/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OGo OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include "EOClassDescription.h" #include "EOKeyValueCoding.h" #include "EONull.h" #include "common.h" #if !LIB_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY @interface NSException(UsedSetUI) /* does Jaguar allow -setUserInfo: ? */ - (void)setUserInfo:(NSDictionary *)_ui; @end #endif @implementation NSClassDescription(EOValidation) - (NSException *)validateObjectForDelete:(id)_object { return nil; } - (NSException *)validateObjectForSave:(id)_object { return nil; } - (NSException *)validateValue:(id *)_value forKey:(NSString *)_key { return nil; } @end /* NSClassDescription(EOValidation) */ @implementation NSObject(EOValidation) - (NSException *)validateForDelete { return [[self classDescription] validateObjectForDelete:self]; } - (NSException *)validateForInsert { return [self validateForSave]; } - (NSException *)validateForUpdate { return [self validateForSave]; } - (NSException *)validateForSave { NSException *e; NSMutableArray *exceptions; NSArray *properties; unsigned int i, count; id (*validate)(id, SEL, id *, NSString *); id (*objAtIdx)(id, SEL, unsigned int idx); id (*valForKey)(id, SEL, NSString *); exceptions = nil; /* first ask class description to validate object */ if ((e = [[self classDescription] validateObjectForSave:self])) { if (exceptions == nil) exceptions = [NSMutableArray array]; [exceptions addObject:e]; } /* then process all properties */ if ((properties = [self allPropertyKeys]) == nil) properties = [NSArray array]; validate = (void *)[self methodForSelector:@selector(validateValue:forKey:)]; valForKey = (void *)[self methodForSelector:@selector(valueForKey:)]; objAtIdx = (void *)[properties methodForSelector:@selector(objectAtIndex:)]; for (i = 0, count = [properties count]; i < count; i++) { NSString *key; id value, orgValue; key = objAtIdx(properties, @selector(objectAtIndex:), i); orgValue = value = valForKey(self, @selector(valueForKey:), key); if ((e = validate(self, @selector(validateValue:forKey:), &value, key))) { /* validation of property failed */ if (exceptions == nil) exceptions = [NSMutableArray array]; [exceptions addObject:e]; } else if (orgValue != value) { /* the value was changed during validation */ [self takeValue:value forKey:key]; } } if ((count = [exceptions count]) == 0) { return nil; } else if (count == 1) { return [exceptions objectAtIndex:0]; } else { NSException *master; NSMutableDictionary *ui; master = [exceptions objectAtIndex:0]; [exceptions removeObjectAtIndex:0]; ui = [[master userInfo] mutableCopy]; if (ui == nil) ui = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [ui setObject:exceptions forKey:@"EOAdditionalExceptions"]; [master setUserInfo:ui]; [ui release]; ui = nil; return master; } } - (NSException *)validateValue:(id *)_value forKey:(NSString *)_key { NSException *e; if ((e = [[self classDescription] validateValue:_value forKey:_key])) return e; /* should invoke key-specific methods, eg -validateBlah: */ { /* construct 'validate'(8) + key + ':'(1) */ unsigned len; char *buf; SEL sel; len = [_key cStringLength]; buf = malloc(len + 14); strcpy(buf, "validate"); [_key getCString:&buf[8]]; strcat(buf, ":"); buf[8] = toupper(buf[8]); #if NeXT_RUNTIME sel = sel_getUid(buf); #else sel = sel_get_any_uid(buf); #endif if (sel) { if ([self respondsToSelector:sel]) { if (buf) free(buf); return [self performSelector:sel withObject:*_value]; } } if (buf) free(buf); } return nil; } @end /* NSObject(EOValidation) */