/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OGo OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include "NGSmtpClient.h" #include "NGSmtpSupport.h" #include "NGSmtpReplyCodes.h" #include "common.h" @interface NGSmtpClient(PrivateMethods) - (void)_fetchExtensionInfo; @end @implementation NGSmtpClient + (int)version { return 2; } + (id)smtpClient { NGActiveSocket *s; s = [NGActiveSocket socketInDomain:[NGInternetSocketDomain domain]]; return [[[self alloc] initWithSocket:s] autorelease]; } - (id)init { NSLog(@"%@: init not supported, use initWithSocket: ..", self); [self release]; return nil; } - (id)initWithSocket:(id)_socket { // designated initializer if ((self = [super init])) { self->socket = [_socket retain]; NSAssert(self->socket, @"invalid socket parameter"); [self setDebuggingEnabled:YES]; self->connection = [(NGBufferedStream *)[NGBufferedStream alloc] initWithSource:_socket]; self->text = [(NGCTextStream *)[NGCTextStream alloc] initWithSource:self->connection]; self->state = [self->socket isConnected] ? NGSmtpState_connected : NGSmtpState_unconnected; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->text release]; [self->connection release]; [self->socket release]; [super dealloc]; } // accessors - (id)socket { return self->socket; } - (NGSmtpState)state { return self->state; } - (void)setDebuggingEnabled:(BOOL)_flag { self->isDebuggingEnabled = _flag; } - (BOOL)isDebuggingEnabled { return self->isDebuggingEnabled; } // connection - (BOOL)connectToHost:(id)_host { return [self connectToAddress: [NGInternetSocketAddress addressWithService:@"smtp" onHost:_host protocol:@"tcp"]]; } - (BOOL)connectToAddress:(id)_address { NGSmtpResponse *greeting = nil; [self requireState:NGSmtpState_unconnected]; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"C: connect to %@\n", _address]; [self->socket connectToAddress:_address]; // receive greetings from server greeting = [self receiveReply]; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: %@\n", greeting]; if ([greeting isPositive]) { [self gotoState:NGSmtpState_connected]; [self _fetchExtensionInfo]; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) { if (self->extensions.hasPipelining) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: pipelining extension supported.\n"]; if (self->extensions.hasSize) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: size extension supported.\n"]; if (self->extensions.hasHelp) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: help extension supported.\n"]; if (self->extensions.hasExpand) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: expand extension supported.\n"]; } return YES; } else { [self disconnect]; return NO; } } - (void)disconnect { [text flush]; [socket close]; [self gotoState:NGSmtpState_unconnected]; } // state - (void)requireState:(NGSmtpState)_state { if (_state != [self state]) { [NSException raise:@"SMTPException" format:@"require state %i, now in %i", _state, [self state]]; } } - (void)denyState:(NGSmtpState)_state { if ([self state] == _state) { [NSException raise:@"SMTPException" format:@"not allowed in state %i", [self state]]; } } - (void)gotoState:(NGSmtpState)_state { self->state = _state; } - (BOOL)isTransactionInProgress { return (self->state == NGSmtpState_TRANSACTION); } - (void)abortTransaction { [self gotoState:NGSmtpState_connected]; } // replies - (NGSmtpResponse *)receiveReply { NSMutableString *desc = nil; NSString *line = nil; NGSmtpReplyCode code = -1; line = [self->text readLineAsString]; if ([line length] < 4) { NSLog(@"SMTP: reply has invalid format (%@)", line); return nil; } code = [[line substringToIndex:3] intValue]; //if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) // [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: reply with code %i follows ..\n", code]; desc = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:[line length]]; while ([line characterAtIndex:3] == '-') { if ([line length] < 4) { NSLog(@"SMTP: reply has invalid format (text=%@, line=%@)", desc, line); break; } [desc appendString:[line substringFromIndex:4]]; [desc appendString:@"\n"]; line = [self->text readLineAsString]; } if ([line length] >= 4) [desc appendString:[line substringFromIndex:4]]; return [NGSmtpResponse responseWithCode:code text:desc]; } // commands - (NGSmtpResponse *)sendCommand:(NSString *)_command { if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) { [NGTextOut writeFormat:@"C: %@\n", _command]; [NGTextOut flush]; } [text writeString:_command]; [text writeString:@"\r\n"]; [text flush]; return [self receiveReply]; } - (NGSmtpResponse *)sendCommand:(NSString *)_command argument:(NSString *)_argument { if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) { [NGTextOut writeFormat:@"C: %@ %@\n", _command, _argument]; [NGTextOut flush]; } [text writeString:_command]; [text writeString:@" "]; [text writeString:_argument]; [text writeString:@"\r\n"]; [text flush]; return [self receiveReply]; } // service commands - (void)_fetchExtensionInfo { NGSmtpResponse *reply = nil; NSString *hostName = nil; hostName = [(NGInternetSocketAddress *)[self->socket localAddress] hostName]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"EHLO" argument:hostName]; if ([reply code] == NGSmtpActionCompleted) { NSEnumerator *lines = [[[reply text] componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"] objectEnumerator]; NSString *line = nil; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: %@\n", reply]; while ((line = [lines nextObject])) { if ([line hasPrefix:@"EXPN"]) self->extensions.hasExpand = YES; else if ([line hasPrefix:@"SIZE"]) self->extensions.hasSize = YES; else if ([line hasPrefix:@"PIPELINING"]) self->extensions.hasPipelining = YES; else if ([line hasPrefix:@"HELP"]) self->extensions.hasHelp = YES; } lines = nil; } else { if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) { [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: %@\n", reply]; [NGTextErr writeFormat:@" .. could not get extension info.\n"]; } } } - (BOOL)_simpleServiceCommand:(NSString *)_command expectCode:(NGSmtpReplyCode)_code { NGSmtpResponse *reply = nil; [self denyState:NGSmtpState_unconnected]; reply = [self sendCommand:_command]; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: %@\n", reply]; if ([reply isPositive]) { if ([reply code] != _code) NSLog(@"SMTP(%@): expected reply code %i, got code %i ..", _command, _code, [reply code]); return YES; } return NO; } - (BOOL)quit { NGSmtpResponse *reply = nil; [self requireState:NGSmtpState_connected]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"QUIT"]; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: %@\n", reply]; if ([reply isPositive]) { unsigned int waitBytes = 0; if ([reply code] == NGSmtpServiceClosingChannel) { // wait for connection close .. while ([self->connection readByte] != -1) waitBytes++; } else NSLog(@"SMTP(QUIT): unexpected reply code (%i), disconnecting ..", [reply code]); return YES; } return NO; } - (BOOL)helloWithHostname:(NSString *)_host { NGSmtpResponse *reply = nil; [self denyState:NGSmtpState_unconnected]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"HELO" argument:_host]; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: %@\n", reply]; if ([reply isPositive]) { if ([reply code] != NGSmtpActionCompleted) { NSLog(@"SMTP(HELO): expected reply code %i, got code %i ..", NGSmtpActionCompleted, [reply code]); } return YES; } return NO; } - (BOOL)hello { NSString *hostName = nil; hostName = [(NGInternetSocketAddress *)[self->socket localAddress] hostName]; return [self helloWithHostname:hostName]; } - (BOOL)noop { return [self _simpleServiceCommand:@"NOOP" expectCode:NGSmtpActionCompleted]; } - (BOOL)reset { if ([self _simpleServiceCommand:@"RSET" expectCode:NGSmtpActionCompleted]) { if ([self isTransactionInProgress]) [self abortTransaction]; return YES; } else return NO; } - (NSString *)help { NGSmtpResponse *reply = nil; [self denyState:NGSmtpState_unconnected]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"HELP"]; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: %@\n", reply]; if ([reply isPositive]) { if ([reply code] != NGSmtpHelpMessage) { NSLog(@"SMTP(HELP): expected reply code %i, got code %i ..", NGSmtpHelpMessage, [reply code]); } return [reply text]; } return nil; } - (NSString *)helpForTopic:(NSString *)_topic { NGSmtpResponse *reply = nil; [self denyState:NGSmtpState_unconnected]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"HELP" argument:_topic]; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: %@\n", reply]; if ([reply isPositive]) { if ([reply code] != NGSmtpHelpMessage) { NSLog(@"SMTP(HELP): expected reply code %i, got code %i ..", NGSmtpHelpMessage, [reply code]); } return [reply text]; } return nil; } - (BOOL)verifyAddress:(id)_address { NGSmtpResponse *reply = nil; [self denyState:NGSmtpState_unconnected]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"VRFY" argument:[_address stringValue]]; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: %@\n", reply]; if ([reply isPositive]) { if ([reply code] != NGSmtpActionCompleted) { NSLog(@"SMTP(VRFY): expected reply code %i, got code %i ..", NGSmtpActionCompleted, [reply code]); } return YES; } else if ([reply code] == NGSmtpMailboxNotFound) { return NO; } else { NSLog(@"SMTP(VRFY): expected positive or 550 reply code, got code %i ..", [reply code]); return NO; } } // transaction commands - (BOOL)mailFrom:(id)_sender { NGSmtpResponse *reply = nil; NSString *sender = nil; [self requireState:NGSmtpState_connected]; sender = [@"FROM:" stringByAppendingString:[_sender stringValue]]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"MAIL" argument:sender]; if ([reply isPositive]) { if ([reply code] != NGSmtpActionCompleted) { NSLog(@"SMTP(MAIL FROM): expected reply code %i, got code %i ..", NGSmtpActionCompleted, [reply code]); } return YES; } return NO; } - (BOOL)recipientTo:(id)_receiver { NGSmtpResponse *reply = nil; NSString *rcpt = nil; [self requireState:NGSmtpState_TRANSACTION]; rcpt = [@"TO:" stringByAppendingString:[_receiver stringValue]]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"RCPT" argument:rcpt]; if ([reply isPositive]) { if ([reply code] != NGSmtpActionCompleted) { NSLog(@"SMTP(RCPT TO): expected reply code %i, got code %i ..", NGSmtpActionCompleted, [reply code]); } return YES; } return NO; } - (BOOL)sendData:(NSData *)_data { NGSmtpResponse *reply = nil; [self requireState:NGSmtpState_TRANSACTION]; reply = [self sendCommand:@"DATA"]; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: %@\n", reply]; if (([reply code] >= 300) && ([reply code] < 400)) { if ([reply code] != NGSmtpStartMailInput) { NSLog(@"SMTP(DATA): expected reply code %i, got code %i ..", NGSmtpStartMailInput, [reply code]); } [self->text flush]; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"C: data(%i bytes) ..\n", [_data bytes]]; [self->connection safeWriteBytes:[_data bytes] count:[_data length]]; [self->connection safeWriteBytes:".\r\n" count:3]; [self->connection flush]; reply = [self receiveReply]; if (self->isDebuggingEnabled) [NGTextErr writeFormat:@"S: %@\n", reply]; if ([reply isPositive]) { return YES; } else { NSLog(@"SMTP(DATA): mail input failed, got code %i ..", [reply code]); } } return NO; } // description - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", (unsigned)self, [self socket]]; } @end