/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include @class NSMutableArray, NSCalendarDate; #define MatrixSize 42 @interface WEMonthOverview : WODynamicElement { WOAssociation *list; // list of appointments WOAssociation *item; // current item in list WOAssociation *index; // index of current element WOAssociation *identifier; // unique identifier for current item WOAssociation *currentDay; // current day, e.g. 31.Aug, 1.Sep, 2.Sep, ... WOAssociation *year; // year WOAssociation *month; // month WOAssociation *timeZone; // timeZone WOAssociation *firstDay; // 0 - Sunday .. 6 - Saturday (default:1) WOAssociation *tableTags; // make table tags WOAssociation *startDateKey; WOAssociation *endDateKey; WOAssociation *labelStyle; // style sheet classes WOAssociation *contentStyle; WOAssociation *labelColor; WOAssociation *contentColor; @private NSMutableArray *matrix[MatrixSize]; struct { int firstDisplayedDay; // first day to be displayed Sun 0 .. Sat 6 int weeks; // number of weeks to display NSCalendarDate *start; // reference date in matrix } matrixInfo; WOElement *template; // extra attributes forwarded to table data } @end /* WEMonthOverview */ @interface WEMonthLabel : WODynamicElement { WOAssociation *orientation; // left/top | top | right/top | right | right/bottom | bottom | left/bottom // left | header WOAssociation *dayOfWeek; // set if orientation is top or bottom WOAssociation *weekOfYear; // set if orientation is left or right WOAssociation *colspan; // set if orientation is header WOElement *template; } @end /* WEMonthLabel */ @interface WEMonthTitle : WODynamicElement { WOElement *template; } @end /* WEMonthTitle */ #include "WEContextConditional.h" #include /* needed for floor() */ #include "common.h" static NSString *WEMonthOverview_InfoMode = @"WEMonthOverview_InfoMode"; static NSString *WEMonthOverview_ContentMode = @"WEMonthOverview_ContentMode"; #define SecondsPerDay (24 * 60 * 60) @interface WOContext(WEMonthOverview) - (void)setupMonthOverviewContextWithValue:(id)_value forKey:(NSString *)_key; - (void)setupMonthOverviewContextForQueryMode; - (void)setupMonthOverviewContextWithOrientation:(NSString *)_orient; - (void)tearDownMonthOverviewContext; - (NSDictionary *)monthOverviewContext; - (NSMutableArray *)monthOverviewQueryObjects; - (void)enableMonthOverviewInfoMode; - (void)disableMonthOverviewInfoMode; - (void)enableMonthOverviewContentMode; - (void)disableMonthOverviewContentMode; @end @implementation WOContext(WEMonthOverview) - (void)setupMonthOverviewContextWithValue:(id)_value forKey:(NSString *)_key { NSDictionary *d; d = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects:&_value forKeys:&_key count:1]; [self setObject:d forKey:@"WEMonthOverview"]; [d release]; } - (void)setupMonthOverviewContextForQueryMode { NSDictionary *d; d = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:4], @"query",nil]; [self setObject:d forKey:@"WEMonthOverview"]; [d release]; } - (void)setupMonthOverviewContextWithOrientation:(NSString *)_orient { NSDictionary *d; d = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:@"--", _orient, nil]; [self setObject:d forKey:@"WEMonthOverview"]; [d release]; } - (void)tearDownMonthOverviewContext { [self removeObjectForKey:@"WEMonthOverview"]; } - (NSDictionary *)monthOverviewContext { return [self objectForKey:@"WEMonthOverview"]; } - (NSArray *)monthOverviewQueryObjects { return [[self monthOverviewContext] valueForKey:@"query"]; } - (void)enableMonthOverviewInfoMode { [self setObject:@"YES" forKey:WEMonthOverview_InfoMode]; } - (void)disableMonthOverviewInfoMode { [self removeObjectForKey:WEMonthOverview_InfoMode]; } - (void)enableMonthOverviewContentMode { [self setObject:@"YES" forKey:WEMonthOverview_ContentMode]; } - (void)disableMonthOverviewContentMode { [self removeObjectForKey:WEMonthOverview_ContentMode]; } @end /* WOContext(WEMonthOverview) */ @implementation WEMonthOverview static Class StrClass = nil; + (void)initialize { if (StrClass == Nil) StrClass = [NSString class]; } static NSString *retStrForInt(int i) { switch(i) { case 0: return @"0"; case 1: return @"1"; case 2: return @"2"; case 3: return @"3"; case 4: return @"4"; case 5: return @"5"; case 6: return @"6"; case 7: return @"7"; case 8: return @"8"; case 9: return @"9"; case 10: return @"10"; // TODO: find useful count! default: { unsigned char buf[32]; sprintf(buf, "%i", i); return [[StrClass alloc] initWithCString:buf]; } } } - (id)initWithName:(NSString *)_name associations:(NSDictionary*)_config template:(WOElement *)_t { if ((self = [super initWithName:_name associations:_config template:_t])) { self->list = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"list"); self->item = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"item"); self->index = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"index"); self->identifier = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"identifier"); self->currentDay = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"currentDay"); self->year = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"year"); self->month = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"month"); self->timeZone = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"timeZone"); self->firstDay = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"firstDay"); self->tableTags = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"tableTags"); self->startDateKey = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"startDateKey"); self->endDateKey = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"endDateKey"); self->labelStyle = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"labelStyle"); self->contentStyle = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"contentStyle"); self->labelColor = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"labelColor"); self->contentColor = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"contentColor"); if (self->startDateKey == nil) { self->startDateKey = [[WOAssociation associationWithValue:@"startDate"] retain]; } if (self->endDateKey == nil) { self->endDateKey = [[WOAssociation associationWithValue:@"endDate"] retain]; } self->template = [_t retain]; } return self; } - (void)resetMatrix { int i; for (i=0; i < MatrixSize; i++) { [self->matrix[i] release]; self->matrix[i] = nil; } [self->matrixInfo.start release]; self->matrixInfo.start = nil; } - (void)dealloc { [self->list release]; [self->item release]; [self->index release]; [self->identifier release]; [self->currentDay release]; [self->year release]; [self->month release]; [self->timeZone release]; [self->firstDay release]; [self->tableTags release]; [self->startDateKey release]; [self->endDateKey release]; [self->labelStyle release]; [self->contentStyle release]; [self->labelColor release]; [self->contentColor release]; [self resetMatrix]; [self->template release]; [super dealloc]; } /* OWResponder */ static inline void _applyIdentifier(WEMonthOverview *self, WOComponent *comp, NSString *_idx) { NSArray *array; unsigned count; unsigned cnt; array = [self->list valueInComponent:comp]; count = [array count]; if (count <= 0) return; /* find subelement for unique id */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < count; cnt++) { NSString *ident; if (self->index) [self->index setUnsignedIntValue:cnt inComponent:comp]; if (self->item) [self->item setValue:[array objectAtIndex:cnt] inComponent:comp]; ident = [self->identifier stringValueInComponent:comp]; if ([ident isEqualToString:_idx]) { /* found subelement with unique id */ return; } } [comp logWithFormat: @"WEMonthOverview: array did change, " @"unique-id isn't contained."]; [self->item setValue:nil inComponent:comp]; [self->index setUnsignedIntValue:0 inComponent:comp]; } static inline void _applyIndex(WEMonthOverview *self, WOComponent *comp, unsigned _idx) { NSArray *array; unsigned count; array = [self->list valueInComponent:comp]; if (self->index) [self->index setUnsignedIntValue:_idx inComponent:comp]; if (self->item == nil) return; count = [array count]; if (_idx < count) { [self->item setValue:[array objectAtIndex:_idx] inComponent:comp]; return; } [comp logWithFormat: @"WEMonthOverview: array did change, index is invalid."]; [self->item setValue:nil inComponent:comp]; [self->index setUnsignedIntValue:0 inComponent:comp]; } static inline void _generateCell(WEMonthOverview *self, WOResponse *response, WOContext *ctx, NSString *key, id value, NSCalendarDate *dateId) { [ctx setupMonthOverviewContextWithValue:value forKey:key]; [ctx appendElementIDComponent:key]; if (dateId) { NSString *s; s = retStrForInt([dateId timeIntervalSince1970]); [ctx appendElementIDComponent:s]; [s release]; } [self->template appendToResponse:response inContext:ctx]; if (dateId) [ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; [ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; [ctx tearDownMonthOverviewContext]; } static inline void _takeValuesInCell(WEMonthOverview *self, WORequest *request, WOContext *ctx, NSString *key, id value) { [ctx setupMonthOverviewContextWithValue:value forKey:key]; [ctx appendElementIDComponent:key]; [self->template takeValuesFromRequest:request inContext:ctx]; [ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // TODO: no teardown of context? } - (void)_calcMatrixInContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { WOComponent *comp; NSArray *array; NSString *startKey; NSString *endKey; int m, y; // month, year int i, cnt; [self resetMatrix]; comp = [_ctx component]; array = [self->list valueInComponent:comp]; startKey = [self->startDateKey stringValueInComponent:comp]; endKey = [self->endDateKey stringValueInComponent:comp]; y = (self->year == nil) ? [[NSCalendarDate calendarDate] yearOfCommonEra] : [self->year intValueInComponent:comp]; m = (self->month == nil) ? [[NSCalendarDate calendarDate] monthOfYear] : [self->month intValueInComponent:comp]; { NSCalendarDate *monthStart = nil; NSCalendarDate *d = nil; NSTimeZone *tz = nil; int firstDisplayedDay, firstIdx; int i = 27; tz = [self->timeZone valueInComponent:comp]; monthStart = [NSCalendarDate dateWithYear:y month:m day:1 hour:0 minute:0 second:0 timeZone:tz]; d = [monthStart dateByAddingYears:0 months:0 days:i]; while ([d monthOfYear] == m) { i++; d = [monthStart dateByAddingYears:0 months:0 days:i]; } firstDisplayedDay = (self->firstDay) ? ([self->firstDay intValueInComponent:comp] % 7) : 1; // Monday firstIdx = (([monthStart dayOfWeek]-firstDisplayedDay)+7) % 7; self->matrixInfo.weeks = ceil((float)(firstIdx + i) / 7); self->matrixInfo.firstDisplayedDay = firstDisplayedDay; // keep the timezone in the date self->matrixInfo.start = [[monthStart dateByAddingYears:0 months:0 days:-firstIdx] retain]; } for (i = 0, cnt = [array count]; i < cnt; i++) { id app; NSCalendarDate *sd, *ed; NSTimeInterval diff; int idx, idx2; app = [array objectAtIndex:i]; sd = [app valueForKey:startKey]; // startDate ed = [app valueForKey:endKey]; // endDate if (sd == nil && ed == nil) continue; diff = [sd timeIntervalSinceDate:self->matrixInfo.start]; idx = floor(diff / SecondsPerDay); if (0 <= idx && idx < MatrixSize) { if (self->matrix[idx] == nil) self->matrix[idx] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; [self->matrix[idx] addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]]; } idx = (idx < 0) ? 0 : idx + 1; diff = [ed timeIntervalSinceDate:self->matrixInfo.start]; idx2 = floor(diff / SecondsPerDay); idx2 = (idx2 > MatrixSize) ? MatrixSize : idx2; while (idx < idx2) { if (self->matrix[idx] == nil) self->matrix[idx] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; [self->matrix[idx] addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]]; idx++; } } for (i = 0; i < MatrixSize; i++) { if (self->matrix[i] == nil) self->matrix[i] = [[NSArray alloc] init]; } } - (void)appendContentToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx index:(int)_idx { WOComponent *comp; NSArray *array; id app; int i, cnt, idx, count; comp = [_ctx component]; array = [self->list valueInComponent:comp]; count = [array count]; // *** append day info [_ctx enableMonthOverviewInfoMode]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"i"]; [self->template appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; [_ctx disableMonthOverviewInfoMode]; // *** append day content [_ctx enableMonthOverviewContentMode]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"c"]; // append content mode for (i = 0, cnt = [self->matrix[_idx] count]; i < cnt; i++) { NSString *s; idx = [[self->matrix[_idx] objectAtIndex:i] intValue]; if (idx >= count) { NSLog(@"Warning! WEMonthOverview: index out of range"); continue; } app = [array objectAtIndex:idx]; if ([self->item isValueSettable]) [self->item setValue:app inComponent:comp]; if ([self->index isValueSettable]) [self->index setIntValue:idx inComponent:comp]; if (self->identifier == nil) { s = retStrForInt(idx); [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:s]; [s release]; } else { s = [self->identifier stringValueInComponent:comp]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:s]; } [self->template appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; } [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete content mode [_ctx disableMonthOverviewContentMode]; } - (void)appendToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { WOComponent *comp; NSString *style; NSString *bgcolor; BOOL useTableTags; BOOL renderDefaults = NO; BOOL hasTitle = NO; BOOL hasHeader = NO; BOOL hasLeftTop = NO; BOOL hasLeft = NO; BOOL hasTop = NO; BOOL hasRightTop = NO; BOOL hasRight = NO; BOOL hasLeftBottom = NO; BOOL hasBottom = NO; BOOL hasRightBottom = NO; BOOL hasCell = NO; [self _calcMatrixInContext:_ctx]; comp = [_ctx component]; useTableTags = (self->tableTags) ? [self->tableTags boolValueInComponent:comp] : YES; { // query mode ... testing orientations NSEnumerator *queryE; NSString *orient; // only query mode .. no value setting [_ctx setupMonthOverviewContextForQueryMode]; /* this walks over all subelements and collects 'query' info */ [self->template appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; /* now process the results */ queryE = [[_ctx monthOverviewQueryObjects] objectEnumerator]; while ((orient = [queryE nextObject])) { if ((!hasHeader) && ([orient isEqualToString:@"header"])) hasHeader = YES; if ((!hasCell) && ([orient isEqualToString:@"cell"])) hasCell = YES; if ((!hasTitle) && ([orient isEqualToString:@"title"])) hasTitle = YES; if ((!hasLeftTop) && ([orient isEqualToString:@"left/top"])) hasLeftTop = YES; if ((!hasLeftBottom) && ([orient isEqualToString:@"left/bottom"])) hasLeftBottom = YES; if ((!hasLeft) && ([orient isEqualToString:@"left"])) hasLeft = YES; if ((!hasTop) && ([orient isEqualToString:@"top"])) hasTop = YES; if ((!hasRightTop) && ([orient isEqualToString:@"right/top"])) hasRightTop = YES; if ((!hasRight) && ([orient isEqualToString:@"right"])) hasRight = YES; if ((!hasRightBottom) && ([orient isEqualToString:@"right/bottom"])) hasRightBottom = YES; if ((!hasBottom) && ([orient isEqualToString:@"bottom"])) hasBottom = YES; } if (!(hasLeft || hasRight || hasTop || hasBottom)) renderDefaults = YES; [_ctx tearDownMonthOverviewContext]; } /* open table */ if (useTableTags) { [_response appendContentString:@""]; } /* generating head */ if (hasHeader) { NSString *s; int width = 7; if ((hasLeft) || (hasLeftTop) || (hasLeftBottom)) width++; if ((hasRight) || (hasRightTop) || (hasRightBottom)) width++; [_response appendContentString:@""]; s = retStrForInt(width); _generateCell(self, _response, _ctx, @"header", s, nil); [s release]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } // generating top if ((hasTop) || (hasLeftTop) || (hasRightTop) || (renderDefaults)) { [_response appendContentString:@""]; if (hasLeftTop) _generateCell(self, _response, _ctx, @"left/top", @"--", nil); else if (hasLeft || hasLeftBottom || renderDefaults) [_response appendContentString:@" "]; if (hasTop) { int i, dow = 0; dow = self->matrixInfo.firstDisplayedDay; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { _generateCell(self, _response, _ctx, @"top", [[NSNumber numberWithInt:dow] stringValue], nil); dow = (dow == 6) ? 0 : dow+1; } } else if (renderDefaults) { NSCalendarDate *day; int i; day = self->matrixInfo.start; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { NSString *s; [_response appendContentString:@"labelStyle stringValueInComponent:comp])) { [_response appendContentString:@" class=\""]; [_response appendContentHTMLAttributeValue:style]; [_response appendContentCharacter:'"']; } if ((bgcolor = [self->labelColor stringValueInComponent:comp])) { [_response appendContentString:@" bgcolor=\""]; [_response appendContentString:bgcolor]; [_response appendContentCharacter:'"']; } [_response appendContentString:@">"]; /* TODO: replace with manual string */ s = [day descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"%A"]; [_response appendContentString:s]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; day = [day tomorrow]; } } else if (hasRightTop || hasLeftTop) { [_response appendContentString: @"" @""]; } if (hasRightTop) _generateCell(self, _response, _ctx, @"right/top", @"--", nil); else if (hasRightBottom || hasRight) [_response appendContentString:@" "]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } /* generating content */ { NSCalendarDate *day; NSString *week; int i, j, maxNumberOfWeeks; day = self->matrixInfo.start; maxNumberOfWeeks = [day numberOfWeeksInYear]; week = retStrForInt([[day dateByAddingYears:0 months:0 days:3] weekOfYear]); for (i = 0; i < self->matrixInfo.weeks; i++) { [_response appendContentString:@""]; if (hasLeft) { _generateCell(self, _response, _ctx, @"left", week, nil); } else if (renderDefaults) { [_response appendContentString:@"labelStyle stringValueInComponent:comp])) { [_response appendContentString:@" class=\""]; [_response appendContentHTMLAttributeValue:style]; [_response appendContentCharacter:'"']; } if ((bgcolor = [self->labelColor stringValueInComponent:comp])) { [_response appendContentString:@" bgcolor=\""]; [_response appendContentString:bgcolor]; [_response appendContentCharacter:'"']; } [_response appendContentCharacter:'>']; [_response appendContentString:week]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } else if (hasLeftTop || hasLeftBottom) [_response appendContentString:@" "]; /* append days of week */ for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) { NSString *s; if ([self->currentDay isValueSettable]) [self->currentDay setValue:day inComponent:comp]; [_response appendContentString:@"contentStyle stringValueInComponent:comp])) { [_response appendContentString:@" class=\""]; [_response appendContentHTMLAttributeValue:style]; [_response appendContentCharacter:'"']; } if ((bgcolor = [self->contentColor stringValueInComponent:comp])) { [_response appendContentString:@" bgcolor=\""]; [_response appendContentString:bgcolor]; [_response appendContentCharacter:'"']; } [_response appendContentCharacter:'>']; [_response appendContentString: @""]; if (hasTitle) _generateCell(self, _response, _ctx, @"title", @"--", day); else { [_response appendContentString: @""]; } /*** appending content ***/ [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"cell"]; s = retStrForInt([day timeIntervalSince1970]); [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:s]; [s release]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete date [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete "cell" [_response appendContentString:@"
" @"" @""]; s = retStrForInt([day dayOfMonth]); [_response appendContentString:s]; [s release]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; [self appendContentToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx index:(i*7+j)]; [_response appendContentString:@"
"]; day = [day tomorrow]; } if (hasRight) _generateCell(self, _response, _ctx, @"right", week, nil); else if (hasRightTop || hasRightBottom) [_response appendContentString:@" "]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; { int nextWeek; nextWeek = ([week intValue] % maxNumberOfWeeks) + 1; [week release]; week = nil; week = retStrForInt(nextWeek); } } [week release]; week = nil; } /* generating footer */ if ((hasBottom) || (hasLeftBottom) || (hasRightBottom)) { [_response appendContentString:@""]; if (hasLeftBottom) _generateCell(self, _response, _ctx, @"left/bottom", @"--", nil); else if (hasLeft || hasLeftTop) [_response appendContentString:@" "]; if (hasBottom) { int i, dow = 0; // dayOfWeek dow = self->matrixInfo.firstDisplayedDay; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { NSString *s; s = retStrForInt(dow); _generateCell(self, _response, _ctx, @"bottom", s, nil); [s release]; dow = (dow == 6) ? 0 : dow + 1; } } else { [_response appendContentString: @"" @""]; } if (hasRightBottom) _generateCell(self, _response, _ctx, @"right/bottom", @"--", nil); else if (hasRightTop || hasRight) [_response appendContentString:@" "]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } // close table if (useTableTags) [_response appendContentString:@""]; [self resetMatrix]; } - (void)takeContentValues:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx index:(int)_idx { WOComponent *comp; NSString *s; NSArray *array; int i, idx, cnt, count; comp = [_ctx component]; array = [self->list valueInComponent:comp]; count = [array count]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"c"]; // append content mode cnt = [self->matrix[_idx] count]; for (i=0; imatrix[_idx] objectAtIndex:i] intValue]; if (self->index) [self->index setUnsignedIntValue:idx inComponent:comp]; if (self->item) [self->item setValue:[array objectAtIndex:idx] inComponent:comp]; s = (self->identifier) ? [[self->identifier stringValueInComponent:comp] retain] : retStrForInt(idx); [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:s]; // append index-id [s release]; [self->template takeValuesFromRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delte index-id } } - (void)takeValuesFromRequest:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { WOComponent *sComponent; NSCalendarDate *day; NSString *week; int i, j; unsigned int weekOfYear; unsigned char buf[32]; [self _calcMatrixInContext:_ctx]; sComponent = [_ctx component]; day = self->matrixInfo.start; weekOfYear = [[day dateByAddingYears:0 months:0 days:3] weekOfYear]; sprintf(buf, "%d", weekOfYear); week = [StrClass stringWithCString:buf]; // TODO: weird use of NSString for week? for (i = 0; i < self->matrixInfo.weeks; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) { NSString *eid; if ([self->currentDay isValueSettable]) [self->currentDay setValue:day inComponent:sComponent]; sprintf(buf, "%d", (unsigned)[day timeIntervalSince1970]); eid = [[StrClass alloc] initWithCString:buf]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:eid]; [eid release]; _takeValuesInCell(self, _req, _ctx, @"title", @"--"); [self takeContentValues:_req inContext:_ctx index:(i * 7 + j)]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; day = [day tomorrow]; } sprintf(buf, "%d", ([week intValue] + 1)); week = [StrClass stringWithCString:buf]; } [self resetMatrix]; } - (id)invokeContentAction:(WORequest *)_request inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx{ id result = nil; NSString *idxId = nil; if ((idxId = [_ctx currentElementID]) == 0) // no content nor info mode return nil; [_ctx consumeElementID]; // consume mode [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:idxId]; // append mode ("c" or "i") if ([idxId isEqualToString:@"i"]) // info mode result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_request inContext:_ctx]; else if ((idxId = [_ctx currentElementID])) { // content mode [_ctx consumeElementID]; // consume index-id [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:idxId]; if (self->identifier) _applyIdentifier(self, [_ctx component], idxId); else _applyIndex(self, [_ctx component], [idxId intValue]); result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_request inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete index-id } [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete mode return result; } - (id)invokeActionForRequest:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { WOComponent *sComponent; id result = nil; NSString *ident; NSString *orient; sComponent = [_ctx component]; if ((orient = [_ctx currentElementID]) == nil) { [[_ctx session] logWithFormat:@"%@: MISSING ORIENTATION ID in URL !", self]; return nil; } [_ctx consumeElementID]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:orient]; [_ctx setupMonthOverviewContextWithOrientation:orient]; if ([orient isEqualToString:@"cell"] || [orient isEqualToString:@"title"]){ /* content or 'title' */ if ((ident = [_ctx currentElementID]) != nil) { NSCalendarDate *day; int ti; [_ctx consumeElementID]; // consume date-id [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:ident]; ti = [ident intValue]; day = [NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:ti]; [day setTimeZone:[self->timeZone valueInComponent:sComponent]]; if ([self->currentDay isValueSettable]) [self->currentDay setValue:day inComponent:sComponent]; if ([orient isEqualToString:@"title"]) result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; else result = [self invokeContentAction:_req inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete 'cell' or 'title' } else [[_ctx session] logWithFormat:@"%@: MISSING DATE ID in '%@' URL !", self, orient]; } else { /* neither 'cell' nor 'title' (some label) */ result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; } [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; /* delete orient */ // TODO: no teardown of month-overview context? return result; } @end /* WEMonthOverview */ @implementation WEMonthLabel - (id)initWithName:(NSString *)_name associations:(NSDictionary*)_config template:(WOElement *)_t { if ((self = [super initWithName:_name associations:_config template:_t])) { self->orientation = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"orientation"); self->dayOfWeek = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"dayOfWeek"); self->weekOfYear = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"weekOfYear"); self->colspan = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"colspan"); self->template = [_t retain]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->orientation release]; [self->dayOfWeek release]; [self->weekOfYear release]; [self->colspan release]; [self->template release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)takeValuesFromRequest:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSDictionary *monthViewContextDict; NSString *orient; BOOL isEdge; id tmp; orient = [self->orientation valueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; isEdge = ([orient rangeOfString:@"/"].length > 0); monthViewContextDict = [_ctx monthOverviewContext]; if ((tmp = [monthViewContextDict objectForKey:orient]) != nil) { if (!isEdge) { [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:orient]; [self->template takeValuesFromRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; } else { [self->template takeValuesFromRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; } } } - (id)invokeActionForRequest:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSDictionary *monthViewContextDict; NSString *orient; BOOL isEdge; id result; id tmp; orient = [self->orientation valueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; isEdge = ([orient rangeOfString:@"/"].length > 0); monthViewContextDict = [_ctx monthOverviewContext]; if ((tmp = [monthViewContextDict objectForKey:orient]) == nil) return nil; if (isEdge) return [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; tmp = [_ctx currentElementID]; [_ctx consumeElementID]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:tmp]; if ([orient isEqualToString:@"top"] || [orient isEqualToString:@"bottom"]) { [self->dayOfWeek setIntValue:[tmp intValue] inComponent:[_ctx component]]; } else if ([orient isEqualToString:@"left"] || [orient isEqualToString:@"right"]) { [self->weekOfYear setIntValue:[tmp intValue] inComponent:[_ctx component]]; } else if ([orient isEqualToString:@"header"]) { [self->colspan setIntValue:[tmp intValue] inComponent:[_ctx component]]; } result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; return result; } - (void)appendToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSDictionary *monthViewContextDict; NSMutableArray *queryContext; id tmp; NSString *orient; BOOL isEdge; int cols; orient = [self->orientation stringValueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; isEdge = ([orient rangeOfString:@"/"].length > 0); if (orient == nil) return; if ((queryContext = [_ctx monthOverviewQueryObjects]) != nil) { [queryContext addObject:orient]; return; } monthViewContextDict = [_ctx monthOverviewContext]; if ((tmp = [monthViewContextDict objectForKey:orient]) == nil) return; cols = -1; if (!isEdge) { int orientIntValue; orientIntValue = [tmp intValue]; if ([orient isEqualToString:@"top"] || [orient isEqualToString:@"bottom"]) { [self->dayOfWeek setIntValue:orientIntValue inComponent:[_ctx component]]; } else if ([orient isEqualToString:@"left"] || [orient isEqualToString:@"right"]) { [self->weekOfYear setIntValue:orientIntValue inComponent:[_ctx component]]; } else if ([orient isEqualToString:@"header"]) { [self->colspan setIntValue:orientIntValue inComponent:[_ctx component]]; cols = [tmp intValue]; } } [_response appendContentString:@""]; if (!isEdge) [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:[tmp stringValue]]; [self->template appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; if (!isEdge) [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // close table data tag [_response appendContentString:@""]; } @end /* WEMonthLabel */ @implementation WEMonthTitle - (id)initWithName:(NSString *)_name associations:(NSDictionary*)_config template:(WOElement *)_t { if ((self = [super initWithName:_name associations:_config template:_t])) { self->template = [_t retain]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->template release]; [super dealloc]; } /* handling requests */ - (void)takeValuesFromRequest:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSDictionary *monthViewContextDict; id tmp; monthViewContextDict = [_ctx monthOverviewContext]; if ((tmp = [monthViewContextDict objectForKey:@"title"]) != nil) [self->template takeValuesFromRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; } - (id)invokeActionForRequest:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSDictionary *monthViewContextDict; id tmp; monthViewContextDict = [_ctx monthOverviewContext]; if ((tmp = [monthViewContextDict objectForKey:@"title"]) != nil) return [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; return nil; } /* generating response */ - (void)appendToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSDictionary *monthViewContextDict; id tmp; if ((tmp = [_ctx monthOverviewQueryObjects]) != nil) { [(NSMutableArray *)tmp addObject:@"title"]; return; } monthViewContextDict = [_ctx monthOverviewContext]; if ((tmp = [monthViewContextDict objectForKey:@"title"]) != nil) { // append table date, forwarding extra attributes [_response appendContentString:@""]; // append child [self->template appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; // close table data tag [_response appendContentString:@""]; } } @end /* WEMonthTitle */ @interface WEMonthOverviewInfoMode : WEContextConditional @end @implementation WEMonthOverviewInfoMode - (NSString *)_contextKey { return WEMonthOverview_InfoMode; } @end /* WEMonthOverviewInfoMode */ @interface WEMonthOverviewContentMode : WEContextConditional @end @implementation WEMonthOverviewContentMode - (NSString *)_contextKey { return WEMonthOverview_ContentMode; } @end /* WEMonthOverviewContentMode */