How to build a DOM tree ? ========================= 1. get a factory DOMBuilderFactory *factory = [DOMBuilderFactory standardDOMBuilderFactory]; 2. get a builder for your resource type id builder = [factory createDOMBuilderForMimeType:@"text/xml"]; 3. parse what you have: id document = [builder buildFromSource:@"myfile.xml"]; KVC === You can navigate the DOM tree with standard key/value coding. The NGDOMDocument will treat all KVC keys starting with a "/" as query path expressions. Samples: document.documentElement => root DOMElement document.documentElement.childNodes => NSArray containing the root children document./uid => DOMElement or array! matching 'uid' document./uid.textValue => text-value of 'uid' element element.@value.textValue => text-value of 'value' attribute of element element./subnode.textValue => lookup subnode (strips of the /) using QP Some info on classes ... ======================== Nodes with children Document DocumentFragment EntityReference Element Attr Entity Nodes without children DocumentType ProcessingInstruction Comment Text CDATASection Notation Nodes with parent DocumentType EntityReference Element ProcessingInstruction Comment Text CDATASection Nodes without parent Document DocumentFragment Attr Entity Notation