/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OGo OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id: ldap2dsml.m 4 2004-08-20 17:04:31Z helge $ #import #import #import #import #import #include "common.h" @interface DSMLSaxProducer : NSObject { id contentHandler; id errorHandler; } - (void)setContentHandler:(id)_handler; - (void)setErrorHandler:(id)_handler; - (void)produceOnConnection:(NGLdapConnection *)_con dn:(NSString *)_dn; @end static NSString *XMLNS_DSML = @"http://wwww.dsml.org/DSML"; @implementation DSMLSaxProducer - (void)dealloc { [self->errorHandler release]; [self->contentHandler release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)setContentHandler:(id)_handler { ASSIGN(self->contentHandler, _handler); } - (void)setErrorHandler:(id)_handler { ASSIGN(self->errorHandler, _handler); } - (void)_produceAttribute:(NGLdapAttribute *)_attribute ofEntry:(NGLdapEntry *)_entry { SaxAttributes *attrs; attrs = [[SaxAttributes alloc] init]; [attrs addAttribute:@"name" uri:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"name" type:@"CDATA" value:[_attribute attributeName]]; [self->contentHandler startElement:@"attr" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"attr" attributes:attrs]; [attrs release]; attrs = nil; /* encode values */ { NSEnumerator *values; NSString *value; values = [_attribute stringValueEnumerator]; while ((value = [values nextObject])) { unsigned len; unichar *chars; if ((len = [value length]) == 0) continue; chars = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(unichar)); [value getCharacters:chars]; [self->contentHandler startElement:@"value" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"value" attributes:nil]; [self->contentHandler characters:chars length:len]; if (chars) free(chars); [self->contentHandler endElement:@"value" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"value"]; } } [self->contentHandler endElement:@"attr" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"attr"]; } - (void)_produceObjectClassOfEntry:(NGLdapEntry *)_entry { NGLdapAttribute *attr; if ((attr = [_entry attributeWithName:@"objectclass"]) == nil) return; [self->contentHandler startElement:@"objectclass" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"objectclass" attributes:nil]; /* encode values */ { NSEnumerator *values; NSString *value; values = [attr stringValueEnumerator]; while ((value = [values nextObject])) { unsigned len; unichar *chars; if ((len = [value length]) == 0) continue; chars = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(unichar)); [value getCharacters:chars]; [self->contentHandler startElement:@"objectclass" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"objectclass" attributes:nil]; [self->contentHandler characters:chars length:len]; if (chars) free(chars); [self->contentHandler endElement:@"objectclass" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"objectclass"]; } } [self->contentHandler endElement:@"objectclass" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"objectclass"]; } - (void)_produceEntry:(NGLdapEntry *)_entry { SaxAttributes *attrs; NSEnumerator *names; NSString *cname; attrs = [[SaxAttributes alloc] init]; [attrs addAttribute:@"dn" uri:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"dn" type:@"CDATA" value:[_entry dn]]; [self->contentHandler startElement:@"entry" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"entry" attributes:attrs]; [attrs release]; attrs = nil; /* attributes */ [self _produceObjectClassOfEntry:_entry]; names = [[_entry attributeNames] objectEnumerator]; while ((cname = [names nextObject])) { NGLdapAttribute *attr; if ([cname isEqualToString:@"objectclass"]) continue; if ((attr = [_entry attributeWithName:cname])) [self _produceAttribute:attr ofEntry:_entry]; } [self->contentHandler endElement:@"entry" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"entry"]; } - (void)_produceEntries:(NSEnumerator *)_entries { NGLdapEntry *entry; [self->contentHandler startElement:@"directory-entries" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"directory-entries" attributes:nil]; while ((entry = [_entries nextObject])) [self _produceEntry:entry]; [self->contentHandler endElement:@"directory-entries" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"directory-entries"]; } - (void)produceOnConnection:(NGLdapConnection *)_con dn:(NSString *)_dn { [self->contentHandler startDocument]; [self->contentHandler startPrefixMapping:@"" uri:XMLNS_DSML]; [self->contentHandler startElement:@"dsml" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"dsml" attributes:nil]; [self _produceEntries:[_con flatSearchAtBaseDN:_dn qualifier:nil attributes:nil]]; [self->contentHandler endElement:@"dsml" namespace:XMLNS_DSML rawName:@"dsml"]; [self->contentHandler endPrefixMapping:@""]; [self->contentHandler endDocument]; } @end /* DSMLSaxProducer */ #import @interface DSMLSaxOutputter : SaxDefaultHandler { int level; } @end @implementation DSMLSaxOutputter - (void)startElement:(NSString *)_localName namespace:(NSString *)_ns rawName:(NSString *)_rawName attributes:(id)_attrs { int i, count; level++; for (i = 0; i < level; i++) printf(" "); printf("\n"); } - (void)endElement:(NSString *)_localName namespace:(NSString *)_ns rawName:(NSString *)_rawName { int i; for (i = 0; i < level; i++) printf(" "); printf("\n", [_localName cString]); level--; } - (void)characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len { int i; NSString *s; for (i = 0; i < level + 1; i++) printf(" "); s = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters:_chars length:_len]; printf("%s\n", [s cString]); [s release]; } @end /* DSMLSaxOutputter */ #import int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSUserDefaults *ud; NSArray *args; DSMLSaxProducer *cpu; DSMLSaxOutputter *out; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; #if LIB_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY [NSProcessInfo initializeWithArguments:argv count:argc environment:env]; #endif args = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] arguments]; if ([args count] < 1) { NSLog(@"usage: %@ ", [args objectAtIndex:0]); exit(1); } else if ([args count] == 1) args = [args arrayByAddingObject:@"."]; ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; cpu = [[DSMLSaxProducer alloc] init]; out = [[DSMLSaxOutputter alloc] init]; [cpu setContentHandler:out]; [cpu setErrorHandler:out]; #if 0 fm = [[NGLdapFileManager alloc] initWithHostName:[ud stringForKey:@"LDAPHost"] port:0 bindDN:[ud stringForKey:@"LDAPBindDN"] credentials:[ud stringForKey:@"LDAPPassword"] rootDN:[ud stringForKey:@"LDAPRootDN"]]; fm = [fm autorelease]; #endif { NGLdapConnection *con; con = [[NGLdapConnection alloc] initWithHostName:[ud stringForKey:@"LDAPHost"] port:0]; [con bindWithMethod:@"simple" binddn:[ud stringForKey:@"LDAPBindDN"] credentials:[ud stringForKey:@"LDAPPassword"]]; [cpu produceOnConnection:con dn:[ud stringForKey:@"LDAPRootDN"]]; [con release]; } [pool release]; exit(0); return 0; }