/* NSException.m Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Ovidiu Predescu and Mircea Oancea. All rights reserved. Author: Ovidiu Predescu This file is part of libFoundation. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. We disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness, in no event shall we be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. */ #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBC_H # include #else /* GNU CC comes with unistd.h */ # include #endif #if HAVE_STRING_H # include #endif #if HAVE_MEMORY_H # include #endif #if HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #else extern char* getenv(char*); #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "PrivateThreadData.h" #define HAVE_GDB 0 #if !defined(__WIN32__) && HAVE_GDB && DEBUG # define WITH_GDB_BACKTRACE 1 #endif void _default_exception_handler(NSException* exception) { fprintf(stderr, "Uncatched Objective-C exception:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", [[exception errorString] cString]); [NSException printBacktrace]; if(getenv("CRASH_WITH_ABORT")) abort(); else exit(1); } #ifdef BROKEN_COMPILER static NSUncaughtExceptionHandler* uncaughtHandler = _default_exception_handler; #endif static NSHandler firstExceptionHandler; static NSHandler* lastHandler = NULL; static BOOL isMultiThreaded = NO; void _init_first_exception_handler(NSHandler* handler) { static BOOL initialized = NO; if (!initialized) { handler->previousHandler = NULL; memset(&(handler->jmpState), 0, sizeof(jmp_buf)); #ifndef BROKEN_COMPILER handler->handler = _default_exception_handler; #endif } } void _NSAddHandler(NSHandler *exHandler) { if (!isMultiThreaded) { if(!lastHandler) { /* We were called for the first time. */ [NSException initialize]; } exHandler->previousHandler = lastHandler; lastHandler = exHandler; } else { NSHandler *aHandler; PrivateThreadData* threadData = [[NSThread currentThread] _privateThreadData]; aHandler = [threadData threadDefaultExceptionHandler]; exHandler->previousHandler = aHandler; [threadData setThreadDefaultExceptionHandler:exHandler]; } } void _NSRemoveHandler(NSHandler *handler) { if (!isMultiThreaded) { lastHandler = lastHandler->previousHandler; } else { PrivateThreadData* threadData = [[NSThread currentThread] _privateThreadData]; NSHandler *aHandler; aHandler = [threadData threadDefaultExceptionHandler]; [threadData setThreadDefaultExceptionHandler:aHandler->previousHandler]; } } @implementation NSException + (void)initialize { static BOOL initialized = NO; if(!initialized) { initialized = YES; [NSAssertionHandler initialize]; _init_first_exception_handler(&firstExceptionHandler); lastHandler = &firstExceptionHandler; } } + (void)taskNowMultiThreaded:notification { [[[NSThread currentThread] _privateThreadData] setThreadDefaultExceptionHandler:lastHandler]; lastHandler = NULL; isMultiThreaded = YES; } + (NSException *)exceptionWithName:(NSString *)_name reason:(NSString *)_reason userInfo:(NSDictionary *)_userInfo { return [[[self alloc] initWithName:_name reason:_reason userInfo:_userInfo] autorelease]; } + (void)raise:(NSString *)_name format:(NSString *)_format,... { va_list ap; va_start(ap, _format); [self raise:_name format:_format arguments:ap]; va_end(ap); } + (void)raise:(NSString *)_name format:(NSString *)_format arguments:(va_list)argList { NSException *exception = [self exceptionWithName:_name reason:Avsprintf(_format, argList) userInfo:nil]; [exception raise]; } - (id)initWithName:(NSString*)_name reason:(NSString*)_reason userInfo:(NSDictionary*)_userInfo { self->name = [_name copy]; self->reason = [_reason copy]; self->userInfo = RETAIN(_userInfo); return self; } - (void)raise { NSHandler *ex; PrivateThreadData *threadData = nil; if (!isMultiThreaded) ex = lastHandler; else { threadData = [[NSThread currentThread] _privateThreadData]; ex = [threadData threadDefaultExceptionHandler]; } if (ex == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Uncaught exception %s\n", [[self errorString] cString]); abort(); } self = RETAIN(self); // handler needs to release localException ! #ifdef BROKEN_COMPILER if (ex->previousHandler == NULL) { if (!isMultiThreaded) uncaughtHandler(self); else [threadData invokeUncaughtExceptionHandlerWithException:self]; } else { ex->exception = self; longjmp(ex->jmpState, 1); } #else (ex->handler)(self); #endif } - (void)dealloc { RELEASE(self->name); RELEASE(self->reason); RELEASE(self->userInfo); [super dealloc]; } - (NSString *)name { return self->name ? self->name : NSStringFromClass(isa); } - (NSString *)reason { return self->reason; } - (NSDictionary *)userInfo { return self->userInfo; } - (NSString *)descriptionWithLocale:(NSDictionary *)locale { return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"(Exception name:%@ class:%@ reason:%@ info:%@)", name ? name : @"", NSStringFromClass(isa), reason ? reason : @"", userInfo ? [userInfo descriptionWithLocale:locale] : @""]; } - (NSString *)description { return [self descriptionWithLocale:nil]; } @end /* NSException */ @implementation NSException (Extensions) - (BOOL)exceptionIsKindOfClass:(Class)class { return [self isKindOfClass:class]; } - (BOOL)exceptionIsIn:(NSArray*)exceptions { int i, n = [exceptions count]; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) if([self exceptionIsKindOfClass:[[exceptions objectAtIndex:i] class]]) return YES; return NO; } - (NSString *)errorString { /* Don't use -[NSString stringWithFormat:] method because it can cause infinite recursion. */ char buffer[1024]; sprintf(buffer, "exceptionClass %s\nReason: %s\nUserInfo: %s\n", [[[self class] description] cString], ([self reason] ? [[self reason] cString] : "null reason"), ([self userInfo] ? [[[self userInfo] description] cString] : "no userinfo")); return [NSString stringWithCString:buffer]; } - (id)initWithFormat:(NSString *)format, ... { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); self->reason = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:ap]; va_end(ap); return self; } - (id)initWithFormat:(NSString *)format arguments:(va_list)ap { self->reason = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:ap]; return self; } - (id)setName:(NSString *)_name { ASSIGN(self->name, _name); return self; } - (id)setReason:(NSString *)_reason { ASSIGN(self->reason, _reason); return self; } - (id)setUserInfo:(NSDictionary *)_userInfo { ASSIGN(self->userInfo, _userInfo); return self; } @end /* NSException (Extensions) */ LF_DECLARE NSString *NSInconsistentArchiveException = @"Archive is inconsistent"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSGenericException = @"Generic exception"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSInternalInconsistencyException = @"Internal inconsistency"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSInvalidArgumentException = @"Invalid argument"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSMallocException = @"Memory exhausted"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSObjectInaccessibleException = @"Object inaccessible"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSObjectNotAvailableException = @"Object not available"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSDestinationInvalidException = @"Destination invalid"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSPortTimeoutException = @"Port timeout"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSInvalidSendPortException = @"Invalid send port"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSInvalidReceivePortException = @"Invalid receive port"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSPortSendException = @"Port send failed"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSPortReceiveException = @"Port receive failed"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSOldStyleException = @"Old style exception"; LF_DECLARE NSString *NSRangeException = @"Range exception"; NSUncaughtExceptionHandler *NSGetUncaughtExceptionHandler(void) { [NSException initialize]; if (!isMultiThreaded) { #ifdef BROKEN_COMPILER return uncaughtHandler; #else return firstExceptionHandler.handler; #endif } else return [[[NSThread currentThread] _privateThreadData] uncaughtExceptionHandler]; } void NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler(NSUncaughtExceptionHandler *handler) { [NSException initialize]; if (!isMultiThreaded) { #ifdef BROKEN_COMPILER uncaughtHandler = handler; #else firstExceptionHandler.handler = handler; #endif } else [[[NSThread currentThread] _privateThreadData] setUncaughtExceptionHandler:handler]; } /* * Assertions. */ @implementation NSAssertionHandler static id currentHandler = nil; + (void)initialize { static BOOL initialized = NO; if(!initialized) { initialized = YES; currentHandler = [[self alloc] init]; [NSException initialize]; } } + (NSAssertionHandler*)currentHandler { return currentHandler; } - (void)handleFailureInFunction:(NSString*)functionName file:(NSString*)fileName lineNumber:(int)line description:(NSString*)format,... { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); NSLog(@"Assertion failed in file %@, line %d, function %@:", fileName, line, functionName); NSLogv(format, ap); [[[AssertException alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:ap] raise]; va_end(ap); } - (void)handleFailureInMethod:(SEL)selector object:(id)object file:(NSString*)fileName lineNumber:(int)line description:(NSString*)format,... { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); NSLog(@"Assertion failed in file %@, line %d, method %@:", fileName, line, NSStringFromSelector(selector)); NSLogv(format, ap); [[[AssertException alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:ap] raise]; va_end(ap); } @end /* NSAssertionHandler */ /* backtracing stuff */ #if WITH_GDB_BACKTRACE #if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include /* for struct timeval */ #endif #if HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H # include #endif #include #include @implementation NSException(Backtrace) /* print program backtrace using gdb */ extern volatile BOOL _libFoundation_backtraceFinished; volatile BOOL _libFoundation_backtraceFinished = YES; extern char *_libFoundation_argv0; static BOOL _st_done = NO; /* signals whether gdb did exit */ static pid_t pid = 0; /* pid of program being debugged */ static char btPath[512] = { '\0' }; /* path to backtrace-file */ static void gdbSigChild(int signum) { /* invoked if gdb exits */ _st_done = YES; } static void backtraceProcess(void) { char *gdbCommands[] = { "backtrace\n", "p _libFoundation_backtraceFinished = 0\n", "detach\n", "quit\n", NULL }; int inPipe[2], outPipe[2]; pid_t gdbPid; /* hook in gdb-exit handler */ signal(SIGCHLD, gdbSigChild); if (pipe(inPipe) != 0) { /* pipe setup failed */ goto failedExit; } if (pipe(outPipe) != 0) { /* pipe setup failed */ goto failedExit; } if ((gdbPid = fork()) > 0) { /* gdb handler (IO) process */ fd_set fdset; int i; BOOL foundHash, lastNewline; int logfd; /* send commands to gdb */ for (i = 0; gdbCommands[i]; i++) write(inPipe[1], gdbCommands[i], strlen(gdbCommands[i])); /* init vars */ FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(outPipe[0], &fdset); foundHash = NO; lastNewline = NO; logfd = 1; if (btPath[0] != '\0') { /* log to file */ logfd = open(btPath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); if (logfd < 0) /* open failed, log to stdout .. */ logfd = 1; } /* IO loop (while gdb did not exit) */ while (!_st_done) { fd_set readset; struct timeval tv; int numSelected; readset = fdset; tv.tv_sec = 1; /* one second timeout */ tv.tv_usec = 0; numSelected = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readset, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (numSelected == -1) /* select failed */ break; if (numSelected > 0) { char c; if (!(FD_ISSET(outPipe[0], &readset))) continue; /* read a byte */ if (!read(outPipe[0], &c, 1)) continue; //fputc(c, stdout); if (!foundHash) { if (c == '#') { foundHash = YES; write(logfd, &c, 1); } else if (lastNewline) { /* a 'hashline' followed by a newline */ lastNewline = NO; if (c != '(') /* continuation line */ foundHash = YES; } } else { write(logfd, &c, 1); if ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r')) { foundHash = NO; lastNewline = YES; } } } } if (logfd > 2) close(logfd); } else if (gdbPid == 0) { /* gdb itself */ char *argv[4]; char ppid[8]; sprintf(ppid, "%d", pid); argv[0] = "gdb"; argv[1] = _libFoundation_argv0; /* path to program being debugged */ argv[2] = &(ppid[0]); argv[3] = NULL; /* map stdio to pipe handled by handler process */ close(0); close(1); close(2); dup2(inPipe[0], 0); dup2(outPipe[1], 1); dup2(outPipe[1], 2); /* load & run gdb */ execvp(argv[0], &(argv[0])); /* if we get here, an error occured */ goto failedExit; } else { /* gdb fork failed */ goto failedExit; } return; failedExit: perror("sth failed .."); kill(pid, 9); _exit(0); } static BOOL storeBacktrace = YES; + (NSString *)backtrace { pid_t backtracePid; pid = getpid(); /* store pid of program being debugged */ if (storeBacktrace) sprintf(btPath, "/tmp/backtrace.pid_%d", pid); else btPath[0] = '\0'; /* fork backtrace process */ if ((backtracePid = fork()) > 0) { /* process being debugged .. */ int btStatus; /* loop until gdb flags exit (by setting that global) */ while (_libFoundation_backtraceFinished) ; _libFoundation_backtraceFinished = YES; /* wait for IO handler */ waitpid(backtracePid, &btStatus, 0); /* load backtrace file */ if (storeBacktrace) { NSData *data; NSString *p; p = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:btPath]; data = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:p]; RELEASE(p); return AUTORELEASE(data); } } else if (backtracePid == 0) { /* run backtrace process */ backtraceProcess(); /* should never return */ exit(0); } else { /* could not fork gdb */ } pid = 0; return nil; } + (void)printBacktrace { BOOL oldVal = storeBacktrace; storeBacktrace = NO; [self backtrace]; storeBacktrace = oldVal; } @end /* NSException(Backtrace) */ #else @implementation NSException(Backtrace) + (NSString *)backtrace { return nil; } + (void)printBacktrace { } @end #endif /* Local Variables: c-basic-offset: 4 tab-width: 8 End: */