/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OGo OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" @interface ODNodeRenderer(PrivateMethodes) - (id)attributeNodeNamed:(NSString *)_attr ofNode:(id)_node inContext:(id)_ctx; - (id)stringValueForAttributeNode:(id)_attrNode inContext:(id)_ctx; @end @interface NSObject(NGScriptEval) - (id)evaluateScript:(NSString *)_script language:(NSString *)_lang; @end @implementation ODNodeRenderer(attributes) static BOOL evalJSInHandler = NO; static BOOL debugJS = NO; static BOOL logValues = NO; static void _categoryInitialize(void) { NSUserDefaults *ud; static BOOL didInit = NO; if (didInit) return; ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; evalJSInHandler = [ud boolForKey:@"ODEvalAttrValuesInExceptionHandler"]; debugJS = [ud boolForKey:@"ODDebugJSAttrEval"]; logValues = [ud boolForKey:@"ODLogAttrValues"]; didInit = YES; } /* attributes */ - (BOOL)boolFor:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { id attrNode; NSString *value; attrNode = [self attributeNodeNamed:_attr ofNode:_node inContext:_ctx]; value = [[self valueForAttributeNode:attrNode inContext:_ctx] stringValue]; if (logValues) NSLog(@"%s: bool for attr %@ => '%@'", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _attr, value); if ([value isEqualToString:@"true"]) return YES; if ([value isEqualToString:@"false"]) return NO; return [value boolValue]; } - (int)intFor:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { id attrNode = [self attributeNodeNamed:_attr ofNode:_node inContext:_ctx]; return [[self valueForAttributeNode:attrNode inContext:_ctx] intValue]; } - (id)valueFor:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { id attrNode; attrNode = [self attributeNodeNamed:_attr ofNode:_node inContext:_ctx]; return [self valueForAttributeNode:attrNode inContext:_ctx]; } - (NSString *)stringFor:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { id attrNode; attrNode = [self attributeNodeNamed:_attr ofNode:_node inContext:_ctx]; return [self stringValueForAttributeNode:attrNode inContext:_ctx]; } - (void)setValue:(id)_value for:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { id attrNode = nil; id attrs; NSAssert2((_attr != nil), @"%s: Cannot set '%@' (The attributeName is nil!)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _value); NSAssert3(((attrs = [_node attributes]) != nil), @"%s: Cannot set '%@' for '%@' (There are no attributes!)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _value, _attr); attrNode = [attrs namedItem:_attr namespaceURI:XMLNS_OD_BIND]; NSAssert4((attrNode != nil), @"%s: Cannot set '%@' for '%@:%@' (There is not such attribute!)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _value, XMLNS_OD_BIND, _attr); [[(id)_ctx cursor] takeValue:_value forKeyPath:[attrNode value]]; } - (void)setBool:(BOOL)_value for:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { [self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:_value] for:_attr node:_node ctx:_ctx]; } - (void)setInt:(int)_value for:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { [self setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:_value] for:_attr node:_node ctx:_ctx]; } - (void)setString:(NSString *)_value for:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { [self setValue:[_value stringValue] for:_attr node:_node ctx:_ctx]; } - (void)forceSetValue:(id)_value for:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { if ([self isSettable:_attr node:_node ctx:_ctx]) [self setValue:_value for:_attr node:_node ctx:_ctx]; else [_node setAttribute:_attr namespaceURI:XMLNS_OD_CONST value:_value]; } - (void)forceSetBool:(BOOL)_value for:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { [self forceSetValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:_value] for:_attr node:_node ctx:_ctx]; } - (void)forceSetInt:(int)_value for:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { [self forceSetValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:_value] for:_attr node:_node ctx:_ctx]; } - (void)forceSetString:(NSString *)_value for:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { [self forceSetValue:[_value stringValue] for:_attr node:_node ctx:_ctx]; } - (BOOL)hasAttribute:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { return ([self attributeNodeNamed:_attr ofNode:_node inContext:_ctx] != nil) ? YES : NO; } - (BOOL)isSettable:(NSString *)_attr node:(id)_node ctx:(id)_ctx { id attrNode = nil; id attrs; if ((attrs = [_node attributes]) == nil) return NO; if (!(attrNode = [attrs namedItem:_attr namespaceURI:XMLNS_OD_BIND])) return NO; return ([[attrNode value] length] > 0) ? YES : NO; } - (NSString *)stringForInt:(int)_value { static NSString *strs[10] = { @"0", @"1", @"2", @"3", @"4", @"5", @"6", @"7", @"8", @"9" }; if (_value < 10 && _value >= 0) return strs[_value]; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i", _value]; } /* evaluate associations (looks for 'special' namespaces) */ - (NSException *)handleEvalException:(NSException *)_exception onNode:(id)_attrNode inContext:(id)_ctx { [self logWithFormat:@"Eval Node %@ catched: %@", _attrNode, _exception]; return nil; } - (id)valueForAttributeNode:(id)_attrNode inContext:(id)_ctx { NSString *nsuri; NSString *value; _categoryInitialize(); if (_attrNode == nil) { return nil; } nsuri = [_attrNode namespaceURI]; value = [_attrNode value]; if (logValues) { [self logWithFormat: @"%s:\n value for attr %@\n (ns=%@, value='%@', cursor=%@) ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _attrNode, nsuri, value, [(id)_ctx cursor]]; } if ([nsuri isEqualToString:XMLNS_OD_CONST]) { // do nothing ... if (logValues) [self logWithFormat:@" constant value, pass through"]; } else if ([nsuri isEqualToString:XMLNS_OD_BIND]) { if (logValues) { [self logWithFormat:@" cursor: %@\n valueForKeyPath:'%@'", [(id)_ctx cursor], value]; } value = [[(id)_ctx cursor] valueForKeyPath:value]; } else if ([nsuri isEqualToString:XMLNS_OD_ACTION]) { // TODO: is this ever used anywhere ? (hm, maybe in forms) // Note: the node-value gets used in the dispatch phase ! if (logValues) [self logWithFormat:@" componentAction: '%@'", value]; value = [_ctx componentActionURL]; } else if ([nsuri isEqualToString:XMLNS_OD_EVALJS]) { id cursor; if (logValues) [self logWithFormat:@" JavaScript: '%@'", value]; cursor = [(id)_ctx cursor]; if ([cursor respondsToSelector:@selector(evaluateScript:language:)]) { if (debugJS) [self logWithFormat:@"\n cursor %@\n eval: '%@'", cursor, value]; if (!evalJSInHandler) { value = [cursor evaluateScript:value language:@"javascript"]; } else { NS_DURING value = [cursor evaluateScript:value language:@"javascript"]; NS_HANDLER [[self handleEvalException:localException onNode:_attrNode inContext:_ctx] raise]; NS_ENDHANDLER; } if (debugJS) [self logWithFormat:@" got: %@", value]; } else { [self logWithFormat: @"%s:\n object %@ cannot evaluate JavaScript\n'%@' !!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self, value]; } } if (logValues) { [self logWithFormat:@" return value: %@ (%@,0x%08X)\n", value ? value: @"", NSStringFromClass([value class]), value]; } return value; } - (id)invokeValueForAttributeNode:(id)_attrNode inContext:(id)_ctx { NSString *nsuri; id result; result = nil; if ((nsuri = [_attrNode namespaceURI])) { if ([nsuri isEqualToString:XMLNS_OD_ACTION]) result = [[_ctx component] valueForKeyPath:[_attrNode value]]; } if (result == nil) result = [self valueForAttributeNode:_attrNode inContext:_ctx]; if (![result conformsToProtocol:@protocol(WOActionResults)]) return nil; return result; } @end /* ODNodeRenderer(attributes) */ @implementation ODNodeRenderer(PrivateMethodes) - (id)attributeNodeNamed:(NSString *)_attr ofNode:(id)_node inContext:(id)_ctx{ id attrNode; id attrs; if ((attrs = [_node attributes]) == nil) return nil; attrNode = [attrs namedItem:_attr namespaceURI:XMLNS_OD_CONST]; if (attrNode == nil) attrNode = [attrs namedItem:_attr namespaceURI:XMLNS_OD_BIND]; if (attrNode == nil) attrNode = [attrs namedItem:_attr namespaceURI:XMLNS_XUL]; if (attrNode == nil) attrNode = [attrs namedItem:_attr namespaceURI:XMLNS_XHTML]; if (attrNode == nil) attrNode = [attrs namedItem:_attr namespaceURI:XMLNS_HTML40]; if (attrNode == nil) attrNode = [attrs namedItem:_attr namespaceURI:XMLNS_OD_EVALJS]; if (attrNode == nil) attrNode = [_node attributeNode:_attr namespaceURI:@"*"]; #if DEBUG && 0 if (attrNode == nil) { NSLog(@"%s: found no attribute named %@ in node %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _attr, _node); } #endif return attrNode; } - (id)stringValueForAttributeNode:(id)_attrNode inContext:(id)_ctx { if ([[_attrNode namespaceURI] isEqualToString:XMLNS_XUL]) { if ([[(id)_attrNode name] isEqualToString:@"src"]) { /* a URL */ NSURL *url; id rm; if ((url = [NSURL URLWithString:[_attrNode value]])) { /* valid, regular URL */ return [[_attrNode value] stringValue]; } /* consider it a resource name */ rm = [[_ctx component] resourceManager]; return [rm urlForResourceNamed:[_attrNode value] inFramework:nil languages:[[_ctx session] languages] request:[(WOContext *)_ctx request]]; } if ([(NSString *)[(id)_attrNode name] hasPrefix:@"on"]) return [[_ctx elementID] stringValue]; } return [[self valueForAttributeNode:_attrNode inContext:_ctx] stringValue]; } @end /* ODNodeRenderer(PrivateMethodes) */