/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include "WETableCalcMatrix.h" #include "common.h" typedef struct { NSMutableArray *items; } MatrixEntry; typedef struct { unsigned x; unsigned y; } MatrixCoord; typedef struct { id *objects; } MatrixThread; typedef enum { WERow, WEColumn } WEOrientation; static NSNull *null = nil; @implementation WETableCalcMatrixSpan + (id)spanWithObject:(id)_obj range:(NSRange *)_range { id span; span = [[WETableCalcMatrixSpan alloc] initWithObject:_obj range:_range]; return [span autorelease]; } - (id)initWithObject:(id)_obj range:(NSRange *)_range { self->object = [_obj retain]; self->range = *_range; return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->object release]; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (id)object { return self->object; } - (NSRange)range { return self->range; } /* calculations */ - (BOOL)startsAtIndex:(unsigned)_idx { return (_idx == self->range.location) ? YES : NO; } - (BOOL)occupiesIndex:(unsigned)_idx { if (_idx < self->range.location) return NO; if (_idx >= (self->range.location + self->range.length)) return NO; return YES; } - (unsigned)size { return self->range.length; } /* description */ - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<0x%08X[%@]: object=0x%08X start=%d len=%d>", self, NSStringFromClass([self class]), [self object], self->range.location, self->range.length]; } @end /* WETableCalcMatrixSpan */ @interface WETableCalcMatrixStripe : NSObject { @private unsigned size; MatrixThread *threads; short threadCount; WETableCalcMatrix *matrix; /* non-retained */ id delegate; /* non-retained */ } - (unsigned)threadCount; - (NSArray *)threads; - (NSArray *)threadSpans; /* modification */ - (void)addObject:(id)_obj atPositions:(unsigned *)_pos count:(unsigned)_c; @end @implementation WETableCalcMatrixStripe + (void)initialize { if (null == nil) null = [[NSNull null] retain]; } - (id)initWithSize:(unsigned)_h matrix:(WETableCalcMatrix *)_matrix delegate:(id)_delegate { self->size = _h; self->matrix = _matrix; if ([_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(tableCalcMatrix:spanForObject:range:)]) self->delegate = _delegate; return self; } - (void)dealloc { if (self->threads) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)self->threadCount; i++) { if (self->threads[i].objects) { unsigned j; for (j = 0; j < self->size; j++) [self->threads[i].objects[j] release]; free(self->threads[i].objects); } } free(self->threads); } [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (unsigned)threadCount { return self->threadCount; } - (NSArray *)threadAtIndex:(unsigned)_idx { id *objs; unsigned i; NSArray *result; objs = calloc(self->size, sizeof(id)); NSAssert(objs, @"could not allocate memory .."); NSAssert(self->size > 0, @"invalid size .."); for (i = 0; i < self->size; i++) { objs[i] = self->threads[_idx].objects[i]; if (objs[i] == nil) objs[i] = null; } result = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:objs count:self->size]; free(objs); return result; } - (NSArray *)spansAtIndex:(unsigned)_idx { id *spans; unsigned i, spanCount; NSArray *result; spans = calloc(self->size, sizeof(id)); for (i = 0, spanCount = 0; i < self->size; ) { WETableCalcMatrixSpan *span; id obj; NSRange r; span = nil; obj = self->threads[_idx].objects[i]; if ((i + 1) == self->size) { /* last entry */ r.location = i; r.length = 1; i++; } else { /* look ahead for similiar entries */ unsigned j; r.location = i; r.length = 0; for (j = i + 1; j < self->size; j++) { id nextObj; nextObj = self->threads[_idx].objects[j]; if (nextObj != obj) break; } r.length = (j - i); /* continue at end of this object */ i = j; } span = nil; if (self->delegate) { span = [self->delegate tableCalcMatrix:self->matrix spanForObject:obj range:r]; } if (span == nil) { span = [[WETableCalcMatrixSpan alloc] initWithObject:obj range:&r]; AUTORELEASE(span); } spans[spanCount] = span; spanCount++; } result = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:spans count:spanCount]; free(spans); return result; } - (NSArray *)threads { if (self->threadCount == 0) return nil; if (self->threadCount == 1) return [NSArray arrayWithObject:[self threadAtIndex:0]]; { id threadArrays[self->threadCount]; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)self->threadCount; i++) threadArrays[i] = [self threadAtIndex:i]; return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:threadArrays count:self->threadCount]; } } - (NSArray *)threadSpans { if (self->threadCount == 0) return nil; else if (self->threadCount == 1) return [NSArray arrayWithObject:[self spansAtIndex:0]]; else { NSArray *threadArrays[self->threadCount]; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)self->threadCount; i++) { threadArrays[i] = [self spansAtIndex:i]; } return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:threadArrays count:self->threadCount]; } } /* addition */ - (unsigned)threadForPositions:(unsigned *)_pos count:(unsigned)_c { unsigned i; void *tmp; if (self->threadCount == 0) { self->threads = calloc(1, sizeof(MatrixThread)); self->threads[0].objects = calloc(self->size, sizeof(id)); self->threadCount = 1; return 0; } /* check each column */ for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)self->threadCount; i++) { unsigned j; MatrixThread *column; BOOL ok; column = &(self->threads[i]); /* check each required position in column */ for (j = 0, ok = YES; j < _c; j++) { unsigned requiredPos; requiredPos = _pos[j]; NSAssert(requiredPos < self->size, @"index to high .."); if (column->objects[requiredPos] != nil) { /* position already assigned */ ok = NO; break; } } if (ok) { /* all required position available, return column */ return i; } /* check next column */ } /* all available threads are full, make new one .. */ tmp = self->threads; self->threads = calloc(self->threadCount + 1, sizeof(MatrixThread)); memcpy(self->threads, tmp, self->threadCount * sizeof(MatrixThread)); self->threads[self->threadCount].objects = calloc(self->size, sizeof(id)); self->threadCount++; return (self->threadCount - 1); } - (void)addObject:(id)_obj atPositions:(unsigned *)_pos count:(unsigned)_c { unsigned thread; unsigned i; if (_c == 0) return; /* find row */ thread = [self threadForPositions:_pos count:_c]; NSAssert(thread < (unsigned)self->threadCount, @"invalid idx"); /* place object */ for (i = 0; i < _c; i++) { unsigned requiredIdx; requiredIdx = _pos[i]; #if DEBUG NSAssert(requiredIdx < self->size, @"index to high .."); NSAssert3(self->threads[thread].objects[requiredIdx] == nil, @"index %i is already marked (by=0x%08X, my=0x%08X) !", requiredIdx, self->threads[thread].objects[requiredIdx], _obj); #endif self->threads[thread].objects[requiredIdx] = RETAIN(_obj); } } @end @interface WETableCalcMatrixPositionArray : NSObject { /* mutable array of matrix coordinates */ @private unsigned count; MatrixCoord *positions; } - (void)addPosition:(unsigned)_x:(unsigned)_y; - (void)checkForDuplicates; /* narrow set to row or column */ - (unsigned *)indicesInColumn:(unsigned)_x count:(unsigned *)_count; - (unsigned *)indicesInRow:(unsigned)_y count:(unsigned *)_count; @end @implementation WETableCalcMatrixPositionArray - (void)dealloc { if (self->positions) free(self->positions); [super dealloc]; } - (void)checkForDuplicates { unsigned j; for (j = 0; j < self->count; j++) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { NSAssert4(!((self->positions[j].x) == self->positions[i].x && (self->positions[j].y) == self->positions[i].y), @"duplicate coordinate at %d and %d: %d/%d !", j, i, self->positions[j].x, self->positions[j].y); } } } - (void)addPosition:(unsigned)_x:(unsigned)_y { if (self->positions == NULL) { self->positions = calloc(1, sizeof(MatrixCoord)); self->positions[0].x = _x; self->positions[0].y = _y; self->count = 1; } else { unsigned oldCount = self->count; void *tmp; tmp = self->positions; self->positions = calloc(oldCount + 1, sizeof(MatrixCoord)); memcpy(self->positions, tmp, (oldCount * sizeof(MatrixCoord))); self->positions[oldCount].x = _x; self->positions[oldCount].y = _y; self->count++; } } - (unsigned *)indicesIn:(WEOrientation)o index:(unsigned)_idx count:(unsigned *)_count { unsigned i, rowCount; unsigned *pos, *p; /* first count */ for (i = 0, rowCount = 0; i < self->count; i++) { unsigned j; j = (o == WEColumn) ? self->positions[i].x : self->positions[i].y; if (j == _idx) rowCount++; } if (rowCount == 0) return NULL; /* then copy */ pos = calloc(rowCount, sizeof(unsigned)); *_count = rowCount; for (i = 0, p = pos; i < self->count; i++) { unsigned j; j = (o == WEColumn) ? self->positions[i].x : self->positions[i].y; if (j == _idx) { *p = (o == WEColumn) ? self->positions[i].y : self->positions[i].x; p++; } } return pos; } - (unsigned *)indicesInRow:(unsigned)_y count:(unsigned *)_count { return [self indicesIn:WERow index:_y count:_count]; } - (unsigned *)indicesInColumn:(unsigned)_x count:(unsigned *)_count { return [self indicesIn:WEColumn index:_x count:_count]; } - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%08X[%@]: count=%d>", self, NSStringFromClass([self class]), self->count]; } @end /* WETableCalcMatrixPositionArray */ @implementation WETableCalcMatrix + (int)version { return 0; } static inline MatrixEntry *entryAt(WETableCalcMatrix *self, unsigned x, unsigned y) { return self->matrix + (x * self->height * sizeof(MatrixEntry)) + (y * sizeof(MatrixEntry)); } - (id)initWithSize:(unsigned)_width:(unsigned)_height { if (_width == 0 || _height == 0) { [self logWithFormat:@"ERROR: specified invalid matrix dimensions: %ix%i", _width, _height]; [self release]; return nil; } NSAssert(_width > 0 && _height > 0, @"invalid args .."); self->width = _width; self->height = _height; self->matrix = (void *)calloc(_width * _height, sizeof(MatrixEntry)); memset(self->matrix, 0, _width * _height * sizeof(MatrixEntry)); self->objToPos = NSCreateMapTable(NSNonOwnedPointerMapKeyCallBacks, NSObjectMapValueCallBacks, 64); return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self removeAllObjects]; if (self->objToPos) NSFreeMapTable(self->objToPos); if (self->matrix) free(self->matrix); [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (unsigned)width { return self->width; } - (unsigned)height { return self->height; } - (void)setDelegate:(id)_delegate { self->delegate = _delegate; self->columnCheck = [_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(tableCalcMatrix:shouldProcessColumn:forObject:)]; self->rowCheck = [_delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(tableCalcMatrix:shouldProcessRow:forObject:)]; } - (id)delegate { return self->delegate; } /* clearing the structure */ - (void)removeAllObjects { unsigned y, x; if (self->objToPos) { NSResetMapTable(self->objToPos); self->objToPos = NULL; } if (self->matrix == NULL) return; for (y = 0; y < self->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < self->width; x++) { MatrixEntry *e; e = entryAt(self, x, y); if (e->items == nil) continue; [e->items release]; e->items = nil; } } } /* queries */ - (BOOL)object:(id)_obj possibleInRow:(unsigned)_y { /* optimization method, can always return 'YES' */ if (self->rowCheck) { return [self->delegate tableCalcMatrix:self shouldProcessRow:_y forObject:_obj]; } return YES; } - (BOOL)object:(id)_obj possibleInColumn:(unsigned)_x { /* optimization method, can always return 'YES' */ if (self->columnCheck) { return [self->delegate tableCalcMatrix:self shouldProcessColumn:_x forObject:_obj]; } return YES; } - (BOOL)object:(id)_obj matchesCellAt:(unsigned)_x:(unsigned)_y { return [self->delegate tableCalcMatrix:self shouldPlaceObject:_obj atPosition:_x:_y]; } /* adding object to structure */ - (void)addObject:(id)_obj toCellAt:(unsigned)_x:(unsigned)_y { WETableCalcMatrixPositionArray *positions; MatrixEntry *e; if ((positions = NSMapGet(self->objToPos, _obj)) == nil) { positions = [[WETableCalcMatrixPositionArray alloc] init]; NSMapInsert(self->objToPos, _obj, positions); RELEASE(positions); } [positions checkForDuplicates]; e = entryAt(self, _x, _y); if (e->items == nil) e->items = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [e->items addObject:_obj]; [positions checkForDuplicates]; [positions addPosition:_x:_y]; [positions checkForDuplicates]; } /* placing objects */ - (void)placeObject:(id)_object { unsigned y, x; if (NSMapGet(self->objToPos, _object)) { //NSLog(@"already placed object %@ !", _object); return; } if (self->rowCheck) { for (y = 0; y < self->height; y++) { if (![self object:_object possibleInRow:y]) continue; for (x = 0; x < self->width; x++) { if ([self object:_object matchesCellAt:x:y]) { /* add to cell x:y */ [self addObject:_object toCellAt:x:y]; } } } } else { for (x = 0; x < self->width; x++) { if (![self object:_object possibleInColumn:x]) continue; for (y = 0; y < self->height; y++) { if ([self object:_object matchesCellAt:x:y]) { /* add to cell x:y */ [self addObject:_object toCellAt:x:y]; } } } } } - (void)placeObjects:(NSArray *)_objects { unsigned oc, i; if ((oc = [_objects count]) == 0) return; for (i = 0; i < oc; i++) [self placeObject:[_objects objectAtIndex:i]]; } /* formatting */ - (NSArray *)objectsInColumn:(unsigned)_x { unsigned y; NSMutableSet *set; NSArray *result; set = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init]; for (y = 0; y < self->height; y++) { MatrixEntry *e; e = entryAt(self, _x, y); if (e->items) [set addObjectsFromArray:e->items]; } result = [set allObjects]; RELEASE(set); return result; } - (NSArray *)objectsInRow:(unsigned)_y { unsigned x; NSMutableSet *set; NSArray *result; set = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init]; for (x = 0; x < self->width; x++) { MatrixEntry *e; e = entryAt(self, x, _y); if (e->items) [set addObjectsFromArray:e->items]; } result = [set allObjects]; RELEASE(set); return result; } - (NSArray *)spansOfColumn:(unsigned)_x { WETableCalcMatrixStripe *stripe; NSEnumerator *objects; id object; stripe = [[WETableCalcMatrixStripe alloc] initWithSize:self->height matrix:self delegate:self->delegate]; objects = [[self objectsInColumn:_x] objectEnumerator]; while ((object = [objects nextObject])) { WETableCalcMatrixPositionArray *pos; unsigned *indices; unsigned idxCount; pos = NSMapGet(self->objToPos, object); [pos checkForDuplicates]; indices = [pos indicesInColumn:_x count:&idxCount]; NSAssert(indices, @"available in column, but no indices ?"); [stripe addObject:object atPositions:indices count:idxCount]; } AUTORELEASE(stripe); return [stripe threadSpans]; } - (id)spansOfRow:(unsigned)_y { WETableCalcMatrixStripe *stripe; NSEnumerator *objects; id object; stripe = [[WETableCalcMatrixStripe alloc] initWithSize:self->width matrix:self delegate:self->delegate]; objects = [[self objectsInRow:_y] objectEnumerator]; while ((object = [objects nextObject])) { WETableCalcMatrixPositionArray *pos; unsigned *indices; unsigned idxCount; pos = NSMapGet(self->objToPos, object); [pos checkForDuplicates]; indices = [pos indicesInRow:_y count:&idxCount]; NSAssert(indices, @"available in column, but no indices ?"); [stripe addObject:object atPositions:indices count:idxCount]; } AUTORELEASE(stripe); return [stripe threadSpans]; } - (NSArray *)columnSpans { id objs[self->width]; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < self->width; i++) { objs[i] = [self spansOfColumn:i]; if (objs[i] == nil) objs[i] = [NSArray array]; } return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:objs count:self->width]; } - (NSArray *)rowSpans { id objs[self->height]; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < self->height; i++) { objs[i] = [self spansOfRow:i]; if (objs[i] == nil) objs[i] = [NSArray array]; } return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:objs count:self->height]; } /* counting */ - (unsigned)widthOfColumn:(unsigned)_x { unsigned y; unsigned count; for (y = 0, count = 0; y < self->height; y++) { MatrixEntry *e; e = entryAt(self, _x, y); if ([e->items count] > count) count = [e->items count]; } return count; } - (unsigned)countOfColumn:(unsigned)_x { return [[self objectsInColumn:_x] count]; } @end /* WETableCalcMatrix */