- fixes in iCal - improve WOHttpAllowHost default - improvements in embedding SoProducts in frameworks - improved resourcetype support in DAV subproject - fixed etag handling - fixed rendering of otherTagString (missed leading space) - added support for positional parameters in SOPE actions - fixed an issue with Evolution Connector (one char Exchange namespaces) - fixed an issue with the MIME date parser - fixed and IMAP4 parser bug (bug #958) - added NGSendMail object (derived from email::deliver in OGo) - bumped GDL version to 4.4 - fixed a bug in URL escaping - and various minor issues ;-) =========================================================================== compare ../complete/SOPE/releases/4.3.9-shapeshifter with . removed: Recycler removed: TODO-4.3.txt added: debian/sope_SOPEVER_-versitsaxdriver.install added: debian/libsope-gdl1-_SOPEVER_-dev.install added: debian/libsope-gdl1-_SOPEVER_.install removed: debian/libsope-gdl1-_GDL1VER_-dev.install removed: debian/sope_SOPEVER_-icalsaxdriver.install removed: debian/libsope-gdl1-_GDL1VER_.install changed: sope-ical/ 2004-10-22 Marcus Mueller * sope-ical.xcode: removed iCalSaxDriver project reference changed: sope-ical/NGiCal/ 2004-10-31 Marcus Mueller * iCalAlarm.[hm], iCalEvent.[hm], iCalToDo.[hm], NGiCal.xmap: added recurrenceRule (v4.3.34) changed: maintenance/ 2004-11-04 Helge Hess * sope.spec: updated version to 4.4 added: maintenance/changes-4.3.9-to-4.3.10.txt added: maintenance/changes-4.3.9-to-4.4.1.txt added: maintenance/howto-merge.txt changed: sope-appserver/ 2004-11-02 Marcus Mueller * sope-appserver.xcode: adjusted the build process to new NGObjWeb targets. added: sope-appserver/samples/xmlrpc added: sope-appserver/WOExtensions/WOExtensions.wox changed: sope-appserver/NGObjWeb/ 2004-11-25 Helge Hess * Defaults.plist: set WOHttpAllowHost per default to ( localhost, localhost.localdomain ) (v4.3.83) 2004-11-03 Helge Hess * branched 4.3 into 4.4 and 4.5 2004-11-03 Helge Hess * WOWatchDogApplicationMain.m: disable warning on /etc server defaults (v4.3.82) 2004-11-02 Marcus Mueller * v4.3.81 * NGObjWeb.xcode: added new targets to the build process to make embedding of SoProducts within the framework's wrapper possible. * SoObjects/SoProductRegistry.m: fixed crash bug on Cocoa Foundation that occurred during product registration. As a new feature added search for products within framework's "SoProducts" resource directory. This can be used as a fallback, suitable for wrapper targets that want to use "SoObjects" functionality. 2004-11-01 Helge Hess * WebDAV/SoWebDAVRenderer.m: added support for multiple resource type tags (v4.3.80) 2004-10-31 Helge Hess * WebDAV/SoWebDAVRenderer.m: preserve etag in response if set (v4.3.79) * SoObjects/SoDefaultRenderer.m: fixed typo, check exceptions for 200 HTTP codes and do not return them as an error (v4.3.78) 2004-10-27 Marcus Mueller * DynamicElements/{WOResetButton.m, WOText.m, WOFileUpload.m, WOGenericElement.m, _WOComplexHyperlink.m, WOHiddenField.m, WOImageButton.m, WOCheckBoxList.m, _WOCommonStaticDAHyperlink.m, WORadioButton.m, WOForm.m, WOMetaRefresh.m, WOJavaScript.m, WOEmbeddedObject.m, WOImage.m, WOBrowser.m, WOVBScript.m, WOIFrame.m, WOPasswordField.m, _WOSimpleActionHyperlink.m, WOGenericContainer.m, WOCheckBox.m, WORadioButtonList.m, WOTextField.m, WOFrame.m, WOBody.m, WOSubmitButton.m}: fixed rendering of otherTagString, which was appended without leading space before. (v4.3.77) 2004-10-26 Helge Hess * DynamicElements/WOxHTMLElemBuilder.m: select WOSubmitButton for in .wox files (should be fixed) (v4.3.76) 2004-10-25 Helge Hess * SoObjects/SoUser.m: just return nil for unsupported KVC keys (v4.3.75) 2004-10-23 Helge Hess * v4.3.74 * WODirectAction.m: ignore requests on unbound KVC keys on non-lF libraries * SoObjects/SoObjectXmlRpcDispatcher.m: do not call -setUserInfo: to annotate NSException's on Cocoa Foundation * SoObjects/SoActionInvocation.m: added support for calling actions and pages with positional parameters (eg from XML-RPC) * SoObjects/SoObjectXmlRpcDispatcher.m: when looking up a SoMethod for an XML-RPC method name containing a dot (like system.listmethods), first check the fully qualified name prior traversing the package namespaces * SoObjects/SoObjectXmlRpcDispatcher.m: print a warning if server was not linked against libNGXmlRpc 2004-10-22 Marcus Mueller * WOElement.m: fixed unwanted behaviour introduced in v4.3.72 (v4.3.73) * WOElement.m: queryParameters override keys from queryDictionary in case of conflicts (v4.3.72) * WOElement.m: if both queryDictionary and queryParameters were set on an element, the '&' seperator wasn't rendered when it should in fact (v4.3.71) 2004-10-22 Helge Hess * Defaults.plist: only use single char prefixes for Exchange namespaces (Connector bug #68682) (v4.3.70) added: sope-appserver/WEExtensions/WEExtensions.wox changed: sope-xml/SaxObjC/ 2004-10-30 Marcus Mueller * SaxObjectDecoder.m: fixed typo that prevented compile on non Apple Foundation (v4.3.43) * SaxObjectDecoder.m: provide fix for discovering mutable array on Apple/CoreFoundation - this is rather disturbing, but Apple really broke the concept of mutability for NSArray/NSDictionary. (v4.3.42) changed: sope-mime/ 2004-12-09 Helge Hess * NGMime: applied a date parser bugfix from 4.5.204 related to future dates and libFoundation (v4.4.198) 2004-11-30 Helge Hess * NGMail: applied an NGSendMail bugfix from 4.5.202 to properly pass command line parameters (v4.4.197) 2004-11-03 Helge Hess * branched 4.3 into 4.4 and 4.5 2004-10-30 Thierry Delhaise * NGImap4: fixed OGo bug #958 (IMAP4 parser broke with Courier) (v4.3.196) 2004-10-29 Helge Hess * NGMime: minor cleanups (v4.3.195) 2004-10-28 Helge Hess * NGImap4: added a constructor to NGImap4Envelope (v4.3.194) 2004-10-27 Helge Hess * NGImap4: enhanced NGImap4EnvelopeAddress (v4.3.193) * NGMail: support special sendmail location on MacOSX (v4.3.192) * NGMail: fixed a bug in NGSendMail (v4.3.191) * NGMail: added NGSendMail object (v4.3.190) changed: sope-mime/NGMail/ 2004-11-30 Helge Hess * NGSendMail.m: added sendmail cmdline args fix from 4.5.202 2004-10-29 Helge Hess * NGSendMail.m: use fwrite() to write to pipe * NGMimeMessageGenerator.m: minor code cleanups 2004-10-27 Marcus Mueller * NGMail.xcode: added NGSendMail.h 2004-10-27 Helge Hess * NGSendMail.m: use /usr/sbin/sendmail on Cocoa Foundation (/usr/lib/sendmail on all other platforms) * NGSendMail.m: properly setup user defaults object * added new NGSendMail object (derived from mail-deliver command in OGo Logic) added: sope-mime/NGMail/NGSendMail.m added: sope-mime/NGMail/NGSendMail.h changed: sope-mime/NGImap4/ 2004-10-30 Thierry Delhaise * NGImap4ResponseParser.m: fixed OGo bug #958 (consume didn't match SEARCH match in IMAP4 parser) 2004-10-28 Helge Hess * NGImap4Envelope.m: added constructor method: -initWithMessageID:subject:sender:replyTo:to:cc:bcc: 2004-10-27 Helge Hess * NGImap4EnvelopeAddress.m: added -initWithString: method (not properly implemented yet, should parse the string using the NGMailAddressParser) changed: sope-mime/NGMime/ 2004-12-09 Helge Hess * NGMimeRFC822DateHeaderFieldParser.m: added a fix from SOPE 4.5 with date parsing on libFoundation 2004-10-27 Marcus Mueller * NGMime.xcode: added NGSendMail files to Xcode build changed: sope-gdl1/PostgreSQL/ 2004-11-17 Helge Hess * bumbed version to 4.4 (v4.4.39) changed: sope-gdl1/GDLAccess/ 2004-11-17 Helge Hess * EOAdaptor.m: bumbed version to 4.4, lookup adaptors in GDLAdaptors-4.4 in GNUstep root (v4.4.42) 2004-11-09 Helge Hess * EOAdaptor.m: fixed GDL lookup path for framework version (1.2 instead of 1.1) (v1.2.41) changed: sope-core/NGExtensions/ 2004-11-17 Helge Hess * NGBundleManager.m: fixed a bug in the bundle type check when the cached bundle is NSNull (v4.4.127) 2004-11-01 Helge Hess * branched 4.3 to 4.4 and 4.5 2004-10-21 Helge Hess * FdExt.subproj/NSString+URLEscaping.m: removed '&' as an URL safe char (v4.3.126)