/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "SaxDAVHandler.h" #include "EOFetchSpecification+SoDAV.h" #include #include #include "common.h" /* TODO: support parsing of DASL basics are done, open are: sort orderings Breaks on SQL searches without Brief: T, which contain a 404 propstat: --- ...found args... HTTP/1.1 404 Resource Not Found --- a set tag can be either in a "propertyupdate" or in a "response" 12 12 */ @implementation SaxDAVHandler static BOOL debugPropValue = NO; static BOOL heavyLog = NO; + (void)initialize { static BOOL didInit = NO; if (!didInit) { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; didInit = YES; debugPropValue = [ud boolForKey:@"DAVParserDebugProp"]; heavyLog = [ud boolForKey:@"DAVParserHeavyLog"]; } } - (void)dealloc { [self reset]; [self->locator release]; [self->propNames release]; [self->responses release]; [self->cdata release]; [super dealloc]; } /* cleanup */ - (void)parseReset { /* only reset non-result items */ if (heavyLog) [self logWithFormat:@"reset parser state"]; self->propValueNesting = 0; self->in.PropFind = 0; self->in.Prop = 0; self->in.Response = 0; self->in.MultiStatus = 0; self->in.Href = 0; self->in.Status = 0; self->in.PropStat = 0; self->in.PropertyUpdate = 0; self->in.Set = 0; self->in.Remove = 0; self->in.SearchRequest = 0; self->in.basicsearch = 0; self->in.select = 0; self->in.from = 0; self->in.scope = 0; self->in.depth = 0; self->in.where = 0; self->in.gt = 0; self->in.lt = 0; self->in.gte = 0; self->in.lte = 0; self->in.eq = 0; self->in.literal = 0; self->in.orderby = 0; self->in.order = 0; self->in.ascending = 0; self->in.target = 0; [self->response release]; self->response = nil; [self->cdata release]; self->cdata = nil; [self->lastLiteral release]; self->lastLiteral = nil; [self->lastScopeHref release]; self->lastScopeHref = nil; [self->lastHref release]; self->lastHref = nil; [self->lastScopeDepth release]; self->lastScopeDepth = nil; [self->lastWherePropName release]; self->lastWherePropName = nil; } - (void)reset { /* reset everything, including result items */ if (heavyLog) [self logWithFormat:@"reset"]; [self parseReset]; self->findAllProps = NO; self->findPropNames = NO; [self->propNames removeAllObjects]; [self->propSet removeAllObjects]; [self->responses removeAllObjects]; [self->targets removeAllObjects]; [self->compoundQualStack removeAllObjects]; [self->qualifiers release]; self->qualifiers = nil; [self->searchSQL release]; self->searchSQL = nil; [self->fspec release]; self->fspec = nil; } /* accessors */ - (void)setDelegate:(id)_delegate { self->delegate = _delegate; } - (id)delegate { return self->delegate; } /* results */ - (BOOL)propFindAllProperties { return self->findAllProps; } - (BOOL)propFindPropertyNames { return self->findPropNames; } - (NSArray *)propFindQueriedNames { if ([self->propNames count] == 0) return nil; return [[self->propNames copy] autorelease]; } - (NSArray *)bpropFindTargets { if ([self->targets count] == 0) return nil; return [[self->targets copy] autorelease]; } /* proppatch results */ - (NSArray *)propPatchPropertyNamesToRemove { if ([self->propNames count] == 0) return nil; return [[self->propNames copy] autorelease]; } - (NSDictionary *)propPatchValues { if ([self->propSet count] == 0) return nil; return [[self->propSet copy] autorelease]; } /* search query results */ - (EOFetchSpecification *)searchFetchSpecification { EOFetchSpecification *fs; if (heavyLog) [self logWithFormat:@"build search fetchspec"]; if (self->fspec) { if (heavyLog) [self logWithFormat:@" use parsed fetchspec"]; return self->fspec; } if ([self->searchSQL length] == 0) { if (heavyLog) [self logWithFormat:@" no SQL to parse"]; return nil; } fs = [EOFetchSpecification parseWebDAVSQLString:self->searchSQL]; if (fs == nil) { [self logWithFormat:@"could not parse SQL: '%@'", self->searchSQL]; return nil; } if (heavyLog) [self logWithFormat:@" parsed: %@", fs]; return fs; } /* positioning info */ - (void)setDocumentLocator:(id)_locator { ASSIGN(self->locator, _locator); } /* parsing */ - (void)startDocument { if (heavyLog) [self logWithFormat:@"start document"]; [self reset]; } - (void)endDocument { if (heavyLog) [self logWithFormat:@"end document"]; [self parseReset]; } /* dav elements */ - (void)startSQLElement { self->in.SQL = 1; if (self->cdata) { [self logWithFormat:@"some cdata collection already in progress ?"]; } else self->cdata = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:256]; } - (void)endSQLElement { /* TODO: could immediatly parse SQL into fetch-spec */ self->in.SQL = 0; [self->searchSQL release]; self->searchSQL = nil; self->searchSQL = [self->cdata copy]; [self->cdata release]; self->cdata = nil; } - (void)startLiteralElement { self->in.literal = 1; if (self->cdata) [self logWithFormat:@"some cdata collection already in progress ?"]; else self->cdata = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:256]; } - (void)endLiteralElement { self->in.literal = 0; [self->lastLiteral release]; self->lastLiteral = nil; self->lastLiteral = [self->cdata copy]; [self->cdata release]; self->cdata = nil; } - (void)startHrefElement { self->in.Href = 1; if (self->in.scope || self->in.target || self->in.Response) { if (self->cdata) [self logWithFormat:@"some cdata collection already in progress ?"]; else self->cdata = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:256]; } } - (void)endHrefElement { self->in.Href = 0; if (self->in.scope) { [self->lastScopeHref release]; self->lastScopeHref = nil; self->lastScopeHref = [self->cdata copy]; [self->cdata release]; self->cdata = nil; } else if (self->in.target && self->cdata != nil) { [self->targets addObject:self->cdata]; [self->cdata release]; self->cdata = nil; } else if (self->in.Response && self->cdata != nil) { [self->lastHref release]; self->lastHref = nil; self->lastHref = [self->cdata copy]; [self->cdata release]; self->cdata = nil; } } - (void)startDepthElement { self->in.depth = 1; if (self->in.scope) { if (self->cdata) [self logWithFormat:@"some cdata collection already in progress ?"]; else self->cdata = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:256]; } } - (void)endDepthElement { self->in.depth = 0; if (self->in.scope) { [self->lastScopeDepth release]; self->lastScopeDepth = nil; self->lastScopeDepth = [self->cdata copy]; [self->cdata release]; self->cdata = nil; } } - (void)startBasicSearch { self->in.basicsearch = 1; if (self->fspec) [self logWithFormat:@"basicsearch collection already in progress ?"]; else self->fspec = [[EOFetchSpecification alloc] init]; } - (void)startPropUpdate { self->in.PropertyUpdate = 1; if (self->propNames == nil) self->propNames = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:64]; if (self->propSet == nil) self->propSet = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:64]; } - (void)startPropSet { self->in.Set = 1; if (self->propSet == nil) self->propSet = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:64]; if (debugPropValue) [self logWithFormat:@"start tag ..."]; } - (void)endPropSet { self->in.Set = 0; if (debugPropValue) { [self logWithFormat:@"end tag (%i props in set) ...", [self->propSet count]]; } } - (void)startProp { if (self->propSet == nil) self->propSet = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:64]; self->in.Prop = 1; if (debugPropValue) [self logWithFormat:@"start tag ..."]; } - (void)endProp { self->in.Prop = 0; } - (void)startTarget { self->in.target = 1; [self->targets removeAllObjects]; if (self->targets == nil) self->targets = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:16]; } - (void)startPropFindSpec:(NSString *)_localName { unsigned len; unichar c; NSString *fqn; if ((len = [_localName length]) == 0) return; c = [_localName characterAtIndex:0]; if (c == 'a' && len == 7) { if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"allprop"]) { self->findAllProps = 1; return; } } if (c == 'p' && len == 8) { if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"propname"]) { self->findPropNames = 1; return; } } fqn = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"{%@}%@", XMLNS_WEBDAV, _localName]; [self->propNames addObject:fqn]; [fqn release]; } - (void)startResponseElement { self->in.Response = 1; if (heavyLog) [self logWithFormat:@"clearing property-set"]; [self->propSet removeAllObjects]; } - (void)endResponseElement { self->in.Response = 0; if ([self->delegate respondsToSelector: @selector(davHandler:receivedProperties:forURI:)]) { [self->delegate davHandler:self receivedProperties:self->propSet forURI:self->lastHref]; } else if (self->response) [self->responses addObject:self->response]; } - (void)endBasicSearch { /* only works with a single 'from', 'where' and 'select' */ NSMutableDictionary *hints; self->in.basicsearch = 0; if (self->lastScopeHref) [self->fspec setEntityName:self->lastScopeHref]; // qualifier hints = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:8]; if (self->lastScopeDepth) { if ([self->lastScopeDepth isEqualToString:@"infinity"]) [hints setObject:@"deep" forKey:@"scope"]; else if ([self->lastScopeDepth isEqualToString:@"1"]) [hints setObject:@"flat+self" forKey:@"scope"]; else if ([self->lastScopeDepth isEqualToString:@"1,noroot"]) [hints setObject:@"flat" forKey:@"scope"]; else if ([self->lastScopeDepth isEqualToString:@"0"]) [hints setObject:@"self" forKey:@"scope"]; else { [self logWithFormat:@"unknown search depth '%@'", self->lastScopeDepth]; [hints setObject:self->lastScopeDepth forKey:@"scope"]; } } if (self->findPropNames) [hints setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:@"namesOnly"]; if (self->propNames) [hints setObject:self->propNames forKey:@"attributes"]; /* Note: "allprops" is "no attributes set" in fspec */ [self->fspec setHints:hints]; [hints release]; // [self logWithFormat:@"parsed spec: %@", fspec]; } - (void)addParsedQualifier:(EOQualifier *)_qualifier { if (self->qualifiers) [self->qualifiers addObject:_qualifier]; else { //[self logWithFormat:@"got root qualifier: %@", _qualifier]; [self->fspec setQualifier:_qualifier]; } } - (void)endComparisonQualifier:(SEL)_op { /* collect: Mueller */ EOKeyValueQualifier *kv; kv = [[EOKeyValueQualifier alloc] initWithKey:self->lastWherePropName operatorSelector:_op value:self->lastLiteral]; [self addParsedQualifier:kv]; [kv release]; [self->lastWherePropName release]; self->lastWherePropName = nil; [self->lastLiteral release]; self->lastLiteral = nil; } - (void)beginCompoundQualifier { if (self->compoundQualStack == nil) self->compoundQualStack = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:16]; self->qualifiers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; [self->compoundQualStack addObject:self->qualifiers]; } - (void)endCompoundQualifier:(NSString *)_localName { EOQualifier *q; unsigned stackSize; if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"not"]) { unsigned cnt; if ((cnt = [self->qualifiers count]) == 0) q = nil; else { q = [self->qualifiers objectAtIndex:0]; if (cnt != 1) { [self warnWithFormat:@"too many subqualifiers in not !: %@", self->qualifiers]; } } q = [[EONotQualifier alloc] initWithQualifier:q]; } else { Class qc = Nil; if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"and"]) qc = [EOAndQualifier class]; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"or"]) qc = [EOOrQualifier class]; else { [self logWithFormat:@"unknown compound qualifier: '%@'", _localName]; qc = Nil; } q = [[qc alloc] initWithQualifierArray:self->qualifiers]; } [self->qualifiers release]; self->qualifiers = nil; if ((stackSize = [self->compoundQualStack count]) == 0) { [self errorWithFormat:@"the qualifier stack is mixed up !"]; } else if (stackSize > 1) { /* this one was not the root qualifier */ [self->compoundQualStack removeObjectAtIndex:(stackSize - 1)]; self->qualifiers = [self->compoundQualStack objectAtIndex:(stackSize -2 )]; } else /* this one was the root qualifier */ [self->compoundQualStack removeObjectAtIndex:0]; if (q) [self addParsedQualifier:q]; [q release]; } - (void)startPropValueElement:(NSString *)_localName namespace:(NSString *)_ns { self->propValueNesting++; if (debugPropValue) { [self debugWithFormat:@"start[%i]: {%@}%@", self->propValueNesting, _ns, _localName]; } if (self->propValueNesting == 1) { /* starting value */ if (self->cdata) { /* this can happen with nested tags ! */ [self logWithFormat:@"some cdata collection already in progress ?"]; } else self->cdata = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:256]; } else { /* add tag to value for later parsing */ [self->cdata appendString:@"<"]; [self->cdata appendString:@"V:"]; [self->cdata appendString:_localName]; [self->cdata appendString:@" xmlns:V=\""]; [self->cdata appendString:_ns]; [self->cdata appendString:@"\""]; [self->cdata appendString:@">"]; } } - (void)endPropValueElement:(NSString *)_localName namespace:(NSString *)_ns { NSString *t; NSString *fqn; if (debugPropValue) { [self debugWithFormat:@"end[%i]: {%@}%@", self->propValueNesting, _ns, _localName]; } if (self->propValueNesting == 1) { fqn = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%@}%@", _ns, _localName]; t = [self->cdata copy]; [self->cdata release]; self->cdata = nil; if (t) [self->propSet setObject:t forKey:fqn]; else { [self->propSet setObject:[NSNull null] forKey:fqn]; [self errorWithFormat:@"lost the parsing cdata (broken nesting) ?!"]; } [t release]; } else { /* add tag to value for later parsing */ [self->cdata appendString:@"cdata appendString:@"V:"]; [self->cdata appendString:_localName]; [self->cdata appendString:@">"]; } self->propValueNesting--; } /* dav element dispatcher */ - (void)startDavElement:(NSString *)_localName { unsigned len; unichar c; if ((len = [_localName length]) == 0) return; if ((self->in.PropFind || self->in.select) && self->in.Prop) { [self startPropFindSpec:_localName]; return; } if (self->in.where && self->in.Prop) { /* a property in a where */ NSString *fqn; fqn = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%@}%@", XMLNS_WEBDAV, _localName]; ASSIGNCOPY(self->lastWherePropName, fqn); /* TODO: should return ? */ } if (self->in.PropertyUpdate && self->in.Set && self->in.Prop) { [self startPropValueElement:_localName namespace:XMLNS_WEBDAV]; return; } if (self->in.Response && self->in.PropStat && self->in.Prop) { [self startPropValueElement:_localName namespace:XMLNS_WEBDAV]; return; } c = [_localName characterAtIndex:0]; switch (c) { case 'a': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"allprop"]) self->findAllProps = 1; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"ascending"]) self->ascending = YES; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"and"]) [self beginCompoundQualifier]; break; case 'b': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"basicsearch"]) [self startBasicSearch]; break; case 'd': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"depth"]) [self startDepthElement]; break; case 'e': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"eq"]) self->in.eq = 1; break; case 'f': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"from"]) self->in.from = 1; break; case 'g': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"gt"]) self->in.gt = 1; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"gte"]) self->in.gte = 1; break; case 'h': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"href"]) [self startHrefElement]; break; case 'l': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"lt"]) self->in.lt = 1; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"lte"]) self->in.lte = 1; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"literal"]) [self startLiteralElement]; break; case 'm': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"multistatus"]) { self->in.MultiStatus = 1; if (self->responses == nil) self->responses = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:64]; } break; case 'n': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"not"]) [self beginCompoundQualifier]; break; case 'o': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"order"]) self->in.order = 1; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"orderby"]) self->in.orderby = 1; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"or"]) [self beginCompoundQualifier]; break; case 'p': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"propfind"]) { if (self->propNames == nil) self->propNames = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:64]; self->in.PropFind = 1; } else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"prop"]) [self startProp]; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"propstat"]) self->in.PropStat = 1; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"propertyupdate"]) [self startPropUpdate]; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"propname"]) { self->findPropNames = 1; } break; case 'r': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"response"]) [self startResponseElement]; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"remove"]) self->in.Remove = 1; break; case 's': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"status"]) self->in.Status = 1; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"set"]) [self startPropSet]; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"select"]) self->in.select = 1; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"scope"]) self->in.scope = 1; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"searchrequest"]) self->in.SearchRequest = 1; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"sql"]) [self startSQLElement]; break; case 't': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"target"]) [self startTarget]; break; case 'w': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"where"]) self->in.where = 1; break; default: break; } } - (void)endDavElement:(NSString *)_localName { unsigned len; unichar c; if ((len = [_localName length]) == 0) return; c = [_localName characterAtIndex:0]; if (self->in.PropertyUpdate && self->in.Set && self->in.Prop) { if (![_localName isEqualToString:@"prop"]) { [self endPropValueElement:_localName namespace:XMLNS_WEBDAV]; return; } } if (self->in.Response && self->in.PropStat && self->in.Prop) { if (![_localName isEqualToString:@"prop"]) { [self endPropValueElement:_localName namespace:XMLNS_WEBDAV]; return; } } switch (c) { case 'a': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"and"]) [self endCompoundQualifier:@"and"]; break; case 'b': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"basicsearch"]) [self endBasicSearch]; break; case 'd': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"depth"]) [self endDepthElement]; break; case 'e': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"eq"]) { [self endComparisonQualifier:EOQualifierOperatorEqual]; self->in.eq = 0; } break; case 'f': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"from"]) self->in.from = 0; break; case 'g': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"gt"]) { [self endComparisonQualifier:EOQualifierOperatorGreaterThan]; self->in.gt = 0; } else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"gte"]) { [self endComparisonQualifier:EOQualifierOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualTo]; self->in.gte = 0; } break; case 'h': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"href"]) [self endHrefElement]; break; case 'l': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"lt"]) { [self endComparisonQualifier:EOQualifierOperatorLessThan]; self->in.lt = 0; } else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"lte"]) { [self endComparisonQualifier:EOQualifierOperatorLessThanOrEqualTo]; self->in.lte = 0; } else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"literal"]) [self endLiteralElement]; break; case 'm': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"multistatus"]) self->in.MultiStatus = 0; break; case 'n': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"not"]) [self endCompoundQualifier:@"not"]; break; case 'o': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"order"]) self->in.order = 0; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"orderby"]) self->in.orderby = 0; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"or"]) [self endCompoundQualifier:@"or"]; break; case 'p': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"propfind"]) self->in.PropFind = 0; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"prop"]) [self endProp]; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"propstat"]) self->in.PropStat = 0; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"propertyupdate"]) self->in.PropertyUpdate = 0; break; case 'r': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"response"]) [self endResponseElement]; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"remove"]) self->in.Remove = 0; break; case 's': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"set"]) [self endPropSet]; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"select"]) self->in.select = 0; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"scope"]) self->in.scope = 0; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"searchrequest"]) self->in.SearchRequest = 0; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"sql"]) [self endSQLElement]; else if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"status"]) self->in.Status = 0; break; case 't': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"target"]) self->in.target = 0; break; case 'w': if ([_localName isEqualToString:@"where"]) self->in.where = 0; break; } } /* element callbacks */ - (void)startElement:(NSString *)_localName namespace:(NSString *)_ns rawName:(NSString *)_rawName attributes:(id)_attributes { if (heavyLog) [self logWithFormat:@"START {%@}%@", _ns, _localName]; if ([_ns isEqualToString:XMLNS_WEBDAV]) { [self startDavElement:_localName]; } else if (self->in.PropFind || self->in.select) { NSString *fqn; fqn = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%@}%@", _ns, _localName]; [self->propNames addObject:fqn]; } else if (self->in.where && self->in.Prop) { NSString *fqn; fqn = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%@}%@", _ns, _localName]; ASSIGNCOPY(self->lastWherePropName, fqn); } else if (self->in.PropertyUpdate) { if (self->in.Set) { [self startPropValueElement:_localName namespace:_ns]; } else if (self->in.Remove) { NSString *fqn; fqn = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%@}%@", _ns, _localName]; [self->propNames addObject:fqn]; } } else if (self->in.Response && self->in.PropStat && self->in.Prop) [self startPropValueElement:_localName namespace:_ns]; } - (void)endElement:(NSString *)_localName namespace:(NSString *)_ns rawName:(NSString *)_rawName { if (heavyLog) [self logWithFormat:@"END {%@}%@", _ns, _localName]; if ([_ns isEqualToString:XMLNS_WEBDAV]) { [self endDavElement:_localName]; } else if (self->in.PropFind) { /* no close tags in propfind ... */ } else if (self->in.PropertyUpdate) { if (self->in.Set) [self endPropValueElement:_localName namespace:_ns]; else if (self->in.Remove) { /* no close tags in remove section ... */ } } else if (self->in.Response && self->in.PropStat && self->in.Prop) [self endPropValueElement:_localName namespace:_ns]; } /* CDATA */ - (void)characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len { if (heavyLog) [self logWithFormat:@"got %i chars", _len]; if (_len > 0 && (self->cdata != nil)) { NSString *s; s = [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters:_chars length:_len]; [self->cdata appendString:s]; [s release]; } } @end /* SaxDAVHandler */