/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "NSObject+WO.h" #include "common.h" #if APPLE_RUNTIME || NeXT_RUNTIME # include #endif #if NeXT_Foundation_LIBRARY || APPLE_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY || \ COCOA_Foundation_LIBRARY #ifndef __APPLE__ @implementation NSObject(FoundationCompability) - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)_z { return [self retain]; } @end /* NSObject(FoundationCompability) */ #endif #endif /* NeXT_Foundation_LIBRARY */ #if GNUSTEP_BASE_LIBRARY extern BOOL __objc_responds_to(id, SEL); #endif @implementation NSObject(NGObjWebKVC) - (BOOL)kvcIsPreferredInKeyPath { return NO; } @end /* NSObject(NGObjWebKVC) */ @implementation NSDictionary(NGObjWebKVC) - (BOOL)kvcIsPreferredInKeyPath { return YES; } @end /* NSDictionary(NGObjWebKVC) */ @implementation NSObject(Faults) #ifndef __APPLE__ + (BOOL)isFault { return NO; } - (BOOL)isFault { return NO; } #endif @end /* NSObject(Faults) */ // ******************** KVC methods ******************** static inline void _getSetSelName(register unsigned char *buf, register const unsigned char *_key, register unsigned _len) { buf[0] = 's'; buf[1] = 'e'; buf[2] = 't'; switch (_len) { case 0: break; case 1: buf[3] = _key[0]; break; case 2: buf[3] = _key[0]; buf[4] = _key[1]; break; case 3: buf[3] = _key[0]; buf[4] = _key[1]; buf[5] = _key[2]; break; case 4: buf[3] = _key[0]; buf[4] = _key[1]; buf[5] = _key[2]; buf[6] = _key[3]; break; case 5: buf[3] = _key[0]; buf[4] = _key[1]; buf[5] = _key[2]; buf[6] = _key[3]; buf[7] = _key[4]; break; case 6: buf[3] = _key[0]; buf[4] = _key[1]; buf[5] = _key[2]; buf[6] = _key[3]; buf[7] = _key[4]; buf[8] = _key[5]; break; default: memcpy(&(buf[3]), _key, _len); break; } buf[3] = toupper(buf[3]); buf[_len + 3] = ':'; buf[_len + 4] = '\0'; } static inline SEL _getSetSel(register const unsigned char *_key, register unsigned _len) { char buf[259]; _getSetSelName(buf, _key, _len); #if APPLE_RUNTIME || NeXT_RUNTIME return sel_getUid(buf); #else return sel_get_uid(buf); #endif } typedef union { IMP method; // real method or takeValue:ForKey: char (*cmethod) (id, SEL); unsigned char (*ucmethod)(id, SEL); int (*imethod) (id, SEL); unsigned int (*uimethod)(id, SEL); short (*smethod) (id, SEL); unsigned short (*usmethod)(id, SEL); const char * (*strmethod)(id, SEL); float (*fmethod)(id, SEL); double (*dmethod)(id, SEL); } WOGetMethodType; typedef union { IMP method; // real method or takeValue:ForKey: void (*omethod) (id, SEL, id); void (*cmethod) (id, SEL, char); void (*ucmethod) (id, SEL, unsigned char); void (*imethod) (id, SEL, int); void (*uimethod) (id, SEL, unsigned int); void (*smethod) (id, SEL, short); void (*usmethod) (id, SEL, unsigned short); void (*strmethod)(id, SEL, const char *); void (*fmethod) (id, SEL, float); void (*dmethod) (id, SEL, double); } WOSetMethodType; BOOL WOSetKVCValueUsingMethod(id object, NSString *_key, id _value) { NSMethodSignature *sig = nil; WOSetMethodType sm; const char *argType; SEL setSel; unsigned keyLen; char *buf; if (object == nil) return NO; if (_key == nil) return NO; keyLen = [_key cStringLength]; buf = malloc(keyLen + 2); [_key getCString:buf]; setSel = _getSetSel(buf, keyLen); free(buf); buf = NULL; if (setSel == NULL) // no such selector return NO; sig = [object methodSignatureForSelector:setSel]; if (sig == nil) // no signature return NO; sm.method = [object methodForSelector:setSel]; if (sm.method) { argType = [sig getArgumentTypeAtIndex:2]; switch (*argType) { case _C_CLASS: case _C_ID: sm.omethod(object, setSel, _value); break; case _C_CHR: sm.cmethod(object, setSel, [(NSValue *)_value charValue]); break; case _C_UCHR: sm.ucmethod(object, setSel, [_value unsignedCharValue]); break; case _C_SHT: sm.smethod(object, setSel, [_value shortValue]); break; case _C_USHT: sm.usmethod(object, setSel, [_value unsignedShortValue]); break; case _C_INT: sm.imethod(object, setSel, [_value intValue]); break; case _C_UINT: sm.uimethod(object, setSel, [_value unsignedIntValue]); break; case _C_FLT: sm.fmethod(object, setSel, [_value floatValue]); break; case _C_DBL: sm.dmethod(object, setSel, [_value doubleValue]); break; case _C_CHARPTR: { char *s; s = NGMallocAtomic([_value cStringLength] + 1); [_value getCString:s]; sm.strmethod(object, setSel, s); NGFree(s); s = NULL; break; } default: NSLog(@"%s: cannot set type '%c' yet (key=%@, method=%@) ..", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, *argType, _key, NSStringFromSelector(setSel)); [NSException raise:@"WORuntimeException" format:@"cannot set type '%c' yet (key=%@, method=%@)", *argType, _key, NSStringFromSelector(setSel)]; return NO; } return YES; } else // did not find method return NO; } IMP WOGetKVCGetMethod(id object, NSString *_key) { register SEL getSel; if (object == nil) return NULL; if (_key == nil) return NULL; #if GNU_RUNTIME { unsigned keyLen; char *buf; keyLen = [_key cStringLength]; buf = malloc(keyLen + 1); [_key getCString:buf]; buf[keyLen] = '\0'; getSel = sel_get_uid(buf); free(buf); if (getSel == NULL) // no such selector return NULL; #if GNUSTEP_BASE_LIBRARY if (!__objc_responds_to(object, getSel)) return NULL; #endif return [object methodForSelector:getSel]; } #else if ((getSel = NSSelectorFromString(_key)) == NULL) // no such selector return NULL; if ([object respondsToSelector:getSel]) return [object methodForSelector:getSel]; return NULL; #endif } id WOGetKVCValueUsingMethod(id object, NSString *_key) { NSMethodSignature *sig = nil; WOGetMethodType gm; const char *retType; SEL getSel; unsigned keyLen; if (object == nil) return nil; if (_key == nil) return nil; // TODO: this su*** // TODO: add support for ivars keyLen = [_key cStringLength]; { char *buf; buf = malloc(keyLen + 1); [_key getCString:buf]; #if APPLE_RUNTIME || NeXT_RUNTIME getSel = sel_getUid(buf); #else getSel = sel_get_uid(buf); #endif if (getSel == NULL) // no such selector return nil; free(buf); buf = NULL; } #if GNUSTEP_BASE_LIBRARY if (!__objc_responds_to(object, getSel)) return nil; #endif gm.method = [object methodForSelector:getSel]; if (gm.method == NULL) // no such method return nil; sig = [object methodSignatureForSelector:getSel]; if (sig == nil) // no signature return nil; { static Class NSNumberClass = Nil; id value = nil; if (NSNumberClass == Nil) NSNumberClass = [NSNumber class]; retType = [sig methodReturnType]; switch (*retType) { case _C_CLASS: case _C_ID: value = gm.method(object, getSel); value = AUTORELEASE(RETAIN(value)); break; case _C_CHR: value = [NSNumberClass numberWithChar:gm.cmethod(object, getSel)]; break; case _C_UCHR: value = [NSNumberClass numberWithUnsignedChar: gm.ucmethod(object, getSel)]; break; case _C_SHT: value = [NSNumberClass numberWithShort:gm.smethod(object, getSel)]; break; case _C_USHT: value = [NSNumberClass numberWithUnsignedShort: gm.usmethod(object, getSel)]; break; case _C_INT: value = [NSNumberClass numberWithInt:gm.imethod(object, getSel)]; break; case _C_UINT: value = [NSNumberClass numberWithUnsignedInt: gm.uimethod(object, getSel)]; break; case _C_FLT: value = [NSNumberClass numberWithFloat:gm.fmethod(object, getSel)]; break; case _C_DBL: value = [NSNumberClass numberWithDouble:gm.dmethod(object, getSel)]; break; case _C_CHARPTR: { const char *cstr = gm.strmethod(object, getSel); value = cstr ? [NSString stringWithCString:cstr] : nil; break; } default: NSLog(@"%s: cannot get type '%c' yet (key=%@, method=%@) ..", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, *retType, _key, NSStringFromSelector(getSel)); [NSException raise:@"WORuntimeException" format:@"cannot get type '%c' yet (key=%@, method=%@)", *retType, _key, NSStringFromSelector(getSel)]; return nil; } return value; } }