#import #include "PostgreSQL72Channel.h" #include "common.h" @implementation NSNumber(PostgreSQL72Values) static BOOL debugOn = NO; static Class NSNumberClass = Nil; static NSNumber *yesNum = nil; static NSNumber *noNum = nil; + (id)valueFromCString:(const char *)_cstr length:(int)_length postgreSQLType:(NSString *)_type attribute:(EOAttribute *)_attribute adaptorChannel:(PostgreSQL72Channel *)_channel { // TODO: can we avoid the lowercaseString? unsigned len; unichar c1; if ((len = [_type length]) == 0) return nil; if (NSNumberClass == Nil) NSNumberClass = [NSNumber class]; c1 = [_type characterAtIndex:0]; switch (c1) { case 'f': case 'F': { if (len < 5) break; if ([[_type lowercaseString] hasPrefix:@"float"]) return [NSNumberClass numberWithDouble:atof(_cstr)]; break; } case 's': case 'S': { if (len < 8) break; if ([[_type lowercaseString] hasPrefix:@"smallint"]) return [NSNumberClass numberWithShort:atoi(_cstr)]; break; } case 'i': case 'I': { if (len < 3) break; if ([[_type lowercaseString] hasPrefix:@"int"]) return [NSNumberClass numberWithInt:atoi(_cstr)]; } case 'b': case 'B': { if (len < 4) break; if (![[_type lowercaseString] hasPrefix:@"bool"]) break; if (yesNum == nil) yesNum = [[NSNumberClass numberWithBool:YES] retain]; if (noNum == nil) noNum = [[NSNumberClass numberWithBool:NO] retain]; if (_length == 0) return noNum; switch (*_cstr) { case 't': case 'T': case 'y': case 'Y': case '1': return yesNum; default: return noNum; } } } return nil; } + (id)valueFromBytes:(const void *)_bytes length:(int)_length postgreSQLType:(NSString *)_type attribute:(EOAttribute *)_attribute adaptorChannel:(PostgreSQL72Channel *)_channel { #if COCOA_Foundation_LIBRARY || NeXT_Foundation_LIBRARY NSLog(@"%s: not implemented!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return nil; #else return [self notImplemented:_cmd]; #endif } - (NSString *)stringValueForPostgreSQLType:(NSString *)_type attribute:(EOAttribute *)_attribute { // TODO: can we avoid the lowercaseString? unsigned len; unichar c1; if (debugOn) NSLog(@"%s(type=%@,attr=%@)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _type, _attribute); if ((len = [_type length]) == 0) { if (debugOn) NSLog(@" no type, return string"); return [self stringValue]; } if (len < 4) { /* apparently this is 'INT'? */ if (debugOn) NSLog(@" type len < 4 (%@), return string", _type); #if GNUSTEP_BASE_LIBRARY /* on gstep-base -stringValue of bool's return YES or NO, which seems to be different on Cocoa and liBFoundation. */ { Class BoolClass = Nil; if (BoolClass == Nil) BoolClass = NSClassFromString(@"NSBoolNumber"); if ([self isKindOfClass:BoolClass]) return [self boolValue] ? @"1" : @"0"; } #endif return [self stringValue]; } c1 = [_type characterAtIndex:0]; if (debugOn) NSLog(@" typecode '%c' ...", c1); switch (c1) { case 'b': case 'B': if (![[_type lowercaseString] hasPrefix:@"bool"]) break; return [self boolValue] ? @"true" : @"false"; case 'm': case 'M': { if (![[_type lowercaseString] hasPrefix:@"money"]) break; return [@"$" stringByAppendingString:[self stringValue]]; } case 'c': case 'C': case 't': case 'T': case 'v': case 'V': { static NSMutableString *ms = nil; // reuse mstring, THREAD _type = [_type lowercaseString]; if (!([_type hasPrefix:@"char"] || [_type hasPrefix:@"varchar"] || [_type hasPrefix:@"text"])) break; // TODO: can we get this faster?! if (ms == nil) ms = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:256]; [ms setString:@"'"]; [ms appendString:[self stringValue]]; [ms appendString:@"'"]; return [[ms copy] autorelease]; } } return [self stringValue]; } @end /* NSNumber(PostgreSQL72Values) */