/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OGo OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include "WOElementID.h" #include "common.h" // TODO: do not keep the array in the ivars, but use malloc //#define PROF_ELEMID 1 @implementation WOElementID - (id)initWithString:(NSString *)_rid { NSArray *reid; int i; reid = [_rid componentsSeparatedByString:@"."]; if ((self->elementIdCount = [reid count]) == 0) { [self release]; return nil; } if (self->elementIdCount > NGObjWeb_MAX_ELEMENT_ID_COUNT) { [self logWithFormat:@"ERROR: request element ID is too long (%i parts)", self->elementIdCount]; [self release]; return nil; } for (i = 0; i < self->elementIdCount; i++) self->elementId[i].string = [[reid objectAtIndex:i] copy]; return self; } - (void)dealloc { int i; [self->cs release]; for (i = 0; i < self->elementIdCount; i++) { [self->elementId[i].string release]; [self->elementId[i].fqn release]; } [super dealloc]; } /* methods */ #if PROF_ELEMID static int prioCacheHit = 0; static int prioStrCacheHit = 0; static int prioConstruct = 0; static int callCount = 0; #endif - (NSString *)elementID { /* TODO: increase performance (~24% of -componentActionURL [was 50%]) Prof: 1.9% -appendString 18% -stringByAppendingString 1.9% -copy */ static NSString *nums[30] = { @".0", @".1", @".2", @".3", @".4", @".5", @".6", @".7", @".8", @".9", @".10", @".11", @".12", @".13", @".14", @".15", @".16", @".17", @".18", @".19", @".20", @".21", @".22", @".23", @".24", @".25", @".26", @".27", @".28", @".29", }; NSString *e; int i; #if PROF_ELEMID if (callCount % 10 == 0) { printf("ElementIDProfing: #calls=%i " "#priohits=%i(string=%i), #prioconstructs=%i\n", callCount, prioCacheHit, prioStrCacheHit, prioConstruct); } callCount++; #endif if (self->elementIdCount == 0) { return nil; } else if (self->elementIdCount == 1) { /* a single part in element id (the ctx-id) ... (rare case ...) */ if ((e = self->elementId[0].string)) return e; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", self->elementId[0].number]; } else if ((e = self->elementId[(self->elementIdCount - 2)].fqn)) { /* the prior part has a cached fqn */ /* TODO cache prior string as C-string ! */ NSString *o; #if PROF_ELEMID prioCacheHit++; #endif if ((o = self->elementId[self->elementIdCount - 1].string)) { NSMutableString *eid; #if PROF_ELEMID prioStrCacheHit++; #endif eid = [e mutableCopy]; [eid appendString:@"."]; [eid appendString:o]; return [eid autorelease]; } else { i = self->elementId[self->elementIdCount - 1].number; if (i >= 0 && i < 30) return [e stringByAppendingString:nums[i]]; return [e stringByAppendingFormat:@".%i", i]; } } if (self->cs == nil) { self->cs = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:64]; self->addStr = [self->cs methodForSelector:@selector(appendString:)]; } else [self->cs setString:@""]; for (i = 0; i < self->elementIdCount; i++) { register id o; if (i == (self->elementIdCount - 1)) { /* the last iteration, cache the fqn of the *prior* element ! */ self->elementId[i - 1].fqn = [self->cs copy]; #if PROF_ELEMID prioConstruct++; #endif } if ((o = self->elementId[i].string)) { /* some identity comparison for faster NSNumber->NSString conversion */ if (i != 0) addStr(self->cs, @selector(appendString:), @"."); addStr(self->cs, @selector(appendString:), o); } else { register int n; n = self->elementId[i].number; if (n >= 0 && n < 30) { if (i != 0) addStr(self->cs, @selector(appendString:), nums[n]); else /* very rare, the first id is almost always a string (ctx-id!) */ [self->cs appendFormat:@"%i", n]; } else { [self->cs appendFormat:(i != 0 ? @".%i" : @"%i"), n]; } } } return [[self->cs copy] autorelease]; } - (void)appendElementIDComponent:(NSString *)_eid { self->elementId[(int)self->elementIdCount].string = [_eid copy]; self->elementIdCount++; NSAssert(self->elementIdCount < NGObjWeb_MAX_ELEMENT_ID_COUNT, @"element id size exceeded !"); } - (void)appendIntElementIDComponent:(int)_eid { self->elementId[(int)self->elementIdCount].number = _eid; self->elementIdCount++; NSAssert(self->elementIdCount < NGObjWeb_MAX_ELEMENT_ID_COUNT, @"element id size exceeded !"); } - (void)appendZeroElementIDComponent { self->elementId[(int)self->elementIdCount].number = 0; self->elementIdCount++; NSAssert(self->elementIdCount < NGObjWeb_MAX_ELEMENT_ID_COUNT, @"element id size exceeded !"); } - (void)deleteAllElementIDComponents { int i; for (i = 0; i < self->elementIdCount; i++) { [self->elementId[i].string release]; self->elementId[i].string = nil; [self->elementId[i].fqn release]; self->elementId[i].fqn = nil; } self->elementIdCount = 0; } - (void)deleteLastElementIDComponent { if (self->elementIdCount == 0) return; self->elementIdCount--; [self->elementId[(int)self->elementIdCount].string release]; self->elementId[(int)(self->elementIdCount)].string = nil; [self->elementId[(int)self->elementIdCount].fqn release]; self->elementId[(int)(self->elementIdCount)].fqn = nil; } - (void)incrementLastElementIDComponent { register WOElementIDPart *p; id v; if (self->elementIdCount < 1) { [self logWithFormat: @"WARNING: tried to increment a non-existing element-id"]; return; } else if (self->elementIdCount >= NGObjWeb_MAX_ELEMENT_ID_COUNT) { [self logWithFormat: @"ERROR: exceeded element-id restriction (max=%i)", NGObjWeb_MAX_ELEMENT_ID_COUNT]; return; } // TODO: range check ? p = &(self->elementId[(int)(self->elementIdCount - 1)]); [p->fqn release]; p->fqn = nil; if ((v = p->string)) { p->number = [v intValue] + 1; [p->string release]; p->string = nil; } else p->number++; } /* request ID processing */ - (id)currentElementID { return (self->idPos >= self->elementIdCount) ? nil : self->elementId[(int)self->idPos].string; } - (id)consumeElementID { (self->idPos)++; return [self currentElementID]; } @end /* WOElementID */