/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OGo OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include "WODirectAction+XmlRpcIntrospection.h" #include "WODirectAction+XmlRpc.h" #include "NSObject+Reflection.h" #include #include #include #include "common.h" @interface NSMethodSignature(XmlRpcSignature) - (NSArray *)xmlRpcSignature; @end @implementation NSMethodSignature(XmlRpcSignature) - (NSString *)xmlRpcTypeForObjCType:(const char *)_type { if (_type == NULL) return nil; #if GNU_RUNTIME switch (*_type) { case _C_ID: case _C_CLASS: return @"string"; case _C_SEL: case _C_CHARPTR: return @"string"; case _C_CHR: case _C_UCHR: return @"boolean"; case _C_INT: case _C_UINT: case _C_SHT: case _C_USHT: case _C_LNG: case _C_ULNG: return @"i4"; case _C_ARY_B: return @"array"; case _C_STRUCT_B: return @"struct"; case _C_FLT: case _C_DBL: return @"double"; } #endif return @"string"; } - (NSArray *)xmlRpcSignature { NSMutableArray *signature; unsigned i; signature = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:8]; /* return value */ [signature addObject:[self xmlRpcTypeForObjCType:[self methodReturnType]]]; /* arguments */ for (i = 2; i < [self numberOfArguments]; i++) { const char *t; t = [self getArgumentTypeAtIndex:i]; [signature addObject:[self xmlRpcTypeForObjCType:t]]; } return signature; } @end /* NSMethodSignature(XmlRpcSignature) */ @implementation WODirectAction(XmlRpcIntrospection) static NSArray *blacklist = nil; - (NSArray *)system_listMethodsAction { NSMutableArray *ma; NSEnumerator *sels; NSString *sel; NSString *namespace; NSArray *selectors; namespace = [self xmlrpcComponentNamespace]; if (blacklist == nil) { blacklist = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"RPC2Action", @"RPC2InfoPageAction", @"xmlrpcAction", @"commitFailedAction", @"WOStatsAction", @"defaultAction", @"missingAuthAction", @"selectorForXmlRpcAction:", @"accessDeniedAction",nil]; } selectors = [self respondsToSelectors]; sels = [selectors objectEnumerator]; ma = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[selectors count]]; while ((sel = [sels nextObject])) { unsigned idx, len; NSString *actionName; NSRange rng; if ([blacklist containsObject:sel]) continue; rng = [sel rangeOfString:@"Action"]; if (rng.length <= 0) continue; /* strip Action */ actionName = [sel substringToIndex:rng.location]; /* ensure that only dots are following the 'Action' */ for (idx = (rng.location + rng.length), len = [sel length]; idx < len; idx++) { unichar c = [sel characterAtIndex:idx]; if (c != ':') { actionName = nil; break; } } /* go to next selector if ... */ if ([actionName length] == 0) continue; /* make action name XMLRPC-style friendly */ actionName = [actionName stringByReplacingString:@"_" withString:@"."]; if (namespace == nil) [ma addObject:actionName]; else { /* add to reflection set */ if ([actionName hasPrefix:@"system."]) [ma addObject:actionName]; else { NSString *s; s = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@.%@", namespace,actionName]; [ma addObject:s]; [s release]; } } } return [[[ma copy] autorelease] sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]; } - (NSArray *)system_methodSignatureAction:(NSString *)_xmlrpcMethod { /* It returns an array of possible signatures for this method. A signature is an array of types. The first of these types is the return type of the method, the rest are parameters. Multiple signatures (ie. overloading) are permitted: this is the reason that an array of signatures are returned by this method. Signatures themselves are restricted to the top level parameters expected by a method. For instance if a method expects one array of structs as a parameter, and it returns a string, its signature is simply "string, array". If it expects three integers, its signature is "string, int, int, int". If no signature is defined for the method, a none-array value is returned. */ NSMutableArray *signatures; NSString *actionName; NSEnumerator *sels; NSString *sel; unsigned len; Class clazz; clazz = [self class]; signatures = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:4]; actionName = [self selectorForXmlRpcAction:_xmlrpcMethod]; len = [actionName length]; sels = [[self respondsToSelectors] objectEnumerator]; while ((sel = [sels nextObject])) { NSArray *signature; NSMethodSignature *ms; if (![sel hasPrefix:actionName]) continue; ms = [self methodSignatureForSelector:NSSelectorFromString(sel)]; if (ms) { signature = [ms xmlRpcSignature]; } else { [self logWithFormat:@"missing Objective-C method signature for %@ ...", sel]; signature = nil; } if (signature) [signatures addObject:signature]; } return ([signatures count] > 0) ? signatures : (id)[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]; } - (NSString *)system_methodHelpAction:(NSString *)_xmlrpcMethod { return @"Note: the Objective-C runtime cannot return the correct XML-RPC type " @"for object parameters automatically (only for base types ...)."; } @end /* WODirectAction(XmlRpcIntrospection) */ #include @implementation WODirectAction(XmlRpcInfo) - (id)RPC2InfoPageAction { WOResponse *r; NSEnumerator *e; id tmp; r = [WOResponse alloc]; r = [[r initWithRequest:[self request]] autorelease]; [r setHeader:@"text/html" forKey:@"content-type"]; [r appendContentString:@"WebService at "]; [r appendContentHTMLString:[[self request] uri]]; [r appendContentString:@""]; [r appendContentString:@"

WebService at "]; [r appendContentHTMLString:[[self request] uri]]; [r appendContentString:@"

"]; [r appendContentString:@"


"]; [r appendContentString:@"\n"]; [r appendContentString: @"\n"]; e = [[self system_listMethodsAction] objectEnumerator]; while ((tmp = [e nextObject])) { NSString *mname, *info; id sig; mname = [tmp stringValue]; [r appendContentString:@""]; [r appendContentString:@""]; sig = [self system_methodSignatureAction:mname]; info = [self system_methodHelpAction:mname]; [r appendContentString:@""]; if ([info length] > 0) { [r appendContentString:@""]; } [r appendContentString:@"\n"]; } [r appendContentString:@"
"]; [r appendContentHTMLString:mname]; [r appendContentString:@""]; if ([sig isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { [r appendContentHTMLString:[sig stringValue]]; } [r appendContentString:@""]; [r appendContentString:info]; [r appendContentString:@"
"]; [r appendContentString:@""]; return r; } @end /* WODirectAction(XmlRpcInfo) */