/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include "NGXmlRpcClient.h" #include "common.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include @interface NSString(DigestInfo) - (NSDictionary *)parseHTTPDigestInfo; @end @implementation NGXmlRpcClient + (int)version { return 2; } - (Class)connectionClass { return [WOHTTPConnection class]; } - (Class)requestClass { return [WORequest class]; } - (id)initWithHost:(NSString *)_h uri:(NSString *)_u port:(unsigned int)_port { if ((self = [super init])) { self->httpConnection = [[[self connectionClass] alloc] initWithHost:_h onPort:_port]; self->uri = [_u copy]; } return self; } - (id)initWithHost:(NSString *)_host // e.g. @"inster.in.skyrix.com" uri:(NSString *)_uri // e.g. @"skyxmlrpc.woa/xmlrpc" port:(unsigned int)_port // e.g. 20000 userName:(NSString *)_userName password:(NSString *)_password { if ((self = [self initWithHost:_host uri:_uri port:_port])) { self->userName = [_userName copy]; self->password = [_password copy]; } return self; } - (id)initWithURL:(id)_url { NSURL *url; url = [_url isKindOfClass:[NSURL class]] ? _url : [NSURL URLWithString:[_url stringValue]]; if (url == nil) { [self release]; return nil; } if ((self = [super init])) { self->httpConnection = [[[self connectionClass] alloc] initWithURL:url]; if ([[url scheme] hasPrefix:@"http"]) self->uri = [[url path] copy]; else /* hack for easier XMLRPC-over-Unix-Domain-sockets */ self->uri = @"/RPC2"; self->userName = [[url user] copy]; self->password = [[url password] copy]; } return self; } - (id)initWithURL:(id)_url login:(NSString *)_login password:(NSString *)_pwd { if ((self = [self initWithURL:_url])) { if (_login) [self setUserName:_login]; if (_pwd) [self setPassword:_pwd]; } return self; } - (id)initWithRawAddress:(id)_address { if (_address == nil) { [self release]; return nil; } if ((self = [super init])) { self->address = [_address retain]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->additionalHeaders release]; [self->address release]; [self->httpConnection release]; [self->userName release]; [self->password release]; [self->uri release]; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (NSURL *)url { NSString *p; NSURL *url; // TODO: not final yet ... (hh asks: bjoern, is this used anywhere anyway ?) p = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"http://%@:%i%@", @"localhost", 80, self->uri]; url = [NSURL URLWithString:p]; [p release]; return url; } - (void)setUserName:(NSString *)_userName { ASSIGNCOPY(self->userName, _userName); } - (NSString *)userName { return self->userName; } - (NSString *)login { return self->userName; } - (void)setPassword:(NSString *)_password { ASSIGNCOPY(self->password, _password); } - (NSString *)password { return self->password; } - (void)setUri:(NSString *)_uri { ASSIGNCOPY(self->uri, _uri); } - (NSString *)uri { return self->uri; } - (void)setAdditionalHeaders:(NSDictionary *)_headers { ASSIGNCOPY(self->additionalHeaders, _headers); } - (NSDictionary *)additionalHeaders { return self->additionalHeaders; } /* performing the method */ - (id)invokeMethodNamed:(NSString *)_methodName { return [self invokeMethodNamed:_methodName parameters:nil]; } - (id)invokeMethodNamed:(NSString *)_methodName withParameter:(id)_param { NSArray *params = nil; if (_param) params = [NSArray arrayWithObject:_param]; return [self invokeMethodNamed:_methodName parameters:params]; } - (id)invoke:(NSString *)_methodName params:(id)firstObj,... { id array, obj, *objects; va_list list; unsigned int count; va_start(list, firstObj); for (count = 0, obj = firstObj; obj; obj = va_arg(list,id)) count++; va_end(list); objects = calloc(count, sizeof(id)); { va_start(list, firstObj); for (count = 0, obj = firstObj; obj; obj = va_arg(list,id)) objects[count++] = obj; va_end(list); array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:objects count:count]; } free(objects); return [self invokeMethodNamed:_methodName parameters:array]; } - (id)call:(NSString *)_methodName,... { id array, obj, *objects; va_list list; unsigned int count; va_start(list, _methodName); for (count = 0, obj = va_arg(list, id); obj; obj = va_arg(list,id)) count++; va_end(list); objects = calloc(count, sizeof(id)); { va_start(list, _methodName); for (count = 0, obj = va_arg(list, id); obj; obj = va_arg(list,id)) objects[count++] = obj; va_end(list); array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:objects count:count]; } free(objects); return [self invokeMethodNamed:_methodName parameters:array]; } - (NSString *)_authorization { NSString *tmp = nil; if (self->userName == nil) return nil; if (self->digestInfo) { [self logWithFormat:@"need to construct digest authentication using %@", self->digestInfo]; return nil; } tmp = @""; tmp = [tmp stringByAppendingString:self->userName]; tmp = [tmp stringByAppendingString:@":"]; if (self->password) tmp = [tmp stringByAppendingString:self->password]; if (tmp != nil) { tmp = [tmp stringByEncodingBase64]; tmp = [@"Basic " stringByAppendingString:tmp]; } return tmp; } - (id)sendFailed:(NSException *)e { if (e) return e; else { return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"XmlRpcSendFailed" reason: @"unknown reason, no exception set in " @"http-connection" userInfo:nil]; } } - (id)callFailed:(WOResponse *)_response { NSException *exc; NSString *r; NSDictionary *ui; #if 0 NSLog(@"%s: XML-RPC response status: %i", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [_response status]); #endif /* construct exception */ r = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"call failed with HTTP status code %i", [_response status]]; ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: self, @"NGXmlRpcClient", _response, @"WOResponse", [NSNumber numberWithInt:[_response status]], @"HTTPStatusCode", nil]; exc = [NSException exceptionWithName:@"XmlRpcCallFailed" reason:r userInfo:ui]; return exc; } - (id)invalidXmlRpcResponse:(WOResponse *)_response { return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"XmlRpcCallFailed" reason:@"got malformed XML-RPC response?!" userInfo:nil]; } - (id)processHTMLResponse:(WOResponse *)_response { NSDictionary *ui; if (_response == nil) return nil; [self debugWithFormat:@"Note: got HTML response: %@", _response]; ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: _response, @"response", nil]; return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"XmlRpcCallFailed" reason:@"got HTML response" userInfo:ui]; } - (id)doCallViaHTTP:(XmlRpcMethodCall *)_call { XmlRpcMethodResponse *methodResponse; WOResponse *response; WORequest *request; NSString *authorization, *ctype; request = [[[self requestClass] alloc] initWithMethod:@"POST" uri:self->uri httpVersion:@"HTTP/1.0" headers:self->additionalHeaders content:nil userInfo:nil]; [request setHeader:@"text/xml" forKey:@"content-type"]; [request setContentEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [request appendContentString:[_call xmlRpcString]]; request = [request autorelease]; if ((authorization = [self _authorization]) != nil) [request setHeader:authorization forKey:@"Authorization"]; if (![self->httpConnection sendRequest:request]) return [self sendFailed:[self->httpConnection lastException]]; response = [self->httpConnection readResponse]; [self->digestInfo release]; self->digestInfo = nil; if ([response status] != 200) { if ([response status] == 401 /* authentication required */) { /* process info required for digest authentication */ NSString *wwwauth; wwwauth = [response headerForKey:@"www-authenticate"]; if ([[wwwauth lowercaseString] hasPrefix:@"digest"]) { self->digestInfo = [[wwwauth parseHTTPDigestInfo] retain]; //[self debugWithFormat:@"got HTTP digest info: %@", self->digestInfo]; } } return [self callFailed:response]; } if ((ctype = [response headerForKey:@"content-type"]) == nil) ctype = @"text/xml"; // TODO, does it make sense? For simplistic servers? if ([ctype hasPrefix:@"text/html"]) return [self processHTMLResponse:response]; methodResponse = [[XmlRpcMethodResponse alloc] initWithXmlRpcString: [response contentAsString]]; if (methodResponse == nil) return [self invalidXmlRpcResponse:response]; return [methodResponse autorelease]; } - (id)doRawCall:(XmlRpcMethodCall *)_call { XmlRpcMethodResponse *methodResponse; NGActiveSocket *socket; NGBufferedStream *io; NSString *s; NSData *rq; /* get body for XML-RPC request */ if ((s = [_call xmlRpcString]) == nil) return nil; if ((rq = [s dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]) == nil) return nil; /* connect */ // TODO: add timeout values socket = [NGActiveSocket socketConnectedToAddress:self->address]; if (socket == nil) { [self logWithFormat:@"could not connect %@", self->address]; return [self sendFailed:nil]; } io = [NGBufferedStream filterWithSource:socket bufferSize:4096]; /* write body + \r\n\r\n */ if (![io writeData:rq]) return [self sendFailed:[io lastException]]; if (![io safeWriteBytes:"\r\n\r\n" count:4]) return [self sendFailed:[io lastException]]; if (![io flush]) return [self sendFailed:[io lastException]]; /* read response */ { NSMutableData *data; NSString *s; data = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:1024]; do { unsigned readCount; unsigned char buf[1024 + 10]; readCount = [io readBytes:&buf count:1024]; if (readCount == NGStreamError) { NSException *e; if ((e = [io lastException]) == nil) break; else if ([e isKindOfClass:[NGEndOfStreamException class]]) break; else /* an error */ return [self sendFailed:e]; } buf[readCount] = '\0'; [data appendBytes:buf length:readCount]; } while (YES); s = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; methodResponse = [[XmlRpcMethodResponse alloc] initWithXmlRpcString:s]; [s release]; } [io close]; return [methodResponse autorelease]; } - (id)invokeMethodNamed:(NSString *)_methodName parameters:(NSArray *)_params { XmlRpcMethodCall *methodCall; id result; methodCall = [[XmlRpcMethodCall alloc] initWithMethodName:_methodName parameters:_params]; if (self->httpConnection) result = [self doCallViaHTTP:methodCall]; else result = [self doRawCall:methodCall]; [methodCall release]; methodCall = nil; if ([result isKindOfClass:[XmlRpcMethodResponse class]]) result = [result result]; if (result == nil) [self logWithFormat:@"got nil value from XML-RPC ..."]; return result; } @end /* NGXmlRpcClient */ @implementation NSString(DigestInfo) - (NSDictionary *)parseHTTPDigestInfo { /* eg: www-authenticate: Digest realm="RCD", \ nonce="1572920321042107679", \ qop="auth,auth-int", \ algorithm="MD5,MD5-sess" */ NSMutableDictionary *md; NSEnumerator *parts; NSString *part; md = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:8]; /* TODO: fix this parser, it only works if the components of the header value are separated using ", " and the component *values* are separated by a "," (not followed by a space). Works with rcd, probably with nothing else ... */ parts = [[self componentsSeparatedByString:@", "] objectEnumerator]; while ((part = [parts nextObject])) { NSRange r; NSString *key, *value; r = [part rangeOfString:@"="]; if (r.length == 0) continue; key = [[part substringToIndex:r.location] stringByTrimmingSpaces]; value = [[part substringFromIndex:(r.location + r.length)] stringByTrimmingSpaces]; //[self logWithFormat:@"key '%@' value '%@'", key, value]; if ([value hasPrefix:@"\""] && [value hasSuffix:@"\""]) { r.location = 1; r.length = [value length] - 2; value = [value substringWithRange:r]; } //[self logWithFormat:@"key '%@' value '%@'", key, value]; [md setObject:value forKey:[key lowercaseString]]; } return md; } @end /* NSString(DigestInfo) */