/* Copyright (C) 2004 eXtrapola Srl This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "StructuredText.h" #include "StructuredLine.h" #include "StructuredStack.h" #include "StructuredTextHeader.h" #include "StructuredTextParagraph.h" #include "StructuredTextList.h" #include "StructuredTextListItem.h" #include "StructuredTextLiteralBlock.h" #include "common.h" #include @implementation StructuredText - (id)initWithString:(NSString *)_str { if ((self = [super init])) { self->_text = [_str copy]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->_text release]; [self->_document release]; [self->_stack release]; [self->_paragraphs release]; [super dealloc]; } /* factory */ + (StructuredTextDocument *)parseText:(NSString *)aText { StructuredText *text; // TODO: shouldn't we release the object? text = [[StructuredText alloc] initWithString:aText]; return [text document]; } /* accessors */ - (NSString *)text { return _text; } - (StructuredTextDocument *)document { if (self->_document) return self->_document; self->_document = [[StructuredTextDocument alloc] init]; [self parse]; return _document; } - (StructuredStack *)stack { if (self->_stack == nil) self->_stack = [[StructuredStack alloc] init]; return self->_stack; } - (StructuredStack *)paragraphs { if (self->_paragraphs == nil) self->_paragraphs = [[StructuredStack alloc] init]; return self->_paragraphs; } - (void)parse { #if DISABLE_BUG_FIX currentHeaderLevel = 1; #endif [self separateIntoBlocks]; [self adjustLineLevels]; [self buildDocument]; } - (void)separateIntoBlocks { NSArray *lines; StructuredStack *pars; NSString *text, *currentLine, *trimmedLine; NSMutableString *buf; NSCharacterSet *set; int i, count; set = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"\r"]; buf = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:256]; text = [self text]; pars = [self paragraphs]; lines = [text componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"]; count = [lines count]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { currentLine = [lines objectAtIndex:i]; currentLine = [currentLine stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:set]; trimmedLine = [currentLine stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]]; if ([trimmedLine length] > 0) { if ([buf length] > 0) [buf appendString:@"\n"]; [buf appendString:currentLine]; } else { if ([buf length] > 0) { StructuredLine *sl; sl = [[StructuredLine alloc] initWithString:[NSString stringWithString:buf] level:0];; [pars push:sl]; // TODO: shouldn't we release the object? } [buf setString:@""]; } } if ([buf length] > 0) { StructuredLine *sl; sl = [[StructuredLine alloc] initWithString:[NSString stringWithString:buf] level:0]; [pars push:sl]; // TODO: shouldn't we release the object? } } - (void)adjustLineLevels { StructuredStack *paragraphs; StructuredStack *stack; StructuredLine *line; StructuredLine *lastParagraph = nil; int level = 0; stack = [self stack]; [stack setCursorFollowsFIFO:YES]; paragraphs = [self paragraphs]; [paragraphs first]; while ((line = [paragraphs nextObject])) { StructuredLine *tmpLine; while ((tmpLine = [stack currentObject])) { if ([line numberOfSpacesAtBeginning]>[tmpLine numberOfSpacesAtBeginning]) break; [stack pop]; level--; } if (!tmpLine) level = 0; switch ([self lineType:line]) { case StructuredTextParserLine_Header: [line setLevel:level++]; [stack push:line]; break; case StructuredTextParserLine_Paragraph: lastParagraph = line; case StructuredTextParserLine_LiteralBlock: [line setLevel:level]; break; case StructuredTextParserLine_List: { [line setLevel:level++]; [stack push:line]; break; } } } [stack removeAllObjects]; } - (void)buildDocument { StructuredTextDocument *document; StructuredStack *paragraphs; StructuredStack *stack, *objectStack; StructuredLine *line; document = [self document]; stack = [self stack]; [stack setCursorFollowsFIFO:YES]; paragraphs = [self paragraphs]; [paragraphs first]; objectStack = [[StructuredStack alloc] init]; [objectStack setCursorFollowsFIFO:YES]; while ((line = [paragraphs currentObject])) { StructuredLine *tmpLine; id object = nil; switch ([self lineType:line]) { case StructuredTextParserLine_Header: object = [self buildHeader]; #if DISABLE_BUG_FIX currentHeaderLevel++; #endif break; case StructuredTextParserLine_Paragraph: object = [self buildParagraph]; //NSLog(@"par %@", [object text]); break; case StructuredTextParserLine_LiteralBlock: object = [self buildLiteralBlock]; break; case StructuredTextParserLine_List: object = [self buildList]; break; } if (object != nil) { StructuredTextBodyElement *body; body = [objectStack currentObject]; if (body && [body respondsToSelector:@selector(addElement:)]) [body addElement:object]; else [document addBodyElement:object]; if ([object isKindOfClass:[StructuredTextHeader class]] /* || [object isKindOfClass:[StructuredTextList class]] */) { while ((tmpLine = [stack currentObject])) { id currentObject; if ([line level] > [tmpLine level]) break; [stack pop]; currentObject = [objectStack pop]; #if DISABLE_BUG_FIX if ([currentObject isKindOfClass:[StructuredTextHeader class]]) currentHeaderLevel--; #endif } [objectStack push:object]; [stack push:line]; } } [paragraphs nextObject]; } [objectStack release]; } - (int)lineType:(StructuredLine *)aLine { if ([self checkForListItem:aLine]) return StructuredTextParserLine_List; if ([self checkForHeader:aLine]) { return [self checkForPreformattedStatement:aLine] ? StructuredTextParserLine_Paragraph : StructuredTextParserLine_Header; } if ([self checkForPreformattedBlock:aLine]) return StructuredTextParserLine_LiteralBlock; return StructuredTextParserLine_Paragraph; } - (BOOL)checkForHeader:(StructuredLine *)aLine { StructuredLine *nextLine; nextLine = [[self paragraphs] objectRelativeToCursorAtIndex:1]; if (nextLine == nil) return NO; if ([nextLine numberOfSpacesAtBeginning]>[aLine numberOfSpacesAtBeginning]) return YES; return NO; } - (BOOL)checkForListItem:(StructuredLine *)aLine { return ([self listItemTypology:aLine] == NSNotFound) ? NO : YES; } - (BOOL)checkForPreformattedStatement:(StructuredLine *)aLine { NSString *s; if (aLine == nil) return NO; s = [aLine text]; s = [s stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]]; return [s hasSuffix:@"::"]; } - (BOOL)checkForPreformattedBlock:(StructuredLine *)aLine { id stmt; stmt = [[self paragraphs] objectRelativeToCursorAtIndex:-1]; return [self checkForPreformattedStatement:stmt] ? YES : NO; } - (StructuredTextHeader *)buildHeader { StructuredTextHeader *result; StructuredLine *line; line = [[self paragraphs] currentObject]; #if DISABLE_BUG_FIX result = [[StructuredTextHeader alloc] initWithString:[line text] level:currentHeaderLevel]; #else result = [[StructuredTextHeader alloc] initWithString:[line text] level:([line level] + 1)]; #endif return [result autorelease]; } - (StructuredTextParagraph *)buildParagraph { StructuredTextParagraph *result; StructuredLine *line; NSString *text; line = [[self paragraphs] currentObject]; text = [line text]; if ([[text stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]] hasSuffix:@"::"]) { int length; length = [text length]; text = [text substringToIndex:length - 2]; } result = [[StructuredTextParagraph alloc] initWithString:text]; return [result autorelease]; } - (StructuredTextLiteralBlock *)buildLiteralBlock { StructuredTextLiteralBlock *result; StructuredLine *line; NSString *s; line = [[self paragraphs] currentObject]; s = [[line originalText] stringByAppendingString:@"\n"]; result = [[StructuredTextLiteralBlock alloc] initWithString:s]; return [result autorelease]; } - (StructuredTextList *)buildList { StructuredTextList *result; StructuredLine *line, *prevLine = nil; StructuredTextListItem *item = nil; StructuredStack *paragraphs; int type; result = nil; paragraphs = [self paragraphs]; line = [paragraphs currentObject]; while (line != nil) { NSString *text, *title; text = [line text]; title = nil; type = [self listItemTypology:line]; if (type == NSNotFound) { [paragraphs prevObject]; break; } if (!result) result = [[StructuredTextList alloc] initWithTypology:type]; else if ([result typology] != type) break; if (prevLine) { if ([line level] > [prevLine level]) { if (item) { [item addElement:[self buildList]]; line = [paragraphs currentObject]; continue; } } else if ([line level] < [prevLine level]) { return result; } } switch (type) { case StructuredTextList_BULLET: text = [text substringFromIndex:2]; break; case StructuredTextList_DEFINITION: { NSArray *components; int i, count; components = [text componentsSeparatedByString:@" -- "]; count = [components count]; title = [components objectAtIndex:0]; if (count > 2) { NSMutableString *buffer; buffer = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:(count * 8)]; for (i = 1; i < count; i++) { if (i > 1) { [buffer appendString:@" -- "]; } [buffer appendString:[components objectAtIndex:i]]; } text = buffer; } else text = [components objectAtIndex:1]; break; } case StructuredTextList_ENUMERATED: { NSRange range; range = [text rangeOfString:@" "]; if (range.length > 0) text = [text substringFromIndex:range.location + 1]; break; } } item = [[StructuredTextListItem alloc] initWithTitle:title text:text]; [result addElement:item]; [item release]; prevLine = line; line = [paragraphs nextObject]; } return [result autorelease]; } - (int)listItemTypology:(StructuredLine *)aLine { NSString *text; int type = NSNotFound; int i, h, length; NSRange range; text = [aLine text]; if ([text hasPrefix:@"* "]) return StructuredTextList_BULLET; range = [text rangeOfString:@" -- "]; if (range.length > 0 && range.length == 4) return StructuredTextList_DEFINITION; for (i = h = 0, length = [text length]; i < length; i++) { if (!isdigit([text characterAtIndex:i])) break; h++; } if (h > 0) type = StructuredTextList_ENUMERATED; return type; } /* description */ - (NSString *)description { NSMutableString *ms; ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:128]; [ms appendFormat:@"<0x%08X[%@]:", self, NSStringFromClass([self class])]; if (self->_text) [ms appendFormat:@" text-len=%d", [self->_text length]]; if (self->_document) [ms appendFormat:@" document=%@", self->_document]; #if DISABLE_BUG_FIX [ms appendFormat:@" headerlevel=%i", self->currentHeaderLevel]; #endif [ms appendString:@">"]; return ms; } @end /* StructuredText */