/* EODatabaseContext.m Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Author: Mircea Oancea Date: 1996 Author: Helge Hess Date: 1999 This file is part of the GNUstep Database Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import "common.h" #import "EODatabaseContext.h" #import "EOAdaptor.h" #import "EOAdaptorContext.h" #import "EODatabase.h" #import "EODatabaseChannel.h" #import "EOEntity.h" #import "EODatabaseFault.h" #import "EOGenericRecord.h" #import "EOModel.h" #import "EOObjectUniquer.h" #include "EOModelGroup.h" #include #include NSString *EODatabaseContextWillBeginTransactionName = @"EODatabaseContextWillBeginTransaction"; NSString *EODatabaseContextDidBeginTransactionName = @"EODatabaseContextDidBeginTransaction"; NSString *EODatabaseContextWillRollbackTransactionName = @"EODatabaseContextWillRollbackTransaction"; NSString *EODatabaseContextDidRollbackTransactionName = @"EODatabaseContextDidRollbackTransaction"; NSString *EODatabaseContextWillCommitTransactionName = @"EODatabaseContextWillCommitTransaction"; NSString *EODatabaseContextDidCommitTransactionName = @"EODatabaseContextDidCommitTransaction"; struct EODatabaseContextModificationQueue { struct EODatabaseContextModificationQueue *next; enum { update, delete, insert } op; id object; }; /* * Transaction scope */ typedef struct _EOTransactionScope { struct _EOTransactionScope *previous; EOObjectUniquer *objectsDictionary; NSMutableArray *objectsUpdated; NSMutableArray *objectsDeleted; NSMutableArray *objectsLocked; } EOTransactionScope; static inline EOTransactionScope *_newTxScope(NSZone *_zone) { EOTransactionScope *newScope; newScope = NSZoneMalloc(_zone, sizeof(EOTransactionScope)); newScope->objectsDictionary = [[EOObjectUniquer allocWithZone:_zone] init]; newScope->objectsUpdated = [[NSMutableArray allocWithZone:_zone] init]; newScope->objectsDeleted = [[NSMutableArray allocWithZone:_zone] init]; newScope->objectsLocked = [[NSMutableArray allocWithZone:_zone] init]; return newScope; } static inline void _freeTxScope(NSZone *_zone, EOTransactionScope *_txScope) { RELEASE(_txScope->objectsDictionary); _txScope->objectsDictionary = nil; RELEASE(_txScope->objectsUpdated); _txScope->objectsUpdated = nil; RELEASE(_txScope->objectsDeleted); _txScope->objectsDeleted = nil; RELEASE(_txScope->objectsLocked); _txScope->objectsLocked = nil; NSZoneFree(_zone, _txScope); _txScope = NULL; } @implementation EODatabaseContext #if 0 // no such callback! + (void)initialize { static BOOL isInitialized = NO; if (!isInitialized) { isInitialized = YES; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(_objectStoreNeeded:) name:@"EOCooperatingObjectStoreNeeded" object:nil]; } } #endif static inline void _checkTxInProgress(EODatabaseContext *self, const char *_function) { if (self->transactionNestingLevel == 0) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x: No transaction in progress " @"in %s", self, _function]; } } // init - (id)initWithDatabase:(EODatabase *)aDatabase { static int reuseAdaptorCtx = -1; if (reuseAdaptorCtx == -1) { reuseAdaptorCtx = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"EOReuseAdaptorContext"] boolValue] ? 1 : 0; } if (reuseAdaptorCtx) { NSEnumerator *contexts; EOAdaptorContext *actx; contexts = [[[aDatabase adaptor] contexts] objectEnumerator]; while ((actx = [contexts nextObject])) { if (![actx hasOpenTransaction]) { #if DEBUG NSLog(@"reuse adaptor context: %@", actx); #endif self->adaptorContext = actx; break; } } if (self->adaptorContext == nil) self->adaptorContext = [[aDatabase adaptor] createAdaptorContext]; } else self->adaptorContext = [[aDatabase adaptor] createAdaptorContext]; if ((aDatabase == nil) || (adaptorContext == nil)) { NSLog(@"EODatabaseContext could not create adaptor context"); AUTORELEASE(self); return nil; } RETAIN(self->adaptorContext); self->database = RETAIN(aDatabase); self->channels = [[NSMutableArray allocWithZone:[self zone]] init]; self->transactionStackTop = NULL; self->transactionNestingLevel = 0; self->updateStrategy = EOUpdateWithOptimisticLocking; self->isKeepingSnapshots = YES; self->isUniquingObjects = [self->database uniquesObjects]; [database contextDidInit:self]; return self; } - (void)dealloc { [database contextWillDealloc:self]; if (self->ops) { struct EODatabaseContextModificationQueue *q; while ((q = self->ops)) { self->ops = q->next; RELEASE(q->object); free(q); } } while (self->transactionNestingLevel) { if (![self rollbackTransaction]) break; } while (self->transactionStackTop) [self privateRollbackTransaction]; RELEASE(self->adaptorContext); self->adaptorContext = nil; RELEASE(self->database); self->database = nil; RELEASE(self->channels); self->channels = nil; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (void)setDelegate:(id)_delegate { self->delegate = _delegate; } - (id)delegate { return self->delegate; } - (EODatabase *)database { return self->database; } - (EOAdaptorContext *)adaptorContext { return self->adaptorContext; } // channels - (BOOL)hasBusyChannels { int i; for (i = [channels count]-1; i >= 0; i--) { if ([[[channels objectAtIndex:i] nonretainedObjectValue] isFetchInProgress]) return YES; } return NO; } - (BOOL)hasOpenChannels { int i; for (i = [channels count]-1; i >= 0; i--) { if ([[[channels objectAtIndex:i] nonretainedObjectValue] isOpen]) return YES; } return NO; } - (NSArray *)channels { return [self registeredChannels]; } - (id)createChannel { return AUTORELEASE([[EODatabaseChannel alloc] initWithDatabaseContext:self]); } - (void)channelDidInit:(id)aChannel { [self registerChannel:aChannel]; } - (void)channelWillDealloc:(id)aChannel { [self unregisterChannel:aChannel]; } /* * Controlling transactions */ - (BOOL)beginTransaction { NSNotificationCenter *nc; if ([adaptorContext transactionNestingLevel] != (unsigned)transactionNestingLevel) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x:transaction nesting levels do not match: " @"database has %d, adaptor has %d, " @"in [EODatabaseContext beginTransaction]", self, transactionNestingLevel, [adaptorContext transactionNestingLevel]]; } nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [nc postNotificationName:EODatabaseContextWillBeginTransactionName object:self]; if (![self->adaptorContext beginTransaction]) return NO; [self privateBeginTransaction]; txBeginCount++; [nc postNotificationName:EODatabaseContextDidBeginTransactionName object:self]; return YES; } - (BOOL)commitTransaction { NSNotificationCenter *nc; _checkTxInProgress(self, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); if ([adaptorContext transactionNestingLevel] != (unsigned)self->transactionNestingLevel) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x:transaction nesting levels do not match: " @"database has %d, adaptor has %d, " @"in [EODatabaseContext commitTransaction]", self, transactionNestingLevel, [adaptorContext transactionNestingLevel]]; } nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [nc postNotificationName:EODatabaseContextWillCommitTransactionName object:self]; if (![adaptorContext commitTransaction]) return NO; [self privateCommitTransaction]; self->txCommitCount++; [nc postNotificationName:EODatabaseContextDidCommitTransactionName object:self]; return YES; } - (BOOL)rollbackTransaction { NSNotificationCenter *nc; _checkTxInProgress(self, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); if ([self->adaptorContext transactionNestingLevel] != (unsigned)self->transactionNestingLevel) { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x:transaction nesting levels do not match: " @"database has %d, adaptor has %d, " @"in [EODatabaseContext rollbackTransaction]", self, transactionNestingLevel, [adaptorContext transactionNestingLevel]]; } nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [nc postNotificationName:EODatabaseContextWillRollbackTransactionName object:self]; if (![self->adaptorContext rollbackTransaction]) return NO; [self privateRollbackTransaction]; self->txRollbackCount++; [nc postNotificationName:EODatabaseContextDidRollbackTransactionName object:self]; return YES; } // ******************** notifications ******************** - (void)transactionDidBegin { [self->adaptorContext transactionDidBegin]; [self privateBeginTransaction]; } - (void)transactionDidCommit { _checkTxInProgress(self, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); [self->adaptorContext transactionDidCommit]; [self privateCommitTransaction]; } - (void)transactionDidRollback { _checkTxInProgress(self, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); [adaptorContext transactionDidRollback]; [self privateRollbackTransaction]; } /* * Nesting transactions */ - (BOOL)canNestTransactions { return [adaptorContext canNestTransactions]; } - (unsigned)transactionNestingLevel { return transactionNestingLevel; } /* * Setting the update strategy */ - (void)setUpdateStrategy:(EOUpdateStrategy)aStrategy { if ([self transactionNestingLevel]) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x: Cannot change update strategy " @"when context has a transaction open, " @"in [EODatabaseContext setUpdateStrategy]", self]; } updateStrategy = aStrategy; isKeepingSnapshots = (updateStrategy == EOUpdateWithNoLocking) ? NO : YES; isUniquingObjects = [database uniquesObjects]; } - (EOUpdateStrategy)updateStrategy { return self->updateStrategy; } - (BOOL)keepsSnapshots { return self->isKeepingSnapshots; } /* * Processing transactions internally */ - (void)privateBeginTransaction { EOTransactionScope *newScope = NULL; newScope = _newTxScope([self zone]); newScope->previous = transactionNestingLevel ? transactionStackTop : NULL; transactionStackTop = newScope; transactionNestingLevel++; if (transactionNestingLevel == 1) self->isUniquingObjects = [database uniquesObjects]; } - (void)privateCommitTransaction { EOTransactionScope *newScope = transactionStackTop; transactionStackTop = newScope->previous; transactionNestingLevel--; // In nested transaction fold updated and deleted objects // into the parent transaction; locked objects are forgotten // deleted objects are deleted form the parent transaction if (transactionNestingLevel) { // Keep updated objects [transactionStackTop->objectsUpdated addObjectsFromArray:newScope->objectsUpdated]; // Keep deleted objects [transactionStackTop->objectsDeleted addObjectsFromArray:newScope->objectsDeleted]; // Register objects in parent transaction scope [newScope->objectsDictionary transferTo:transactionStackTop->objectsDictionary objects:YES andSnapshots:YES]; } // If this was the first transaction then fold the changes // into the database; locked and updateted objects are forgotten else { int i, n; for (i = 0, n = [newScope->objectsDeleted count]; i < n; i++) [database forgetObject:[newScope->objectsDeleted objectAtIndex:i]]; // Register objects into the database if (self->isUniquingObjects || [database keepsSnapshots]) { [newScope->objectsDictionary transferTo:[database objectUniquer] objects:self->isUniquingObjects andSnapshots:[database keepsSnapshots]]; } } // Kill transaction scope _freeTxScope([self zone], newScope); } - (void)privateRollbackTransaction { EOTransactionScope *newScope = transactionStackTop; transactionStackTop = newScope->previous; transactionNestingLevel--; // Forget snapshots, updated, deleted and locked objects // in current transaction // Kill transaction scope _freeTxScope([self zone], newScope); } // Handle Objects - (void)forgetObject:(id)_object { EOTransactionScope *scope = NULL; _checkTxInProgress(self, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); if (_object == nil) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x: Cannot forget null object, " @"in [EODatabaseContext forgetObject]", self]; } if ([EOFault isFault:_object]) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x: Cannot forget forget a fault object, " @"in [EODatabaseContext forgetObject]", self]; } [transactionStackTop->objectsDeleted addObject:_object]; for (scope = transactionStackTop; scope; scope = scope->previous) { [scope->objectsDictionary forgetObject:_object]; } } - (id)objectForPrimaryKey:(NSDictionary *)_key entity:(EOEntity *)_entity { EOTransactionScope *scope = NULL; id _object = nil; if (!self->isUniquingObjects || (_key == nil) || (_entity == nil)) return nil; _key = [_entity primaryKeyForRow:_key]; if (_key == nil) return nil; for (scope = transactionStackTop; scope; scope = scope->previous) { _object = [scope->objectsDictionary objectForPrimaryKey:_key entity:_entity]; if (_object) return _object; } return [self->database objectForPrimaryKey:_key entity:_entity]; } - (void)recordObject:(id)_object primaryKey:(NSDictionary *)_key entity:(EOEntity *)_entity snapshot:(NSDictionary *)snapshot { _checkTxInProgress(self, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); if (_object == nil) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x: Cannot record null object, " @"in [EODatabaseContext recordObject:primaryKey:entity:snapshot:]", self]; } if ((_entity == nil) && self->isUniquingObjects) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x: Cannot record object with null entity " @"when uniquing objects, " @"in [EODatabaseContext recordObject:primaryKey:entity:snapshot:]", self]; } _key = [_entity primaryKeyForRow:_key]; if ((_key == nil) && self->isUniquingObjects) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x: Cannot record object with null key " @"when uniquing objects, " @"in [EODatabaseContext recordObject:primaryKey:entity:snapshot:]", self]; } if ((snapshot == nil) && isKeepingSnapshots && ![EOFault isFault:_object]) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x: Cannot record object with null snapshot " @"when keeping snapshots, " @"in [EODatabaseContext recordObject:primaryKey:entity:snapshot:]" @": snapshot=%s keepsSnapshots=%s isFault=%s", self, snapshot ? "yes" : "no", isKeepingSnapshots ? "yes" : "no", [EOFault isFault:_object] ? "yes" : "no"]; } if (self->isKeepingSnapshots || self->isUniquingObjects) { EOObjectUniquer *cache = transactionStackTop->objectsDictionary; [cache recordObject:_object primaryKey: self->isUniquingObjects ? _key : nil entity: self->isUniquingObjects ? _entity : nil snapshot: self->isKeepingSnapshots ? snapshot : nil]; } } - (void)recordObject:(id)_object primaryKey:(NSDictionary *)_key snapshot:(NSDictionary *)_snapshot { EOEntity *entity = nil; entity = [_object respondsToSelector:@selector(entity)] ? [_object entity] : [[[database adaptor] model] entityForObject:_object]; [self recordObject:_object primaryKey:_key entity:entity snapshot:_snapshot]; } - (NSDictionary *)snapshotForObject:(id)_object { EOTransactionScope *scope = NULL; EOUniquerRecord *rec = NULL; if (!isKeepingSnapshots) return nil; for (scope = transactionStackTop; scope; scope = scope->previous) { rec = [scope->objectsDictionary recordForObject:_object]; if (rec) return rec->snapshot; } rec = [[self->database objectUniquer] recordForObject:_object]; if (rec) return rec->snapshot; return nil; } - (NSDictionary*)primaryKeyForObject:(id)_object { EOTransactionScope *scope = NULL; EOUniquerRecord *rec = NULL; if ([self->database uniquesObjects]) return nil; for (scope = transactionStackTop; scope; scope = scope->previous) { rec = [scope->objectsDictionary recordForObject:_object]; if (rec) return rec->pkey; } rec = [[self->database objectUniquer] recordForObject:_object]; if (rec) return rec->pkey; return nil; } - (void)primaryKey:(NSDictionary **)_key andSnapshot:(NSDictionary **)_snapshot forObject:_object { EOTransactionScope *scope = NULL; EOUniquerRecord *rec = NULL; if (!self->isKeepingSnapshots && ![self->database uniquesObjects]) { *_key = *_snapshot = nil; return; } for (scope = transactionStackTop; scope; scope = scope->previous) { rec = [scope->objectsDictionary recordForObject:_object]; if (rec) { if (_key) *_key = rec->pkey; if (_snapshot) *_snapshot = rec->snapshot; return; } } rec = [[self->database objectUniquer] recordForObject:_object]; if (rec) { if (_key) *_key = rec->pkey; if (_snapshot) *_snapshot = rec->snapshot; return; } if (_key) *_key = nil; if (_snapshot) *_snapshot = nil; } - (void)recordLockedObject:(id)_object { _checkTxInProgress(self, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); if (_object == nil) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x: Cannot record null object as locked, " @"in [EODatabaseContext recordLockedObject:]", self]; } if ([EOFault isFault:_object]) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x: Cannot record a fault object as locked, " @"in [EODatabaseContext recordLockedObject:]", self]; } [transactionStackTop->objectsLocked addObject:_object]; } - (BOOL)isObjectLocked:(id)_object { EOTransactionScope *scope; for (scope = transactionStackTop; scope; scope = scope->previous) { if ([scope->objectsLocked indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:_object]!=NSNotFound) return YES; } return NO; } - (void)recordUpdatedObject:(id)_object { _checkTxInProgress(self, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); if (_object == nil) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x: Cannot record null object as updatetd, " @"in [EODatabaseContext recordUpdatedObject:]", self]; } if ([EOFault isFault:_object]) { [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"EODatabaseContext:%x: Cannot record fault object as updated, " @"in [EODatabaseContext recordUpdatedObject:]", self]; } [transactionStackTop->objectsUpdated addObject:_object]; } - (BOOL)isObjectUpdated:(id)_object { EOTransactionScope *scope; for (scope = transactionStackTop; scope; scope = scope->previous) { if ([scope->objectsUpdated indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:_object] != NSNotFound) return YES; if ([scope->objectsDeleted indexOfObjectIdenticalTo:_object] != NSNotFound) return YES; } return NO; } /* description */ - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<%@[0x%08X]: #channels=%i tx-nesting=%i>", NSStringFromClass([self class]), self, [self->channels count], [self transactionNestingLevel]]; } @end /* EODatabaseContext */ @implementation EODatabaseContext(Statistics) - (unsigned int)transactionBeginCount { return self->txBeginCount; } - (unsigned int)transactionCommitCount { return self->txCommitCount; } - (unsigned int)transactionRollbackCount { return self->txRollbackCount; } @end /* EODatabaseContext(Statistics) */ @implementation EODatabaseContext(NewInEOF2) // THREAD static Class EODatabaseContextClass = Nil; + (void)setContextClassToRegister:(Class)_cclass { EODatabaseContextClass = _cclass; } + (Class)contextClassToRegister { return EODatabaseContextClass ? EODatabaseContextClass : self; } - (EODatabaseChannel *)availableChannel { int i; for (i = [self->channels count] - 1; i >= 0; i--) { EODatabaseChannel *channel; channel = [[self->channels objectAtIndex:i] nonretainedObjectValue]; if (![channel isFetchInProgress]) return channel; } [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"EODatabaseChannelNeeded" object:self]; /* recheck for channel */ for (i = [self->channels count] - 1; i >= 0; i--) { EODatabaseChannel *channel; channel = [[self->channels objectAtIndex:i] nonretainedObjectValue]; if (![channel isFetchInProgress]) return channel; } return nil; } - (NSArray *)registeredChannels { NSMutableArray *array; int i, n; array = [NSMutableArray array]; for (i=0, n=[channels count]; i < n; i++) { EODatabaseChannel *channel = [[channels objectAtIndex:i] nonretainedObjectValue]; [array addObject:channel]; } return array; } - (void)registerChannel:(EODatabaseChannel *)_channel { [self->channels addObject:[NSValue valueWithNonretainedObject:_channel]]; } - (void)unregisterChannel:(EODatabaseChannel *)_channel { int i; for (i = [self->channels count] - 1; i >= 0; i--) { EODatabaseChannel *channel; channel = [[self->channels objectAtIndex:i] nonretainedObjectValue]; if (channel == _channel) { [channels removeObjectAtIndex:i]; break; } } } /* cooperating object store */ - (void)commitChanges { [self commitTransaction]; } - (void)rollbackChanges { [self rollbackTransaction]; } - (void)performChanges { [self notImplemented:_cmd]; } /* store specific properties */ - (NSDictionary *)valuesForKeys:(NSArray *)_keys object:(id)_object { return [_object valuesForKeys:_keys]; } /* capability */ - (BOOL)handlesFetchSpecification:(EOFetchSpecification *)_fspec { EOEntity *entity; entity = [[self database] entityNamed:[_fspec entityName]]; return entity ? YES : NO; } /* graph */ - (BOOL)ownsObject:(id)_object { EOEntity *entity; entity = [[self database] entityNamed:[_object entityName]]; return entity ? YES : NO; } - (BOOL)ownsGlobalID:(EOGlobalID *)_oid { EOEntity *entity; if (![_oid respondsToSelector:@selector(entityName)]) return NO; entity = [[self database] entityNamed:[(id)_oid entityName]]; return entity ? YES : NO; } @end /* EODatabaseContext(NewInEOF2) */