/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "NGMimeType.h" #include "NGConcreteMimeType.h" #include "NGMimeUtilities.h" #include "common.h" NGMime_DECLARE NSString *NGMimeTypeText = @"text"; NGMime_DECLARE NSString *NGMimeTypeAudio = @"audio"; NGMime_DECLARE NSString *NGMimeTypeVideo = @"video"; NGMime_DECLARE NSString *NGMimeTypeImage = @"image"; NGMime_DECLARE NSString *NGMimeTypeApplication = @"application"; NGMime_DECLARE NSString *NGMimeTypeMultipart = @"multipart"; NGMime_DECLARE NSString *NGMimeTypeMessage = @"message"; NGMime_DECLARE NSString *NGMimeParameterTextCharset = @"charset"; static BOOL _parseMimeType(id self, NSString *_str, NSString **type, NSString **subType, NSDictionary **parameters); @implementation NGMimeType + (int)version { return 2; } static NSMutableDictionary *typeToClass = nil; static inline Class classForType(NSString *_type, NSString *_subType, NSDictionary *_parameters) { Class c = Nil; if (_type == nil) return Nil; if ([_type isEqualToString:@"*"] || [_subType isEqualToString:@"*"]) return [NGConcreteWildcardType class]; if ([_type isEqualToString:NGMimeTypeApplication]) { if ([_subType isEqualToString:@"octet"]) return [NGConcreteAppOctetMimeType class]; } if ([_type isEqualToString:NGMimeTypeText]) { if ([_subType isEqualToString:@"x-vcard"]) return [NGConcreteTextVcardMimeType class]; } c = [typeToClass objectForKey:_type]; return c ? c : [NGConcreteGenericMimeType class]; } static Class NSStringClass = Nil; + (void)initialize { static BOOL isInitialized = NO; if (!isInitialized) { isInitialized = YES; typeToClass = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:10]; [typeToClass setObject:[NGConcreteTextMimeType class] forKey:NGMimeTypeText]; [typeToClass setObject:[NGConcreteVideoMimeType class] forKey:NGMimeTypeVideo]; [typeToClass setObject:[NGConcreteAudioMimeType class] forKey:NGMimeTypeAudio]; [typeToClass setObject:[NGConcreteImageMimeType class] forKey:NGMimeTypeImage]; [typeToClass setObject:[NGConcreteApplicationMimeType class] forKey:NGMimeTypeApplication]; [typeToClass setObject:[NGConcreteMultipartMimeType class] forKey:NGMimeTypeMultipart]; [typeToClass setObject:[NGConcreteMessageMimeType class] forKey:NGMimeTypeMessage]; } } + (NSStringEncoding)stringEncodingForCharset:(NSString *)_s { NSString *charset; NSStringEncoding encoding; BOOL foundUnsupported; foundUnsupported = NO; charset = [_s lowercaseString]; if ([charset length] == 0) encoding = [NSString defaultCStringEncoding]; /* UTF-, ASCII */ else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"us-ascii"]) encoding = NSASCIIStringEncoding; else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"utf-8"]) encoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding; else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"utf-16"]) encoding = NSUnicodeStringEncoding; /* ISO Latin 1 */ else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"iso-latin-1"]) encoding = NSISOLatin1StringEncoding; else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"iso-8859-1"]) encoding = NSISOLatin1StringEncoding; else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"8859-1"]) encoding = NSISOLatin1StringEncoding; /* some unsupported, but known encoding */ else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"ks_c_5601-1987"]) { encoding = [NSString defaultCStringEncoding]; foundUnsupported = YES; } else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"euc-kr"]) { encoding = [NSString defaultCStringEncoding]; foundUnsupported = YES; } else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"big5"]) { encoding = [NSString defaultCStringEncoding]; foundUnsupported = YES; } else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"iso-2022-jp"]) { encoding = [NSString defaultCStringEncoding]; foundUnsupported = YES; } else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"gb2312"]) { encoding = [NSString defaultCStringEncoding]; foundUnsupported = YES; } else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"koi8-r"]) { encoding = [NSString defaultCStringEncoding]; foundUnsupported = YES; } else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"windows-1252"]) { encoding = NSWindowsCP1252StringEncoding; } else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"iso-8859-2"]) { encoding = NSISOLatin2StringEncoding; } else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"x-unknown"] || [charset isEqualToString:@"unknown"]) { encoding = NSASCIIStringEncoding; } /* ISO Latin 9 */ #if !(NeXT_Foundation_LIBRARY || APPLE_Foundation_LIBRARY) else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"iso-latin-9"]) encoding = NSISOLatin9StringEncoding; else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"iso-8859-15"]) encoding = NSISOLatin9StringEncoding; else if ([charset isEqualToString:@"8859-15"]) encoding = NSISOLatin9StringEncoding; #endif else { [self logWithFormat:@"%s: unknown charset '%@'", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _s]; encoding = [NSString defaultCStringEncoding]; } return encoding; } // init - (id)initWithType:(NSString *)_type subType:(NSString *)_subType parameters:(NSDictionary *)_parameters { Class c; c = classForType(_type, _subType, _parameters); [self release]; return [[c alloc] initWithType:_type subType:_subType parameters:_parameters]; } + (id)mimeType:(NSString *)_type subType:(NSString *)_subType { Class c; c = classForType(_type, _subType, nil); NSAssert(c, @"did not find class for mimetype .."); return [[[c alloc] initWithType:_type subType:_subType parameters:nil] autorelease]; } + (id)mimeType:(NSString *)_type subType:(NSString *)_subType parameters:(NSDictionary *)_parameters { Class c; c = classForType(_type, _subType, _parameters); NSAssert(c, @"did not find class for mimetype .."); return [[[c alloc] initWithType:_type subType:_subType parameters:_parameters] autorelease]; } + (id)mimeType:(NSString *)_stringValue { NSString *type, *subType; NSDictionary *parameters; if ([_stringValue length] == 0) /* empty ... */ return nil; parameters = nil; type = nil; subType = nil; if (_parseMimeType(self, _stringValue, &type, &subType, ¶meters)) { Class c; id result; c = classForType(type, subType, nil); NSAssert(c, @"did not find class for mimetype .."); NSAssert(type, @"didn't parse type .."); NSAssert(subType, @"didn't parse subtype .."); result = [c alloc]; NSAssert(result, @"allocation of mimetype failed .."); result = [result initWithType:type subType:subType parameters:parameters]; NSAssert(result, @"initialization of mimetype failed .."); result = [result autorelease]; NSAssert(result, @"autorelease of mimetype failed .."); return result; } else { [self logWithFormat:@"ERROR[%s]: parsing of mimetype '%@' failed !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _stringValue]; return nil; // parsing failed } } /* types */ - (NSString *)type { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; return nil; } - (NSString *)subType { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; return nil; } - (BOOL)isCompositeType { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; return NO; } /* comparing types */ - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)_other { if (_other == nil) return NO; if (_other == self) return YES; return ([_other isKindOfClass:[NGMimeType class]]) ? [self isEqualToMimeType:_other] : NO; } - (BOOL)isEqualToMimeType:(NGMimeType *)_type { if (_type == nil) return NO; if (_type == self) return YES; if (![self hasSameType:_type]) return NO; if (![[_type parametersAsDictionary] isEqual:[self parametersAsDictionary]]) return NO; return YES; } - (BOOL)hasSameGeneralType:(NGMimeType *)_other { // only the 'type' must match if (_other == self) return YES; if ([_other isCompositeType] != [self isCompositeType]) return NO; if (![[_other type] isEqualToString:[self type]]) return NO; return YES; } - (BOOL)hasSameType:(NGMimeType *)_other { // parameters need not match if (_other == nil) return NO; if (_other == self) return YES; if ([_other isCompositeType] != [self isCompositeType]) return NO; if (![[_other type] isEqualToString:[self type]]) return NO; if (![[_other subType] isEqualToString:[self subType]]) return NO; return YES; } - (BOOL)doesMatchType:(NGMimeType *)_other { // interpretes wildcards NSString *t, *st, *ot, *ost; t = [self type]; st = [self subType]; ot = [_other type]; ost = [_other subType]; if ([t isEqualToString:@"*"] || [ot isEqualToString:@"*"]) { t = @"*"; ot = @"*"; } if (![t isEqualToString:ot]) return NO; if ([st isEqualToString:@"*"] || [ost isEqualToString:@"*"]) { ot = @"*"; ost = @"*"; } if (![st isEqualToString:ost]) return NO; return YES; } /* parameters */ - (NSEnumerator *)parameterNames { [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd]; // subclass return nil; } - (id)valueOfParameter:(NSString *)_parameterName { [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd]; // subclass return nil; } /* representations */ - (NSDictionary *)parametersAsDictionary { NSMutableDictionary *parameters; NSString *name; NSDictionary *d; NSEnumerator *names; if ((names = [self parameterNames]) == nil) return nil; parameters = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; while ((name = [names nextObject])) [parameters setObject:[self valueOfParameter:name] forKey:name]; d = [parameters copy]; [parameters release]; return [d autorelease]; } - (NSString *)parametersAsString { NSEnumerator *names; NSMutableString *result; NSString *name; if ((names = [self parameterNames]) == nil) return nil; result = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:64]; while ((name = [names nextObject])) { NSString *value; value = [[self valueOfParameter:name] stringValue]; [result appendString:@"; "]; [result appendString:name]; [result appendString:@"="]; if ([self valueNeedsQuotes:value]) { [result appendString:@"\""]; [result appendString:value]; [result appendString:@"\""]; } else [result appendString:value]; } return result; } - (BOOL)valueNeedsQuotes:(NSString *)_parameterValue { unsigned len = [_parameterValue cStringLength]; char buf[len + 15]; char *cstr; cstr = &(buf[0]); [_parameterValue getCString:cstr]; cstr[len] = '\0'; while (*cstr) { if (isMime_SpecialByte(*cstr)) return YES; if (*cstr == 32) return YES; cstr++; } return NO; } - (NSString *)stringValue { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; return nil; } // NSCoding - (Class)classForCoder { return [NGMimeType class]; } - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)_encoder { [_encoder encodeObject:[self type]]; [_encoder encodeObject:[self subType]]; [_encoder encodeObject:[self parametersAsDictionary]]; } - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)_decoder { NSString *type, *subType; NSDictionary *paras; type = [_decoder decodeObject]; subType = [_decoder decodeObject]; paras = [_decoder decodeObject]; return [self initWithType:type subType:subType parameters:paras]; } // NSCopying - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)_zone { return [[NGMimeType allocWithZone:_zone] initWithType:[self type] subType:[self subType] parameters:[self parametersAsDictionary]]; } // description - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"", [self stringValue]]; } @end /* NGMimeType */ typedef struct { NSString *image; NSString *video; NSString *audio; NSString *text; NSString *star; NSString *application; NSString *multipart; NSString *message; } NGMimeTypeConstants; typedef struct { NSString *plain; NSString *star; NSString *mixed; NSString *jpeg; NSString *png; NSString *gif; NSString *xml; NSString *html; NSString *css; NSString *xMng; NSString *xhtmlXml; NSString *rfc822; NSString *octetStream; } NGMimeSubTypeConstants; static NGMimeTypeConstants *MimeTypeConstants = NULL; static NGMimeSubTypeConstants *MimeSubTypeConstants = NULL; static NSString *_stringForType(char *_type, int _len) { if (NSStringClass == Nil) NSStringClass = [NSString class]; if (MimeTypeConstants == NULL) { MimeTypeConstants = malloc(sizeof(NGMimeTypeConstants)); MimeTypeConstants->image = NGMimeTypeImage; MimeTypeConstants->video = NGMimeTypeVideo; MimeTypeConstants->audio = NGMimeTypeAudio; MimeTypeConstants->text = NGMimeTypeText; MimeTypeConstants->star = @"*"; MimeTypeConstants->application = NGMimeTypeApplication; MimeTypeConstants->multipart = NGMimeTypeMultipart; MimeTypeConstants->message = NGMimeTypeMessage; } switch (_len) { case 0: return @""; case 1: if (_type[0] == '*') return MimeTypeConstants->star; break; case 4: if (strncmp(_type, "text", 4) == 0) return MimeTypeConstants->text; break; case 5: if (_type[0] == 'i') { if (strncmp(_type, "image", 5) == 0) return MimeTypeConstants->image; } else if (_type[0] == 'v') { if (strncmp(_type, "video", 5) == 0) return MimeTypeConstants->video; } else if (_type[0] == 'a') { if (strncmp(_type, "audio", 5) == 0) return MimeTypeConstants->audio; } break; case 7: if (strncmp(_type, "message", 7) == 0) return MimeTypeConstants->message; break; case 9: if (strncmp(_type, "multipart", 9) == 0) return MimeTypeConstants->multipart; break; case 11: if (strncmp(_type, "application", 11) == 0) return MimeTypeConstants->application; break; } return [NSStringClass stringWithCString:_type length:_len]; } static NSString *_stringForSubType(char *_type, int _len) { if (NSStringClass == Nil) NSStringClass = [NSString class]; if (MimeSubTypeConstants == NULL) { MimeSubTypeConstants = malloc(sizeof(NGMimeSubTypeConstants)); MimeSubTypeConstants->plain = @"plain"; MimeSubTypeConstants->star = @"*"; MimeSubTypeConstants->mixed = @"mixed"; MimeSubTypeConstants->jpeg = @"jpeg"; MimeSubTypeConstants->png = @"png"; MimeSubTypeConstants->gif = @"gif"; MimeSubTypeConstants->xml = @"xml"; MimeSubTypeConstants->html = @"html"; MimeSubTypeConstants->css = @"css"; MimeSubTypeConstants->xMng = @"xMng"; MimeSubTypeConstants->xhtmlXml = @"xhtmlXml"; MimeSubTypeConstants->rfc822 = @"rfc822"; MimeSubTypeConstants->octetStream = @"octet-stream"; } switch (_len) { case 0: return @""; case 1: if (_type[0] == '*') return MimeSubTypeConstants->star; break; case 3: if (_type[0] == 'p') { if (strncmp(_type, "png", 3) == 0) return MimeSubTypeConstants->png; } else if (_type[0] == 'g') { if (strncmp(_type, "gif", 3) == 0) return MimeSubTypeConstants->gif; } else if (_type[0] == 'c') { if (strncmp(_type, "css", 3) == 0) return MimeSubTypeConstants->css; } else if (_type[0] == 'x') { if (strncmp(_type, "xml", 3) == 0) return MimeSubTypeConstants->xml; } break; case 4: if (_type[0] == 'h') { if (strncmp(_type, "html", 4) == 0) return MimeSubTypeConstants->html; } else if (_type[0] == 'j') { if (strncmp(_type, "jpeg", 4) == 0) return MimeSubTypeConstants->jpeg; } break; case 5: if (_type[0] == 'p') { if (strncmp(_type, "plain", 5) == 0) return MimeSubTypeConstants->plain; } else if (_type[0] == 'm') { if (strncmp(_type, "mixed", 5) == 0) return MimeSubTypeConstants->mixed; } else if (_type[0] == 'x') { if (strncmp(_type, "x-mng", 5) == 0) return MimeSubTypeConstants->xMng; } break; case 6: if (strncmp(_type, "rfc822", 6) == 0) return MimeSubTypeConstants->rfc822; break; case 9: if (strncmp(_type, "xhtml+xml", 9) == 0) return MimeSubTypeConstants->xhtmlXml; break; case 12: if (strncmp(_type, "octet-stream", 12) == 0) return MimeSubTypeConstants->octetStream; break; } return [NSStringClass stringWithCString:_type length:_len]; } static BOOL _parseMimeType(id self, NSString *_str, NSString **type, NSString **subType, NSDictionary **parameters) { unsigned len; unichar *cstr, *tmp; unsigned slen = [_str length]; unichar buf[slen + 1]; len = 0; cstr = &(buf[0]); [_str getCharacters:buf]; buf[slen] = '\0'; /* skip leading spaces */ while (isRfc822_LWSP(*cstr) && (*cstr != '\0')) cstr++; /* type name */ tmp = cstr; // keep beginning of type name len = 0; while ((*cstr != '/') && (*cstr != '\0') && (*cstr != ';')) { cstr++; len++; } if (len == 0) return NO; // no type was read { unsigned char buf[len + 1]; register unsigned i; buf[len] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) buf[i] = tolower(tmp[i]); *type = _stringForType(buf, len); } if (*cstr == '/') { // subtype name cstr++; // skip '/' tmp = cstr; // keep beginning of subtype name len = 0; while ((*cstr != ';') && (!isRfc822_LWSP(*cstr)) && (*cstr != '\0')) { cstr++; len++; } if (len <= 0) { *subType = @"*"; return YES; // no subtype was read } else { unsigned char buf[len + 1]; register unsigned i; buf[len] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) buf[i] = tolower(tmp[i]); *subType = _stringForSubType(buf, len); } } else { *subType = @"*"; } // skip spaces while (isRfc822_LWSP(*cstr) && (*cstr != '\0')) cstr++; if (*cstr == ';') // skip ';' (parameter separator) cstr++; // skip spaces while (isRfc822_LWSP(*cstr) && (*cstr != '\0')) cstr++; if (*cstr == '\0') { // string ends, no parameters defined *parameters = nil; return YES; } // parse parameters *parameters = parseParameters(self, _str, cstr); if (![*parameters count]) *parameters = nil; return YES; }