/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" NSString *DOMNodeName(id _node) { switch ([_node nodeType]) { case DOM_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: return [(id)_node name]; case DOM_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: return @"#cdata-section"; case DOM_COMMENT_NODE: return @"#comment"; case DOM_DOCUMENT_NODE: return @"#document"; case DOM_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: return @"#document-fragment"; case DOM_ELEMENT_NODE: return [(id)_node tagName]; case DOM_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: return [(id)_node target]; case DOM_TEXT_NODE: return @"#text"; case DOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: case DOM_ENTITY_NODE: case DOM_ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: case DOM_NOTATION_NODE: default: NSLog(@"ERROR: unknown node type %i !", [_node nodeType]); return nil; } } NSString *DOMNodeValue(id _node) { switch ([_node nodeType]) { case DOM_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: return [_node value]; case DOM_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case DOM_COMMENT_NODE: case DOM_TEXT_NODE: return [(id)_node data]; case DOM_DOCUMENT_NODE: case DOM_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: case DOM_ELEMENT_NODE: return nil; case DOM_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: return [(id)_node data]; case DOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: case DOM_ENTITY_NODE: case DOM_ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: case DOM_NOTATION_NODE: default: NSLog(@"ERROR: unknown node type %i !", [_node nodeType]); return nil; } } @implementation NGDOMNode - (void)_domNodeRegisterParentNode:(id)_parent { } - (void)_domNodeForgetParentNode:(id)_parent { } /* owner */ - (IDOMDocument)ownerDocument { id node; for (node = [self parentNode]; node; node = [node parentNode]) { if ([node nodeType] == DOM_DOCUMENT_NODE) return node; if ([node nodeType] == DOM_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) return node; } return nil; } /* attributes */ - (DOMNodeType)nodeType { return DOM_UNKNOWN_NODE; } - (NSString *)nodeName { return DOMNodeName(self); } - (NSString *)nodeValue { return DOMNodeValue(self); } - (id)subclassResponsibility:(SEL)_sel { [self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_sel]; return nil; } - (NSString *)localName { /* introduced in DOM level 2 */ return [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } - (NSString *)namespaceURI { /* introduced in DOM level 2 */ return [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } - (void)setPrefix:(NSString *)_prefix { /* introduced in DOM level 2 */ [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } - (NSString *)prefix { /* introduced in DOM level 2 */ return [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } /* element attributes */ - (id)attributes { /* returns a NamedNodeList */ return [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } /* modification */ - (BOOL)_isValidChildNode:(id)_node { return NO; } - (id)removeChild:(id)_node { return nil; } - (id)appendChild:(id)_node { return nil; } /* navigation */ - (id)parentNode { return [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; } - (id)previousSibling { NGDOMNode *parent; if ((parent = (NGDOMNode *)[self parentNode]) == nil) return nil; if (parent == nil) return nil; if (![parent respondsToSelector:@selector(_domNodeBeforeNode:)]) return nil; return [parent _domNodeBeforeNode:self]; } - (id)nextSibling { NGDOMNode *parent; if ((parent = (NGDOMNode *)[self parentNode]) == nil) return nil; if (parent == nil) return nil; if (![parent respondsToSelector:@selector(_domNodeBeforeNode:)]) return nil; return [parent _domNodeAfterNode:self]; } - (id)childNodes { return nil; } - (BOOL)hasChildNodes { return NO; } - (id)firstChild { return nil; } - (id)lastChild { return nil; } /* description */ - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<0x%08X[%@]: name=%@ parent=%@ type=%i #children=%i>", self, NSStringFromClass([self class]), [self nodeName], [[self parentNode] nodeName], [self nodeType], [self hasChildNodes] ? [[self childNodes] length] : 0]; } @end /* NGDOMNode */ #include "DOMXMLOutputter.h" #include "DOMCharacterData.h" @implementation NGDOMNode(Additions) - (NSString *)nodeTypeString { switch ([self nodeType]) { case DOM_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: return @"attribute"; case DOM_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: return @"cdata-section"; case DOM_COMMENT_NODE: return @"comment"; case DOM_DOCUMENT_NODE: return @"document"; case DOM_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: return @"document-fragment"; case DOM_ELEMENT_NODE: return @"element"; case DOM_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: return @"processing-instruction"; case DOM_TEXT_NODE: return @"text"; case DOM_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE: return @"document-type"; case DOM_ENTITY_NODE: return @"entity"; case DOM_ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE: return @"entity-reference"; case DOM_NOTATION_NODE: return @"notation"; default: return @"unknown"; } } - (NSString *)xmlStringValue { DOMXMLOutputter *out; NSMutableString *s; NSString *r; s = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:1024]; out = [[DOMXMLOutputter alloc] init]; [out outputNode:self to:s]; [out release]; r = [s copy]; [s release]; return [r autorelease]; } - (NSData *)xmlDataValue { return [[self xmlStringValue] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; } - (NSString *)textValue { NSMutableString *s; s = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:256]; switch ([self nodeType]) { case DOM_ELEMENT_NODE: case DOM_DOCUMENT_NODE: case DOM_ATTRIBUTE_NODE: if ([self hasChildNodes]) { id children; unsigned i, count; children = [self childNodes]; for (i = 0, count = [children count]; i < count; i++) { NSString *cs; cs = [[children objectAtIndex:i] textValue]; if (cs) [s appendString:cs]; } } break; case DOM_TEXT_NODE: case DOM_COMMENT_NODE: case DOM_CDATA_SECTION_NODE: [s appendString:[(id)self data]]; break; default: return nil; } return [[s copy] autorelease]; } @end /* NGDOMNode(Additions) */ @implementation NSArray(DOMNodeList) - (unsigned)length { return [self count]; } @end /* NSObject(DOMNodeList) */