/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id: libxmlHTMLSAXDriver.m,v 1.5 2004/05/07 16:31:22 helge Exp $ #import "libxmlHTMLSAXDriver.h" #import "libxmlSAXLocator.h" #include "TableCallbacks.h" #include #include #include "common.h" #include #include @interface libxmlHTMLSAXDriver(PrivateMethods) - (void)tearDownParser; - (BOOL)walkDocumentTree:(xmlDocPtr)_doc; - (BOOL)processNode:(xmlNodePtr)_node; - (BOOL)processChildren:(xmlNodePtr)children; @end static int _UTF8ToUTF16(unsigned char **sourceStart, unsigned char *sourceEnd, unichar **targetStart, const unichar *targetEnd); static BOOL logUnsupportedFeatures = NO; static BOOL reportInvalidTags = NO; static BOOL reportUnclosedEntities = NO; static NSMapTable *uniqueStrings = NULL; // THREAD static Class NSStringClass = Nil; /* error string detection */ /* TODO: obviously this may change between libxml versions or even localisations ... why doesn't libxml support error codes ? (or does it ?) */ static const unsigned char *tagInvalidMsg = "tag %s invalid"; static const unsigned char *unclosedEntityInvalidMsg = "htmlParseEntityRef: expecting ';'"; #if 0 static const unsigned char *unexpectedNobrCloseMsg = "Unexpected end tag : %s"; #endif static inline NSString *xmlCharsToString(const xmlChar *_s) { NSString *s; char *newkey; if (_s == NULL) return nil; if (uniqueStrings == NULL) { uniqueStrings = NSCreateMapTable(libxmlNonOwnedCStringMapKeyCallBacks, NSObjectMapValueCallBacks, 128); } else if ((s = NSMapGet(uniqueStrings, _s))) { /* found a string in cache ... */ return [s retain]; } newkey = malloc(strlen(_s) + 1); strcpy(newkey, _s); if (NSStringClass == Nil) NSStringClass = [NSString class]; s = [[NSStringClass alloc] initWithUTF8String:_s]; NSMapInsert(uniqueStrings, newkey, s); return s; } static NSString *SaxDeclHandlerProperty = @"http://xml.org/sax/properties/declaration-handler"; static NSString *SaxLexicalHandlerProperty = @"http://xml.org/sax/properties/lexical-handler"; static NSString *XMLNS_XHTML = @"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; @implementation libxmlHTMLSAXDriver static libxmlHTMLSAXDriver *activeDriver = nil; static void warning(void *udata, const char *msg, ...); static void error(void *udata, const char *msg, ...); static void fatalError(void *udata, const char *msg, ...); static void setLocator(void *udata, xmlSAXLocatorPtr _locator); + (void)initialize { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; reportInvalidTags = [ud boolForKey:@"libxmlHTMLSAXDriverReportInvalidTags"]; reportUnclosedEntities = [ud boolForKey:@"libxmlHTMLSAXDriverReportUnclosedEntityRefs"]; } - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { self->namespaceURI = [XMLNS_XHTML copy]; self->encodeEntities = NO; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self tearDownParser]; [self->attributes release]; [self->namespaceURI release]; [self->lexicalHandler release]; [self->declHandler release]; [self->contentHandler release]; [self->dtdHandler release]; [self->errorHandler release]; [self->entityResolver release]; [super dealloc]; } /* features & properties */ - (void)setFeature:(NSString *)_name to:(BOOL)_value { if (logUnsupportedFeatures) NSLog(@"%s: don't know feature %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _name); } - (BOOL)feature:(NSString *)_name { if (logUnsupportedFeatures) NSLog(@"%s: don't know feature %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _name); return NO; } - (void)setProperty:(NSString *)_name to:(id)_value { if ([_name isEqualToString:SaxLexicalHandlerProperty]) { ASSIGN(self->lexicalHandler, _value); return; } if ([_name isEqualToString:SaxDeclHandlerProperty]) { ASSIGN(self->declHandler, _value); return; } [SaxNotRecognizedException raise:@"PropertyException" format:@"don't know property %@", _name]; } - (id)property:(NSString *)_name { if ([_name isEqualToString:SaxLexicalHandlerProperty]) return self->lexicalHandler; if ([_name isEqualToString:SaxDeclHandlerProperty]) return self->declHandler; [SaxNotRecognizedException raise:@"PropertyException" format:@"don't know property %@", _name]; return nil; } /* handlers */ - (void)setDTDHandler:(id)_handler { ASSIGN(self->dtdHandler, _handler); } - (id)dtdHandler { return self->dtdHandler; } - (void)setErrorHandler:(id)_handler { ASSIGN(self->errorHandler, _handler); } - (id)errorHandler { return self->errorHandler; } - (void)setEntityResolver:(id)_handler { ASSIGN(self->entityResolver, _handler); } - (id)entityResolver { return self->entityResolver; } - (void)setContentHandler:(id)_handler { ASSIGN(self->contentHandler, _handler); } - (id)contentHandler { return self->contentHandler; } /* libxml */ - (void)setupParserWithDocumentPath:(NSString *)_path { xmlSAXHandler sax; if (self->ctxt != NULL) { NSLog(@"WARNING(%s): HTML parser context already setup !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); [self tearDownParser]; } memcpy(&sax, &htmlDefaultSAXHandler, sizeof(xmlSAXHandler)); sax.error = error; sax.warning = warning; sax.fatalError = fatalError; sax.setDocumentLocator = setLocator; if (activeDriver != nil) { NSLog(@"WARNING(%s): %@ there is an active driver set (%@), override !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self, activeDriver); } activeDriver = self; self->ctxt = htmlCreatePushParserCtxt(&sax /* sax */, NULL /*self*/ /* userdata */, NULL /* chunk */, 0 /* chunklen */, [_path cString] /* filename */, XML_CHAR_ENCODING_8859_1 /* encoding */); self->doc = NULL; } - (void)tearDownParser { if (activeDriver == self) activeDriver = nil; if (self->doc) { xmlFreeDoc(self->doc); self->doc = NULL; } if (self->ctxt) { htmlFreeParserCtxt(self->ctxt); self->ctxt = NULL; } } /* IO */ - (void)pushBytes:(const char *)_bytes count:(unsigned)_len { if (_len == 0) return; NSAssert(self->ctxt, @"missing HTML parser context"); htmlParseChunk(self->ctxt, _bytes, _len, 0); } - (void)pushEOF { char dummyByte; htmlParseChunk(self->ctxt, &dummyByte, 0, 1 /* terminate */); self->doc = ((xmlParserCtxtPtr)ctxt)->myDoc; } /* parsing */ - (void)_handleEmptyDataInSystemId:(NSString *)_sysId { /* An empty HTML file _is_ valid?! I guess it equals to , wrong? => hh */ [self->contentHandler startDocument]; [self->contentHandler startPrefixMapping:@"" uri:self->namespaceURI]; [self->contentHandler startElement:@"html" namespace:XMLNS_XHTML rawName:@"html" attributes:nil]; [self->contentHandler startElement:@"body" namespace:XMLNS_XHTML rawName:@"body" attributes:nil]; [self->contentHandler endElement:@"body" namespace:XMLNS_XHTML rawName:@"body"]; [self->contentHandler endElement:@"html" namespace:XMLNS_XHTML rawName:@"html"]; [self->contentHandler endPrefixMapping:@""]; [self->contentHandler endDocument]; } - (void)_parseFromData:(NSData *)_data systemId:(NSString *)_sysId { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; if ([_data length] == 0) { [self _handleEmptyDataInSystemId:_sysId]; return; } pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; /* parse into structure */ [self setupParserWithDocumentPath:_sysId]; [self pushBytes:[_data bytes] count:[_data length]]; [self pushEOF]; if (self->doc == NULL) { NSLog(@"Could not parse HTML file: %@", _sysId); [self tearDownParser]; } else { [self walkDocumentTree:self->doc]; [self tearDownParser]; } [pool release]; } - (void)parseFromSource:(id)_source systemId:(NSString *)_sysId { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if ([_source isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) { [self _parseFromData:_source systemId:_sysId]; return; } if ([_source isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { [self _parseFromData:[_source dataUsingEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding] systemId:_sysId]; return; } if ([_source isKindOfClass:[NSURL class]]) { NSData *data; data = [_source isFileURL] ? [NSData dataWithContentsOfMappedFile:[_source path]] : [_source resourceDataUsingCache:YES]; [self _parseFromData:data systemId:[_source absoluteString]]; return; } { SaxParseException *e; NSDictionary *ui; ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: _source ? _source : @"", @"source", self, @"parser", nil]; e = (id)[SaxParseException exceptionWithName:@"SaxIOException" reason:@"can't handle data-source" userInfo:ui]; [self->errorHandler fatalError:e]; } [self tearDownParser]; [pool release]; } - (void)parseFromSource:(id)_source { if ([_source isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) [self parseFromSource:_source systemId:@""]; else if ([_source isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) [self parseFromSource:_source systemId:@""]; else if ([_source isKindOfClass:[NSURL class]]) [self parseFromSource:_source systemId:[_source absoluteString]]; else [self parseFromSource:_source systemId:@""]; } - (void)parseFromSystemId:(NSString *)_sysId { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSData *data; if (![_sysId hasPrefix:@"file://"]) { /* exception */ return; } pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; /* cut off file:// */ _sysId = [_sysId substringFromIndex:7]; /* load data */ data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:_sysId]; [self _parseFromData:data systemId:_sysId]; [pool release]; } /* process attribute nodes */ - (void)processAttributes:(xmlAttrPtr)_attributes { xmlAttrPtr attribute; /* setup or clear attribute cache */ if (self->attributes == nil) attributes = [[SaxAttributes alloc] init]; else [attributes clear]; if (_attributes == NULL) /* nothing to process */ return; /* add attributes */ for (attribute = _attributes; attribute; attribute = attribute->next) { NSString *name, *xhtmlName; NSString *value; #if 0 printf("attr name '%s' has NS '%s'\n", attribute->name, attribute->ns ? "yes" : "no"); #endif name = xmlCharsToString(attribute->name); xhtmlName = [name lowercaseString]; value = @""; if (attribute->children) { xmlChar *t; if ((t = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, attribute->children, 0))) { value = xmlCharsToString(t); free(t); /* should be xmlFree ?? */ } } [attributes addAttribute:xhtmlName uri:self->namespaceURI rawName:name type:@"CDATA" value:value]; [name release]; name = nil; [value release]; value = nil; } return; } /* walking the tree, generating SAX events */ - (BOOL)processEntityRefNode:(xmlNodePtr)node { NSLog(@"Ignoring entity ref: '%s'\n", node->name); return YES; } - (BOOL)processDocumentNode:(xmlNodePtr)node { BOOL result; [self->contentHandler startDocument]; [self->contentHandler startPrefixMapping:@"" uri:self->namespaceURI]; result = [self processChildren:node->children]; [self->contentHandler endPrefixMapping:@""]; [self->contentHandler endDocument]; return result; } - (BOOL)processTextNode:(xmlNodePtr)_node { static unichar c = '\0'; xmlChar *chars; unsigned len; if (self->contentHandler == nil) return YES; if (_node->content == NULL) { [self->contentHandler characters:&c length:0]; return YES; } if (self->encodeEntities) { /* should use the HTML encoding routine (htmlEncodeEntities) ??? */ chars = xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(self->doc, _node->content); } else chars = _node->content; if (chars == NULL) { [self->contentHandler characters:&c length:0]; return YES; } if ((len = strlen(chars)) == 0) { unichar c = '\0'; [self->contentHandler characters:&c length:0]; return YES; } { void *data, *ts; data = ts = calloc(len + 2, sizeof(unichar)); /* GC ?! */ if (_UTF8ToUTF16((void *)&chars, (void *)(chars + len), (void *)&ts, ts + (len * sizeof(unichar)))) { NSLog(@"ERROR(%s:%i): couldn't convert UTF8 to UTF16 !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (data) free(data); return NO; } len = (ts - data) / 2; [self->contentHandler characters:data length:len]; if (data) free(data); } return YES; } - (BOOL)processCommentNode:(xmlNodePtr)_node { unichar c = '\0'; if (self->lexicalHandler == nil) return YES; if (_node->content) { xmlChar *chars; /* uses the HTML encoding routine !!!!!!!!!! */ chars = xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant(self->doc, _node->content); if (chars == NULL) { [self->lexicalHandler comment:&c length:0]; } else { unsigned len; if ((len = strlen(chars)) > 0) { void *data, *ts; data = ts = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(unichar)); /* GC ?! */ if (_UTF8ToUTF16((void *)&chars, (void *)(chars + len), (void *)&ts, ts + (len * sizeof(unichar)))) { free(data); NSLog(@"ERROR(%s:%i): couldn't convert UTF8 to UTF16 !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return NO; } len = (ts - data) / 2; [self->lexicalHandler comment:data length:len]; free(data); } else { unichar c = '\0'; [self->lexicalHandler comment:&c length:0]; } } } else [self->lexicalHandler comment:&c length:0]; return YES; } - (BOOL)processDTDNode:(xmlNodePtr)node { /* do nothing with DTD nodes .. */ return YES; } - (BOOL)processEntityNode:(xmlNodePtr)node { /* do nothing with entity nodes .. */ NSLog(@"%s:%i: ignoring entity node ..", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return YES; } - (BOOL)processPINode:(xmlNodePtr)node { /* do nothing with PI nodes .. */ return YES; } - (BOOL)processElementNode:(xmlNodePtr)node { const htmlElemDesc *tagInfo; NSString *tagName, *xhtmlName; BOOL result; self->depth++; tagInfo = htmlTagLookup(node->name); tagName = xmlCharsToString(node->name); xhtmlName = [tagName lowercaseString]; [self processAttributes:node->properties]; [self->contentHandler startElement:xhtmlName namespace:self->namespaceURI rawName:tagName attributes:self->attributes]; [self->attributes clear]; result = [self processChildren:node->children]; [self->contentHandler endElement:xhtmlName namespace:self->namespaceURI rawName:tagName]; self->depth--; [tagName release]; return result; } - (BOOL)processChildren:(xmlNodePtr)children { xmlNodePtr node; if (children == NULL) return YES; for (node = children; node; node = node->next) { [self processNode:node]; } return YES; } - (BOOL)processNode:(xmlNodePtr)_node { switch(_node->type) { case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: return [self processElementNode:_node]; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: NSLog(@"invalid place for attribute-node !"); return NO; case HTML_TEXT_NODE: return [self processTextNode:_node]; case XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: return [self processTextNode:_node]; case HTML_ENTITY_REF_NODE: return [self processEntityRefNode:_node]; case XML_ENTITY_NODE: return [self processEntityNode:_node]; case XML_PI_NODE: return [self processPINode:_node]; case HTML_COMMENT_NODE: return [self processCommentNode:_node]; case XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE: return [self processDocumentNode:_node]; case XML_DTD_NODE: return [self processDTDNode:_node]; default: NSLog(@"WARNING: UNKNOWN node type %i\n", _node->type); break; } return NO; } - (BOOL)walkDocumentTree:(xmlDocPtr)_doc { int type; BOOL result; type = ((xmlDocPtr)self->doc)->type; ((xmlDocPtr)self->doc)->type = XML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE; result = [self processNode:(xmlNodePtr)self->doc]; ((xmlDocPtr)self->doc)->type = type; return result; } /* callbacks */ static SaxParseException * mkException(libxmlHTMLSAXDriver *self, NSString *key, const char *msg, va_list va) { NSString *s, *reason; NSDictionary *ui; SaxParseException *e; int count = 0, i; id keys[7], values[7]; id tmp; NSRange r; s = [NSString stringWithCString:msg]; s = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:s arguments:va] autorelease]; r = [s rangeOfString:@"\n"]; reason = (r.length > 0) ? [s substringToIndex:r.location] : s; if ([reason length] == 0) reason = @"unknown reason"; keys[0] = @"parser"; values[0] = self; count++; keys[1] = @"depth"; values[1] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:self->depth]; count++; if ([s length] > 0) { keys[count] = @"errorMessage"; values[count] = s; count++; } // NSLog(@"locator: %@", self->locator); if ((i = [self->locator lineNumber]) >= 0) { keys[count] = @"line"; values[count] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:i]; count++; } if ((i = [self->locator columnNumber]) >= 0) { keys[count] = @"column"; values[count] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:i]; count++; } if ((tmp = [self->locator publicId])) { keys[count] = @"publicId"; values[count] = tmp; count++; } if ((tmp = [self->locator systemId])) { keys[count] = @"systemId"; values[count] = tmp; count++; } ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:values forKeys:keys count:count]; e = (id)[SaxParseException exceptionWithName:key reason:reason userInfo:ui]; return e; } static void warning(void *udata, const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; SaxParseException *e; if (activeDriver == nil) { NSLog(@"ERROR(%s): no driver is active !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return; } va_start(args, msg); e = mkException(activeDriver, @"SAXWarning", msg, args); va_end(args); [activeDriver->errorHandler warning:e]; } static void error(void *udata, const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; SaxParseException *e; if (!reportInvalidTags && msg != NULL) { if (toupper(msg[0]) == 'T') { if (strncasecmp(tagInvalidMsg, msg, strlen(tagInvalidMsg)) == 0) return; } #if 0 else if (toupper(msg[0]) == 'U') { if (strncasecmp(unexpectedNobrCloseMsg, msg, strlen(unexpectedNobrCloseMsg)) == 0) return; printf("MSG: '%s'\n", msg); } #endif } if (!reportUnclosedEntities && msg != NULL && toupper(msg[0]) == 'H') { if (strncasecmp(unclosedEntityInvalidMsg, msg, strlen(unclosedEntityInvalidMsg)) == 0) return; } if (activeDriver == nil) { NSLog(@"ERROR(%s): no driver is active !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return; } /* msg is a format, eg 'tag %s is invalid' */ va_start(args, msg); e = mkException(activeDriver, @"SAXError", msg, args); va_end(args); [activeDriver->errorHandler error:e]; } static void fatalError(void *udata, const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; SaxParseException *e; if (activeDriver == nil) { NSLog(@"ERROR(%s): no driver is active !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return; } va_start(args, msg); e = mkException(activeDriver, @"SAXFatalError", msg, args); va_end(args); [activeDriver->errorHandler fatalError:e]; } static void setLocator(void *udata, xmlSAXLocatorPtr _locator) { if (activeDriver == nil) { NSLog(@"ERROR(%s): no driver is active !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return; } [activeDriver->locator release]; activeDriver->locator = [[libxmlSAXLocator alloc] initWithSaxLocator:_locator parser:activeDriver]; activeDriver->locator->ctx = activeDriver->ctxt; [activeDriver->contentHandler setDocumentLocator:activeDriver->locator]; } @end /* libxmlHTMLSAXDriver */ #include "unicode.h"