# $Id$ Collect "common" issues around NGObjWeb ... ___________________________________________________________________________ * Endless Recursion in sope -authenticatorInContext: sope coredump, endless recursion: -authenticatorInContext: ---snip--- #1038 0x00eda4c4 in -[OFSFolder authenticatorInContext:] (self=0x937b30, _cmd=0x3be4, _ctx=0x9387d0) at OFSFolder.m:747 #1039 0x00ed4074 in -[OFSBaseObject authenticatorInContext:] (self=0x943f30, _cmd=0x3be4, _ctx=0x9387d0) at OFSBaseObject.m:219 ---snap--- - this occures if htpasswd cannot be resolved as the authenticator - htpasswd will be returned as a regular file (OFSFile object) which leads to a recursion use: -SoOFSDebugAuthLookup YES to detect - htpasswd becomes an OFSFile instead of a OFSHttpPasswd because the core SoProducts (SoOFS.sxp) are not properly found! - mixed up on GNUstep on MacOSX use: SoProductRegistryDebugEnabled YES to detect ___________________________________________________________________________