/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #if defined(__APPLE__) # include # include #endif #include #include "NGDatagramSocket.h" #include "NGDatagramPacket.h" #include "NGSocketExceptions.h" #include "NGSocket+private.h" #include "common.h" #if !defined(POLLRDNORM) # define POLLRDNORM POLLIN #endif NSString *NGSocketTimedOutNotificationName = @"NGSocketTimedOutNotification"; @interface NGSocket(privateMethods) - (void)_createSocketInDomain:(int)_domain; - (void)setOption:(int)_option level:(int)_level value:(void *)_value len:(int)_len; - (void)setOption:(int)_option value:(void *)_value len:(int)_len; - (void)getOption:(int)_option level:(int)_level value:(void *)_val len:(int *)_len; - (void)getOption:(int)_option value:(void *)_value len:(int *)_len; @end //static const int NGMaxTimeout = (int)-1; static const NSTimeInterval NGNoTimeout = 0.0; @implementation NGDatagramSocket #if !defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN32__) + (BOOL)socketPair:(id[2])_pair inDomain:(id)_domain { int fds[2]; _pair[0] = nil; _pair[1] = nil; if (socketpair([_domain socketDomain], SOCK_DGRAM, [_domain protocol], fds) == 0) { NGDatagramSocket *s1 = nil; NGDatagramSocket *s2 = nil; s1 = [[self alloc] _initWithDomain:_domain descriptor:fds[0]]; s2 = [[self alloc] _initWithDomain:_domain descriptor:fds[1]]; s1 = AUTORELEASE(s1); s2 = AUTORELEASE(s2); if ((s1 != nil) && (s2 != nil)) { _pair[0] = s1; _pair[1] = s2; return YES; } else return NO; } else { int e = errno; NSString *reason = nil; switch (e) { case EACCES: reason = @"Not allowed to create socket of this type"; break; case ENOMEM: reason = @"Could not create socket: Insufficient user memory available"; break; case EPROTONOSUPPORT: reason = @"The protocol is not supported by the address family or " @"implementation"; break; case EPROTOTYPE: reason = @"The socket type is not supported by the protocol"; break; case EMFILE: reason = @"Could not create socket: descriptor table is full"; break; case EOPNOTSUPP: reason = @"The specified protocol does not permit creation of socket " @"pairs"; break; default: reason = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Could not create socketpair: %s", strerror(e)]; break; } [[[NGCouldNotCreateSocketException alloc] initWithReason:reason domain:_domain] raise]; return NO; } } #endif + (id)socketBoundToAddress:(id)_address { volatile id sock = [[self alloc] initWithDomain:[_address domain]]; if (sock != nil) { sock = AUTORELEASE(sock); [sock bindToAddress:_address]; } return sock; } - (id)initWithDomain:(id)_domain { // designated initializer if ((self = [super initWithDomain:_domain])) { [self setMaxPacketSize:2048]; [self setPacketFactory:(id)[NGDatagramPacket class]]; self->udpFlags.isConnected = NO; } return self; } // accessors - (void)setMaxPacketSize:(int)_maxPacketSize { self->maxPacketSize = _maxPacketSize; } - (int)maxPacketSize { return self->maxPacketSize; } - (void)setPacketFactory:(id)_factory { ASSIGN(self->packetFactory, _factory); } - (id)packetFactory { return self->packetFactory; } - (int)socketType { return SOCK_DGRAM; } - (BOOL)isConnected { return self->udpFlags.isConnected; } // polling - (BOOL)wouldBlockInMode:(NGStreamMode)_mode { short events = 0; if (fd == NGInvalidSocketDescriptor) return NO; if (NGCanReadInStreamMode(_mode)) events |= POLLRDNORM; if (NGCanWriteInStreamMode(_mode)) events |= POLLWRNORM; // timeout of 0 means return immediatly return (NGPollDescriptor([self fileDescriptor], events, 0) == 1 ? NO : YES); } // sending - (void)primarySendPacket:(id)_packet { int bytesWritten; NSAssert([_packet receiver], @"packet has no destination !"); bytesWritten = sendto(self->fd, // socket [[_packet data] bytes], [[_packet data] length], 0, // flags [[_packet receiver] internalAddressRepresentation], [[_packet receiver] addressRepresentationSize]); if (!self->flags.isBound) // was not explictly bound, so get local address [self kernelBoundAddress]; [_packet setSender:[self localAddress]]; } - (BOOL)sendPacket:(id)_packet timeout:(NSTimeInterval)_to { if (_to > NGNoTimeout) { int result = NGPollDescriptor([self fileDescriptor], POLLWRNORM, (int)(_to * 1000.0)); if (result == 0) { // timeout [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:NGSocketTimedOutNotificationName object:self]; return NO; } else if (result < 0) { [[[NGSocketException alloc] initWithReason:@"error during poll on UDP socket"] raise]; return NO; } // else receive packet .. } [self primarySendPacket:_packet]; return YES; } - (BOOL)sendPacket:(id)_packet { return [self sendPacket:_packet timeout:NGNoTimeout]; } // receiving - (id)primaryReceivePacketWithMaxSize:(int)_maxSize { id remote = nil; id packet = nil; char buffer[_maxSize]; size_t size; int len = [[self domain] addressRepresentationSize]; char data[len]; size = recvfrom(self->fd, buffer, _maxSize, 0, // flags (void *)data, &len); remote = [[self domain] addressWithRepresentation:(void *)data size:len]; if (!self->flags.isBound) // was not explictly bound, so get local address [self kernelBoundAddress]; packet = [[self packetFactory] packetWithBytes:buffer size:size]; [packet setReceiver:[self localAddress]]; [packet setSender:remote]; return packet; } - (id)receivePacketWithMaxSize:(int)_size timeout:(NSTimeInterval)_to { if (_to > NGNoTimeout) { int result = NGPollDescriptor([self fileDescriptor], POLLRDNORM, (int)(_to * 1000.0)); if (result == 0) { // timeout [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:NGSocketTimedOutNotificationName object:self]; return nil; } else if (result < 0) { [[[NGSocketException alloc] initWithReason:@"error during poll on UDP socket"] raise]; } // else receive packet .. } return [self primaryReceivePacketWithMaxSize:_size]; } - (id)receivePacketWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)_timeout { return [self receivePacketWithMaxSize:[self maxPacketSize] timeout:_timeout]; } - (id)receivePacketWithMaxSize:(int)_maxPacketSize { return [self receivePacketWithMaxSize:_maxPacketSize timeout:NGNoTimeout]; } - (id)receivePacket { return [self receivePacketWithMaxSize:[self maxPacketSize] timeout:NGNoTimeout]; } // ************************* options ************************* static int i_yes = 1; static int i_no = 0; static inline void setBoolOption(id self, int _option, BOOL _flag) { [self setOption:_option level:SOL_SOCKET value:(_flag ? &i_yes : &i_no) len:4]; } static inline BOOL getBoolOption(id self, int _option) { int value, len; [self getOption:_option level:SOL_SOCKET value:&value len:&len]; return (value ? YES : NO); } - (void)setBroadcast:(BOOL)_flag { setBoolOption(self, SO_BROADCAST, _flag); } - (BOOL)doesBroadcast { return getBoolOption(self, SO_BROADCAST); } // aborts, only supported for TCP - (void)setDebug:(BOOL)_flag { [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd]; } - (BOOL)doesDebug { [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd]; return NO; } @end