/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "WECalendarField.h" #include #include #include "WEClientCapabilities.h" #include "common.h" static Class StrClass = Nil; @implementation WECalendarField + (int)version { return [super version] + 0 /* v2 */; } + (void)initialize { NSAssert2([super version] == 2, @"invalid superclass (%@) version %i !", NSStringFromClass([self superclass]), [super version]); StrClass = [NSString class]; } static NSString *retStrForInt(int i) { // TODO: find out good statics return [[StrClass alloc] initWithFormat:@"%i", i]; } static NSString *retStr02ForInt(int i) { switch (i) { // TODO: find out a good count ... case 0: return @"00"; case 1: return @"01"; case 2: return @"02"; case 3: return @"03"; case 4: return @"04"; case 5: return @"05"; case 6: return @"06"; case 7: return @"07"; case 8: return @"08"; case 9: return @"09"; default: // TODO: add log ... return [[StrClass alloc] initWithFormat:@"%02i", i]; } } - (id)initWithName:(NSString *)_name associations:(NSDictionary *)_config template:(WOElement *)_subs { if ((self = [super initWithName:_name associations: _config template:_subs])) { self->name = OWGetProperty(_config, @"name"); self->date = OWGetProperty(_config, @"date"); // time field associations self->hour = OWGetProperty(_config, @"hour"); self->minute = OWGetProperty(_config, @"minute"); self->second = OWGetProperty(_config, @"second"); self->useTextField = OWGetProperty(_config, @"useTextField"); self->hourInterval = OWGetProperty(_config, @"hourInterval"); self->minuteInterval = OWGetProperty(_config, @"minuteInterval"); self->secondInterval = OWGetProperty(_config, @"secondInterval"); // date field associations self->year = OWGetProperty(_config, @"year"); self->month = OWGetProperty(_config, @"month"); self->day = OWGetProperty(_config, @"day"); self->format = OWGetProperty(_config, @"format"); self->template = [_subs retain]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->name release]; [self->date release]; /* time field associations */ [self->hour release]; [self->minute release]; [self->second release]; [self->useTextField release]; [self->hourInterval release]; [self->minuteInterval release]; [self->secondInterval release]; /* date field associations */ [self->year release]; [self->month release]; [self->day release]; [self->format release]; [self->template release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)takeValuesFromRequest:(WORequest *)_rq inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { [self _takeValuesFromTimeFieldRequest:_rq inContext:_ctx]; [self _takeValuesFromDateFieldRequest:_rq inContext:_ctx]; } - (id)invokeActionForRequest:(WORequest *)_rq inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { id result = nil; result = [self _invokeActionForTimeFieldRequest:_rq inContext:_ctx]; if (result == nil) result = [self _invokeActionForDateFieldRequest:_rq inContext:_ctx]; return result; } - (void)appendToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { [_response appendContentString: @"" @"" @"" @"" @"" @"
"]; [self _appendTimeFieldToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; [_response appendContentString: @""]; [self _appendDateFieldToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; [_response appendContentString: @"
"]; } @end /* WECalendarField */ @implementation WECalendarField(WETimeFieldImplementation) /* Private Methodes */ - (NSString *)_divIDAndScriptInContext:(WOContext *)_ctx response:(WOResponse *)_response { int divCount; divCount = [[_ctx valueForKey: @"WETimeFieldScript"] intValue]; if (divCount == 0) { [_response appendContentString: @""]; [_response appendContentString: @""]; } [_ctx takeValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:(divCount+1)] forKey:@"WETimeFieldScript"]; return [StrClass stringWithFormat:@"dropDownDiv%i", divCount]; } - (void)_appendSelectToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx elementIDComponent:(NSString *)_elementIDComponent count:(int)_count selectedIndex:(int)_idx interval:(int)_interval { WEClientCapabilities *ccaps; NSString *tmp; int i; NSString *userAgent; BOOL isMSIE; NSString *divID; NSString *img; NSString *elementId; ccaps = [[_ctx request] clientCapabilities]; userAgent = [[_ctx request] headerForKey: @"user-agent"]; isMSIE = [ccaps isInternetExplorer]; elementId = [self elementIdWithSuffix:_elementIDComponent ctx:_ctx]; divID = [self _divIDAndScriptInContext:_ctx response:_response]; img = WEUriOfResource(@"downstairs.gif", _ctx); if (isMSIE && img) { NSString *s; [_response appendContentString:@"
"]; [_response appendContentString:@"
"]; } else { [_response appendContentString:@""]; } /* handle request */ - (void)_takeValuesFromTimeFieldRequest:(WORequest *)_request inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { WOComponent *comp; id formValue; BOOL tuseTField; NSString *elementId; NSArray *ta; int idx; comp = [_ctx component]; tuseTField = self->useTextField ? [[self->useTextField valueInComponent: comp] boolValue] : NO; if (tuseTField) { // TextField value elementId = [self elementIdWithSuffix:@"" ctx:_ctx]; if ((formValue = [_request formValueForKey:elementId])) { int intValue, cnt; ta = [formValue componentsSeparatedByString:@":"]; cnt = [ta count]; idx = 0; if ([self isHourSettable]) { intValue = (idx < cnt) ? [[ta objectAtIndex:idx] intValue] : 0; [self setHour:intValue inComponent:comp]; idx++; } if ([self isMinuteSettable]) { intValue = (idx < cnt) ? [[ta objectAtIndex:idx] intValue] : 0; [self setMinute:intValue inComponent:comp]; idx++; } if ([self isSecondSettable]) { intValue = (idx < cnt) ? [[ta objectAtIndex:idx] intValue] : 0; [self setSecond:intValue inComponent:comp]; } } } else { elementId = [self elementIdWithSuffix:@"hour" ctx:_ctx]; if ((formValue = [_request formValueForKey:elementId])) { if ([self isHourSettable]) [self setHour:[formValue intValue] inComponent:comp]; } elementId = [self elementIdWithSuffix:@"minute" ctx:_ctx]; if ((formValue = [_request formValueForKey:elementId])) { if ([self isMinuteSettable]) [self setMinute:[formValue intValue] inComponent:comp]; } elementId = [self elementIdWithSuffix:@"second" ctx:_ctx]; if ((formValue = [_request formValueForKey:elementId])) { if ([self isSecondSettable]) [self setSecond:[formValue intValue] inComponent:comp]; } } /* template */ [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"timeField"]; [self->template takeValuesFromRequest:_request inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; } - (id)_invokeActionForTimeFieldRequest:(WORequest *)_rq inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { return [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_rq inContext:_ctx]; } /* generate response */ - (void)_appendTimeFieldToResponse:(WOResponse *)_r inContext:(WOContext *)_cx{ NSCalendarDate *tdate; WOComponent *comp; BOOL tuseTField; int hourInt; // hourInterval int minuteInt; // minuteInterval int secondInt; // secondInterval NSMutableArray *ta; comp = [_cx component]; tdate = [NSCalendarDate calendarDate]; hourInt = self->hourInterval ? [self->hourInterval intValueInComponent:comp] : 1; minuteInt = self->minuteInterval ? [self->minuteInterval intValueInComponent:comp] : 1; secondInt = self->secondInterval ? [self->secondInterval intValueInComponent:comp] : 1; tuseTField = self->useTextField ? [self->useTextField boolValueInComponent:comp] : NO; // template [_cx appendElementIDComponent:@"timeField"]; [self->template appendToResponse:_r inContext:_cx]; [_cx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // all values in one textField if (tuseTField) { int h, m, s; NSString *tmp, *fmt; // build string of values and @":" h = [self hourInComponent:comp]; m = [self minuteInComponent:comp]; s = [self secondInComponent:comp]; ta = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 3]; fmt = @"%02i"; if ([self hasHourInComponent:comp]) { tmp = retStr02ForInt(h); [ta addObject:tmp]; [tmp release]; } if ([self hasMinuteInComponent:comp]) { tmp = [[StrClass alloc] initWithFormat:fmt, m]; [ta addObject:tmp]; [tmp release]; } if ([self hasSecondInComponent:comp]) { tmp = [[StrClass alloc] initWithFormat:fmt, s]; [ta addObject:tmp]; [tmp release]; } tmp = [ta componentsJoinedByString:@":"]; [ta release]; ta = nil; /* append to response */ if ([tmp length] > 0) { [_r appendContentString:@""]; } } else { // hour select field [_r appendContentString: @""]; if ([self hasHourInComponent:comp]) { [_r appendContentString:@""]; } // minute select field if ([self hasMinuteInComponent:comp]) { [_r appendContentString:@""]; } // second select field if ([self hasSecondInComponent:comp]) { [_r appendContentString:@""]; } [_r appendContentString:@"
"]; [self _appendSelectToResponse:_r inContext:_cx elementIDComponent:@"hour" count:23 selectedIndex:[self hourInComponent:comp] interval:hourInt]; [_r appendContentString:@""]; [self _appendSelectToResponse:_r inContext:_cx elementIDComponent:@"minute" count:59 selectedIndex:[self minuteInComponent:comp] interval:minuteInt]; [_r appendContentString:@""]; [self _appendSelectToResponse:_r inContext:_cx elementIDComponent:@"second" count:59 selectedIndex:[self secondInComponent:comp] interval:secondInt]; [_r appendContentString:@"
"]; } /* end of (!tuseTField) */ } @end /* WECalendarField(WETimeFieldImplementation */ @implementation WECalendarField(WEDateFieldImplementation) - (void)_takeValuesFromDateFieldRequest:(WORequest *)_request inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSString *tformat; NSCalendarDate *tdate; int tyear; int tmonth; int tday; WOComponent *comp; NSString *elementId; comp = [_ctx component]; tformat = [self->format stringValueInComponent: comp]; if (tformat == nil) tformat = @"%Y-%m-%d"; elementId = [self elementIdWithSuffix:@"" ctx:_ctx]; if ([self isKindOfClass:[WECalendarField class]]) { id t = tformat; t = [[t componentsSeparatedByString:@"%H"] componentsJoinedByString:@""]; t = [[t componentsSeparatedByString:@"%M"] componentsJoinedByString:@""]; t = [[t componentsSeparatedByString:@"%S"] componentsJoinedByString:@""]; tformat = t; } tdate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithString: [_request formValueForKey:elementId] calendarFormat: tformat]; if (tdate == nil) { NSLog(@"WARNING: WEDateField: field value and format do not match!"); } else { tyear = [tdate yearOfCommonEra]; tmonth = [tdate monthOfYear]; tday = [tdate dayOfMonth]; if ([self isYearSettable]) [self setYear:tyear inComponent:comp]; if ([self isMonthSettable]) [self setMonth:tmonth inComponent:comp]; if ([self isDaySettable]) [self setDay:tday inComponent:comp]; } [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"dateField"]; [self->template takeValuesFromRequest:_request inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; } - (id)_invokeActionForDateFieldRequest:(WORequest *)_request inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { return [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_request inContext:_ctx]; } - (void)_appendDateFieldToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { WEClientCapabilities *ccaps; int tyear; int tmonth; int tday; NSString *tformat; NSString *tmp; WOComponent *comp; NSCalendarDate *tdate; NSString *calendarDivID; int calendarID; BOOL isMSIE; NSString *value; ccaps = [[_ctx request] clientCapabilities]; comp = [_ctx component]; tdate = [NSCalendarDate calendarDate]; isMSIE = [ccaps isInternetExplorer]; if (![_ctx valueForKey:@"WEDateFieldScriptDone"]) [WEDateFieldScript appendWEDateFieldScriptToResponse: _response inContext: _ctx headBackground: HEAD_BACKGROUND_COLOR headColor: HEAD_COLOR headNavColor: HEAD_NAVIGATION_COLOR labels: nil useImages: NO]; // associations tyear = ([self hasYearInComponent:comp]) ? [self yearInComponent:comp] : [tdate yearOfCommonEra]; tmonth = ([self hasMonthInComponent:comp]) ? [self monthInComponent:comp] : [tdate monthOfYear]; tday = ([self hasDayInComponent:comp]) ? [self dayInComponent:comp] : [tdate dayOfMonth]; tformat = self->format ? [self->format stringValueInComponent: comp] : @"%Y-%m-%d"; if ([self isKindOfClass:[WECalendarField class]]) { id t = tformat; t = [[t componentsSeparatedByString:@"%H"] componentsJoinedByString:@""]; t = [[t componentsSeparatedByString:@"%M"] componentsJoinedByString:@""]; t = [[t componentsSeparatedByString:@"%S"] componentsJoinedByString:@""]; tformat = t; } // input field value tdate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithYear: tyear month: tmonth day: tday hour: 0 minute: 0 second: 0 timeZone: [tdate timeZone]]; value = [tdate descriptionWithCalendarFormat: tformat]; // div id for javascript calendar calendarID = ([_ctx valueForKey: @"WEDateField_DivID"]) ? [[_ctx valueForKey: @"WEDateField_DivID"] intValue] : 0; calendarDivID = [StrClass stringWithFormat:@"calendarDiv%d", calendarID]; calendarID++; [_ctx takeValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt: calendarID] forKey:@"WEDateField_DivID"]; // template [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"dateField"]; [self->template appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; [_response appendContentString: @""]; [_response appendContentString: @"
"]; // input field [_response appendContentString:@""]; /* link to calendar panel */ [_response appendContentString: @" "]; // calendar image tmp = WEUriOfResource(@"icon_popupcalendar.gif", _ctx); if (tmp) { tmp = [[StrClass alloc] initWithFormat: @"", tmp]; } else tmp = @"x"; [_response appendContentString:tmp]; [tmp release]; [_response appendContentString: @"
"]; /* calendar panel */ [_response appendContentString: @"
"]; [_response appendContentString: @"
"]; } @end /* WECalendarField(WEDateFieldImplementation) */ @implementation WEDateFieldScript - (id)initWithName:(NSString *)_name associations:(NSDictionary *)_config template: (WOElement *)_subs { if ((self = [super initWithName:_name associations: _config template:_subs])) { self->headBackground = OWGetProperty(_config, @"headBackground"); self->headColor = OWGetProperty(_config, @"headColor"); self->headNavColor = OWGetProperty(_config, @"headNavColor"); self->labels = OWGetProperty(_config, @"labels"); self->useImages = OWGetProperty(_config, @"useImages"); } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->useImages release]; [self->headBackground release]; [self->headColor release]; [self->headNavColor release]; [self->labels release]; [super dealloc]; } + (void)appendWEDateFieldScriptToResponse: (WOResponse *)_response inContext: (WOContext *)_ctx headBackground: (NSString *)_hBack headColor: (NSString *)_hCol headNavColor: (NSString *)_hNav labels: (id)_labels useImages: (BOOL)_useImg { NSString *tmp; NSString *tmon; NSString *tweek; NSString *timg; // images... NSString *firstI; NSString *prevI; NSString *todayI; NSString *nextI; NSString *lastI; NSString *closeI; // colors if (_hBack == nil) _hBack = HEAD_BACKGROUND_COLOR; if (_hCol == nil) _hCol = HEAD_COLOR; if (_hNav == nil) _hNav = HEAD_NAVIGATION_COLOR; // months and weekdays if (_labels == nil) { NSLog(@"WARNING: WEDateFieldScript: undefined variable 'labels'"); tmon = @"var externMonths = false; \n"; tweek = @"var externWeekdays = false; \n"; } else { tmon = @"var externMonths = new Array(" @"\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\"," @"\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\"); \n"; tmon = [[StrClass alloc] initWithFormat: tmon, [_labels valueForKey: @"January"], [_labels valueForKey: @"February"], [_labels valueForKey: @"March"], [_labels valueForKey: @"April"], [_labels valueForKey: @"May"], [_labels valueForKey: @"June"], [_labels valueForKey: @"July"], [_labels valueForKey: @"August"], [_labels valueForKey: @"September"], [_labels valueForKey: @"October"], [_labels valueForKey: @"November"], [_labels valueForKey: @"December"] ]; tweek = @"var externWeekdays = new Array(" @"\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\",\"%@\"); \n"; tweek = [[StrClass alloc] initWithFormat: tweek, [_labels valueForKey: @"SundayAbbrev"], [_labels valueForKey: @"MondayAbbrev"], [_labels valueForKey: @"TuesdayAbbrev"], [_labels valueForKey: @"WednesdayAbbrev"], [_labels valueForKey: @"ThursdayAbbrev"], [_labels valueForKey: @"FridayAbbrev"], [_labels valueForKey: @"SaturdayAbbrev"] ]; } if (![_ctx valueForKey: @"WEDateFieldScriptDone"]) { tmp = @"\n"; tmp = [StrClass stringWithFormat: tmp, _hNav, _hCol, _hBack]; [_response appendContentString: tmp]; [_response appendContentString: @""]; [_ctx takeValue: [NSNumber numberWithBool: YES] forKey: @"WEDateFieldScriptDone"]; } [tmon release]; [tweek release]; } - (void)appendToResponse: (WOResponse *)_response inContext: (WOContext *)_ctx { WOComponent *comp; comp = [_ctx component]; [[self class] appendWEDateFieldScriptToResponse: _response inContext:_ctx headBackground: [self->headBackground stringValueInComponent:comp] headColor: [self->headColor stringValueInComponent:comp] headNavColor: [self->headNavColor stringValueInComponent:comp] labels: [self->labels valueInComponent:comp] useImages: [[self->useImages valueInComponent: comp] boolValue]]; } @end /* WEDateFieldScript */ @implementation WECalendarField(Accessors) - (NSString *)elementIdWithSuffix:(NSString *)_suffix ctx:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSString *prefix = nil; if ((prefix = [self->name stringValueInComponent:[_ctx component]]) == nil) prefix = [_ctx elementID]; if ([_suffix length]) prefix = [prefix stringByAppendingString:@"_"]; return [prefix stringByAppendingString:_suffix]; } - (void)setSecond:(int)_second inComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { if (self->date) { NSCalendarDate *d = [self->date valueInComponent:_comp]; d = [NSCalendarDate dateWithYear:[d yearOfCommonEra] month:[d monthOfYear] day:[d dayOfMonth] hour:[d hourOfDay] minute:[d minuteOfHour] second:_second timeZone:[d timeZone]]; [self->date setValue:d inComponent:_comp]; } else { [self->second setIntValue:_second inComponent:_comp]; } } - (int)secondInComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { return (self->date != nil) ? [[self->date valueInComponent:_comp] secondOfMinute] : [self->second intValueInComponent:_comp]; } - (void)setMinute:(int)_minute inComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { if (self->date) { NSCalendarDate *d; d = [self->date valueInComponent:_comp]; d = [NSCalendarDate dateWithYear:[d yearOfCommonEra] month:[d monthOfYear] day:[d dayOfMonth] hour:[d hourOfDay] minute:_minute second:[d secondOfMinute] timeZone:[d timeZone]]; [self->date setValue:d inComponent:_comp]; } else { [self->minute setIntValue:_minute inComponent:_comp]; } } - (int)minuteInComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { return (self->date != nil) ? [[self->date valueInComponent:_comp] minuteOfHour] : [self->minute intValueInComponent:_comp]; } - (void)setHour:(int)_hour inComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { if (self->date) { NSCalendarDate *d = [self->date valueInComponent:_comp]; d = [NSCalendarDate dateWithYear:[d yearOfCommonEra] month:[d monthOfYear] day:[d dayOfMonth] hour:_hour minute:[d minuteOfHour] second:[d secondOfMinute] timeZone:[d timeZone]]; [self->date setValue:d inComponent:_comp]; } else { [self->hour setIntValue:_hour inComponent:_comp]; } } - (int)hourInComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { return (self->date != nil) ? [[self->date valueInComponent:_comp] hourOfDay] : [self->hour intValueInComponent:_comp]; } - (void)setDay:(int)_day inComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { if (self->date) { NSCalendarDate *d = [self->date valueInComponent:_comp]; d = [NSCalendarDate dateWithYear:[d yearOfCommonEra] month:[d monthOfYear] day:_day hour:[d hourOfDay] minute:[d minuteOfHour] second:[d secondOfMinute] timeZone:[d timeZone]]; [self->date setValue:d inComponent:_comp]; } else { [self->day setIntValue:_day inComponent:_comp]; } } - (int)dayInComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { return (self->date != nil) ? [[self->date valueInComponent:_comp] dayOfMonth] : [self->day intValueInComponent:_comp]; } - (void)setMonth:(int)_month inComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { if (self->date) { NSCalendarDate *d = [self->date valueInComponent:_comp]; d = [NSCalendarDate dateWithYear:[d yearOfCommonEra] month:_month day:[d dayOfMonth] hour:[d hourOfDay] minute:[d minuteOfHour] second:[d secondOfMinute] timeZone:[d timeZone]]; [self->date setValue:d inComponent:_comp]; } else { [self->month setIntValue:_month inComponent:_comp]; } } - (int)monthInComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { return (self->date != nil) ? [[self->date valueInComponent:_comp] monthOfYear] : [self->month intValueInComponent:_comp]; } - (void)setYear:(int)_year inComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { if (self->date) { NSCalendarDate *d = [self->date valueInComponent:_comp]; d = [NSCalendarDate dateWithYear:_year month:[d monthOfYear] day:[d dayOfMonth] hour:[d hourOfDay] minute:[d minuteOfHour] second:[d secondOfMinute] timeZone:[d timeZone]]; [self->date setValue:d inComponent:_comp]; } else { [self->year setIntValue:_year inComponent:_comp]; } } - (int)yearInComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { return (self->date != nil) ? [[self->date valueInComponent:_comp] yearOfCommonEra] : [self->year intValueInComponent:_comp]; } - (BOOL)isSecondSettable { return (self->date != nil) ? [self->date isValueSettable] : [self->second isValueSettable]; } - (BOOL)isMinuteSettable { return (self->date != nil) ? [self->date isValueSettable] : [self->minute isValueSettable]; } - (BOOL)isHourSettable { return (self->date != nil) ? [self->date isValueSettable] : [self->hour isValueSettable]; } - (BOOL)isDaySettable { return (self->date != nil) ? [self->date isValueSettable] : [self->day isValueSettable]; } - (BOOL)isMonthSettable { return (self->date != nil) ? [self->date isValueSettable] : [self->month isValueSettable]; } - (BOOL)isYearSettable { return (self->date != nil) ? [self->date isValueSettable] : [self->year isValueSettable]; } - (BOOL)_chkDateFormatKey:(NSString *)_s inComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { NSString *fmt; if (self->format == nil) return YES; fmt = [self->format stringValueInComponent:_comp]; return ([fmt rangeOfString:_s].length > 0) ? YES : NO; } - (BOOL)hasSecondInComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { return (self->date) ? [self _chkDateFormatKey:@"S" inComponent:_comp] : (self->second != nil ? YES : NO); } - (BOOL)hasMinuteInComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { return (self->date) ? [self _chkDateFormatKey:@"M" inComponent:_comp] : (self->minute != nil ? YES : NO); } - (BOOL)hasHourInComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { return (self->date) ? [self _chkDateFormatKey:@"H" inComponent:_comp] : (self->hour != nil ? YES : NO); } - (BOOL)hasDayInComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { return (self->date) ? [self _chkDateFormatKey:@"d" inComponent:_comp] : (self->day != nil ? YES : NO); } - (BOOL)hasMonthInComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { return (self->date) ? [self _chkDateFormatKey:@"m" inComponent:_comp] : (self->month != nil ? YES : NO); } - (BOOL)hasYearInComponent:(WOComponent *)_comp { return (self->date) ? [self _chkDateFormatKey:@"Y" inComponent:_comp] : (self->year != nil ? YES : NO); } @end /* WECalendarField */