NGObjDOM XML Rendering Framework ================================ Note: while NGObjDOM *is* useful it is more or less deprecated in the places where it is currently used, which are: OGo forms and OGo publisher. In both cases the NGObjDOM implementation of the templates should be replaced using NGObjWeb XML DOM builders for a major speedup and far better integration into the NGObjWeb server. NGObjDOM is a framework which works together with NGObjWeb to render XML content represented as DOM trees. It can be used to create templates (WODynamicElement's) represented as XML files instead of .wo components. To render a DOM tree you can use the WORenderDOM dynamic element, eg: <#DOMContent /> DOMContent: WORenderDOM { domDocument = domTree; factory = passThroughHTMLRenderer; } The DOM is processed using so called 'node renderers', which are roughly identical to WODynamicElements but differ in that they only perform the operation and do not represent the template tree (WODynamic elements are tree nodes with behaviour, this is separated in NGObjDOM: the tree is the DOM, the behaviour are the renderers). The superclass for all node renderers is ODNodeRenderer and already provides some convinience methods for accessing attributes and such. The ODR class prefix stands in for 'ObjDOM Renderer'. A bridge to dynamic elements in the other direction (embedding WODynamicElement's in DOM trees) is the ODRWebObject renderer. Profiling ========= You can profile the renderer using the defaults ODProfileRenderer - bool and ODProfileRendererMin - double Defaults ======== ODNodeRendererDebugCursor - bool ODProfileRenderer - Bool - log render profiling information ODNodeRenderer Debug Defaults ODEvalAttrValuesInExceptionHandler - bool ODDebugJSAttrEval - bool ODLogAttrValues - bool --- hh, 2001-05-30