/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OGo OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include "libxmlSAXDriver.h" #include "libxmlSAXLocator.h" #include "TableCallbacks.h" #include #include #include "common.h" #include /* TODO: xmlChar is really UTF-8, not cString !!! */ static NSString *SaxDeclHandlerProperty = @"http://xml.org/sax/properties/declaration-handler"; static NSString *SaxLexicalHandlerProperty = @"http://xml.org/sax/properties/lexical-handler"; #if 0 static NSString *SaxDOMNodeProperty = @"http://xml.org/sax/properties/dom-node"; static NSString *SaxXMLStringProperty = @"http://xml.org/sax/properties/xml-string"; #endif static int _UTF8ToUTF16(unsigned char **sourceStart, unsigned char *sourceEnd, unichar **targetStart, const unichar *targetEnd); static NSMapTable *uniqueStrings = NULL; // THREAD static Class NSStringClass = Nil; static inline NSString *xmlCharsToString(const xmlChar *_s) { NSString *s; char *newkey; if (_s == NULL) return nil; if (uniqueStrings == NULL) { uniqueStrings = NSCreateMapTable(libxmlNonOwnedCStringMapKeyCallBacks, NSObjectMapValueCallBacks, 128); } else if ((s = NSMapGet(uniqueStrings, _s))) { /* found a string in cache ... */ return [s retain]; } newkey = malloc(strlen(_s) + 1); strcpy(newkey, _s); if (NSStringClass == Nil) NSStringClass = [NSString class]; s = [[NSStringClass alloc] initWithUTF8String:_s]; NSMapInsert(uniqueStrings, newkey, s); return s; } extern xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt(char *buffer, int size); @implementation libxmlSAXDriver static libxmlSAXDriver *activeDriver = nil; static void _startElement(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts); static void _endElement(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *name); static void _startDocument(libxmlSAXDriver *self); static void _endDocument(libxmlSAXDriver *self); static void _characters(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *chars, int len); static void _ignorableWhiteSpace(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *chars, int len); static void __pi(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *target, const xmlChar *data); static void _comment(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *value); static xmlParserInputPtr _resolveEntity(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *pub, const xmlChar *sys) __attribute__((unused)); static xmlEntityPtr _getEntity(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *name) __attribute__((unused)); static void _warning(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const char *msg, ...); static void _error(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const char *msg, ...); static void _fatalError(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const char *msg, ...); static void _setLocator(void *udata, xmlSAXLocatorPtr _locator); static void _cdataBlock(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *value, int len); static void _entityDecl(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *name, int type, const xmlChar *publicId, const xmlChar *systemId, xmlChar *content) __attribute__((unused)); static void _notationDecl(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *publicId, const xmlChar *systemId) __attribute__((unused)); static void _unparsedEntityDecl(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *publicId, const xmlChar *systemId, const xmlChar *notationName) __attribute__((unused)); static void _elementDecl(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *name, int type, xmlElementContentPtr content) __attribute__((unused)); static void _attrDecl(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *elem, const xmlChar *name, int type, int def, const xmlChar *defaultValue, xmlEnumerationPtr tree) __attribute__((unused)); static void _internalSubset(libxmlSAXDriver *ctx, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *ExternalID, const xmlChar *SystemID); static void _externalSubset(libxmlSAXDriver *ctx, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *ExternalID, const xmlChar *SystemID); static void _reference(libxmlSAXDriver *ctx, const xmlChar *name); #if 0 static int _isStandalone(libxmlSAXDriver *self); static int _hasInternalSubset(libxmlSAXDriver *self); static int _hasExternalSubset(libxmlSAXDriver *self); #endif static xmlSAXHandler saxHandler = { (void*)_internalSubset, /* internalSubset */ #if 1 NULL,NULL,NULL, #else (void*)_isStandalone, /* isStandalone */ (void*)_hasInternalSubset, /* hasInternalSubset */ (void*)_hasExternalSubset, /* hasExternalSubset */ #endif #if HANDLE_XML_ENTITIES (void*)_resolveEntity, /* resolveEntity */ (void*)_getEntity, /* getEntity */ #else NULL, NULL, #endif #if HANDLE_XML_DELCS (void*)_entityDecl, /* entityDecl */ (void*)_notationDecl, /* notationDecl */ (void*)_attrDecl, /* attributeDecl */ (void*)_elementDecl, /* elementDecl */ (void*)_unparsedEntityDecl, /* unparsedEntityDecl */ #else NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, #endif (void*)_setLocator, /* setDocumentLocator */ (void*)_startDocument, /* startDocument */ (void*)_endDocument, /* endDocument */ (void*)_startElement, /* startElement */ (void*)_endElement, /* endElement */ (void*)_reference, /* reference */ (void*)_characters, /* characters */ (void*)_ignorableWhiteSpace, /* ignorableWhitespace */ (void*)__pi, /* processingInstruction */ (void*)_comment, /* comment */ (void*)_warning, /* warning */ (void*)_error, /* error */ (void*)_fatalError, /* fatalError */ NULL, /* getParameterEntity */ (void*)_cdataBlock, /* cdataBlock */ (void*)_externalSubset /* externalSubset */ }; - (id)init { self->sax = &saxHandler; self->nsStack = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; /* feature defaults */ self->fNamespaces = YES; self->fNamespacePrefixes = NO; return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->attrs release]; [self->nsStack release]; [self->declHandler release]; [self->lexicalHandler release]; [self->contentHandler release]; [self->dtdHandler release]; [self->errorHandler release]; [self->entityResolver release]; [self->locator clear]; [self->locator release]; if (self->entity) free(self->entity); [super dealloc]; } /* properties */ - (void)setProperty:(NSString *)_name to:(id)_value { if ([_name isEqualToString:SaxLexicalHandlerProperty]) { ASSIGN(self->lexicalHandler, _value); return; } if ([_name isEqualToString:SaxDeclHandlerProperty]) { ASSIGN(self->declHandler, _value); return; } [SaxNotRecognizedException raise:@"PropertyException" format:@"don't know property %@", _name]; } - (id)property:(NSString *)_name { if ([_name isEqualToString:SaxLexicalHandlerProperty]) return self->lexicalHandler; if ([_name isEqualToString:SaxDeclHandlerProperty]) return self->declHandler; [SaxNotRecognizedException raise:@"PropertyException" format:@"don't know property %@", _name]; return nil; } /* features */ - (void)setFeature:(NSString *)_name to:(BOOL)_value { if ([_name isEqualToString:@"http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces"]) { self->fNamespaces = _value; return; } if ([_name isEqualToString: @"http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes"]) { self->fNamespacePrefixes = _value; return; } [SaxNotRecognizedException raise:@"FeatureException" format:@"don't know feature %@", _name]; } - (BOOL)feature:(NSString *)_name { if ([_name isEqualToString:@"http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces"]) return self->fNamespaces; if ([_name isEqualToString: @"http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes"]) return self->fNamespacePrefixes; if ([_name isEqualToString: @"http://www.skyrix.com/sax/features/predefined-namespaces"]) return YES; [SaxNotRecognizedException raise:@"FeatureException" format:@"don't know feature %@", _name]; return NO; } /* handlers */ - (void)setDTDHandler:(id)_handler { ASSIGN(self->dtdHandler, _handler); } - (id)dtdHandler { return self->dtdHandler; } - (void)setErrorHandler:(id)_handler { ASSIGN(self->errorHandler, _handler); } - (id)errorHandler { return self->errorHandler; } - (void)setEntityResolver:(id)_handler { ASSIGN(self->entityResolver, _handler); } - (id)entityResolver { return self->entityResolver; } - (void)setContentHandler:(id)_handler { ASSIGN(self->contentHandler, _handler); } - (id)contentHandler { return self->contentHandler; } /* parsing */ - (NSStringEncoding)encodingForXMLEncodingString:(NSString *)_enc { // TODO: use the string-charset functions in NGExtensions _enc = [_enc lowercaseString]; if ([_enc isEqualToString:@"utf-8"]) return NSUTF8StringEncoding; if ([_enc isEqualToString:@"iso-8859-1"]) return NSISOLatin1StringEncoding; #ifndef NeXT_Foundation_LIBRARY if ([_enc isEqualToString:@"iso-8859-9"]) return NSISOLatin9StringEncoding; #endif if ([_enc isEqualToString:@"iso-8859-2"]) return NSISOLatin2StringEncoding; if ([_enc isEqualToString:@"ascii"]) return NSASCIIStringEncoding; NSLog(@"%s: UNKNOWN XML ENCODING '%@'", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _enc); return 0; } - (NSData *)dataForXMLString:(NSString *)_string { NSData *data; NSRange r; data = nil; r = [_string rangeOfString:@"?>"]; if ([_string hasPrefix:@" 0) { xmlDecl = [_string substringFromIndex:(r.location + 10)]; r = [xmlDecl rangeOfString:@"'"]; xmlDecl = (r.length > 0) ? [xmlDecl substringToIndex:r.location] : nil; } else { r = [xmlDecl rangeOfString:@"encoding=\""]; if (r.length > 0) { xmlDecl = [_string substringFromIndex:(r.location + r.length)]; r = [xmlDecl rangeOfString:@"\""]; xmlDecl = r.length > 0 ? [xmlDecl substringToIndex:r.location] : nil; } else xmlDecl = nil; } if ([xmlDecl length] > 0) { NSStringEncoding enc; if ((enc = [self encodingForXMLEncodingString:xmlDecl]) != 0) { data = [_string dataUsingEncoding:enc]; if (data == nil) { NSLog(@"WARNING(%s): couldn't get data for string '%@', " @"encoding %i !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _string, enc); return nil; } } } } if (data == nil) data = [_string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; return data; } - (void)parseFromSource:(id)_source systemId:(NSString *)_sysId { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; if (_source == nil) { /* no source ??? */ return; } if ([_source isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { /* convert strings to UTF8 data */ if (_sysId == nil) _sysId = @""; _source = [self dataForXMLString:_source]; } else if ([_source isKindOfClass:[NSURL class]]) { if (_sysId == nil) _sysId = [_source absoluteString]; _source = [_source resourceDataUsingCache:NO]; } else if ([_source isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) { if (_sysId == nil) _sysId = @""; } else { SaxParseException *e; NSDictionary *ui; ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: _source ? _source : @"", @"source", self, @"parser", nil]; e = (id)[SaxParseException exceptionWithName:@"SaxIOException" reason:@"can't handle data-source" userInfo:ui]; [self->errorHandler fatalError:e]; return; } pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; /* start parsing */ { unsigned char *src, *start; unsigned len; void *oldsax; if ((len = [_source length]) == 0) { /* no content ... */ return; } /* zero-terminate the data !!! */ src = malloc(len + 1); [_source getBytes:src length:len]; src[len] = '\0'; start = src; if (len > 5) { unsigned char *tmp; if ((tmp = strstr(src, "ctxt = xmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt(start, len); if (self->ctxt == nil) { SaxParseException *e; NSDictionary *ui; NSLog(@"%s: couldn't create memory parser ctx (src=0x%08X, len=%d) !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, src, len); if (activeDriver == self) activeDriver = nil; ui = nil; e = (id)[SaxParseException exceptionWithName:@"SaxIOException" reason:@"couldn't create memory parser context" userInfo:ui]; [self->errorHandler fatalError:e]; return; } if (((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->input != NULL && [_sysId length] > 0) { ((xmlParserInputPtr)((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->input)->filename = [_sysId cString]; } oldsax = ((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->sax; ((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->sax = self->sax; ((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->userData = self; xmlParseDocument(ctxt); if (!(((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->wellFormed)) NSLog(@"%@: not well formed", _sysId); if (((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->input != NULL && [_sysId length] > 0) ((xmlParserInputPtr)((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->input)->filename =NULL; ((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->sax = oldsax; ((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->userData = NULL; xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); if (activeDriver == self) activeDriver = nil; if (src) { free(src); src = NULL; } } [pool release]; } - (void)parseFromSource:(id)_source { [self parseFromSource:_source systemId:nil]; } static int mfread(void *f, char *buf, int len) { int l; l = fread(buf, 1, len, f); //printf("read %i bytes\n", l); return l; } static int mfclose(void *f) { return fclose(f); } - (void)parseFromSystemId:(NSString *)_sysId { /* _sysId is a URI */ NSAutoreleasePool *pool; if (![_sysId hasPrefix:@"file:"]) { SaxParseException *e; NSDictionary *ui; NSURL *url; if ((url = [NSURL URLWithString:_sysId])) { [self parseFromSource:url systemId:_sysId]; return; } ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: _sysId ? _sysId : @"", @"systemID", self, @"parser", nil]; e = (id)[SaxParseException exceptionWithName:@"SaxIOException" reason:@"can't handle system-id" userInfo:ui]; [self->errorHandler fatalError:e]; return; } pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; /* cut off file:// */ if ([_sysId hasPrefix:@"file://"]) _sysId = [_sysId substringFromIndex:7]; else _sysId = [_sysId substringFromIndex:5]; /* start parsing .. */ #if 0 ret = xmlSAXUserParseFile(self->sax, (void *)self, [_sysId cString]); #else { FILE *f; f = fopen([_sysId cString], "r"); if (f == NULL) { SaxParseException *e; NSDictionary *ui; #if DEBUG NSLog(@"%s: missing file '%@'", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _sysId); #endif ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: _sysId ? _sysId : @"", @"path", self, @"parser", nil]; e = (id)[SaxParseException exceptionWithName:@"SaxIOException" reason:@"can't find file" userInfo:ui]; [self->errorHandler fatalError:e]; [pool release]; return; } self->ctxt = xmlCreateIOParserCtxt(self->sax, self /* userdata */, mfread, /* ioread */ mfclose, /* ioclose */ f, /* ioctx */ XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8 /* encoding */); if (((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->input != NULL && [_sysId length] > 0) { ((xmlParserInputPtr)((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->input)->filename = [_sysId cString]; } if (activeDriver != nil) { NSLog(@"WARNING(%s): %@ there is an active driver set (%@), override !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self, activeDriver); } activeDriver = self; xmlParseDocument(self->ctxt); if (activeDriver == self) activeDriver = nil; if (((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->input != NULL && [_sysId length] > 0) ((xmlParserInputPtr)((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->input)->filename =NULL; if (!(((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->wellFormed)) NSLog(@"%@: not well formed", _sysId); ((xmlParserCtxtPtr)self->ctxt)->sax = NULL; xmlFreeParserCtxt(self->ctxt); } #endif [pool release]; } /* entities */ - (NSString *)replacementStringForEntityNamed:(NSString *)_entityName { // TODO: check, how this is used, could explain some problems //NSLog(@"get entity: %@", _entityName); return [[@"&" stringByAppendingString:_entityName] stringByAppendingString:@";"]; } /* namespace support */ - (NSString *)nsUriForPrefix:(NSString *)_prefix { NSEnumerator *e; NSDictionary *ns; e = [self->nsStack reverseObjectEnumerator]; while ((ns = [e nextObject])) { NSString *uri; if ((uri = [ns objectForKey:_prefix])) { //NSLog(@"prefix %@ -> uri %@", _prefix, uri); return uri; } } //NSLog(@"prefix %@ -> uri %@", _prefix, nil); return nil; } - (NSString *)defaultNamespace { return [self nsUriForPrefix:@":"]; } - (void)declarePrefix:(NSString *)_prefix namespaceURI:(NSString *)_uri { NSMutableDictionary *ns = nil; NSDictionary *newns; unsigned count; NSCAssert(self->nsStack, @"missing namespace stack"); if ((count = [self->nsStack count]) == 0) ns = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:2]; else ns = [[self->nsStack lastObject] mutableCopy]; if ([_prefix length] == 0) _prefix = @":"; [ns setObject:_uri forKey:_prefix]; newns = [ns copy]; [ns release]; if (count == 0) [self->nsStack addObject:newns]; else [self->nsStack replaceObjectAtIndex:(count - 1) withObject:newns]; [newns release]; } /* ---------- libxml sax connection ---------- */ static void _startElement(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts) { NSString *ename, *rawName, *euri; NSDictionary *nsDict = nil; NSRange r; /* first scan for namespace declaration */ if (atts) { NSMutableDictionary *ns = nil; int i; for (i = 0; atts[i]; i += 2) { const xmlChar *an = atts[i]; /* check for attr-names beginning with 'xmlns' */ if (an[0] != 'x') continue; if (an[1] != 'm') continue; if (an[2] != 'l') continue; if (an[3] != 'n') continue; if (an[4] != 's') continue; /* ok, found ns decl */ if (ns == nil) ns = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; if (an[5] == ':') { /* eg */ NSString *prefix, *uri; if (an[6] == '\0') { /* invalid, namespace name may not be empty ! */ NSLog(@"WARNING(%s): empty namespace prefix !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } prefix = xmlCharsToString(&(an[6])); uri = xmlCharsToString(atts[i + 1]); //NSLog(@"prefix %@ uri %@", prefix, uri); NSCAssert(ns, @"missing namespace dictionary"); [ns setObject:uri forKey:prefix]; if (self->fNamespaces) [self->contentHandler startPrefixMapping:prefix uri:uri]; [prefix release]; prefix = nil; [uri release]; uri = nil; } else { /* eg */ NSString *uri; uri = xmlCharsToString(atts[i + 1]); [ns setObject:uri forKey:@":"]; //NSLog(@"prefix default uri %@", uri); [uri release]; uri = nil; } } nsDict = [ns copy]; [ns release]; } /* manage namespace stack */ if (nsDict == nil) nsDict = [NSDictionary dictionary]; NSCAssert(self->nsStack, @"missing namespace stack"); [self->nsStack addObject:nsDict]; /* process element name */ rawName = xmlCharsToString(name); r = [rawName rangeOfString:@":"]; if (r.length > 0) { /* eg: */ NSString *prefix; prefix = [rawName substringToIndex:r.location]; ename = [rawName substringFromIndex:(r.location + r.length)]; euri = [self nsUriForPrefix:prefix]; } else { ename = rawName; euri = [self defaultNamespace]; } /* create sax attrs */ if (self->attrs == nil) self->attrs = [[SaxAttributes alloc] init]; else [self->attrs clear]; if (atts) { int i; for (i = 0; atts[i]; i += 2) { NSString *name, *rawName, *uri; NSString *type, *value; NSRange r; if (!self->fNamespacePrefixes) { if (atts[i][0] == 'x') { const char *an = atts[i]; if (strstr(an, "xmlns") == an) continue; } } rawName = xmlCharsToString(atts[i]); r = [rawName rangeOfString:@":"]; if (r.length > 0) { /* explicit attribute namespace, eg '' */ NSString *prefix; prefix = [rawName substringToIndex:r.location]; name = [rawName substringFromIndex:(r.location + r.length)]; uri = [self nsUriForPrefix:prefix]; } else { /* plain attribute, eg '' */ name = rawName; uri = euri; /* attr inherits namespace from element-name */ } type = @"CDATA"; value = xmlCharsToString(atts[i + 1]); [self->attrs addAttribute:name uri:uri rawName:rawName type:type value:value]; [value release]; value = nil; [rawName release]; rawName = nil; } } self->depth++; /* send notification */ [self->contentHandler startElement:ename namespace:euri rawName:rawName attributes:self->attrs]; [rawName release]; rawName = nil; [self->attrs clear]; } static void _endElement(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *name) { NSString *ename, *rawName, *uri; NSRange r; rawName = xmlCharsToString(name); r = [rawName rangeOfString:@":"]; if (r.length > 0) { /* eg: */ NSString *prefix; prefix = [rawName substringToIndex:r.location]; ename = [rawName substringFromIndex:(r.location + r.length)]; uri = [self nsUriForPrefix:prefix]; } else { ename = rawName; uri = [self defaultNamespace]; } [self->contentHandler endElement:ename namespace:uri rawName:rawName]; self->depth--; [rawName release]; rawName = nil; /* process namespace stack */ if (self->fNamespaces) { NSDictionary *ns; NSEnumerator *keys; NSString *key; ns = [self->nsStack lastObject]; keys = [ns keyEnumerator]; while ((key = [keys nextObject])) { if ([key isEqualToString:@":"]) continue; [self->contentHandler endPrefixMapping:key]; } } [self->nsStack removeLastObject]; } static void _startDocument(libxmlSAXDriver *self) { static NSDictionary *defNS = nil; id keys[2], values[2]; //NSLog(@"start doc 0x%08X", self); if (defNS == nil) { keys[0] = @"xml"; values[0] = @"http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"; keys[1] = @":"; values[1] = @""; defNS = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects:values forKeys:keys count:2]; } if ([self->nsStack count] == 0) [self->nsStack addObject:defNS]; else [self->nsStack insertObject:defNS atIndex:0]; [self->contentHandler startDocument]; } static void _endDocument(libxmlSAXDriver *self) { [self->contentHandler endDocument]; if ([self->nsStack count] > 0) [self->nsStack removeObjectAtIndex:0]; else { NSLog(@"libxmlSAXDriver: inconsistent state, " @"nothing on NS stack in endDocument !"); } } static void _characters(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *chars, int len) { /* need to transform UTF8 to UTF16 */ unichar *data, *ts; if (len == 0) { unichar c = 0; data = &c; [self->contentHandler characters:data length:0]; return; } if (chars == NULL) { [self->contentHandler characters:NULL length:0]; return; } data = ts = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(unichar)); /* GC ?! */ if (_UTF8ToUTF16((void *)&chars, (void *)(chars + len), (void *)&ts, ts + (len * sizeof(unichar)))) { free(data); NSLog(@"ERROR(%s:%i): couldn't convert UTF8 to UTF16 !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } else { [self->contentHandler characters:data length:((unsigned)(ts - data))]; free(data); } } static void _ignorableWhiteSpace(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *chars, int len) { /* need to transform UTF8 to UTF16 */ unichar *data, *ts; if (len == 0) { unichar c = 0; data = &c; [self->contentHandler ignorableWhitespace:data length:len]; return; } if (chars == NULL) { [self->contentHandler ignorableWhitespace:NULL length:0]; return; } data = ts = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(unichar)); /* GC ?! */ if (_UTF8ToUTF16((void *)&chars, (void *)(chars + len), (void *)&ts, ts + (len * sizeof(unichar)))) { free(data); NSLog(@"ERROR(%s:%i): couldn't convert UTF8 to UTF16 !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } else { [self->contentHandler ignorableWhitespace:data length:(ts - data)]; free(data); } } static void __pi(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *pi, const xmlChar *data) { NSString *epi, *edata; epi = xmlCharsToString(pi); edata = xmlCharsToString(data); [self->contentHandler processingInstruction:epi data:edata]; [epi release]; epi = nil; [edata release]; edata = nil; } static void _comment(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *value) { if (self->lexicalHandler) { /* need to transform UTF8 to UTF16 */ unichar *data; register int i, len; len = strlen(value); data = calloc(len +1 ,sizeof(unichar)); /* GC ?! */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) data[i] = value[i]; [self->lexicalHandler comment:data length:len]; if (data) { free(data); data = NULL; } } } static void _setLocator(void *udata, xmlSAXLocatorPtr _locator) { if (activeDriver == nil) { NSLog(@"ERROR(%s): no driver is active !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return; } [activeDriver->locator release]; activeDriver->locator = [[libxmlSAXLocator alloc] initWithSaxLocator:_locator parser:activeDriver]; activeDriver->locator->ctx = activeDriver->ctxt; [activeDriver->contentHandler setDocumentLocator:activeDriver->locator]; } static xmlParserInputPtr _resolveEntity(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *pub, const xmlChar *sys) { NSString *pubId, *sysId; id src; pubId = xmlCharsToString(pub); sysId = xmlCharsToString(sys); src = [self->entityResolver resolveEntityWithPublicId:pubId systemId:sysId]; if (src == nil) { //return xmlLoadExternalEntity(sys, pub, self); return NULL; } NSLog(@"ignored entity src %@", src); [pubId release]; pubId = nil; [sysId release]; sysId = nil; return NULL; } static xmlEntityPtr _getEntity(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *name) { xmlEntityPtr p; NSString *ename, *s; if ((p = xmlGetPredefinedEntity(name))) return p; if (self->entity == NULL) /* setup shared entity structure */ self->entity = calloc(1, sizeof(xmlEntity)); ename = xmlCharsToString(name); s = [self replacementStringForEntityNamed:ename]; /* need to convert to unicode ! */ /* fill entity structure */ p = self->entity; p->name = [ename cString]; p->etype = XML_INTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITY; p->orig = (void *)[ename cString]; p->content = (void *)[s cString]; p->length = [s cStringLength]; [ename release]; ename = nil; return p; } static void _cdataBlock(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *value, int len) { [self->lexicalHandler startCDATA]; _characters(self, value, len); [self->lexicalHandler endCDATA]; } static SaxParseException * mkException(libxmlSAXDriver *self, NSString *key, const char *msg, va_list va) { NSString *s, *reason; NSDictionary *ui; SaxParseException *e; NSRange r; int count = 0, i; id keys[7], values[7]; id tmp; s = [NSString stringWithCString:msg]; s = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:s arguments:va] autorelease]; r = [s rangeOfString:@"\n"]; reason = r.length > 0 ? [s substringToIndex:r.location] : s; if ([reason length] == 0) reason = @"unknown reason"; keys[0] = @"parser"; values[0] = self; count++; keys[1] = @"depth"; values[1] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:self->depth]; count++; if ([s length] > 0) { keys[count] = @"errorMessage"; values[count] = s; count++; } if ((i = [self->locator lineNumber]) >= 0) { keys[count] = @"line"; values[count] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:i]; count++; } if ((i = [self->locator columnNumber]) >= 0) { keys[count] = @"column"; values[count] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:i]; count++; } if ((tmp = [self->locator publicId])) { keys[count] = @"publicId"; values[count] = tmp; count++; } if ((tmp = [self->locator systemId])) { keys[count] = @"systemId"; values[count] = tmp; count++; } ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:values forKeys:keys count:count]; e = (id)[SaxParseException exceptionWithName:key reason:reason userInfo:ui]; return e; } static void _warning(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; SaxParseException *e; va_start(args, msg); e = mkException(self, @"SAXWarning", msg, args); va_end(args); [self->errorHandler warning:e]; } static void _error(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; SaxParseException *e; va_start(args, msg); e = mkException(self, @"SAXError", msg, args); va_end(args); [self->errorHandler error:e]; } static void _fatalError(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; SaxParseException *e; va_start(args, msg); e = mkException(self, @"SAXFatalError", msg, args); va_end(args); [self->errorHandler fatalError:e]; } static void _entityDecl(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *name, int type, const xmlChar *publicId, const xmlChar *systemId, xmlChar *content) { NSString *ename, *pubId, *sysId; NSString *value; ename = xmlCharsToString(name); pubId = xmlCharsToString(publicId); sysId = xmlCharsToString(systemId); value = xmlCharsToString(content); switch (type) { case XML_INTERNAL_GENERAL_ENTITY: case XML_INTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITY: case XML_INTERNAL_PREDEFINED_ENTITY: [self->declHandler internalEntityDeclaration:ename value:value]; break; case XML_EXTERNAL_GENERAL_PARSED_ENTITY: case XML_EXTERNAL_PARAMETER_ENTITY: [self->declHandler externalEntityDeclaration:ename publicId:pubId systemId:sysId]; break; case XML_EXTERNAL_GENERAL_UNPARSED_ENTITY: /* is content really =notationName ??? */ NSLog(@"unparsed ext entity .."); [self->dtdHandler unparsedEntityDeclaration:ename publicId:pubId systemId:sysId notationName:value]; break; default: [NSException raise:@"InvalidEntityType" format:@"don't know entity type with code %i", type]; } [ename release]; [pubId release]; [sysId release]; [value release]; } static void _unparsedEntityDecl(libxmlSAXDriver *self,const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *publicId, const xmlChar *systemId, const xmlChar *notationName) { if (self->dtdHandler) { NSString *ename, *nname, *pubId, *sysId; ename = xmlCharsToString(name); nname = xmlCharsToString(notationName); pubId = xmlCharsToString(publicId); sysId = xmlCharsToString(systemId); [self->dtdHandler unparsedEntityDeclaration:ename publicId:pubId systemId:sysId notationName:nname]; [ename release]; [nname release]; [pubId release]; [sysId release]; } } static void _notationDecl(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *publicId, const xmlChar *systemId) { if (self->dtdHandler) { NSString *nname, *pubId, *sysId; nname = xmlCharsToString(name); pubId = xmlCharsToString(publicId); sysId = xmlCharsToString(systemId); [self->dtdHandler notationDeclaration:nname publicId:pubId systemId:sysId]; [nname release]; [pubId release]; [sysId release]; } } static NSString *_occurString(xmlElementContentOccur _occurType) __attribute__((unused)); static NSString *_occurString(xmlElementContentOccur _occurType) { switch (_occurType) { case XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_ONCE: return @""; case XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_OPT: return @"?"; case XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_MULT: return @"*"; case XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_PLUS: return @"+"; } return @""; } static void _addElemModel(xmlElementContentPtr p, NSMutableString *s, int pt) { if (p == NULL) return; switch (p->type) { case XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_PCDATA: if (pt == -1) [s appendString:@"("]; [s appendString:@"#PCDATA"]; if (pt == -1) [s appendString:@")"]; break; case XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_ELEMENT: { NSString *ename; ename = xmlCharsToString(p->name); if (pt == -1) [s appendString:@"("]; [s appendString:ename]; if (pt == -1) [s appendString:@")"]; [ename release]; ename = nil; break; } case XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_SEQ: if (pt != XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_SEQ) [s appendString:@"("]; _addElemModel(p->c1, s, XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_SEQ); [s appendString:@","]; _addElemModel(p->c2, s, XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_SEQ); if (pt != XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_SEQ) [s appendString:@")"]; break; case XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_OR: if (pt != XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_OR) [s appendString:@"("]; _addElemModel(p->c1, s, XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_OR); [s appendString:@"|"]; _addElemModel(p->c2, s, XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_OR); if (pt != XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_OR) [s appendString:@")"]; break; } switch (p->ocur) { case XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_ONCE: break; case XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_OPT: [s appendString:@"?"]; break; case XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_MULT: [s appendString:@"*"]; break; case XML_ELEMENT_CONTENT_PLUS: [s appendString:@"+"]; break; } } static void _elementDecl(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *name, int type, xmlElementContentPtr content) { if (self->declHandler) { NSString *ename, *model; ename = xmlCharsToString(name); if (content) { NSMutableString *emodel; emodel = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; _addElemModel(content, emodel, -1); model = [[emodel copy] autorelease]; [emodel release]; } else model = nil; [self->declHandler elementDeclaration:ename contentModel:model]; [ename release]; ename = nil; } } static void _attrDecl(libxmlSAXDriver *self, const xmlChar *elem, const xmlChar *name, int type, int def, const xmlChar *defaultValue, xmlEnumerationPtr tree) { if (self->declHandler) { NSString *ename, *aname, *defValue, *atype, *defType; ename = xmlCharsToString(elem); aname = xmlCharsToString(name); defValue = xmlCharsToString(defaultValue); atype = nil; defType = nil; switch (type) { case XML_ATTRIBUTE_CDATA: atype = @"CDATA"; break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_ID: atype = @"ID"; break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_IDREF: atype = @"IDREF"; break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_IDREFS: atype = @"IDREFS"; break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_ENTITY: atype = @"ENTITY"; break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_ENTITIES: atype = @"ENTITIES"; break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKEN: atype = @"NMTOKEN"; break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NMTOKENS: atype = @"NMTOKENS"; break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_ENUMERATION: atype = @"ENUMERATION"; break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NOTATION: atype = @"NOTATION"; break; default: [NSException raise:@"InvalidAttributeType" format:@"don't know attr type with code %i", type]; } switch (def) { case XML_ATTRIBUTE_NONE: defType = nil; break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED: defType = @"#REQUIRED"; break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_IMPLIED: defType = @"#IMPLIED"; break; case XML_ATTRIBUTE_FIXED: defType = @"#FIXED"; break; default: [NSException raise:@"InvalidAttributeDefaultType" format:@"don't know attr default type with code %i", def]; } [self->declHandler attributeDeclaration:aname elementName:ename type:atype defaultType:defType defaultValue:defValue]; [ename release]; [aname release]; [defValue release]; } } #if 0 static int isStandalone(libxmlSAXDriver *self) { } static int hasInternalSubset(libxmlSAXDriver *self) { } static int hasExternalSubset(libxmlSAXDriver *self) { } #endif static void _externalSubset(libxmlSAXDriver *ctx, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *ExternalID, const xmlChar *SystemID) { } static void _internalSubset(libxmlSAXDriver *ctx, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar *ExternalID, const xmlChar *SystemID) { } static void _reference(libxmlSAXDriver *ctx, const xmlChar *name) { #if 0 NSString *refName; refName = xmlCharsToString(name); NSLog(@"reference: '%@'", refName); [refName release]; #endif } @end /* libxmlSAXDriver */ #include "unicode.h"