/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OGo OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include "NGPop3Client.h" #include "NGPop3Support.h" #include "NGMimeMessageParser.h" #include "NGMimeMessage.h" #include "common.h" @implementation NGPop3Client + (int)version { return 2; } + (id)pop3Client { NGActiveSocket *s; s = [NGActiveSocket socketInDomain:[NGInternetSocketDomain domain]]; return [[[self alloc] initWithSocket:s] autorelease]; } - (id)init { NSLog(@"%@: init not supported, use initWithSocket: ..", self); [self release]; return nil; } - (id)initWithSocket:(id)_socket { if ((self = [super init])) { self->socket = [_socket retain]; NSAssert(self->socket, @"invalid socket parameter"); self->connection = [(NGBufferedStream *)[NGBufferedStream alloc] initWithSource:_socket]; self->text = [(NGCTextStream *)[NGCTextStream alloc] initWithSource:self->connection]; self->state = [self->socket isConnected] ? NGPop3State_AUTHORIZATION : NGPop3State_unconnected; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->text release]; [self->connection release]; [self->socket release]; [self->lastResponse release]; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (id)socket { return self->socket; } - (NGPop3State)state { return self->state; } - (NGPop3Response *)lastResponse { return self->lastResponse; } - (void)setDebuggingEnabled:(BOOL)_flag { self->isDebuggingEnabled = _flag; } - (BOOL)isDebuggingEnabled { return self->isDebuggingEnabled; } /* connection */ - (BOOL)connectToAddress:(id)_address { NSString *greeting = nil; [self requireState:NGPop3State_unconnected]; [self->socket connectToAddress:_address]; // receive greeting from server greeting = [self->text readLineAsString]; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: %@\n", greeting]; // is it a welcome ? if (![greeting hasPrefix:@"+OK"]) return NO; // we are welcome, need to authorize [self gotoState:NGPop3State_AUTHORIZATION]; return YES; } - (BOOL)connectToHost:(id)_host { return [self connectToAddress:[NGInternetSocketAddress addressWithService:@"pop3" onHost:_host protocol:@"tcp"]]; } - (void)disconnect { [text flush]; [socket close]; [self gotoState:NGPop3State_unconnected]; } /* commands */ - (NGPop3Response *)receiveSimpleReply { NSString *line = [self->text readLineAsString]; if (line) { NGPop3Response *response = [NGPop3Response responseWithLine:line]; ASSIGN(self->lastResponse, response); } else { [self->lastResponse release]; self->lastResponse = nil; } return self->lastResponse; } - (BOOL)receiveMultilineReply:(NSMutableData *)_data { enum { NGPop3_begin, NGPop3_foundCR, NGPop3_foundCRLF, NGPop3_foundCRLFP, NGPop3_done } pState = NGPop3_begin; void (*addBytes)(id self, SEL _cmd, void *buffer, unsigned int _bufLen); int c; addBytes = (void*)[_data methodForSelector:@selector(appendBytes:length:)]; do { c = [self->connection readByte]; if (c == -1) { NSLog(@"ERROR: connection was shut down .."); break; } /* if (c >= 32) printf("%i '%c'\n", c, c); else printf("%i\n", c); */ NSAssert((c >= 0) && (c <= 255), @"invalid byte read .."); if (pState == NGPop3_foundCRLFP) { if (c == '\r') { // CR LF . CR addBytes(_data, @selector(appendBytes:length:), "\r\n", 2); c = [self->connection readByte]; if (c == '\n') { pState = NGPop3_done; } else { char c8 = c; NSLog(@"WARNING: found strange sequence: 'CR LF . CR 0x%x'", c); addBytes(_data, @selector(appendBytes:length:), ".\r", 2); addBytes(_data, @selector(appendBytes:length:), &c8, 1); pState = NGPop3_begin; } } else if (c == '\n') { // CR LF . LF NSLog(@"WARNING: found strange sequence: 'CR LF . LF'"); addBytes(_data, @selector(appendBytes:length:), "\r\n.\n", 4); pState = NGPop3_begin; } else { // CR LF . (.|other) char c8 = c; if (c != '.') NSLog(@"WARNING: expected '\\r\\n.\\r' or '\\r\\n..', got '\\r\\n.%c'", c); addBytes(_data, @selector(appendBytes:length:), "\r\n", 2); addBytes(_data, @selector(appendBytes:length:), &c8, 1); pState = NGPop3_begin; continue; } } else if (pState == NGPop3_foundCRLF) { if (c == '.') { // found: CR LF . pState = NGPop3_foundCRLFP; continue; } else if (c == '\r') { addBytes(_data, @selector(appendBytes:length:), "\r\n", 2); pState = NGPop3_foundCR; continue; } else { char c8 = c; addBytes(_data, @selector(appendBytes:length:), "\r\n", 2); addBytes(_data, @selector(appendBytes:length:), &c8, 1); pState = NGPop3_begin; } } else if (pState == NGPop3_foundCR) { if (c == '\n') { // found CR LF pState = NGPop3_foundCRLF; continue; } else { char c8 = c; addBytes(_data, @selector(appendBytes:length:), "\r", 1); addBytes(_data, @selector(appendBytes:length:), &c8, 1); pState = NGPop3_begin; } } else if (c == '\r') { pState = NGPop3_foundCR; continue; } /* else if (c == '\n') { NSLog(@"WARNING: found LF without leading CR .."); pState = NGPop3_foundCRLF; continue; }*/ else { char c8 = c; addBytes(_data, @selector(appendBytes:length:), &c8, 1); } } while(pState != NGPop3_done); return (pState == NGPop3_done) ? YES : NO; } - (NGPop3Response *)sendCommand:(NSString *)_command { if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) { [NGTextOut writeFormat:@"C: %@\n", _command]; [NGTextOut flush]; } [text writeString:_command]; [text writeString:@"\r\n"]; [text flush]; return [self receiveSimpleReply]; } - (NGPop3Response *)sendCommand:(NSString *)_command argument:(NSString *)_argument { if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) { if (![_command isEqualToString:@"PASS"]) [NGTextOut writeFormat:@"C: %@ %@\n", _command, _argument]; else [NGTextOut writeFormat:@"C: PASS \n"]; } [text writeString:_command]; [text writeFormat:@" %s\r\n", [_argument cString]]; [text flush]; return [self receiveSimpleReply]; } - (NGPop3Response *)sendCommand:(NSString *)_command intArgument:(int)_argument { if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) { if (![_command isEqualToString:@"PASS"]) [NGTextOut writeFormat:@"C: %@ %i\n", _command, _argument]; else [NGTextOut writeFormat:@"C: PASS \n"]; } [text writeString:_command]; [text writeFormat:@" %i\r\n", _argument]; [text flush]; return [self receiveSimpleReply]; } - (NGPop3Response *)sendCommand:(NSString *)_command intArgument:(int)_arg1 intArgument:(int)_arg2 { if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) { if (![_command isEqualToString:@"PASS"]) [NGTextOut writeFormat:@"C: %@ %i %i\n", _command, _arg1, _arg2]; else [NGTextOut writeFormat:@"C: PASS \n"]; } [text writeString:_command]; [text writeFormat:@" %i %i\r\n", _arg1, _arg2]; [text flush]; return [self receiveSimpleReply]; } // state - (void)requireState:(NGPop3State)_state { if (_state != [self state]) { [[[NGPop3StateException alloc] initWithClient:self requiredState:_state] raise]; } } - (void)gotoState:(NGPop3State)_state { self->state = _state; } // service commands - (BOOL)login:(NSString *)_user password:(NSString *)_passwd { NGPop3Response *reply = nil; [self requireState:NGPop3State_AUTHORIZATION]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"USER" argument:_user]; if ([reply isPositive]) { reply = [self sendCommand:@"PASS" argument:_passwd]; if ([reply isPositive]) { [self gotoState:NGPop3State_TRANSACTION]; return YES; } } NSLog(@"POP3 authorization of user %@ failed ..", _user); return NO; } - (BOOL)quit { NGPop3Response *reply = nil; reply = [self sendCommand:@"QUIT"]; if ([reply isPositive]) { unsigned int waitBytes = 0; if (self->state == NGPop3State_TRANSACTION) self->state = NGPop3State_UPDATE; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: %@\n", [reply line]]; // wait for connection close .. while ([self->connection readByte] != -1) waitBytes++; self->state = NGPop3State_unconnected; } return [reply isPositive]; } - (BOOL)statMailDropCount:(int *)_count size:(int *)_size { NGPop3Response *reply = nil; [self requireState:NGPop3State_TRANSACTION]; *_count = 0; *_size = 0; reply = [self sendCommand:@"STAT"]; if ([reply isPositive]) { const char *cstr = [[reply line] cString]; while ((*cstr != '\0') && (*cstr != ' ')) cstr++; if (*cstr == '\0') return NO; cstr++; *_count = atoi(cstr); while ((*cstr != '\0') && (*cstr != ' ')) cstr++; if (*cstr == '\0') return NO; cstr++; *_size = atoi(cstr); return YES; } else return NO; } - (NGPop3MessageInfo *)listMessage:(int)_messageNumber { NGPop3Response *reply = nil; [self requireState:NGPop3State_TRANSACTION]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"LIST" intArgument:_messageNumber]; if ([reply isPositive]) { const char *cstr = index([[reply line] cString], ' '); if (cstr) { int msgNum; cstr++; msgNum = atoi(cstr); cstr = index(cstr, ' ') + 1; if (cstr > (char *)1) { NGPop3MessageInfo *info = nil; int msgSize = atoi(cstr); info = [NGPop3MessageInfo infoForMessage:msgNum size:msgSize client:self]; return info; } } NSLog(@"ERROR: invalid reply line '%@' ..", [reply line]); } return nil; } - (NSEnumerator *)listMessages { NGPop3Response *reply = nil; [self requireState:NGPop3State_TRANSACTION]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"LIST"]; if ([reply isPositive]) { NSMutableArray *array = nil; NSString *line = nil; array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:128]; line = [self->text readLineAsString]; while ((line != nil) && (![line isEqualToString:@"."])) { NGPop3MessageInfo *info = nil; const char *cstr = (char *)[line cString]; int msgNum, msgSize; msgNum = atoi(cstr); cstr = index(cstr, ' ') + 1; if (cstr > (char *)1) msgSize = atoi(cstr); else { NSLog(@"WARNING(%s): invalid reply line '%@'", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, line); msgSize = 0; } info = [NGPop3MessageInfo infoForMessage:msgNum size:msgSize client:self]; if (info) [array addObject:info]; else NSLog(@"ERROR: could not produce info for line '%@'", line); line = [self->text readLineAsString]; } return [array objectEnumerator]; } else return nil; } - (NSData *)retrieveMessage:(int)_msgNumber { NGPop3Response *reply = nil; [self requireState:NGPop3State_TRANSACTION]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"RETR" intArgument:_msgNumber]; if ([reply isPositive]) { NSMutableData *data = nil; const char *cstr = index([[reply line] cString], ' '); unsigned msgSize = -1; if (cstr) { cstr++; msgSize = atoi(cstr); data = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:msgSize + 1]; } else data = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:1024]; if ([self receiveMultilineReply:data]) { if ((msgSize > 0) && ([data length] > msgSize)) { NSLog(@"data was longer than message size .."); //[data setLength:msgSize]; } return data; } } return nil; } - (BOOL)deleteMessage:(int)_msgNumber { NGPop3Response *reply = nil; [self requireState:NGPop3State_TRANSACTION]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"DELE" intArgument:_msgNumber]; if ([reply isPositive]) { return YES; } return NO; } - (BOOL)noop { [self requireState:NGPop3State_TRANSACTION]; return [[self sendCommand:@"NOOP"] isPositive]; } - (BOOL)reset { [self requireState:NGPop3State_TRANSACTION]; return [[self sendCommand:@"RSET"] isPositive]; } // optional service commands - (NSData *)retrieveMessage:(int)_msgNumber bodyLineCount:(int)_numberOfLines { NGPop3Response *reply = nil; [self requireState:NGPop3State_TRANSACTION]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"TOP" intArgument:_msgNumber intArgument:_numberOfLines]; if ([reply isPositive]) { NSMutableData *data = nil; const char *cstr = index([[reply line] cString], ' '); int msgSize = -1; if (cstr) { cstr++; msgSize = atoi(cstr); } data = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:1024]; if ([self receiveMultilineReply:data]) return data; } return nil; } - (NSDictionary *)uniqueIdMappings { NGPop3Response *reply = nil; [self requireState:NGPop3State_TRANSACTION]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"UIDL"]; if ([reply isPositive]) { NSMutableDictionary *dict = nil; NSString *line = nil; dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:256]; line = [self->text readLineAsString]; while ((line != nil) && (![line isEqualToString:@"."])) { const char *cstr = index([line cString], ' '); if (cstr) { int msgNum = atoi([line cString]); cstr++; [dict setObject:[NSString stringWithCString:cstr] forKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:msgNum]]; } else { NSLog(@"WARNING(%s): invalid reply line '%@'", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, line); } line = [self->text readLineAsString]; } return dict; } else return nil; } - (NSString *)uniqueIdOfMessage:(int)_messageNumber { NGPop3Response *reply = nil; [self requireState:NGPop3State_TRANSACTION]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"UIDL" intArgument:_messageNumber]; if ([reply isPositive]) { const char *cstr = index([[reply line] cString], ' '); if (cstr) { // found message number cstr = index(cstr + 1, ' '); if (cstr) { // found u-id cstr++; return [NSString stringWithCString:cstr]; } } NSLog(@"ERROR: invalid reply line '%@' ..", [reply line]); } return nil; } /* MIME support */ - (NSEnumerator *)messageEnumerator { return [[[NGPop3MailDropEnumerator alloc] initWithMessageInfoEnumerator:[self listMessages]] autorelease]; } - (NGMimeMessage *)messageWithNumber:(int)_messageNumber { NSData *msgData = [self retrieveMessage:_messageNumber]; if (msgData) { NGDataStream *msgStream; NGMimeMessageParser *parser; NGMimeMessage *message; msgStream = [[NGDataStream alloc] initWithData:msgData]; parser = [[NGMimeMessageParser alloc] init]; *(&message) = nil; NS_DURING message = (NGMimeMessage *)[parser parsePartFromStream:msgStream]; NS_HANDLER message = nil; NS_ENDHANDLER; message = [message retain]; [parser release]; parser = nil; [msgStream release]; msgStream = nil; msgData = nil; return [message autorelease]; } else return nil; } // description - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", (unsigned)self, [self socket]]; } @end