SoObjects ========= An attempt to rewrite some Zope concepts in NGObjWeb, basically the thing which is called "object publishing". It defines a new type system (SoClasses) and a new KVC system (which returns methods/selectors as objects). Further it provides the SoObjectRequestHandler for publishing objects on the web. TODO ==== - Object based security (now security-info can only get attached to classes) NOTES ===== - we support ASP style ?Cmd query parameters ! - we support :method form parameters => both, when found, are added to the traversal path, this has the advantage that it leaves the URI of a node intact Class Hierarchy =============== SoHTTPException SoApplication SoLookupAssociation SoObjectRequestHandler SoProductResourceManager SoClass SoObjCClass SoClassRegistry SoClassSecurityInfo SoControlPanel SoDefaultRenderer SoHTTPAuthenticator SoObjectMethodDispatcher SoObjectXmlRpcDispatcher SoPageInvocation SoProduct SoProductClassInfo SoProductRegistry SoSecurityManager SoSelectorInvocation SoUser < SoUser > WODirectActionPubInvocation Protocols SoUserDatabase SoUser