/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "NSProcessInfo+misc.h" #include "common.h" #include #if !LIB_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY && !GNUSTEP_BASE_LIBRARY # import #endif @implementation NSProcessInfo(misc) /* arguments */ - (NSArray *)argumentsWithoutDefaults { NSMutableArray *ma; NSArray *a; unsigned count, i; BOOL foundDefault; a = [self arguments]; if ((count = [a count]) == 0) return nil; if (count == 1) return a; ma = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:count]; [ma addObject:[a objectAtIndex:0]]; // tool name for (i = 1, foundDefault = NO; i < count; i++) { NSString *arg; arg = [a objectAtIndex:i]; if ([arg hasPrefix:@"-"] && ([arg length] > 1)) { /* a default .. */ i++; /* consume value */ foundDefault = YES; continue; } [ma addObject:arg]; } return foundDefault ? (id)ma : a; } /* create temp file name */ - (NSString *)temporaryFileName:(NSString *)_prefix { static int cnt = 0; NSString *s; cnt++; s = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%04X%X%02X.tmp", getpid(), time(NULL), cnt]; return [_prefix stringByAppendingString:s]; } - (NSString *)temporaryFileName { NSString *prefix; prefix = [@"/tmp/" stringByAppendingPathComponent:[self processName]]; return [self temporaryFileName:prefix]; } /* return process-id (pid on Unix) */ - (id)processId { int pid; #if defined(__MINGW32__) pid = (int)GetCurrentProcessId(); #else pid = (int)getpid(); #endif return [NSNumber numberWithInt:pid]; } - (NSString *)procDirectoryPathForProcess { NSString *p; BOOL isDir; p = [@"/proc/" stringByAppendingString:[[self processId] stringValue]]; if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:p isDirectory:&isDir]) return nil; return isDir ? p : nil; } - (NSDictionary *)procStatusDictionary { NSMutableDictionary *dict; NSString *procStatusPath; NSString *s; NSEnumerator *lines; NSString *line; procStatusPath = [[self procDirectoryPathForProcess] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"status"]; s = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:procStatusPath]; if (s == nil) return nil; dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:32]; lines = [[s componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"] objectEnumerator]; while ((line = [lines nextObject])) { NSString *key; NSRange r; id value; r = [line rangeOfString:@":"]; if (r.length == 0) continue; key = [line substringToIndex:r.location]; value = [[line substringFromIndex:(r.location + r.length)] stringByTrimmingSpaces]; if (value == nil) value = [NSNull null]; [dict setObject:value forKey:key]; } return [[dict copy] autorelease]; } static NSNumber *_int(int i) __attribute__((unused)); static NSNumber *_uint(unsigned int i) __attribute__((unused)); static NSNumber *_int(int i) { return [NSNumber numberWithInt:i]; } static NSNumber *_uint(unsigned int i) { return [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:i]; } #define NG_GET_PROC_INFO \ FILE *fh;\ char pp[256];\ int res;\ int pid, ppid, pgrp, session, tty, tpgid;\ unsigned int flags, minflt, cminflt, majflt, cmajflt;\ int utime, stime, cutime, cstime, counter;\ unsigned char comm[256];\ char state = 0;\ int priority, starttime;\ unsigned int timeout, itrealvalue, vsize, rss, rlim, startcode, endcode;\ unsigned int startstack, kstkesp, kstkeip;\ int signal, blocked, sigignore, sigcatch;\ unsigned int wchan;\ \ pid = getpid();\ snprintf(pp, 255, "/proc/%i/stat", pid);\ fh = fopen(pp, "r");\ if (fh == NULL)\ res = -1;\ else\ res = fscanf(fh,\ "%d %255s %c %d %d %d %d %d "\ "%u %u %u %u %u "\ "%d %d %d %d %d "\ "%d %u %u %d "\ "%u %u %u %u %u"\ "%u %u %u "\ "%d %d %d %d "\ "%u"\ ,\ &pid, &(comm[0]), &state, &ppid, &pgrp, &session, &tty, \ &tpgid,\ &flags, &minflt, &cminflt, &majflt, &cmajflt,\ &utime, &stime, &cutime, &cstime, &counter,\ &priority, &timeout, &itrealvalue, &starttime,\ &vsize, &rss, &rlim, &startcode, &endcode,\ &startstack, &kstkesp, &kstkeip,\ &signal, &blocked, &sigignore, &sigcatch,\ &wchan\ );\ fclose(fh); fh = NULL; - (unsigned int)virtualMemorySize { #ifdef __linux__ NG_GET_PROC_INFO; return vsize; #else return 0; #endif } - (unsigned int)residentSetSize { #ifdef __linux__ NG_GET_PROC_INFO; return rss; #else return 0; #endif } - (unsigned int)residentSetSizeLimit { #ifdef __linux__ NG_GET_PROC_INFO; return rlim; #else return 0; #endif } - (NSDictionary *)procStatDictionary { #ifdef __linux__ /* see 'man 5 proc' */ NSMutableDictionary *dict; NG_GET_PROC_INFO; if (res > 0) { dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:res]; if (res > 0) [dict setObject:_int(pid) forKey:@"pid"]; if (res > 1) [dict setObject:[NSString stringWithCString:comm] forKey:@"comm"]; if (res > 2) [dict setObject:[NSString stringWithCString:&state length:1] forKey:@"state"]; if (res > 3) [dict setObject:_int(ppid) forKey:@"ppid"]; if (res > 4) [dict setObject:_int(pgrp) forKey:@"pgrp"]; if (res > 5) [dict setObject:_int(session) forKey:@"session"]; if (res > 6) [dict setObject:_int(tty) forKey:@"tty"]; if (res > 7) [dict setObject:_int(tpgid) forKey:@"tpgid"]; if (res > 8) [dict setObject:_uint(flags) forKey:@"flags"]; if (res > 9) [dict setObject:_uint(minflt) forKey:@"minflt"]; if (res > 10) [dict setObject:_uint(cminflt) forKey:@"cminflt"]; if (res > 11) [dict setObject:_uint(majflt) forKey:@"majflt"]; if (res > 12) [dict setObject:_uint(cmajflt) forKey:@"cmajflt"]; if (res > 13) [dict setObject:_int(utime) forKey:@"utime"]; if (res > 14) [dict setObject:_int(stime) forKey:@"stime"]; if (res > 15) [dict setObject:_int(cutime) forKey:@"cutime"]; if (res > 16) [dict setObject:_int(cstime) forKey:@"cstime"]; if (res > 17) [dict setObject:_int(counter) forKey:@"counter"]; if (res > 18) [dict setObject:_int(priority) forKey:@"priority"]; if (res > 19) [dict setObject:_uint(timeout) forKey:@"timeout"]; if (res > 20) [dict setObject:_uint(itrealvalue) forKey:@"itrealvalue"]; if (res > 21) [dict setObject:_int(starttime) forKey:@"starttime"]; if (res > 22) [dict setObject:_uint(vsize) forKey:@"vsize"]; if (res > 23) [dict setObject:_uint(rss) forKey:@"rss"]; if (res > 24) [dict setObject:_uint(rlim) forKey:@"rlim"]; if (res > 25) [dict setObject:_uint(startcode) forKey:@"startcode"]; if (res > 26) [dict setObject:_uint(endcode) forKey:@"endcode"]; if (res > 27) [dict setObject:_uint(startstack) forKey:@"startstack"]; if (res > 28) [dict setObject:_uint(kstkesp) forKey:@"kstkesp"]; if (res > 29) [dict setObject:_uint(kstkeip) forKey:@"kstkeip"]; if (res > 30) [dict setObject:_int(signal) forKey:@"signal"]; if (res > 31) [dict setObject:_int(blocked) forKey:@"blocked"]; if (res > 32) [dict setObject:_int(sigignore) forKey:@"sigignore"]; if (res > 33) [dict setObject:_int(sigcatch) forKey:@"sigcatch"]; if (res > 34) [dict setObject:_uint(wchan) forKey:@"wchan"]; return dict; } else { NSLog(@"%s: couldn't scan /proc-info ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); dict = nil; } return [[dict copy] autorelease]; #else return nil; #endif } @end /* NSProcessInfo(misc) */ // linking void __link_NSProcessInfo_misc(void) { __link_NSProcessInfo_misc(); }