# $Id$ - OGo bug #660 - SkyImapMailActions does mail discovery based on an IMAP4 URL /OpenGroupware/x/SkyImapMailActions/viewImapMail?listName=MailList&\ url=imap%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2FINBOX%2FGNUstep%2F999 - this uses NGImap4Message +messageWithURL:context: - TODO: should be invoke messageWithURL:context: on context? - done: NGImap4Message constructors deprecated, added new ctx methods - check qualifier processing, eg "flags='unseen'" etc NGImap4Message ============== - find out who actually instantiates a message - find out whether a folder is always attached to a message OpenGroupware.org> find . -name "*.m" -exec grep -l " initWithUid" \{\} \; ./SOPE/skyrix-core/NGMime/NGImap4/NGImap4Folder.m ./SOPE/skyrix-core/NGMime/NGImap4/NGImap4Message.m - where is NGImap4Message referenced?: - skyrix-core/NGMime/NGImap4 - WebUI/Common/BaseUI/SkyFavorites (why?) - calculates a "favorite" drag type - might use the entityName of the gid? - does not use message GID for activation - WebUI/Mailer/OGoWebMail - SandStorm/skymaild/DirectAction+Mail.m NGImap4Folder ============= - replace notification center - make flags array a specialized object, use bits for flag storage? - persistent custom flags are possible in Cyrus? (eg junk?) - document flags array - maybe add a "folderstate" object containing 'exists', 'recent', 'unseen' - remove all that message-cache thing?! NGImap4Context ============== - document content of capability header in @interface - find out about -folderForRefresh - move sentFolderName, trashFolderName to a separate Imap4ContextConfig object - add a more generic "capability" object - move canSort, canQuota into that - make "int" bitfield flags NGImap4Client ============= - move "normalize" stuff to a separate "normalizer" object - use NSURL for keeping connection info? - use bitfield flags for debug, useSSL or isLogin - can we remove the dependency of the back-link to NGImap4Context? - should have an async API!