# MySQL4 Adaptor Note: this is far from being complete! The adaptor is currently a fork of the MySQL4 adaptor. http://sql-info.de/mysql/gotchas.html TODO ==== - implement Basics ====== Open a Shell: mysql --password=abc > use OGo > insert schema > select * from date_x; Configure the Adaptor (below does not work yet for MySQL4!) Defaults write ogo-webui-1.0a LSAdaptor MySQL4 Defaults write ogo-webui-1.0a LSConnectionDictionary \ '{ databaseName = OGo; }' Defaults write ogo-webui-1.0a PKeyGeneratorDictionary \ "{ newKeyExpression=\"select nextval(\\'key_generator\\');\" }" MySQL4DebugEnabled Setup gdltest Database ====================== mysql --password=abc > create database Test; > use Test; > CREATE TABLE my_table ( pkey INT PRIMARY KEY ); Notes ===== mysql_store_result - does not block the server, full result in memory vs mysql_use_result - does block the server, one row in memory