/* Copyright (C) 2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include /* JSStringTable Export a string table (usually a .strings file) to JavaScript. Note: this includes a direct action which makes all languages files publically accessible! As far as we could see this has no security implications. Note: be aware of WOResourceManager handling when using the link instead of inplace. The element has some special support for product resource managers, but always uses the application resource manager otherwise. */ @interface JSStringTable : WODynamicElement { WOAssociation *name; WOAssociation *identifier; WOAssociation *framework; WOAssociation *languages; WOAssociation *inplace; } @end #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include @implementation JSStringTable - (id)initWithName:(NSString *)_name associations:(NSDictionary *)_config template:(WOElement *)_t { if ((self = [super initWithName:_name associations:_config template:_t])) { self->name = OWGetProperty(_config, @"name"); self->identifier = OWGetProperty(_config, @"identifier"); self->framework = OWGetProperty(_config, @"framework"); self->languages = OWGetProperty(_config, @"languages"); self->inplace = OWGetProperty(_config, @"inplace"); } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->inplace release]; [self->identifier release]; [self->name release]; [self->framework release]; [self->languages release]; [super dealloc]; } /* generate response */ + (void)appendTable:(id)_table withIdentifier:(NSString *)_identifier toResponse:(WOResponse *)_response { NSEnumerator *keys; NSString *key; BOOL isFirst; if (_table == nil) { [_response appendContentString:@""]; return; } if (![_identifier isNotEmpty]) _identifier = @"WELabels"; [_response appendContentString:@"var "]; [_response appendContentString:_identifier]; [_response appendContentString:@" = {\n"]; isFirst = YES; keys = [_table keyEnumerator]; while ((key = [keys nextObject]) != nil) { NSString *value; if (isFirst) isFirst = NO; else [_response appendContentString:@",\n"]; value = [(NSDictionary *)_table objectForKey:key]; /* escape value */ value = [value stringByReplacingString:@"\"" withString:@"\\\""]; [_response appendContentString:@" \""]; [_response appendContentString:key]; [_response appendContentString:@"\": \""]; [_response appendContentString:value]; [_response appendContentString:@"\""]; } [_response appendContentString:@"\n};\n"]; } - (void)appendToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { WOResourceManager *rm; WOComponent *sComponent = [_ctx component]; NSString *lidentifier, *lname, *lfw; NSArray *langs; lname = [self->name stringValueInComponent:sComponent]; if (![lname isNotEmpty]) lname = @"Localizable"; lfw = [self->framework stringValueInComponent:sComponent]; lidentifier = [self->identifier stringValueInComponent:sComponent]; if (![lname isNotEmpty]) lidentifier = [@"WELabels" stringByAppendingString:lname]; if (self->languages != nil) { langs = [self->languages valueInComponent:sComponent]; if ([langs isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) langs = [(NSString *)langs componentsSeparatedByString:@","]; } else langs = [_ctx resourceLookupLanguages]; if ((rm = [sComponent resourceManager]) == nil) rm = [[WOApplication application] resourceManager]; if ([self->inplace boolValueInComponent:sComponent]) { /* generate table inline */ id table; table = [rm stringTableWithName:lname inFramework:lfw languages:langs]; if (table != nil) { [_response appendContentString:@""]; } else { [_response appendContentString: @""]; } } else { /* generate link to table file */ NSMutableDictionary *qd; NSString *url; id product = nil; if ([rm isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"SoProductResourceManager")]) product = [[rm valueForKey:@"container"] productName]; qd = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: lname ? lname : (NSString *)@"", @"table", lfw ? lfw : (NSString *)@"", @"framework", lidentifier ? lidentifier : (NSString *)@"", @"id", product ? product : (id)@"", @"product", [langs componentsJoinedByString:@","], @"languages", nil]; url = [_ctx directActionURLForActionNamed:@"JSStringTableAction/default" queryDictionary:qd]; [qd release]; qd = nil; /* Note: we MUST use the app-resource manager since we cache info */ [_response appendContentString:@""]; } } @end /* JSStringTable */ @interface JSStringTableAction : WODirectAction @end @implementation JSStringTableAction static NSString *etag = nil; - (id)defaultAction { WOResourceManager *rm = nil; WORequest *rq; WOResponse *r; id table; NSString *s, *lname, *lfw, *productName; NSArray *langs; if (etag == nil) { /* Not a strictly correct etag, but should be ok. We assume that the app needs to restart for changes to take effect and that changes are global for all instances. */ char buf[32]; sprintf(buf, "\"stamp_%d\"", ((unsigned)time(NULL) - 1121785679)); etag = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:buf]; } rq = [[self context] request]; r = [[self context] response]; productName = [rq formValueForKey:@"product"]; if ([productName isNotEmpty]) { rm = [[[SoProductRegistry sharedProductRegistry] productWithName:productName] resourceManager]; } if (rm == nil) rm = [[WOApplication application] resourceManager]; lname = [rq formValueForKey:@"table"]; lfw = [rq formValueForKey:@"framework"]; langs = [[rq formValueForKey:@"languages"] componentsSeparatedByString:@","]; table = [rm stringTableWithName:lname inFramework:lfw languages:langs]; if (table == nil) { [r setStatus:404 /* Not Found */]; [r appendContentString:@"Found no matching table"]; [self warnWithFormat:@"RM %@ did not find string table %@ / %@ / %@", rm, lname, lfw, [langs componentsJoinedByString:@","]]; return r; } [r setHeader:@"application/x-javascript" forKey:@"content-type"]; [r setHeader:etag forKey:@"etag"]; /* check preconditions */ s = [[[self context] request] headerForKey:@"if-none-match"]; if (s && [s rangeOfString:etag].length > 0) { /* client already has the proper entity */ [r setStatus:304 /* Not Modified */]; return r; } /* send script */ [[JSStringTable class] appendTable:table withIdentifier:[rq formValueForKey:@"id"] toResponse:r]; return r; } @end /* JSStringTableAction */