttrWithName:[_attrs nameAtIndex:i] namespace:[_attrs uriAtIndex:i] rawName:[_attrs rawNameAtIndex:i] type:[_attrs typeAtIndex:i] value:[_attrs valueAtIndex:i]]; if (attr == nil) { NSLog(@"couldn't create attribute for SAX attr %@, element %@", attr, elem); continue; } /* add node to element */ if ([elem setAttributeNodeNS:attr] == nil) NSLog(@"couldn't add attribute %@ to element %@", attr, elem); } } } - (void)endElement:(NSString *)_localName namespace:(NSString *)_ns rawName:(NSString *)_rawName { id parent; parent = [self->currentElement parentNode]; #if DEBUG NSAssert1(parent, @"no parent for current element %@ !", self->currentElement); #endif self->currentElement = parent; self->tagDepth--; } - (void)characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len { id charNode; NSString *data; data = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters:_chars length:_len]; charNode = [self->document createTextNode:data]; [data release]; data = nil; [self->currentElement appendChild:charNode]; } - (void)ignorableWhitespace:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len { } - (void)processingInstruction:(NSString *)_pi data:(NSString *)_data { id piNode; piNode = [self->document createProcessingInstruction:_pi data:_data]; [self->currentElement appendChild:piNode]; } #if 0 - (xmlEntityPtr)getEntity:(NSString *)_name { NSLog(@"get entity %@", _name); return NULL; } - (xmlEntityPtr)getParameterEntity:(NSString *)_name { NSLog(@"get para entity %@", _name); return NULL; } #endif /* lexical handler */ - (void)comment:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len { id commentNode; NSString *data; if (_len == 0) return; data = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters:_chars length:_len]; commentNode = [self->document createComment:data]; [data release]; data = nil; [self->currentElement appendChild:commentNode]; } - (void)startDTD:(NSString *)_name publicId:(NSString *)_pub systemId:(NSString *)_sys { self->inDTD = YES; } - (void)endDTD { self->inDTD = NO; } - (void)startCDATA { self->inCDATA = YES; } - (void)endCDATA { self->inCDATA = NO; } /* entities */ - (id)resolveEntityWithPublicId:(NSString *)_pubId systemId:(NSString *)_sysId { NSLog(@"shall resolve entity with '%@' '%@'", _pubId, _sysId); return nil; } /* errors */ - (void)warning:(SaxParseException *)_exception { NSString *sysId; int line; sysId = [[_exception userInfo] objectForKey:@"systemId"]; line = [[[_exception userInfo] objectForKey:@"line"] intValue]; NSLog(@"DOM XML WARNING(%@:%i): %@", sysId, line, [_exception reason]); if (self->warnings == nil) self->warnings = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:32]; if (_exception) [self->warnings addObject:_exception]; } - (void)error:(SaxParseException *)_exception { self->errorCount++; if (printErrors) { NSString *sysId; int line; sysId = [[_exception userInfo] objectForKey:@"systemId"]; line = [[[_exception userInfo] objectForKey:@"line"] intValue]; NSLog(@"DOM XML ERROR(%@:%i[%@]): %@ (errcount=%i,max=%i)", sysId, line, [[_exception userInfo] objectForKey:@"parser"], [_exception reason], self->errorCount, self->maxErrorCount); } if (self->errors == nil) self->errors = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:32]; if (_exception) [self->errors addObject:_exception]; } - (void)fatalError:(SaxParseException *)_exception { NSString *sysId; int line; sysId = [[_exception userInfo] objectForKey:@"systemId"]; line = [[[_exception userInfo] objectForKey:@"line"] intValue]; NSLog(@"DOM XML FATAL(%@:%i[%@]): %@", sysId, line, [[_exception userInfo] objectForKey:@"parser"], [_exception reason]); if (self->fatals == nil) self->fatals = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:32]; if (_exception) [self->fatals addObject:_exception]; [_exception raise]; } /* DTD */ - (void)notationDeclaration:(NSString *)_name publicId:(NSString *)_pubId systemId:(NSString *)_sysId { NSLog(@"decl: notation %@ pub=%@ sys=%@", _name, _pubId, _sysId); } - (void)unparsedEntityDeclaration:(NSString *)_name publicId:(NSString *)_pubId systemId:(NSString *)_sysId notationName:(NSString *)_notName { NSLog(@"decl: unparsed entity %@ pub=%@ sys=%@ not=%@", _name, _pubId, _sysId, _notName); } /* decl */ - (void)attributeDeclaration:(NSString *)_attributeName elementName:(NSString *)_elementName type:(NSString *)_type defaultType:(NSString *)_defType defaultValue:(NSString *)_defValue { NSLog(@"decl: attr %@[%@] type '%@' default '%@'[%@]", _attributeName, _elementName, _type, _defValue, _defType); } - (void)elementDeclaration:(NSString *)_name contentModel:(NSString *)_model { NSLog(@"decl: element %@ model %@", _name, _model); } - (void)externalEntityDeclaration:(NSString *)_name publicId:(NSString *)_pub systemId:(NSString *)_sys { NSLog(@"decl: e-entity %@ pub %@ sys %@", _name, _pub, _sys); } - (void)internalEntityDeclaration:(NSString *)_name value:(NSString *)_value { NSLog(@"decl: i-entity %@ value %@", _name, _value); } @end /* DOMSaxHandler */ @implementation DOMSaxHandler(SubHandler) - (unsigned)tagDepth { return self->tagDepth; } - (id)object { return [self document]; } - (void)setNamespaces:(NSString *)_namespaces { // not yet implemented } @end /* DOMSaxHandler(SubHandler) */