/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "common.h" @interface WOApplication(DefaultsPrivates) + (NSUserDefaults *)userDefaults; @end @implementation WOApplication(Defaults) static NSString *ck = nil; static NSString *dk = nil; + (void)setComponentRequestHandlerKey:(NSString *)_key { [[self userDefaults] setObject:_key forKey:@"WOComponentRequestHandlerKey"]; [ck release]; ck = nil; } + (NSString *)componentRequestHandlerKey { if (ck == nil) ck = [[[self userDefaults] stringForKey:@"WOComponentRequestHandlerKey"] copy]; return ck; } + (void)setDirectActionRequestHandlerKey:(NSString *)_key { [[self userDefaults] setObject:_key forKey:@"WODirectActionRequestHandlerKey"]; [dk release]; dk = nil; } + (NSString *)directActionRequestHandlerKey { if (dk == nil) { dk = [[[self userDefaults] stringForKey:@"WODirectActionRequestHandlerKey"] copy]; } return dk; } + (void)setResourceRequestHandlerKey:(NSString *)_key { [[self userDefaults] setObject:_key forKey:@"WOResourceRequestHandlerKey"]; } + (NSString *)resourceRequestHandlerKey { return [[self userDefaults] stringForKey:@"WOResourceRequestHandlerKey"]; } /* WODefaultSessionTimeOut */ + (void)setSessionTimeOut:(NSNumber *)_timeOut { [[self userDefaults] setObject:_timeOut forKey:@"WODefaultSessionTimeOut"]; } + (NSNumber *)sessionTimeOut { NSUserDefaults *ud; id o; ud = [self userDefaults]; // Note: the second check is *intended* (Timeout vs TimeOut), it is // required for compatibility but should be phased out in the // long run. I don't know the proper default-name out of my // head (needs to be checked) o = [ud objectForKey:@"WODefaultSessionTimeout"]; if (o == nil) o = [ud objectForKey:@"WODefaultSessionTimeOut"]; return [NSNumber numberWithInt:[o intValue]]; } /* WOCachingEnabled */ + (BOOL)isCachingEnabled { return [[[self userDefaults] objectForKey:@"WOCachingEnabled"] boolValue]; } /* WODebuggingEnabled */ + (BOOL)isDebuggingEnabled { return [[[self userDefaults] objectForKey:@"WODebuggingEnabled"] boolValue]; } /* WOCompatibility */ static BOOL directConnectEnabled = YES; + (void)setDirectConnectEnabled:(BOOL)_flag { directConnectEnabled = _flag; } + (BOOL)isDirectConnectEnabled { return directConnectEnabled; } + (void)setCGIAdaptorURL:(NSString *)_url { [[self userDefaults] setObject:_url forKey:@"WOCGIAdaptorURL"]; } + (NSString *)cgiAdaptorURL { return [[self userDefaults] stringForKey:@"WOCGIAdaptorURL"]; } /* WOAutoOpenInBrowser */ + (void) setAutoOpenInBrowser:(BOOL)_flag { [[self userDefaults] setBool:_flag forKey:@"WOAutoOpenInBrowser"]; } + (BOOL)autoOpenInBrowser { return [[self userDefaults] boolForKey:@"WOAutoOpenInBrowser"]; } /* WOApplicationBaseURL */ + (void)setApplicationBaseURL:(NSString *)_url { [[self userDefaults] setObject:_url forKey:@"WOApplicationBaseURL"]; } + (NSString *)applicationBaseURL { return [[self userDefaults] stringForKey:@"WOApplicationBaseURL"]; } /* WOFrameworksBaseURL */ + (void)setFrameworksBaseURL:(NSString *)_url { [[self userDefaults] setObject:_url forKey:@"WOFrameworksBaseURL"]; } + (NSString *)frameworksBaseURL { return [[self userDefaults] stringForKey:@"WOFrameworksBaseURL"]; } @end /* WOApplication(Defaults) */