/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "common.h" @interface NSObject(Misc) - (id)initWithString:(NSString *)_s; @end @interface NSString(XmlRpcParsing) - (id)initWithXmlRpcType:(NSString *)_type characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len; @end @interface NSDate(XmlRpcParsing) - (id)initWithXmlRpcType:(NSString *)_type characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len; @end @interface NSNumber(XmlRpcParsing) - (id)initWithXmlRpcType:(NSString *)_type characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len; @end @interface NSData(XmlRpcParsing) - (id)initWithXmlRpcType:(NSString *)_type characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len; @end @interface NSData(UsedNGExtensions) - (NSData *)dataByDecodingBase64; @end @implementation NSObject(XmlRpcParsing) - (id)initWithXmlRpcCoder:(XmlRpcDecoder *)_coder { NSClassDescription *cd; if ((cd = [self classDescription])) { NSEnumerator *e; NSString *k; if ((self = [self init])) { e = [[cd attributeKeys] objectEnumerator]; while ((k = [e nextObject])) [self takeValue:[_coder decodeObjectForKey:k] forKey:k]; e = [[cd toOneRelationshipKeys] objectEnumerator]; while ((k = [e nextObject])) [self takeValue:[_coder decodeObjectForKey:k] forKey:k]; e = [[cd toManyRelationshipKeys] objectEnumerator]; while ((k = [e nextObject])) [self takeValue:[_coder decodeArrayForKey:k] forKey:k]; } } else if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(initWithString:)]) { self = [(id)self initWithString:[_coder decodeString]]; } else { [NSException raise:@"XmlRpcCodingException" format: @"in initWithXmlRpcCoder: cannot decode class '%@'", NSStringFromClass([self class])]; [self release]; return nil; } return self; } + (id)decodeObjectWithXmlRpcCoder:(XmlRpcDecoder *)_decoder { return [[[self alloc] initWithXmlRpcCoder:_decoder] autorelease]; } - (NSString *)xmlRpcType { return @"struct"; } - (void)encodeWithXmlRpcCoder:(XmlRpcEncoder *)_coder { NSClassDescription *cd; if ((cd = [self classDescription])) { NSEnumerator *e; NSString *k; e = [[cd attributeKeys] objectEnumerator]; while ((k = [e nextObject])) [_coder encodeObject:[self valueForKey:k] forKey:k]; e = [[cd toOneRelationshipKeys] objectEnumerator]; while ((k = [e nextObject])) [_coder encodeObject:[self valueForKey:k] forKey:k]; e = [[cd toManyRelationshipKeys] objectEnumerator]; while ((k = [e nextObject])) [_coder encodeArray:[self valueForKey:k] forKey:k]; } else if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(initWithString:)]) { [_coder encodeString:[self description]]; } else { [NSException raise:@"XmlRpcCodingException" format: @"in encodeWithXmlRpcCoder: " @"cannot encode class '%@', object=%@B", NSStringFromClass([self class]), self]; } } + (id)objectWithXmlRpcType:(NSString *)_type characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len { static NSDictionary *typeToClass = nil; Class ObjClass = Nil; id obj; if (typeToClass == nil) { typeToClass = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber class], @"i4", [NSNumber class], @"int", [NSNumber class], @"double", [NSNumber class], @"boolean", [NSString class], @"string", [NSString class], @"value", [NSData class], @"base64", [NSCalendarDate class], @"dateTime.iso8601", nil]; } /* determine basetype class */ if ((ObjClass = [typeToClass objectForKey:_type]) == Nil) { NSLog(@"WARNING(%s): unknown XML-RPC type '%@', using String ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _type); ObjClass = [NSString class]; } /* construct object */ obj = [[ObjClass alloc] initWithXmlRpcType:_type characters:_chars length:_len]; return [obj autorelease]; } - (id)initWithXmlRpcType:(NSString *)_type characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len { if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(initWithString:)]) { NSString *s; s = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters:_chars length:_len]; self = [self initWithString:s]; [s release]; return self; } /* don't know how to init with given type ... */ [self release]; return nil; } @end /* NSObject(XmlRpc) */ @implementation NSData(XmlRpcParsing) /* NSData represents the xml-rpc base type 'base64' */ - (id)initWithXmlRpcType:(NSString *)_type characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len { NSString *v; [self release]; self = nil; v = [NSString stringWithCharacters:_chars length:_len]; self = [v dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; if ([_type isEqualToString:@"base64"]) self = [self dataByDecodingBase64]; return [self copy]; } @end /* NSData(XmlRpcParsing) */ @implementation NSDate(XmlRpcParsing) /* NSDate represents the xml-rpc type dateTime.iso8601: */ - (id)initWithXmlRpcType:(NSString *)_type characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len { /* eg 19980717T14:08:55 */ if (_len < 17) { [self release]; return nil; } { unsigned char buf[8]; int year, month, day, hour, min, sec; buf[0] = _chars[0]; buf[1] = _chars[1]; buf[2] = _chars[2]; buf[3] = _chars[3]; buf[4] = '\0'; year = atoi(buf); buf[0] = _chars[4]; buf[1] = _chars[5]; buf[2] = '\0'; month = atoi(buf); buf[0] = _chars[6]; buf[1] = _chars[7]; buf[2] = '\0'; day = atoi(buf); buf[0] = _chars[9]; buf[1] = _chars[10]; buf[2] = '\0'; hour = atoi(buf); buf[0] = _chars[12]; buf[1] = _chars[13]; buf[2] = '\0'; min = atoi(buf); buf[0] = _chars[15]; buf[1] = _chars[16]; buf[2] = '\0'; sec = atoi(buf); if (year > 2033) { NSString *s; s = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters:_chars length:_len]; NSLog(@"WARNING: got a date value '%@' with year >2033, " @"which cannot be represented, silently using 2033 ...", s); [s release]; year = 2033; } else if (year < 1900) { NSString *s; s = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters:_chars length:_len]; NSLog(@"WARNING: got a date value '%@' with year < 1900, " @"which cannot be represented, silently using 1900 ...", s); [s release]; year = 1900; } if (![self isKindOfClass:[NSCalendarDate class]]) { [self release]; self = [NSCalendarDate alloc]; } return [(NSCalendarDate *)self initWithYear:year month:month day:day hour:hour minute:min second:sec timeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"GMT"]]; } } @end /* NSDate(XmlRpcParsing) */ @implementation NSNumber(XmlRpcParsing) /* NSNumber represents the xml-rpc base types: 'int', 'double', 'boolean': */ - (id)initWithXmlRpcType:(NSString *)_type characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len { if ([_type isEqualToString:@"boolean"]) { BOOL v; v = (_len > 0) ? ((_chars[0] == '1') ? YES : NO) : NO; return [self initWithBool:v]; } else { NSString *v; BOOL isInt = NO; v = [NSString stringWithCharacters:_chars length:_len]; if ([_type isEqualToString:@"i4"] || [_type isEqualToString:@"int"]) isInt = YES; else if ([_type isEqualToString:@"double"]) isInt = NO; else isInt = ([v rangeOfString:@"."].length == 0) ? YES : NO; return isInt ? [self initWithInt:[v intValue]] : [self initWithDouble:[v doubleValue]]; } } @end /* NSNumber(XmlRpcParsing */ @implementation NSString(XmlRpcParsing) - (id)initWithXmlRpcType:(NSString *)_type characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len { /* this is *never* called, since NSString+alloc returns a NSTemporaryString*/ return [self initWithCharacters:_chars length:_len]; } @end /* NSString(XmlRpcParsing) */