# $Id: README 1 2004-08-20 10:38:46Z znek $ NOTE: this file is heavily outdated GNU Database Library Access Layer - MDlink patch Version Contained code is derived from gdl - GNU Database Library and is therefore LGPL license. Copyright for gdl has the Free Software Foundation. Changes There are no EOJoin's anymore (only for compability). EORelationships cannot be compound and store source and destination themselves. No compound primary keys are allowed. Uniquing is always enabled. Static Linking uncomment '#imports' in EOModel.m Intro The GNUstep Database Library is a hierarchy of Objective-C classes that provide a three-tiered architecture for developing database applications. The three-tier architecture is a flexible paradigm for building robust and scalable client/server applications; the three tiers refer to the database, the Application Objects, and the user interface. The separation of the database from the user interface through intermediary Application Objects allows the data to be distributed appropriately across database servers and still have the user interface display data cohesively for the end-user. Business logic, as implemented in the Application Objects, provides the mechanism for consistency and reusability across all your business applications. Entity-relationship modelling is used for describing the Application Objects and how they are mapped to database fields. The GNUstep Database Library represents these models as plain ASCII text files; this allows external programs to be used for constructing and maintaining the models separate from the applications which use them. Differences to GNUstep gdl Datasource objects are missing. ToDo EOQualifier: `isValidQualifierType' from EOAdaptor is not used now. This method is supposed to verify, when a qualifier is constructed, if an attribute can appear inside an expression. Make the relationshipPaths of type GCMutableSet. EOSQLExpresion There is no support now for specifying properties for the tables that appear in the FROM clause; I am thinking specifically at the OUTER specifier required by some servers when you use outer joins. Optimize the generated WHERE clause when the same relationship appears more than one time in the entity. The external query from EOEntity is not used when a fetch operation is unrestricted, i.e. it fetches all the records from the table Class Hierachy NSObject DefaultScannerHandler EOInsertUpdateScannerHandler EOQualifierScannerHandler EOSelectScannerHandler EOAdaptor EOAdaptorChannel EOAdaptorContext EOAttributeOrdering EODatabase EODatabaseChannel EODatabaseContext EOFaultResolver EOArrayFault EOObjectFault EOGenericRecord EOKeySortOrdering EONull < NSCopying > EOObjectUniquer EOQualifierJoinHolder EOQuotedExpression < NSCopying > EOSQLExpression < EOExpressionContext > EODeleteSQLExpression EOInsertSQLExpression EOSelectSQLExpression EOUpdateSQLExpression NSDictionary EOPrimaryKeyDictionary EOSinglePrimaryKeyDictionary EOMultiplePrimaryKeyDictionary NSEnumerator EOSinglePrimaryKeyDictionaryEnumerator EOAttribute EOEntity EOModel EOQualifier EOSQLQualifier < NSCopying > EORelationship EOExpressionArray GCObject GCMutableArray EOFault NSException EOFException DestinationEntityDoesntMatchDefinitionException EOAdaptorException InvalidAttributeException InvalidQualifierException ObjectNotAvailableException PropertyDefinitionException PropertyDefinitionException InvalidNameException InvalidPropertyException InvalidValueTypeException RelationshipMustBeToOneException EOAdaptorException CannotFindAdaptorBundleException DataTypeMappingNotSupportedException InvalidAdaptorBundleException InvalidAdaptorStateException InvalidAdaptorStateException AdaptorIsFetchingException AdaptorIsNotFetchingException ChannelIsNotOpenedException NoTransactionInProgressException TooManyOpenedChannelsException Categories EOAdaptor+Private EOAdaptorContext+Private EOAttribute+EOAttributePrivate EOAttribute+ValuesConversion EODatabase+Private EODatabaseChannel+Private EODatabaseContext+Private EOEntity+EOEntityPrivate EOEntity+ValuesConversion EOJoin+EOJoinPrivate EOModel+EOModelPrivate EORelationship+EORelationshipPrivate NSArray+EOKeyBasedSorting NSData+EOCustomValues NSDictionary+EOKeyValueCoding NSMutableArray+EOKeyBasedSorting NSMutableDictionary+EOKeyValueCoding NSNumber+EOCustomValues NSObject+EOExpression NSObject+EOAdaptorChannelDelegation NSObject+EOAdaptorContextDelegate NSObject+EOAdaptorDelegate NSObject+EOCustomValues NSObject+EODatabaseChannelDelegateProtocol NSObject+EODatabaseChannelNotification NSObject+EODatabaseCustomValues NSObject+EOGenericRecord NSObject+EOKeyValueCoding NSObject+EOKeyValueCodingEONull NSObject+EOUnableToFaultToOne NSString+EOAttributeTypeCheck NSString+EOCustomValues Protocols EOExpressionContext Informal Protocols EOClassMapping EOCustomValues EODatabaseChannelNotification EODatabaseCustomValues EOExpression EOKeyValueCoding EOKeyValueCodingEONull EOUnableToFaultToOne -- Helge Hess (helge@mdlink.de) MDlink online service center, 1998-11-01