/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "NGImap4Client.h" #include "NGImap4Context.h" #include "NGImap4Support.h" #include "NGImap4Functions.h" #include "NGImap4ResponseParser.h" #include "NGImap4ResponseNormalizer.h" #include "NGImap4ServerGlobalID.h" #include "NSString+Imap4.h" #include "imCommon.h" #include #include "imTimeMacros.h" @interface EOQualifier(IMAPAdditions) - (NSString *)imap4SearchString; @end @interface EOSortOrdering(IMAPAdditions) - (NSString *)imap4SortString; @end @interface NSArray(IMAPAdditions) - (NSString *)imap4SortStringForSortOrderings; @end @interface NGImap4Client(ConnectionRegistration) - (void)removeFromConnectionRegister; - (void)registerConnection; - (NGCTextStream *)textStream; @end /* NGImap4Client(ConnectionRegistration); */ #if GNUSTEP_BASE_LIBRARY /* FIXME: TODO: move someplace better (hh: NGExtensions...) */ @implementation NSException(setUserInfo) - (id)setUserInfo:(NSDictionary *)_userInfo { ASSIGN(self->_e_info, _userInfo); return self; } @end /* NSException(setUserInfo) */ #endif @interface NGImap4Client(Private) - (NSString *)_folder2ImapFolder:(NSString *)_folder; - (NGHashMap *)processCommand:(NSString *)_command; - (NGHashMap *)processCommand:(NSString *)_command withTag:(BOOL)_tag; - (NGHashMap *)processCommand:(NSString *)_command withTag:(BOOL)_tag withNotification:(BOOL)_notification; - (NGHashMap *)processCommand:(NSString *)_command logText:(NSString *)_txt; - (void)sendCommand:(NSString *)_command; - (void)sendCommand:(NSString *)_command withTag:(BOOL)_tag; - (void)sendCommand:(NSString *)_command withTag:(BOOL)_tag logText:(NSString *)_txt; - (void)sendResponseNotification:(NGHashMap *)map; - (NSDictionary *)login; @end /* An implementation of an Imap4 client A folder name always looks like an absolute filename (/inbox/doof) */ @implementation NGImap4Client // TODO: replace? static inline NSArray *_flags2ImapFlags(NGImap4Client *, NSArray *); static NSNumber *YesNumber = nil; static NSNumber *NoNumber = nil; static id *ImapClients = NULL; static unsigned int CountClient = 0; static unsigned int MaxImapClients = 0; static int ProfileImapEnabled = -1; static int LogImapEnabled = -1; static int PreventExceptions = -1; static BOOL fetchDebug = NO; static BOOL ImapDebugEnabled = NO; - (BOOL)useSSL { return self->useSSL; } + (int)version { return 2; } + (void)initialize { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; static BOOL didInit = NO; if (didInit) return; didInit = YES; PreventExceptions = [ud boolForKey:@"ImapPreventConnectionExceptions"]?1:0; LogImapEnabled = [ud boolForKey:@"ImapLogEnabled"]?1:0; ProfileImapEnabled = [ud boolForKey:@"ProfileImapEnabled"]?1:0; ImapDebugEnabled = [ud boolForKey:@"ImapDebugEnabled"]; YesNumber = [[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] retain]; NoNumber = [[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] retain]; if (MaxImapClients < 1) { MaxImapClients = [ud integerForKey:@"NGImapMaxConnectionCount"]; if (MaxImapClients < 1) MaxImapClients = 50; } if (ImapClients == NULL) ImapClients = calloc(MaxImapClients + 2, sizeof(id)); } /* constructors */ + (id)clientWithURL:(NSURL *)_url { return [[(NGImap4Client *)[self alloc] initWithURL:_url] autorelease]; } + (id)clientWithAddress:(id)_address { return [[(NGImap4Client *)[self alloc] initWithAddress:_address] autorelease]; } + (id)clientWithHost:(id)_host { return [[[self alloc] initWithHost:_host] autorelease]; } - (id)initWithHost:(id)_host { NGInternetSocketAddress *a; a = [NGInternetSocketAddress addressWithPort:143 onHost:_host]; return [self initWithAddress:a]; } - (id)initWithURL:(NSURL *)_url { NGInternetSocketAddress *a; int port; id tmp; if ((self->useSSL = [[_url scheme] isEqualToString:@"imaps"])) { if (NSClassFromString(@"NGActiveSSLSocket") == nil) { [self logWithFormat: @"no SSL support available, cannot connect: %@", _url]; [self release]; return nil; } } if ((tmp = [_url port])) { port = [tmp intValue]; if (port <= 0) port = self->useSSL ? 993 : 143; } else port = self->useSSL ? 993 : 143; self->login = [[_url user] copy]; self->password = [[_url password] copy]; a = [NGInternetSocketAddress addressWithPort:port onHost:[_url host]]; return [self initWithAddress:a]; } - (id)initWithAddress:(id)_address { /* designated init */ if ((self = [super init])) { self->address = [_address retain]; self->debug = ImapDebugEnabled; self->responseReceiver = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:128]; self->normer = [[NGImap4ResponseNormalizer alloc] initWithClient:self]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self removeFromConnectionRegister]; [self->normer release]; [self->text release]; [self->address release]; [self->socket release]; [self->parser release]; [self->responseReceiver release]; [self->login release]; [self->password release]; [self->selectedFolder release]; [self->delimiter release]; [self->serverGID release]; self->context = nil; /* not retained */ [super dealloc]; } /* equality (required for adding clients to Foundation sets) */ - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)_obj { if (_obj == self) return YES; if ([_obj isKindOfClass:[NGImap4Client class]]) return [self isEqualToClient:_obj]; return NO; } - (BOOL)isEqualToClient:(NGImap4Client *)_obj { if (_obj == self) return YES; if (_obj == nil) return NO; return [[_obj address] isEqual:self->address]; } /* accessors */ - (id)socket { return self->socket; } - (id)address { return self->address; } - (NSString *)delimiter { return self->delimiter; } - (EOGlobalID *)serverGlobalID { NGInternetSocketAddress *is; if (self->serverGID) return self->serverGID; is = (id)[self address]; self->serverGID = [[NGImap4ServerGlobalID alloc] initWithHostname:[is hostName] port:[is port] login:self->login]; return self->serverGID; } - (NSString *)selectedFolderName { return self->selectedFolder; } /* connection */ - (id)_openSocket { Class socketClass = Nil; id sock; socketClass = [self useSSL] ? NSClassFromString(@"NGActiveSSLSocket") : [NGActiveSocket class]; NS_DURING { sock = [socketClass socketConnectedToAddress:self->address]; } NS_HANDLER { [self->context setLastException:localException]; sock = nil; } NS_ENDHANDLER; return sock; } - (NSDictionary *)_receiveServerGreetingWithoutTagId { NSDictionary *res = nil; NS_DURING { NSException *e; NGHashMap *hm; hm = [self->parser parseResponseForTagId:-1 exception:&e]; [e raise]; res = [self->normer normalizeOpenConnectionResponse:hm]; } NS_HANDLER [self->context setLastException:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER; if (!_checkResult(self->context, res, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)) return nil; return res; } - (NSDictionary *)_openConnection { /* open connection as configured */ NGBufferedStream *buffer; struct timeval tv; double ti = 0.0; if (ProfileImapEnabled == 1) { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); ti = (double)tv.tv_sec + ((double)tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0); } [self->socket release]; self->socket = nil; [self->parser release]; self->parser = nil; [self->text release]; self->text = nil; [self->context resetLastException]; if ((self->socket = [[self _openSocket] retain]) == nil) return nil; if ([self->context lastException]) return nil; buffer = [(NGBufferedStream *)[NGBufferedStream alloc] initWithSource:self->socket]; self->text = [(NGCTextStream *)[NGCTextStream alloc] initWithSource:buffer]; [buffer release]; buffer = nil; self->parser = [[NGImap4ResponseParser alloc] initWithStream:self->socket]; self->tagId = 0; if (ProfileImapEnabled == 1) { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); ti = (double)tv.tv_sec + ((double)tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0) - ti; fprintf(stderr, "[%s] : time needed: %4.4fs\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ti < 0.0 ? -1.0 : ti); } [self registerConnection]; [self->context resetLastException]; return [self _receiveServerGreetingWithoutTagId]; } - (NSDictionary *)openConnection { return [self _openConnection]; } - (NSNumber *)isConnected { // TODO: why is that an NSNummber? /* Check whether stream is already open (could be closed because server-timeout) */ return (self->socket == nil) ? NoNumber : ([(NGActiveSocket *)self->socket isAlive] ? YesNumber : NoNumber); } - (NSException *)_handleTextReleaseException:(NSException *)_ex { [self logWithFormat:@"got exception during stream dealloc: %@", _ex]; return nil; } - (NSException *)_handleSocketCloseException:(NSException *)_ex { [self logWithFormat:@"got exception during socket close: %@", _ex]; return nil; } - (NSException *)_handleSocketReleaseException:(NSException *)_ex { [self logWithFormat:@"got exception during socket deallocation: %@", _ex]; return nil; } - (void)closeConnection { /* close a connection */ // TODO: this is a bit weird, probably because of the flush // maybe just call -close on the text stream? NS_DURING [self->text release]; NS_HANDLER [[self _handleTextReleaseException:localException] raise]; NS_ENDHANDLER; self->text = nil; NS_DURING [self->socket close]; NS_HANDLER [[self _handleSocketCloseException:localException] raise]; NS_ENDHANDLER; NS_DURING [self->socket release]; NS_HANDLER [[self _handleSocketReleaseException:localException] raise]; NS_ENDHANDLER; self->socket = nil; [self->parser release]; self->parser = nil; [self->delimiter release]; self->delimiter = nil; [self removeFromConnectionRegister]; } // ResponseNotifications - (void)registerForResponseNotification:(id)_obj { [self->responseReceiver addObject:[NSValue valueWithNonretainedObject:_obj]]; } - (void)removeFromResponseNotification:(id)_obj { [self->responseReceiver removeObject: [NSValue valueWithNonretainedObject:_obj]]; } - (void)sendResponseNotification:(NGHashMap *)_map { NSValue *val; id obj; NSEnumerator *enumerator; NSDictionary *resp; resp = [self->normer normalizeResponse:_map]; enumerator = [self->responseReceiver objectEnumerator]; while ((val = [enumerator nextObject])) { obj = [val nonretainedObjectValue]; [obj responseNotificationFrom:self response:resp]; } } /* commands */ - (NSDictionary *)login:(NSString *)_login password:(NSString *)_passwd { /* login with plaintext password authenticating */ if ((_login == nil) || (_passwd == nil)) return nil; [self->login release]; self->login = nil; [self->password release]; self->password = nil; [self->serverGID release]; self->serverGID = nil; self->login = [_login copy]; self->password = [[_passwd stringByEscapingImap4Password] copy]; return [self login]; } - (void)reconnect { if ([self->context lastException] != nil) return; [self closeConnection]; self->tagId = 0; [self openConnection]; if ([self->context lastException] != nil) return; [self login]; } - (NSDictionary *)login { /* On failure returns a dictionary with those keys: 'result' - a boolean => false 'reason' - reason why login failed 'RawResponse' - the raw IMAP4 response On success: 'result' - a boolean => true 'expunge' - an array (containing what?) 'RawResponse' - the raw IMAP4 response */ NGHashMap *map; NSString *s, *log; if (self->isLogin ) return nil; self->isLogin = YES; s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"login \"%@\" \"%@\"", self->login, self->password]; log = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"login %@ <%@>", self->login, (self->password != nil) ? @"PASSWORD" : @"NO PASSWORD"]; map = [self processCommand:s logText:log]; if (self->selectedFolder != nil) [self select:self->selectedFolder]; self->isLogin = NO; return [self->normer normalizeResponse:map]; } - (NSDictionary *)logout { /* logout from the connected host and close the connection */ NGHashMap *map; map = [self processCommand:@"logout"]; [self closeConnection]; return [self->normer normalizeResponse:map]; } /* Authenticated State */ - (NSDictionary *)list:(NSString *)_folder pattern:(NSString *)_pattern { /* The method build statements like 'LIST "_folder" "_pattern"'. The Cyrus IMAP4 v1.5.14 server ignores the given folder. Instead of you should use the pattern to get the expected result. If folder is NIL it would be set to empty string ''. If pattern is NIL it would be set to ''. The result dict contains the following keys: 'result' - a boolean 'list' - a dictionary (key is folder name, value is flags) 'RawResponse' - the raw IMAP4 response */ NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NGHashMap *map; NSDictionary *result; NSString *s; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if (_folder == nil) _folder = @""; if (_pattern == nil) _pattern = @""; if ([_folder length] > 0) { if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; } if ([_pattern length] > 0) if (!(_pattern = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_pattern])) return nil; s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"list \"%@\" \"%@\"", _folder, _pattern]; map = [self processCommand:s]; if (self->delimiter == nil) { NSDictionary *rdel; rdel = [[map objectEnumeratorForKey:@"list"] nextObject]; self->delimiter = [[rdel objectForKey:@"delimiter"] copy]; } result = [[self->normer normalizeListResponse:map] copy]; [pool release]; return [result autorelease]; } - (NSDictionary *)capability { id capres; capres = [self processCommand:@"capability"]; return [self->normer normalizeCapabilityRespone:capres]; } - (NSDictionary *)lsub:(NSString *)_folder pattern:(NSString *)_pattern { /* The method build statements like 'LSUB "_folder" "_pattern"'. The returnvalue is the same like the list:pattern: method */ NGHashMap *map; NSString *s; if (_folder == nil) _folder = @""; if ([_folder length] > 0) { if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; } if (_pattern == nil) _pattern = @""; if ([_pattern length] > 0) { if ((_pattern = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_pattern]) == nil) return nil; } s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"lsub \"%@\" \"%@\"", _folder, _pattern]; map = [self processCommand:s]; if (self->delimiter == nil) { NSDictionary *rdel; rdel = [[map objectEnumeratorForKey:@"LIST"] nextObject]; self->delimiter = [[rdel objectForKey:@"delimiter"] copy]; } return [self->normer normalizeListResponse:map]; } - (NSDictionary *)select:(NSString *)_folder { /* Select a folder (required for a lot of methods). eg: 'SELECT "INBOX"' The result dict contains the following keys: 'result' - a boolean 'access' - string (eg "READ-WRITE") 'exists' - number? (eg 1) 'recent' - number? (eg 0) 'expunge' - array (of what?) 'flags' - array of strings (eg (answered,flagged,draft,seen); 'RawResponse' - the raw IMAP4 response */ NSString *s; id tmp; tmp = self->selectedFolder; // remember ptr to old folder name if ([_folder length] == 0) return nil; if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; self->selectedFolder = [_folder copy]; [tmp release]; tmp = nil; // release old folder name s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"select \"%@\"", self->selectedFolder]; return [self->normer normalizeSelectResponse:[self processCommand:s]]; } - (NSDictionary *)status:(NSString *)_folder flags:(NSArray *)_flags { NSString *cmd; if (_folder == nil) return nil; if ((_flags == nil) || ([_flags count] == 0)) return nil; if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"status \"%@\" (%@)", _folder, [_flags componentsJoinedByString:@" "]]; return [self->normer normalizeStatusResponse:[self processCommand:cmd]]; } - (NSDictionary *)noop { // at any state return [self->normer normalizeResponse:[self processCommand:@"noop"]]; } - (NSDictionary *)rename:(NSString *)_folder to:(NSString *)_newName { NSString *cmd; if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; if ((_newName = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_newName]) == nil) return nil; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"rename \"%@\" \"%@\"", _folder, _newName]; return [self->normer normalizeResponse:[self processCommand:cmd]]; } - (NSDictionary *)_performCommand:(NSString *)_op onFolder:(NSString *)_fname { NSString *command; if ((_fname = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_fname]) == nil) return nil; // eg: 'delete "blah"' command = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ \"%@\"", _op, _fname]; return [self->normer normalizeResponse:[self processCommand:command]]; } - (NSDictionary *)delete:(NSString *)_name { return [self _performCommand:@"delete" onFolder:_name]; } - (NSDictionary *)create:(NSString *)_name { return [self _performCommand:@"create" onFolder:_name]; } - (NSDictionary *)subscribe:(NSString *)_name { return [self _performCommand:@"subscribe" onFolder:_name]; } - (NSDictionary *)unsubscribe:(NSString *)_name { return [self _performCommand:@"unsubscribe" onFolder:_name]; } - (NSDictionary *)expunge { return [self->normer normalizeResponse:[self processCommand:@"expunge"]]; } - (NSString *)_uidsJoinedForFetchCmd:(NSArray *)_uids { return [_uids componentsJoinedByString:@","]; } - (NSString *)_partsJoinedForFetchCmd:(NSArray *)_parts { return [_parts componentsJoinedByString:@" "]; } - (NSDictionary *)fetchUids:(NSArray *)_uids parts:(NSArray *)_parts { /* eg: 'UID FETCH 1189,1325,1326 ([TODO])' */ NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSString *cmd; NSDictionary *result; NSString *uidsStr, *partsStr; id fetchres; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; uidsStr = [self _uidsJoinedForFetchCmd:_uids]; partsStr = [self _partsJoinedForFetchCmd:_parts]; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"uid fetch %@ (%@)", uidsStr, partsStr]; fetchres = [self processCommand:cmd]; result = [[self->normer normalizeFetchResponse:fetchres] retain]; [pool release]; return [result autorelease]; } - (NSDictionary *)fetchUid:(unsigned)_uid parts:(NSArray *)_parts { // TODO: describe what exactly this can return! NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSString *cmd; NSDictionary *result; id fetchres; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"uid fetch %d (%@)", _uid, [self _partsJoinedForFetchCmd:_parts]]; fetchres = [self processCommand:cmd]; result = [[self->normer normalizeFetchResponse:fetchres] retain]; [pool release]; return [result autorelease]; } - (NSDictionary *)fetchFrom:(unsigned)_from to:(unsigned)_to parts:(NSArray *)_parts { // TODO: optimize NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSMutableString *cmd; NSDictionary *result; NGHashMap *rawResult; if (_to == 0) return [self noop]; if (_from == 0) _from = 1; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; { unsigned i, count; cmd = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:256]; [cmd appendString:@"fetch "]; [cmd appendFormat:@"%d:%d (", _from, _to]; for (i = 0, count = [_parts count]; i < count; i++) { if (i != 0) [cmd appendString:@" "]; [cmd appendString:[_parts objectAtIndex:i]]; } [cmd appendString:@")"]; if (fetchDebug) NSLog(@"%s: process: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, cmd); rawResult = [self processCommand:cmd]; /* RawResult is a dict containing keys: ResponseResult: dict eg: {descripted=Completed;result=ok;tagId=8;} fetch: array of record dicts (eg "rfc822.header" key) */ if (fetchDebug) NSLog(@"%s: normalize: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,rawResult); result = [[self->normer normalizeFetchResponse:rawResult] retain]; if (fetchDebug) NSLog(@"%s: normalized: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, result); } [pool release]; if (fetchDebug) NSLog(@"%s: pool done.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return [result autorelease]; } - (NSDictionary *)storeUid:(unsigned)_uid add:(NSNumber *)_add flags:(NSArray *)_flags { NSString *icmd, *iflags; iflags = [_flags2ImapFlags(self, _flags) componentsJoinedByString:@" "]; icmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"uid store %d %cFLAGS (%@)", _uid, [_add boolValue] ? '+' : '-', iflags]; return [self->normer normalizeResponse:[self processCommand:icmd]]; } - (NSDictionary *)storeFrom:(unsigned)_from to:(unsigned)_to add:(NSNumber *)_add flags:(NSArray *)_flags { NSString *cmd; NSString *flagstr; if (_to == 0) return [self noop]; if (_from == 0) _from = 1; flagstr = [_flags2ImapFlags(self, _flags) componentsJoinedByString:@" "]; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"store %d:%d %cFLAGS (%@)", _from, _to, [_add boolValue] ? '+' : '-', flagstr]; return [self->normer normalizeResponse:[self processCommand:cmd]]; } - (NSDictionary *)storeFlags:(NSArray *)_flags forMSNs:(id)_msns addOrRemove:(BOOL)_flag { NSString *cmd; NSString *flagstr; NSString *seqstr; if ([_msns isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { // TODO: improve by using ranges, eg 1:5 instead of 1,2,3,4,5 _msns = [_msns valueForKey:@"stringValue"]; seqstr = [_msns componentsJoinedByString:@","]; } else seqstr = [_msns stringValue]; flagstr = [_flags2ImapFlags(self, _flags) componentsJoinedByString:@" "]; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"store %@ %cFLAGS (%@)", seqstr, _flag ? '+' : '-', flagstr]; return [self->normer normalizeResponse:[self processCommand:cmd]]; } - (NSDictionary *)copyFrom:(unsigned)_from to:(unsigned)_to toFolder:(NSString *)_folder { NSString *cmd; if (_to == 0) return [self noop]; if (_from == 0) _from = 1; if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"copy %d:%d \"%@\"", _from, _to, _folder]; return [self->normer normalizeResponse:[self processCommand:cmd]]; } - (NSDictionary *)copyUid:(unsigned)_uid toFolder:(NSString *)_folder { NSString *cmd; if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"uid copy %d \"%@\"", _uid, _folder]; return [self->normer normalizeResponse:[self processCommand:cmd]]; } - (NSDictionary *)copyUids:(NSArray *)_uids toFolder:(NSString *)_folder { NSString *cmd; if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"uid copy %@ \"%@\"", [_uids componentsJoinedByString:@","], _folder]; return [self->normer normalizeResponse:[self processCommand:cmd]]; } - (NSDictionary *)getQuotaRoot:(NSString *)_folder { NSString *cmd; if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"getquotaroot \"%@\"", _folder]; return [self->normer normalizeQuotaResponse:[self processCommand:cmd]]; } - (NSDictionary *)append:(NSData *)_message toFolder:(NSString *)_folder withFlags:(NSArray *)_flags { NSArray *flags; NGHashMap *result; NSString *message, *icmd; flags = _flags2ImapFlags(self, _flags); if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; /* Remove bare newlines */ { char *new; const char *old; int cntOld = 0; int cntNew = 0; int len = 0; old = [_message bytes]; len = [_message length]; new = calloc(len * 2 + 4, sizeof(char)); while (cntOld < (len - 1)) { if (old[cntOld] == '\n') { new[cntNew] = '\r'; cntNew++; new[cntNew] = '\n'; cntNew++; } else if (old[cntOld] != '\r') { new[cntNew] = old[cntOld]; cntNew++; } cntOld++; } if (old[cntOld] == '\n') { new[cntNew] = '\r'; cntNew++; new[cntNew] = '\n'; cntNew++; } else if (old[cntOld] != '\r') { new[cntNew] = old[cntOld]; cntNew++; } // TODO: fix this junk, do not treat the message as a string, its NSData message = [(NSString *)[NSString alloc] initWithCString:new length:cntNew]; if (new != NULL) free(new); new = NULL; } icmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"append \"%@\" (%@) {%d}", _folder, [flags componentsJoinedByString:@" "], [message cStringLength]]; result = [self processCommand:icmd withTag:YES withNotification:NO]; // TODO: explain that if ([[result objectForKey:@"ContinuationResponse"] boolValue]) result = [self processCommand:message withTag:NO]; [message release]; message = nil; return [self->normer normalizeResponse:result]; } - (void)_handleSearchExprIssue:(NSString *)reason qualifier:(EOQualifier *)_q { NSString *descr; NSException *exception = nil; NSDictionary *ui; if (PreventExceptions != 0) return; if (_q == nil) _q = (id)[NSNull null]; descr = @"Could not process qualifier for imap search "; descr = [descr stringByAppendingString:reason]; exception = [[NGImap4SearchException alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@", descr]; ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:_q forKey:@"qualifier"]; [exception setUserInfo:ui]; [self->context setLastException:exception]; [exception release]; } - (NSString *)_searchExprForQual:(EOQualifier *)_qualifier { /* samples: ' ALL' ' SINCE 1-Feb-1994' ' TEXT "why SOPE rocks"' */ id result; if (_qualifier == nil) return @" ALL"; result = [_qualifier imap4SearchString]; if ([result isKindOfClass:[NSException class]]) { [self _handleSearchExprIssue:[(NSException *)result reason] qualifier:_qualifier]; return nil; } return [@" " stringByAppendingString:result]; } - (NSDictionary *)threadBySubject:(BOOL)_bySubject charset:(NSString *)_charSet { /* http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/03mar/I-D/draft-ietf-imapext-thread-12.txt Returns an array of uids in sort order. Parameters: _bySubject - if yes, use "REFERENCES" else "ORDEREDSUBJECT" (TODO: ?!) _charSet - default: "UTF-8" Generates: UID THREAD REFERENCES|ORDEREDSUBJECT UTF-8 ALL */ NSString *threadStr; NSString *threadAlg; threadAlg = (_bySubject) ? @"REFERENCES" : @"ORDEREDSUBJECT"; if ([_charSet length] == 0) _charSet = @"UTF-8"; threadStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"UID THREAD %@ %@ ALL", threadAlg, _charSet]; return [self->normer normalizeThreadResponse: [self processCommand:threadStr]]; } - (NSString *)_generateIMAP4SortOrdering:(EOSortOrdering *)_sortOrdering { // TODO: still called by anything? return [_sortOrdering imap4SortString]; } - (NSString *)_generateIMAP4SortOrderings:(NSArray *)_sortOrderings { return [_sortOrderings imap4SortStringForSortOrderings]; } - (NSDictionary *)primarySort:(NSString *)_sort qualifierString:(NSString *)_qualString encoding:(NSString *)_encoding { /* http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-imapext-sort-17.txt The result dict contains the following keys: 'result' - a boolean 'expunge' - array (of what?) 'sort' - array of uids in sort order 'RawResponse' - the raw IMAP4 response Eg: UID SORT ( DATE REVERSE SUBJECT ) UTF-8 TODO */ NSMutableString *sortStr; if (![_encoding isNotNull]) _encoding = @"UTF-8"; if (![_qualString isNotNull]) _qualString = @" ALL"; sortStr = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:128]; [sortStr appendString:@"UID SORT ("]; if (_sort != nil) [sortStr appendString:_sort]; [sortStr appendString:@") "]; [sortStr appendString:_encoding]; /* eg 'UTF-8' */ /* Note: this is _space sensitive_! to many spaces lead to error! */ [sortStr appendString:_qualString]; /* eg ' ALL' or ' TEXT "abc"' */ return [self->normer normalizeSortResponse:[self processCommand:sortStr]]; } - (NSDictionary *)sort:(id)_sortSpec qualifier:(EOQualifier *)_qual encoding:(NSString *)_encoding { /* http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-imapext-sort-17.txt The _sortSpec can be: - a simple 'raw' IMAP4 sort string - an EOSortOrdering - an array of EOSortOrderings The result dict contains the following keys: 'result' - a boolean 'expunge' - array (of what?) 'sort' - array of uids in sort order 'RawResponse' - the raw IMAP4 response If no sortable key was found, the sort will run against 'DATE'. => TODO: this is inconsistent. If none are passed in, false will be returned Eg: UID SORT ( DATE REVERSE SUBJECT ) UTF-8 TODO */ NSString *tmp; if ([_sortSpec isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) tmp = [self _generateIMAP4SortOrderings:_sortSpec]; else if ([_sortSpec isKindOfClass:[EOSortOrdering class]]) tmp = [self _generateIMAP4SortOrdering:_sortSpec]; else tmp = [_sortSpec stringValue]; if ([tmp length] == 0) { /* found no valid key use date sorting */ [self logWithFormat:@"Note: no key found for sorting, using 'DATE': %@", _sortSpec]; tmp = @"DATE"; } return [self primarySort:tmp qualifierString:[self _searchExprForQual:_qual] encoding:_encoding]; } - (NSDictionary *)sort:(NSArray *)_sortOrderings qualifier:(EOQualifier *)_qual { // DEPRECATED, should not use context! return [self sort:_sortOrderings qualifier:_qual encoding:[[self context] sortEncoding]]; } - (NSDictionary *)searchWithQualifier:(EOQualifier *)_qualifier { NSString *s; s = [self _searchExprForQual:_qualifier]; if ([s length] == 0) { // TODO: should set last-exception? [self logWithFormat:@"ERROR(%s): could not process search qualifier: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _qualifier]; return nil; } s = [@"search" stringByAppendingString:s]; return [self->normer normalizeSearchResponse:[self processCommand:s]]; } /* ACLs */ - (NSDictionary *)getACL:(NSString *)_folder { NSString *cmd; if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"getacl \"%@\"", _folder]; return [self->normer normalizeGetACLResponse:[self processCommand:cmd]]; } - (NSDictionary *)setACL:(NSString *)_folder rights:(NSString *)_r uid:(NSString *)_uid { NSString *cmd; if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"setacl \"%@\" \"%@\" \"%@\"", _folder, _uid, _r]; return [self->normer normalizeResponse:[self processCommand:cmd]]; } - (NSDictionary *)deleteACL:(NSString *)_folder uid:(NSString *)_uid { NSString *cmd; if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"deleteacl \"%@\" \"%@\"", _folder, _uid]; return [self->normer normalizeResponse:[self processCommand:cmd]]; } - (NSDictionary *)listRights:(NSString *)_folder uid:(NSString *)_uid { NSString *cmd; if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"listrights \"%@\" \"%@\"", _folder, _uid]; return [self->normer normalizeListRightsResponse:[self processCommand:cmd]]; } - (NSDictionary *)myRights:(NSString *)_folder { NSString *cmd; if ((_folder = [self _folder2ImapFolder:_folder]) == nil) return nil; cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"myrights \"%@\"", _folder]; return [self->normer normalizeMyRightsResponse:[self processCommand:cmd]]; } /* Private Methods */ - (NSException *)_processCommandParserException:(NSException *)_exception { [self logWithFormat:@"ERROR(%s): catched IMAP4 parser exception %@: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [_exception name], [_exception reason]]; [self closeConnection]; [self->context setLastException:_exception]; return nil; } - (NSException *)_processUnknownCommandParserException:(NSException *)_ex { [self logWithFormat:@"ERROR(%s): catched non-IMAP4 parsing exception %@: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [_ex name], [_ex reason]]; return nil; } - (NSException *)_handleShutdownDuringCommandException:(NSException *)_ex { [self logWithFormat: @"ERROR(%s): IMAP4 socket was shut down by server %@: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [_ex name], [_ex reason]]; [self closeConnection]; [self->context setLastException:_ex]; return nil; } - (BOOL)_isShutdownException:(NSException *)_ex { return [[_ex name] isEqualToString:@"NGSocketShutdownDuringReadException"]; } - (BOOL)_isLoginCommand:(NSString *)_command { return [_command hasPrefix:@"login"]; } - (NGHashMap *)processCommand:(NSString *)_command withTag:(BOOL)_tag withNotification:(BOOL)_notification logText:(NSString *)_txt { NGHashMap *map; BOOL tryReconnect; int reconnectCnt; NSException *exception; struct timeval tv; double ti = 0.0; if (ProfileImapEnabled == 1) { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); ti = (double)tv.tv_sec + ((double)tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0); fprintf(stderr, "{"); } tryReconnect = NO; reconnectCnt = 0; map = nil; exception = nil; do { tryReconnect = NO; [self->context resetLastException]; NS_DURING { NSException *e = nil; // TODO: try to remove exception handler [self sendCommand:_command withTag:_tag logText:_txt]; map = [self->parser parseResponseForTagId:self->tagId exception:&e]; [e raise]; tryReconnect = NO; } NS_HANDLER { if ([localException isKindOfClass:[NGImap4ParserException class]]) { [[self _processCommandParserException:localException] raise]; } else if ([self _isShutdownException:localException]) { [[self _handleShutdownDuringCommandException:localException] raise]; } else { [[self _processUnknownCommandParserException:localException] raise]; if (reconnectCnt == 0) { if (![self _isLoginCommand:_command]) { reconnectCnt++; tryReconnect = YES; exception = localException; } } [self closeConnection]; [self->context setLastException:localException]; } } NS_ENDHANDLER; if (tryReconnect) { [self reconnect]; } else if ([map objectForKey:@"bye"] && ![_command hasPrefix:@"logout"]) { if (reconnectCnt == 0) { reconnectCnt++; tryReconnect = YES; [self reconnect]; } } } while (tryReconnect); if ([self->context lastException]) { if (exception) { [self->context setLastException:exception]; } return nil; } if (_notification) [self sendResponseNotification:map]; if (ProfileImapEnabled == 1) { gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); ti = (double)tv.tv_sec + ((double)tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0) - ti; fprintf(stderr, "}[%s] : time needed: %4.4fs\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [_command cString], ti < 0.0 ? -1.0 : ti); } return map; } - (NGHashMap *)processCommand:(NSString *)_command withTag:(BOOL)_tag withNotification:(BOOL)_notification { return [self processCommand:_command withTag:_tag withNotification:_notification logText:_command]; } - (NGHashMap *)processCommand:(NSString *)_command withTag:(BOOL)_tag { return [self processCommand:_command withTag:_tag withNotification:YES logText:_command]; } - (NGHashMap *)processCommand:(NSString *)_command { return [self processCommand:_command withTag:YES withNotification:YES logText:_command]; } - (NGHashMap *)processCommand:(NSString *)_command logText:(NSString *)_txt { return [self processCommand:_command withTag:YES withNotification:YES logText:_txt]; } - (void)sendCommand:(NSString *)_command withTag:(BOOL)_tag logText:(NSString *)_txt { NSString *command; NGCTextStream *txtStream; txtStream = [self textStream]; if (_tag) { self->tagId++; command = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d %@", self->tagId, _command]; if (self->debug) { _txt = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d %@", self->tagId, _txt]; } } else command = _command; if (self->debug) { if ([_txt length] > 5000) { fprintf(stderr, "C[%p]: %s...\n", self, [[_txt substringToIndex:5000] cString]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "C[%p]: %s\n", self, [_txt cString]); } } if (![txtStream writeString:command]) [self->context setLastException:[txtStream lastException]]; else if (![txtStream writeString:@"\r\n"]) [self->context setLastException:[txtStream lastException]]; else if (![txtStream flush]) [self->context setLastException:[txtStream lastException]]; } - (void)sendCommand:(NSString *)_command withTag:(BOOL)_tag { [self sendCommand:_command withTag:_tag logText:_command]; } - (void)sendCommand:(NSString *)_command { [self sendCommand:_command withTag:YES logText:_command]; } - (NSArray *)_flags2ImapFlags:(NSArray *)_flags { /* adds backslashes in front of the flags */ NSEnumerator *enumerator; NSArray *result; id obj; id *objs; unsigned cnt; objs = calloc([_flags count] + 2, sizeof(id)); cnt = 0; enumerator = [_flags objectEnumerator]; while ((obj = [enumerator nextObject])) { objs[cnt] = [@"\\" stringByAppendingString:obj]; cnt++; } result = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:objs count:cnt]; if (objs != NULL) free(objs); return result; } static inline NSArray *_flags2ImapFlags(NGImap4Client *self, NSArray *_flags) { return [self _flags2ImapFlags:_flags]; } - (NSString *)_folder2ImapFolder:(NSString *)_folder { NSArray *array; if (self->delimiter == nil) { NSDictionary *res; res = [self list:@"" pattern:@""]; if (!_checkResult(self->context, res, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)) return nil; } array = [_folder pathComponents]; if ([array count] > 0) { NSString *o; o = [array objectAtIndex:0]; if (([o isEqualToString:@"/"]) || ([o length] == 0)) array = [array subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, [array count] - 1)]; o = [array lastObject]; if (([o length] == 0) || ([o isEqualToString:@"/"])) array = [array subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, [array count] - 1)]; } return [[array componentsJoinedByString:self->delimiter] stringByEncodingImap4FolderName]; } - (NSString *)_imapFolder2Folder:(NSString *)_folder { NSArray *array; array = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@""]; if ([self delimiter] == nil) { NSDictionary *res; res = [self list:@"" pattern:@""]; // fill the delimiter ivar? if (!_checkResult(self->context, res, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)) return nil; } array = [array arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray: [_folder componentsSeparatedByString:[self delimiter]]]; return [[NSString pathWithComponents:array] stringByDecodingImap4FolderName]; } - (void)setContext:(NGImap4Context *)_ctx { self->context = _ctx; } - (NGImap4Context *)context { return self->context; } /* ConnectionRegistration */ - (void)removeFromConnectionRegister { unsigned cnt; for (cnt = 0; cnt < MaxImapClients; cnt++) { if (ImapClients[cnt] == self) ImapClients[cnt] = nil; } } - (void)registerConnection { int cnt; cnt = CountClient % MaxImapClients; if (ImapClients[cnt]) { [(NGImap4Context *)ImapClients[cnt] closeConnection]; } ImapClients[cnt] = self; CountClient++; } - (NGCTextStream *)textStream { if (self->text == nil) { if ([self->context lastException] == nil) [self reconnect]; } return (NGCTextStream *)self->text; } /* description */ - (NSString *)description { NSMutableString *ms; id tmp; ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:128]; [ms appendFormat:@"<0x%08X[%@]:", self, NSStringFromClass([self class])]; if (self->login != nil) [ms appendFormat:@" login=%@%s", self->login, self->password?"(pwd)":""]; if ((tmp = [self socket]) != nil) [ms appendFormat:@" socket=%@", tmp]; else if (self->address) [ms appendFormat:@" address=%@", self->address]; [ms appendString:@">"]; return ms; } @end /* NGImap4Client; */