/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "NGMimeHeaderFieldParser.h" #include "NGMimeHeaderFields.h" #include "NGMimeUtilities.h" #include "common.h" @implementation NGMimeRFC822DateHeaderFieldParser static Class CalDateClass = Nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt01 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt02 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt03 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt04 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt05 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt06 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt07 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt08 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt09 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt10 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt11 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt12 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmt0530 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM01 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM02 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM03 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM04 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM05 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM06 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM07 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM08 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM09 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM10 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM11 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM12 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM13 = nil; static NSTimeZone *gmtM14 = nil; static NSTimeZone *met = nil; + (int)version { return 2; } + (void)initialize { static BOOL didInit = NO; Class TzClass; if (didInit) return; didInit = YES; CalDateClass = [NSCalendarDate class]; /* timezones which were actually used in a maillist mailbox */ TzClass = [NSTimeZone class]; gmt = [[TzClass timeZoneWithName:@"GMT"] retain]; met = [[TzClass timeZoneWithName:@"MET"] retain]; gmt01 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 1 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmt02 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 2 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmt03 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 3 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmt04 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 4 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmt05 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 5 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmt06 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 6 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmt07 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 7 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmt08 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 8 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmt09 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 9 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmt10 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 10 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmt11 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 11 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmt12 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 12 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM01 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: -1 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM02 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: -2 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM03 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: -3 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM04 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: -4 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM05 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: -5 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM06 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: -6 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM07 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: -7 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM08 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: -8 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM09 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: -9 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM10 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:-10 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM11 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:-11 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM12 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:-12 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM13 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:-13 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmtM14 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:-14 * (60 * 60)] retain]; gmt0530 = [[TzClass timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:5 * (60*60) + (30*60)] retain]; } /* All the date formats are more or less the same. If they start with a char those can be skipped to the first digit (since it is the weekday name that is unnecessary for date construction). TODO: use an own parser for that. */ static int parseMonthOfYear(unsigned char *s, unsigned int len) { /* This one is *extremely* forgiving, it only checks what is necessary for the set below. This should work for both, English and German. English: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec J F M A M J J A S O N D */ if (len < 3) { NSLog(@"RFC822 Parser: cannot process month name: '%s'", s); return 0; } switch (toupper(*s)) { case 'A': // April, August if (toupper(s[1]) == 'P') return 4; // Apr return 8; // Aug case 'D': return 12; // Dec case 'F': return 2; // Feb case 'J': // Jan, Jun, Jul if (toupper(s[1]) == 'A') return 1; // Jan if (toupper(s[2]) == 'N') return 6; // Jun return 7; // Jul case 'M': // Mar, May if (toupper(s[2]) == 'Y' || toupper(s[2]) == 'I') // May or Mai (German ;-) return 5; return 3; // Mar case 'N': return 11; // Nov case 'O': return 10; // Oct case 'S': return 9; // Sep default: NSLog(@"RFC822 Parser: cannot process month name: '%s'", s); return 0; } } static NSTimeZone *parseTimeZone(unsigned char *s, unsigned int len) { /* WARNING: failed to parse RFC822 timezone: '+0530' \ (value='Tue, 13 Jul 2004 21:39:28 +0530') TODO: this is because libFoundation doesn't accept 'GMT+0530' as input. */ char *p = (char *)s; NSTimeZone *tz; NSString *ts; if (len == 0) return nil; if (*s == '+' || *s == '-') { if (len == 3) { if (p[1] == '0' && p[2] == '0') // '+00' or '-00' return gmt; if (*s == '+') { if (p[1] == '0' && p[2] == '1') // '+01' return gmt01; if (p[1] == '0' && p[2] == '2') // '+02' return gmt02; } } else if (len == 5) { if (p[3] == '0' && p[4] == '0' && p[1] == '0') { // '?0x00' if (p[2] == '0') // '+0000' return gmt; if (*s == '+') { if (p[2] == '1') return gmt01; // '+0100' if (p[2] == '2') return gmt02; // '+0200' if (p[2] == '3') return gmt03; // '+0300' if (p[2] == '4') return gmt04; // '+0400' if (p[2] == '5') return gmt05; // '+0500' if (p[2] == '6') return gmt06; // '+0600' if (p[2] == '7') return gmt07; // '+0700' if (p[2] == '8') return gmt08; // '+0800' if (p[2] == '9') return gmt09; // '+0900' } else if (*s == '-') { if (p[2] == '1') return gmtM01; // '-0100' if (p[2] == '2') return gmtM02; // '-0200' if (p[2] == '3') return gmtM03; // '-0300' if (p[2] == '4') return gmtM04; // '-0400' if (p[2] == '5') return gmtM05; // '-0500' if (p[2] == '6') return gmtM06; // '-0600' if (p[2] == '7') return gmtM07; // '-0700' if (p[2] == '8') return gmtM08; // '-0800' if (p[2] == '9') return gmtM09; // '-0900' } } else if (p[3] == '0' && p[4] == '0' && p[1] == '1') { // "?1x00" if (*s == '+') { if (p[2] == '0') return gmt10; // '+1000' if (p[2] == '1') return gmt11; // '+1100' if (p[2] == '2') return gmt12; // '+1200' } else if (*s == '-') { if (p[2] == '0') return gmtM10; // '-1000' if (p[2] == '1') return gmtM11; // '-1100' if (p[2] == '2') return gmtM12; // '-1200' if (p[2] == '3') return gmtM13; // '-1300' if (p[2] == '4') return gmtM14; // '-1400' } } /* special case for GMT+0530 */ if (strncmp((char *)s, "+0530", 5) == 0) return gmt0530; } else if (len == 7) { /* "MultiMail" submits timezones like this: "Tue, 9 Mar 2004 9:43:00 -05-500", don't know what the "-500" trailer is supposed to mean? Apparently Thunderbird just uses the "-05", so do we. */ if (isdigit(p[1]) && isdigit(p[2]) && (p[3] == '-'||p[3] == '+')) { unsigned char tmp[8]; strncpy((char *)tmp, p, 3); tmp[3] = '0'; tmp[4] = '0'; tmp[5] = '\0'; return parseTimeZone(tmp, 5); } } } else if (*s == '0') { if (len == 2) { // '00' if (p[1] == '0') return gmt; if (p[1] == '1') return gmt01; if (p[1] == '2') return gmt02; } else if (len == 4) { if (p[2] == '0' && p[3] == '0') { // '0x00' if (p[1] == '0') return gmt; if (p[1] == '1') return gmt01; if (p[1] == '2') return gmt02; } } } else if (len == 3) { if (strcasecmp((char *)s, "GMT") == 0) return gmt; if (strcasecmp((char *)s, "MET") == 0) return met; } if (isalpha(*s)) { ts = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:(char *)s length:len]; } else { char buf[len + 5]; buf[0] = 'G'; buf[1] = 'M'; buf[2] = 'T'; if (*s == '+' || *s == '-') { strcpy(&(buf[3]), (char *)s); } else { buf[3] = '+'; strcpy(&(buf[4]), (char *)s); } ts = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:buf]; } #if 1 NSLog(@"%s: RFC822 TZ Parser: expensive: '%@'", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ts); #endif tz = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:ts]; [ts release]; return tz; } - (id)parseValue:(id)_data ofHeaderField:(NSString *)_field { // TODO: use UNICODE NSCalendarDate *date = nil; unsigned char buf[256]; unsigned char *bytes = buf, *pe; unsigned length = 0; NSTimeZone *tz = nil; char dayOfMonth, monthOfYear, hour, minute, second; short year; BOOL flag; if ((length = [_data cStringLength]) > 254) { [self logWithFormat: @"header field value to large for date parsing: '%@'(%i)", _data, length]; length = 254; } [_data getCString:(char *)buf maxLength:length]; buf[length] = '\0'; /* remove leading chars (skip to first digit, the day of the month) */ while (length > 0 && (!isdigit(*bytes))) { bytes++; length--; } if (length == 0) { NSLog(@"WARNING(%s): empty value for header field %@ ..", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _field); return [CalDateClass date]; } // TODO: should be a category on NSCalendarDate // TODO: optimize much further! // first part: '16 Jun 2002' // snd part: '12:28[:11]' // trd part: 'GMT' '+0000' '(MET)' '(+0200)' /* defaults for early aborts */ tz = gmt; second = 0; minute = 0; /* parse day of month */ for (pe = bytes; isdigit(*pe); pe++) ; if (*pe == 0) goto failed; *pe = '\0'; dayOfMonth = atoi((char *)bytes); bytes = pe + 1; /* parse month-abbrev (should be English, could be other langs) */ while (!isalpha(*bytes)) { /* go to first char */ if (*bytes == '\0') goto failed; bytes++; } for (pe = bytes; isalpha(*pe); pe++) /* find end of string */ ; if (*pe == 0) goto failed; *pe = '\0'; if ((monthOfYear = parseMonthOfYear(bytes, (pe - bytes))) == 0) { [self logWithFormat:@"WARNING(%s): cannot parse month in date: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _data]; } bytes = pe + 1; /* parse year */ while (!isdigit(*bytes)) { /* go to first digit */ if (*bytes == '\0') goto failed; bytes++; } for (pe = bytes; isdigit(*pe); pe++) /* find end of number */ ; if (*pe == 0) goto failed; *pe = '\0'; year = atoi((char *)bytes); bytes = pe + 1; if (year >= 70 && year < 135) // Y2K year += 1900; else if (year >= 0 && year < 70) // Y2K year += 2000; #if LIB_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY if (year > 2030) { NSLog(@"ERROR(%s): got invalid year in date header %d: '%s'", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, year, buf); year = 2000; /* no choice is good ..., maybe return nil? */ } #endif /* parse hour */ while (!isdigit(*bytes)) { /* go to first digit */ if (*bytes == '\0') goto failed; bytes++; } for (pe = bytes; isdigit(*pe); pe++) /* find end of number */ ; flag = (*pe == 0); *pe = '\0'; hour = bytes != pe ? atoi((char *)bytes) : 0; if (flag) goto finished; // this is: '12\0' bytes = pe + 1; /* parse minute */ while (!isdigit(*bytes)) { /* go to first digit */ if (*bytes == '\0') goto finished; // this is: '12 \0' bytes++; } for (pe = bytes; isdigit(*pe); pe++) /* find end of number */ ; flag = (*pe == 0); *pe = '\0'; minute = bytes != pe ? atoi((char *)bytes) : 0; if (flag) goto finished; // this is: '12:23\0' bytes = pe + 1; /* parse second - if available '13:13:23' vs '12:23\0' or '12:12 (MET)' */ while (isspace(*bytes)) /* skip spaces */ bytes++; if (*bytes == 0) goto finished; // this is: '12:23 \0' if (isdigit(*bytes) || *bytes == ':') { /* parse second */ while (!isdigit(*bytes)) { /* go to first digit, skip the ':' */ if (*bytes == '\0') goto finished; bytes++; } for (pe = bytes; isdigit(*pe); pe++) /* find end of number */ ; flag = (*pe == 0); *pe = '\0'; second = bytes != pe ? atoi((char *)bytes) : 0; if (flag) goto finished; // this is: '12:23:12\0' bytes = pe + 1; } /* parse timezone: 'GMT' '+0000' '(MET)' '(+0200)' */ // TODO: do we need to parse: "-0700 (PDT)" as "PDT"? while (isspace(*bytes) || *bytes == '(') /* skip spaces */ bytes++; if (*bytes == 0) goto finished; // this is: '12:23:12 \0' or '12:12 (' for (pe = bytes; isalnum(*pe) || *pe == '-' || *pe == '+'; pe++) ; *pe = '\0'; if ((tz = parseTimeZone(bytes, (pe - bytes))) == nil) { [self logWithFormat: @"WARNING: failed to parse RFC822 timezone: '%s' (value='%@')", bytes, _data]; tz = gmt; } /* construct and return */ finished: date = [CalDateClass dateWithYear:year month:monthOfYear day:dayOfMonth hour:hour minute:minute second:second timeZone:tz]; if (date == nil) goto failed; #if 0 printf("parsed '%s' to date: %s\n", [_data cString], [[date description] cString]); //[self logWithFormat:@"parsed '%@' to date: %@", _data, date]; #endif return date; failed: // TODO: 'Sun, May 18 2003 14:20:55 -0700' - why does this fail? [self logWithFormat:@"WARNING: failed to parse RFC822 date field: '%@'", _data]; return nil; } @end /* NGMimeRFC822DateHeaderFieldParser */